Genki Takahashi: the Bio

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Name: Genki Takahashi
Gender: male
Age: 33-36, September 9th
Height: 6'3

Weight/build: skinny but nicely built, since he doesn't have to worry about grappling hooks, and having to weigh a certain amount to work it.


Personality:To say he's off his rocker, is an understatement. He's talkative, has one hell of a mouth on him, he likes to be constantly annoying to others, he's really dumb in areas of life.
He has quite a sick and sadistic sense of humor.
He has a complete lack of conscience, and fear, he is very easily angered, quickly going with violence when that fuse is up. He is also all too delighted to forge alliances to his benefit.
He gives off cues of confusion and lunacy. But he is not incoherent or disjointed.
He is lucid, attentive and composed. He's an extremist, but describes his motivations with clarity and rationality

Likes: being free and able to do whatever the fuck he wants, creating chaos anyway he can, annoying people to where they most likely swing on him, his own laugh, music, guns, fast food, strippers of any gender as he's a firm believer of ass is good ass. Plans going well, and when people fall in line.

Dislikes: when people call him the joker or the crow as people teased him for his makeup choice, clowns in general, villains and heroes, being in japan, hospitals, entitled mothers, his son being mentioned anywhere, any so called authority, fish.
Momoko Takahashi (mother) & Kenta Takahashi (father), both deceased
Naofumi Ota (Son), alive and kicking


Student/Hero/Civilian/Villain: Anti hero, had a pro license buuut

Hero/Villain Name: none

Group: none


He was born to a family that was too young(his mother was 16, while his father was 17 when he was born) to be a family, going through poverty for a while as his mother and father were still going through school and had to balance their lives between school, their new child and the fast food and retail job.

The two didn't spend much time with Genki as he grew up, his mother, being stuck in the mind of a teenage girl would push him away when he wanted to play with his action figures, and would give extreme punishments for the tiniest slip up. His father would turn a blind eye and ranted about her to Genki, after telling him not to tell her, but when Genki tried to say something he got "Don't talk about your mother like that, she loves you and that's something I can't say about me, anymore anyway. So stop being a whiny, lying little shit, and toughen up, alright squirt?","Life is full of disappointment, learn that now.","One bad day can drive a man to murder, my boy" Then tell Genki he'd like to go overseas, far away from everything
Genki asked if his father went, would he go
Cue his father lying through his teeth before going out for a drink and some pool.

Genki tried to keep smiling after his father(died from a lowly street killer while he walked out of the bar.)was lowered into his grave, feeling responsible in a way(which, his mother, despite being half of why his father drank, blamed him for too). Growing out his braid to match his father's, when he had long hair.

How he found out about his quirk is when his mother hurt his hand when getting in the car, accidentally breaking his finger, and since little him barely felt physical pain, he moved them back, and his mother wrapped them in bandages, and put a splint in it. And a week later

He was put in school, and it was boring despite some of the girls flocking to him but he didn't want that kind of attention as he tried to qualify for recommendation from U.A, in fact all he really remembers is taking tests after tests after tests.

He got through the entrance exam, barely. But he had honestly a good time at u.a, starting to actually like it there, starting to get a good amount of friends (Aizawa, Ayatsuri, just gathering the goth kids in his class)
The tournament came

Now, he got through the first two rounds. Until he was pitted against one of his classmates, and that classmate overpowered him and, since that classmate had a temper and that classmate had put Genki in the hospital

He was pulled off of course but
The classmate was the prevailing champion, his mother got got by a villian while Genki was still in the hospital, and unlike deku, no one came to see him. Custody of him was given to his grandmother who didn't even know anything about him other then what she saw on tv. No agencies took his applications. Camp was fine, but he did do the quirk exercise. And one of the girls he liked got together with the classmate who won.

His grandmother quickly gave sent him to live in the dorms that were made for the others

The classmate rubbed his victory in Genki's face, mentioning his mother. It took alot not to at least attempt to throw a punch but Genki, as the first sign of saying fuck this, kinda wrecked his guitar, the wall and almost throwing a chair out the window before snapping back

He researches stuff, and gets an ideal much similar to stain's, finding corruption in the system, times that heroes dismissed or caused a death, and the more he spent time at u.a it further cemented that for him.

He graduated somehow, went to his friend's agency that was run by Hiro's father but was given to him as a graduation present, that and a quirk marriage.

He gets in as a sidekick

So Hiro treats him, gets him a new suit, new equipment, and all that. Even though he found his hero work
Trying to make it a little more fun, but was pulled off multiple times by an angry Hiro

Hearing about the drama about the whole family thing from hiro. And something in his brain convinced him to make it more fun, especially since they were teammates with the classmate that hospitalized him

He has fun with Hiro's wife during her grief period, though she came onto him, he just reciprocated, and Naofumi became a thing

Then when, Hiro found
oh boy
Let's just say it was, a miracle he got ahold of the railing of the balcony.

He stuck around for a while, helping Naofumi to start piecing together how to walk and talk before getting the fuck out of there, going to America

Now that he was in America, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted
And the first thing he chose to was make his mark and let all the pent up everything out on everyone

And he seems happier

Blissfully unaware of what he's doing what his father wanted to do

Art credits
Corgi on discord

edrumridinghood on my hero academia amino

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