Chapter 9

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Oh no.

"Now then, I will explain the rules of the Cavalry battle. The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members' points, and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headbands until time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out! During the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your Quirks. But it is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed immediately! Now, you have fifteen minutes to build your teams. Start!"

I got to think about who to be on a team with me... even with this huge bounty on my head... I can't rely on other's Quirks because I want to prove a point. I need a team that can physically handle it.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Chesire looking down at me.

"You have a plan don't you?" I nod.

"Because I don't want to rely on Quirks. I need a team that can do well without their Quirks... And I know just the people." I smiled and walked over to Broccoli who seemed to be having trouble. "Be on my team," I say as he looks at me with wide eyes. "I mean it's only reasonable. You're physically able and you aren't using your Quirk yet, so be on my team."

"B-But that'll make the points e-even bigger." I nod seeing his point.

"As long as we play this to plan we should be fine." He nods.

"Who's the last person?" I turn and see her already there.

"Mei Hatsume, of the support class. You stand out! Team up with me, person in first place!" She was so close to me that I blinked before smiling.

"You were just the person I was looking for." She blinks now and nods.

"Let me use your position! If I team up with you then I'll inevitably become part of the team everyone's watching most, right? If that happens, then my super cute babies will inevitably be seen by the big companies. That means, in other words, that those big companies will see my babies!" I nod.

"Speaking of your babies. Since I don't want to rely on Quirks we'll be only relying on you and your babies."

"Of course!" She then opens a trunk as I look inside. "The support course develops equipment that helps heroes deal with their Quirks. I have tons of babies, so I'm sure you'll be able to find one that you like!"

"This one looks like the jetpack that Buster Hero, Air Jet uses?" I say to Broccoli as Hatsume, Goggles, then jumps into discussing multiple different things she has as I nod and start thinking of plans. The timer sounds as I stand with my team.

"Now then, it's about time to get started!"

"After fifteen minutes to form teams and talk strategy, twelve cavalry teams are lined up on the field! Now, raise those battle cries! It's time for U.A.'s bloody battle! Light the signal fire!" I hooked on the 10,000,410 point headband onto my head as Broccoli was in the front. Cheshire and Goggles were on either side as I looked ready.

"Three... Two... One!"


Everyone instantly came charging at us. "Now!" I shout as Goggles giggles and Broccoli steps on a small ball which releases a curtain of smoke as we swiftly move away before I look behind us and notice a type of quicksand like substance. I shoot off the grappling gun and pull back a headband that I put it on my neck reversed. Yes! Now just to keep running. We continue to run away as I use the grappling gun to take more headbands from more unexpecting people rather than the ones coming after us as I attach them to my neck putting us up to five.

"Kaylub!" I instinctively dodge Tsu's tongue and notice her working with Shoji as they look like a tank with Shoji covering her.

"Kaychan!" I look in front of us to see another team coming and look around to notice no other escape route.

"Hatsume, Hitoshi look away!" I fire off the rocket and we all go flying into the air. I hear an explosion and look to see Pomeranian behind us.

"Don't get carried away!" He tries to grab the band, but I grab his wrist as his sparks vanish and Broccoli kicks him away sending him falling.

We land and continue to run. We need to be more careful. Can't get caught and going into the air has its limitations due to it just being us. I hear that after seven minutes we're still in the lead as the points around my neck are keeping us far in the lead. Even if we lose our original headband, we should still have enough to keep us in the top four. Class B isn't going to be focusing on the top points as it seems they're just going to upset the balance.

We come to a sudden stop as I look to see Cold Prince, Princess, Sparky, and Glasses in front of us. Oh, fun.

"I'll be taking that now." I look and notice multiple teams coming after the two of us.

"I don't know if this is for me beating you in the obstacle course or the fact that Broccoli is on my team, but either way, no you're not having this headband. Guys... run!" We start to run as I hear their plan. "Hatsume, go anything that can redirect lightning?" She giggles as she pulls out a net.

