Bakugo x fem reader

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Reader's pov:

"Thankyou for your purchass and have a good day!" I yelled as the customer left the store.

Wanna know why I'm so happy despite working at a grocery store with low pay? I get free food at the end of the day!

The door opened with a slam. "Hi welcome to grits, how may I help you?"

"Shut up you damn extra!"

I sigh and fold my arms as I glare at Bakugo. I'd only come to know his name when he visited here a few times with his friends.

Surprised a jerk like him has friends.

I slammed my hands on the counter. "OK just what is your problem?!" "Whenever you see me, you always curse at me or pick fights!!"

Just as I said that he grabbed me by my shirt and I flinched.

"And so what?!" He yelled.

As he continued yelling I noticed his palm warming up.

"B-Bakugo calm down"


It happened so fast. Time seemed to slow as his quirk activated and exploded the store.

I remenber 911 being called and me being put unto a stretcher, then rushed to a hospital. 

When we arrived my vision went black.

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