Right when the electricity shocks out I throw the net over us as it redirects all the volts into the ground. Using the boots we levitate backwards but it's not fast enough as Glasses easily catches up. I huff and toss a ball behind us.

"Now!" Broccoli steps on it releasing a smoke ball causing them to stop and give us enough time to get far enough away, but we stop at the edge as we're surrounded by ice and it was only the two of us inside.

"Team Usinagi has nowhere left to go!"

"We need to keep to the right side of him so in case he tries to freeze us he can't because of Iida, and with the net we can block Kaminari's Quirk as well."

"Why not just fly?" Goggles asks as I shake my head.

"Too risky, he could try to freeze us in the air," I say as we continue to go to his right.

One minute left. Even if he takes the 10 mil I still have enough to get second... but first is what I need. I watch as Glasses talks to his team and see him get ready. Does he have a trick up his sleeve? Before I can react he rushes by and Cold Prince takes my headband.

"I told you, didn't I, Midoriya? That I'd challenge you," Glasses said as I blink. That's definitely something new. I huff as I think of a new plan. I look over their team and notice that Glasses engines are smoking. He won't be able to move, and with the net...

"Now!" We rush up to them as Glasses stands there unable to move and I prepare to grab back the 10 mill. Using the net to block Kaminari's attack, Cold Prince prepares for the attack and his arm lights up in fire. I manage to grab onto it, watching the fire snuff out, holding it away from him as I grab the one I know is correct and even swap one to ensure that Cold Prince gets second. We run by as I look at the number and smile widely. "I got it." I put back on the original and smiled at Cold Prince who seemed more shocked that he used his fire on me.

"Start the countdown!" I notice that Cold Prince can't move, due to Glasses and in comes Pomeranian flying in the air. 8 seconds.

"Null!" I hear him call out as I brace myself with my hand on my headband. 4 seconds.

"Time's up!" Pomeranian falls to the ground as I smirk. "That's the end of the second round, the cavalry battle!" I get down and see Pomeranian isn't pleased at all with the results. "Now, let's take a look at the top four teams right away! In first place, Team Usinagi! In second place, Team Todoroki! In third place, Team Bakugo! In fourth place, Team Uraraka! These four teams... will advance... to the final round!" I smile wide as Cheshire messes with my hair and Goggles was fixing her babies. Broccoli just stood with us pleased as his eyes teared up glad he made it through. "Now, we'll take an hour's break for lunch before starting the afternoon festivities! See ya! Hey, Eraser Head, let's go grab food."

"I'm going to sleep." I giggle lightly knowing that's my Sensei.

"Usinagi... can I speak with you?" Cold Prince asked as Broccoli and I looked at each other. Chesire was glaring.

I follow him till we're hidden out of sight of the others. I stood on one side while Cold Prince stood on the other.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked. Cold Prince just stares at me for a while as I find it unnervingly familiar. My shoulder feels hot. "If we don't hurry, the cafeteria will be crowded..." I bring up only for him to glare at me. His stare is cold and filled with resentment.

"I was overpowered. So much that I broke my pledge."

"Your fire, you don't use it normally, except for just now... against me."

"Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Midoriya... none of them felt it. At that last instant, I was the only one who was overpowered. I don't understand how when you're Quirkless... Endeavor's my old man. I'm sure you know that he's been stuck as the number two hero for forever. If he has something from the number one hero, then I... have even more reason to beat him." I blink at him. I knew Endeavor was his father. He's the kind of hero I can't stand. But... "Since he couldn't surpass All-Might, he moved onto his next plan." I look at Cold Prince realizing he was speaking again. He then looks at me. "You've heard of Quirk marriages, right? That thing that became a problem for the second and third generation after superpowers appeared."

"Choosing a partner based purely on strengthening not only your Quirk, but to pass it on to your children as well, which forced people into marriage. Yes I know."

"He is a man with both accomplishments and money. He won over my mother's relatives and got a hold of my mother's Quirk. He is trying to fulfill his own desire by raising me to be a hero to surpass All-Might. It's so annoying... I won't become the tool of scum like that." I feel anger build in me as he continues to talk. "In my memories, my mother is always crying. "Your left side is unsightly," my mother said as she poured boiling water on me. I picked a fight with him to show him what I can do, without using my damn old man's Quirk... No... I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it." I step forward closer to him and gently place my fingers on his scar as he remains there. He doesn't flinch, but seems to lean into the touch.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that and deal with so much... but the Quirk you have isn't your fathers and if you don't fight at full power against Broccoli... then it isn't a win at all." I say softly to only him as I step back and walk out. "Oh, and that declaration of war you gave to Broccoli... I give it to you. I may be Quirkless, but that doesn't mean I can't fight as well. He's always had people to support him, including me, so you better give him your all... even if you don't against me." I go and grab something to eat as I pass someone wearing a hoodie with ashy blue hair and scratch marks on their neck. I turn and they're gone. I blink and go to where Cheshire is and eat with him.


"Now that lunch is over, it's finally time to reveal the last game! But before that, there's good news for all of you who didn't make it to the finals! This is just a sports festival! So we've prepared recreational games that everyone can participate in, too! We've even brought in real cheerleaders from America to liven things up! All right, everyone! Let's have some fun competing in the recreational games! When that's over, the sixteen from the four teams that made it to the final round will duke it out tournament style, one-on-one!" One-on-one? I'm sure I can do it!

"Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket. Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games and then start! The sixteen finalists can decide whether or not they want to participate in the recreation. I'm sure some of you want to rest or save your strength." Or observe and decide how to take them down. "Now, from the first place team--"

"Um...! Excuse me. I'm withdrawing," Tails says as we all looked shocked. I realize something's off. Another member of the same team withdrew, causing only Bubbles and Crow to remain in.

"Then we're going to need two people from the fifth place team." Instead it turns out to be Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki from class 1-B moving on to the sixteen! We then do the drawing. "This is the bracket based on the results of the drawing!" I turn out to be fighting Pinky as Broccoli is battling Cheshire. I look at the bracket and realize that if I win I'd be fighting Princess or Crow.

I see Broccoli and Cheshire talking and Tails blocks Broccoli from answering Cheshire's question. Tails takes Broccoli away, probably to talk about Cheshire's Quirk.

"You used your Quirk on them to get them to withdraw didn't you?" I got a knowing smirk as I stood by him.

"Guessed correctly. They didn't deserve to make it... sadly I couldn't get to all of them."

"You just added different opponents," I pout a bit at him. "Well, I'm going to go see about something." I get a nod and walk away. I wish you the best of luck you two.

"All right! Let's leave the tournament aside for a momentary interlude! Let's have some fun with the recreation!" I walk through the halls and dodge a grab, but it causes the two of us to tumble into an empty room.

"What are you doing here?" I glare at the villain who just smiles at me.

"Well, if it isn't little hero~" his tone was strange, a mix of condescending and admiration/adoration and he continued to smile. "This is an open event. Anyone can come here. I'm only here to watch. I promise." I sigh. I could take him down right now, but he didn't seem to be lying.

"Fine, but afterward you have ten seconds to leave before I tell the heroes of your presence." His smile grew wider as his eyes seemed to sparkle. I take my leave.


Then the time came for the tournament as I went over to Cheshire.

"Remember, don't rely purely on your Quirk, remember our training. You'll do great." I get a nod as I head over to see the other friend of mine.

"Hey guys, are you ready?! A lot's happened, but it's now come to this! A serious battle! You can only depend on yourself! Even if you're not a hero, you'll face lots of situations like that! You get it, right? Heart, skill, body, wisdom, and knowledge! Use all of that to rush up!"

"Broccoli!" I rush up to him as I pass All-Might in his deflated form. I jump hug my best friend. "Don't answer him no matter what Cheshire says. That's how his Quirk works. You'll do great." I step back and give him a smile and run off not caring to talk or even look at All-Might.

"Audience! The finals that you've all been waiting for are finally starting! Match number one-- Even though he's done well, what's with that face? From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya! Versus-- Also from the hero course, what's with those bags, it's Hitoshi Shinso! The rules are simple. Force your opponent out of bounds, or immobilize them! You can also win by making your opponent say, "I give up!" Bring on the injuries! Because we have our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! Put your morals and ethics aside for a moment! But of course, anything life-threatening is crap! It's not allowed! Heroes should only use their fists to catch villains! Ready?"

"That monkey was so ready to give up..." Here he goes.


"...but don't you think it was dumb for him to give up his chance?" He smirks as I can tell Broccoli was cracking.

"What did you say?!" Dummy. I watch him come to a stop as Cheshire's Quirk, brainwashing, activates and Broccoli's eyes glaze over. I notice the others reacting in shock as Present Mic commented.

"You're lucky that you've been blessed; Izuku Midoriya. Turn around and walk out of bounds." Broccoli does as told and walks away. The others were confused as I just continued to watch.

"That's his Quirk." The others look at me. "Brainwashing, if you answer him then you're under his control. If he doesn't want to brainwash an opponent he won't." They try to yell to Broccoli who's getting closer and closer to the edge. I stand up and go to the edge.

"You probably don't understand, but even with a Quirk like this, I have my own dream. Now, lose for me."

"Broccoli!" I shout as he instantly stops right at the edge and the glaze leaves his eyes.

"Th-This is... Midoriya's stopped!" I blink as both look up at me.

"How did you do that?" Broccoli covers his mouth as he turns. Cheshire time for plan B. "You must have figured it out then... guess we'll have to fight?" Broccoli keeps his mouth shut as he starts to push Cheshire. "Damn, you don't have to struggle like we do. People with Quirks or without like us are always struggling for our dreams because ours aren't flashy enough! I won't let you win!" He switches their position and pushes him, but then Broccoli shoulder throws him out.

"Shinso is out of bounds! Midoriya advances to round two!" The crowd cheers as I just head down.

"In the finals, the first person to advance to the second round is Izuku Midoriya from Class A!" The two meet in the middle. "Yahoo! That was kind of a boring first match, but we should praise them both for a bravely fought match. Clap your hands!"

"You did great, Cheshire!" I say from the gate as heroes were discussing his potential.

"Even if I didn't win this time, I definitely won't give up. I'll definitely become a better hero than you guys!" I smile as Broccoli responds causing him to fall under the Quirk again. He chuckles as I giggle. He releases Broccoli and walks over to me messing with my hair. "He should be more wary, you're going to trip him up."

"I know, now come on."

We went back to our class as Broccoli was there. I smile at him as he and Cheshire talk about the fight. I took my seat between the two as Tape was up against Cold Prince. Tape doesn't stand a chance.

The battle begins as Tape tries to get him out of bounds, but Cold Prince freezes half the stadium cutting us off inside as my eyes widen. Cold Prince wins. He melted the ice as I could see he was sad, it was in his eyes.

Sparky lost his battle as his electricity didn't work against Shiozaki's vines. Broccoli was writing down analysis based on the battle. He was muttering and I was adding in my input.

Glasses was up against Goggles as he was wearing support items most likely from Goggles herself. He's allowed to use it as I giggle knowing her true intention. She then begins to show off each and every one of her babies as I watch Glasses get sucked into it.

After ten minutes she walks out having done what she planned on doing.

"You knew this didn't you?" I look at Broccoli and nod.

"She told me her plan when I spoke to her about her babies." I giggle as he writes notes about her. I took a breath and left as my battle was coming up.

"He's been in the lead since the beginning. From the hero course, It's Kaylub Usinagi! Versus-- Is something going to come out of those horns? Well? From the hero course, it's Mina Ashido!"

"My first match is a piece of cake!"

"I wouldn't count on that."

"Fifth match, start!"

I start by rushing up to her as she comes for me as well, but the second I get my hand on her she realizes her mistake.

"You should have stuck with long range." I flip her over pinning her to the ground while keeping in contact with her.

"Ashido is immobilized. Usinagi advances to the second round!" I smile at her as I get off and help her up.

"You did great," I say as we both return to the stand.

Crow was up against Princess as I theorize how it'll end. Dark shadow is quick so she just has to be quicker to be able to create something. It ends how I thought it might with Crow winning meaning I would have to fight him.

The next match was between Shark and Tetsutetsu. I notice Broccoli getting up to go and I watch him go, noticing he is going after Bubble who's battle's up next. The two currently battling end in a draw as they knock each other out. Next up was Pomeranian vs. Bubble. Good luck you two.

"The eighth and last match of the first round! He was kind of famous in middle school! This isn't the face of a regular person! From the hero course, It's Katsuki Bakugo! Versus-- She's the one I'm rooting for! From the hero course, it's Ochaco Uraraka! Eighth match, start!"

I watch as Pomeranian keeps attacking over and over, keeping Bubble away with his blast so she can't use her Quirk on him. Soon people start to boo due to a pro-hero's words as Pomeranian was still just keeping her at bay. I stand up annoyed and react.

"You call yourself a pro?!" I shout, catching everyone's attention as it gets quiet. "Bakugo isn't playing with her. He's being cautious due to acknowledging the skills that his opponent has. He's doing everything he can to win so he can't go easy on her or let his guard down." Also look up. I sit down with a huff and feel eyes on me as I look up to the booth seeing Aizawa-sensei looking at me. I blush looking back to the match. Bubble releases the rubble, sending it falling down as she then rushes for an opening... only for Pomeranian to release a massive explosion aimed at the sky blowing her away.

"Since you're friends with Deku, I thought you'd be up to something... All right, let's get serious then, Uraraka!" He said as Bubble stood back up. She then falls as her exhaustion hits due to all the attacks. She isn't getting back up.

"Uraraka's out of commission. Bakugo advances to the second round!" She's taken to recovery girl as I sigh.

I smirk as I know who's up next. The others get on Pomeranian for not holding back.

"I'd hate if he were to hold back against me when I'm giving my all," I say to them as they look at me. "Bubble feels the same. Plus she's not frail." They go quiet as I prepare for the battle. But first it was the tie-breaker as Shark won. Meaning everyone except for one person in round two is from Class A.

"Thanks for waiting, everybody! The first match in the second round is a big match! The man who won a huge victory in the first round and literally left the audience frozen-- From the hero course, it's Shoto Todoroki! On the other hand, this guy barely made it past the first round! What kind of fight will he show us this time? From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya!"

"Usinagi, what do you think of this match?" I looked at Glasses who asked and noticed the others were waiting.

"It depends if Cold Prince goes all out or only uses half his power."

"At this year's sports festival, both have shown top class performances! It's like two great rivals fighting against each other! Now-- Midoriya versus Todoroki! Start!"

Cold Prince fires off ice as Broccoli smashes it away with a flick of his finger. He does this two more times. He needs to move in close. Cold Prince instead is the one who moves in close causing Broccoli to use his arm. He can't use his right hand or left arm. I notice that due to multiple attacks and defending against Broccoli's attacks that Cold Prince's right arm is trembling. He's reaching his ice limit.

"Thanks, Midoriya. That guy's face is clouded over thanks to you. With your arms like that, you can't fight anymore, can you? Let's finish this." Don't underestimate him. He sends an ice attack.

"Where are you looking?" Broccoli fires off his attack breaking the ice and sending Cold Prince all the way towards the edge. "You're trembling, Todoroki. Quirks are physical abilities, too. There's a limit to how much cold your body can take, isn't there? And isn't that something you could solve by using the heat from your left side? Everyone is fighting with everything they've got... To win and get close to their dream... To become number one... You want to win with just half your strength?! You haven't put a single scratch on me yet, you know! Come at me with everything you've got!" I smile and lean forward.

"Midoriya... What are you planning? Everything I've got? Did my damn old man buy you off or something? Now I'm angry!" He rushes towards Broccoli but is slow. The frost must be affecting him. He jumps into the air as Broccoli lands a solid hit sending Cold Prince backwards as he freezes Broccoli's arm. Cold Prince uses ice again as Broccoli dodges. The two get close only for them to each be pushed back from each other. The two fight close range as Broccoli is so high off adrenaline he can't feel the pain in his hand. "Why are you going so far?"

"Because I want to live up to everyone's expectations... I want to be able to smile... and respond to them... To be a cool hero... That's what I want to be! That's why--" He hits Cold Prince, sending him back. "Everyone's giving it their all! There's no way I can know all of your circumstances, or your resolve. But for you to become number one without giving it your all... Right now, I think you should stop screwing around!" He rushes at him as Cold Prince's ice side freezes over.

"Shut up!"

"That's why... I will win! I'll surpass you!" He hits him sending him flying.

"I will reject... my old man's power..."

"It's your power, not his!" I shout over the railing as Cold Prince stands still for a second before erupting in flames. Crud, I just doomed Broccoli.

"I want... to be a hero, too...!" I smile seeing him smile.

"Shoto!" Oh, heck no! "Have you finally accepted yourself?! That's it! Good! It all starts from here for you! With my blood, you will surpass me... you will fulfill my desire!"

"No he won't! He'll be his own hero, you Baka!" I shout to Endeavor from where I was with a fire in my eyes. It was silent. I dodge a hand coming up to my shoulder and notice Cheshire's concerned and confused look.

"Why are you smiling?" I look back to the fight to see Broccoli and Cold Prince still battling. "With those injuries... In this situation... You're crazy... Don't blame me for what happens next." Both show off their full power as the two people supervising get ready to stop the fight. "Usinagi... Thanks." Then the two collide with walls and break them sending wind speeds flying towards us. Broccoli was out of bounds as he had hit the wall... Cold Prince won. I rushed down to where Recovery Girl was going to check up on Broccoli. Plus I needed to cool down before I killed Endeavor.

I enter the room and notice All-Might there with Recovery Girl. Broccoli was all bandaged up at the moment.

"How is he?" I ask, paying no attention to All-Might.

"The bones in his right arm are shattered... It'll never be the same as it was before. I need to remove the pieces of the bone to make sure they don't stay in his joints. I'll heal him after that." I nod and stand by his side. "To push and light a fire under a child who would destroy his body this much for what he yearns for... I don't like it." She looks to All-Might. "You're going too far. You, and this boy. You can't praise him for this." It was silent for a moment before the door slams open as Tsu, Glasses, and Bubble enter concerned for Broccoli. All-Might spits up blood. They rush over as I look at them. "You're all so noisy."

"Everyone... what about the next match?"

"They're rebuilding the stage so there's a break," I say to Broccoli.

"Be quiet, now! I know you're worried, but I've got to do surgery now." This causes the others to freak out as I sigh. She shoos them out as I remain by Broccoli's side.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't do what you asked..." I look at Broccoli.

"You were trying to get him to realize something..." All-Might places his hand on my shoulder.

"It's true... Todoroki looked so sad... that I meddled when I didn't need to..." Broccoli says.

"But that's not it..." Broccoli looks at me as I can read him.

"I was just frustrated. I couldn't see in front of me or around me... I'm sorry..."

"It's true that it is a regrettable result. Saying what you did was foolish won't change that. But you know, meddling when you don't need too..." He looks to the both of us. " the essence of being a hero."

I stayed with them before my battle was up and I took a breath before exiting. I'll be back after the battle.

I go out onto the stage and look at Crow.


"Dark Shadow!"

"Got it!" I rush forward as Dark Shadow comes for me and I just barely dodge pushing to the side with my arm and getting close to Tokoyami enough to grip his shoulders pushing him back out of bounds.

"Tokoyami is out of bounds! Usinagi wins!" I bow to him before rushing off to go check on Broccoli.

"I've healed you enough to allow you to walk for now." I enter after she's healed him.

"Thank you very much. Kaychan how was the battle?"

"I won, and how's your hand?" He notices his own hand.

"You should think of that crooked right hand as a warning. In addition, I will not heal injuries like this anymore." The two looked shocked as I nodded. "You must find a way for him to use his power in a way that is not so self-destructive." I nod again. We leave as I go with them.

"A different way, huh...?"

"Broccoli, remember the idea I had?" Broccoli looks at me and nods.

"I'll try to do that now, it was just too risky to try with the festival coming up." He then stops. "Why do I have this Quirk?" I look at him with a raised brow.

"Because All-Might sees himself in you." The two look at me as I giggle. "You were Quirkless prior to getting One for All weren't you?" All-Might smiles and nods.

"My master had a Quirk, but even so, my master believed in me and gave One for All to me, and raised me to become a hero. But you have gone beyond what I imagined, time and time again. There is something only you can draw out. I believe that." I watch as Broccoli nearly cries. "Anyway, the sports festival isn't over yet. Make sure you watch until the end!"

"Okay!" We both went as it was Shark versus Pomeranian.

"Midoriya, I see your surgery went well." We look to see Glasses enter. "I'm glad."

"Yeah, thanks. And congrats, Iida."

"I made it to the semifinals. I'm going to use your fight against Todoroki and learn from it." I had to admit that would be best.

"Is your big brother, Ingenium, watching your progress, too?"

"I called him earlier, but he was working."

"Oh, so you called him."

"But I think that was for the best. Now that I've made it this far, I need to be able to tell him I'm number one. Oh, but don't take offense to that, Usinagi." I giggled once he realized I was there.

"It's fine, but I'm going to have to pop your bubble, because I'm winning." I say with a smile before our attention was caught by Pomeranian who finally landed a hit on Shark. He then keeps attacking repetitively until he releases his final attack which knocks Shark out. This will be fun. I smirk to myself, feeling adrenaline in my veins.

"Kirishima is immobilized! Bakugo wins!"

"With that vicious carpet-bombing, Bakugo advances to the third round! And that completes the final four!"

"All right. I'm off!" We watch Glasses leave as we both go over to sit. Tsu and Bubble ask him questions as we both sit. Cheshire was more concerned about me and my upcoming battles.

"The first match of the semifinals! With both from hero families, it's a battle of the elites! From the hero course, it's Tenya Iida! Verses-- Also from the hero course, Shoto Todoroki! Start!" And with that Glasses dodges Cold Prince's ice attacks causing him to get trapped. He then jumps into the air dodging another ice attack then using his respiro burst tries to kick Cold Prince, misses the first time but lands it the second. He tries to rush him out, but Cold Prince freezes his engine and then freezes him immobilizing Glasses giving him the win. Good try Glasses, you did get a hit on him. I get up and head down my battle next.

"Match two of the semifinals! Bakugo versus Usinagi! Start!"

Pomeranian starts off with his explosions as expected to keep me far away as I dodge them and hold my ground. He won't let me close, and trying to use my scythe from this far back could allow him to blow me off center. I look around and start going towards him as he sends off blasts.

"Null! You can't win!" He yells at me as I dodge his explosions.


"Remember that those who rely on their Quirks can be beaten, no matter how much stronger than you they seem." A young Kaylub nodded to Chizome who smiled at the small boy.


"I'm not giving up!" I shout back as I get blown back by one of his stronger explosions feeling the sting of the heat on my body. I land on my feet and go at him again as he continues to try to knock me down. His explosions seemed to get weaker as I realized his arm was hurting.

"Null! Die!" He lunges at me as I smile. I was right by the line. An explosion was about to explode in front of me, but I rotated swiftly to the left and grabbed hold of his wrist. He was in the air as I swung my weight around. I slammed him into the ground over the line landing him out of bounds.

"Bakugo is out of bounds! Usinagi wins!" I smiled at Pomeranian who seemed to be in shock.

"With this, the final match will be between Todoroki and Usinagi!"

"You did great Pomeranian." I helped him up as he glared at me, anger in his eyes. He tsked and stormed off.

I stand against Cold Prince.

"Let's give it our all." I give him a smile.

"It's finally the last battle of the U.A. High School sports festival! The top of the first years will be decided with this one match! The final, so to speak! From the hero course, Shoto Todoroki! Versus-- Also from the hero course, Kaylub Usinagi! Now--Start!"

Cold Prince starts by instantly sending a large wall of ice my way as I swiftly click my scythe into full form and swipe hard at the ice, destroying it causing a mist to cover me and I move just out of his peripheral vision as the sound of the ice covers my footsteps. I go towards him from behind.

"Todoroki gets a blow in right away! Has the winner been decided already?" Not if I got anything to do with it. I approach from behind as the mist settles. "What's this?! How did he escape the ice?" Cold Prince spins around his fire active as I swipe through the flames and grab onto him. I go to move but realize my legs are frozen. I keep my hold on him as I look him dead in the eyes.

"Good to know you weren't planning on going easy on me," I say as I swipe at the thin ice that covered my feet and toss Cold Prince towards the edge. He uses ice to stay in, but as he lights his left side on fire I was already in range of him. I swipe at him sending him sprawling out of the ring.

"Todoroki is out of bounds! Which means, Usinagi wins!" Everyone cheers as I smile at Cold Prince who looks at me.

"And now, all of the events have been completed! The winner of this year's first year U.A. sports festival is... from Class A, Kaylub Usinagi!"

I get put on a pedestal with Cold Prince in second and Pomeranian in third.

We go above as Pomeranian grumbles and acts his normal way, which is to say pissed, Cold Prince was silent, and I just smirk, which looks like a smile, proud of myself.

"In addition to Bakugo, there is also Iida in third place, but he left early for family reasons, thank you for your understanding!" Midnight said more for the media. I wonder what happened. "Now, we will award the medals! The presentation of the medals will, of course, be by this man--" All-Might appears and lands in front of the pedestal. He gives each of us our respective medals, a hug, and even some advice.

"Young Usinagi, always full of surprise, you showed many of us today that what it takes to be a hero isn't always having a Quirk." He then says something different from what everyone else says and I laugh softly at him.


We meet back in class as Aizawa-sensei gives us our farewell.

"Good work. So there will be no school tomorrow or the day after. I'm sure the pro heroes who watched the sports festival will want to recruit you, but we'll consolidate everything and announce it when you get back. So rest well, and look forward to that."

"Yes, sensei!"


I arrive at home to see a cake with congratulations on it. The house was a bit dark as I blocked an attack by Chizome. I see it in his eyes that he had another kill.

"Is the cake for me or you?"

"It's for you and showing all those fakes that someone Quirkless can be a better hero than them." Dad said as Chizome backed off and we took a seat.

"So, who did you kill?"

"A fake, though another hero decided to get involved." I blink as dad cuts the cake. "A beloved hero of tokyo named Inganium."

"Did you kill him?"

"No, he's not a fake like the others." I nod and eat the cake. I wonder what Glasses is thinking?

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