💚Bakugo x Reader x Monoma Pt 2

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Author's note: your quirk is implosion. It's very very similar to Bakugo's, in almost every aspect. Eventually, you'll mark yourself up, by using it.

The entire day has been weird. First, Bakugo kisses me in class. He never does that. Then, Monoma gave me his hoodie at lunch. I ate lunch with both of the boys, which was also odd. It's usually just me and Bakugo. Then Monoma held my hand on the way to next period. Finally, Bakugo caressed my thighs in class. As much as I like the newfound attention, it seemed to be giving me a whore reputation at school. I decided to confide in my second best friend Kirishima about the situation.
"I don't understand! It's like they're both being unnaturally..."
"Affectionate?" I nodded, putting my head down on his desk.
"Yes and I don't like it. Have you heard what some of the business course girls have said about me? I know it's because of what's going on with those two..." I glanced over at Kiri. He was biting his lip and looking off into space. "Do you know why they're acting this way?" He laughed.
"Well, yes I do know. I was told not to tell. But I can't lie to my best friend. So you didn't get it from me." I narrowed my eyes and nodded.
"So, Bakugo came in last night before bed super pissed off. I asked what happened, and he was about to tell me that it was none of my business, but he took a breath and told me."
"He must be implementing that technique I told him. He does listen to me." I smile, looking down.
"Well, Bakugo said that Monoma had just challenged him to a competition. They were going to ask for your answer at the end of the day. Whoever you said was the most affectionate got to win you, and be your boyfriend." I spaced out, once Kiri was finished.
"You've. Got. To. Be. Shitting. Me. They used me as a... prize...?" Kiri took my hand.
"I'm sorry." I shook my head.
"I'm not gonna talk to them until they BOTH apologize. I'm not some fucking prize to be won! I'm a human! I have feelings too! How dare they?!" As I ranted, a realization occurred to me. "That's why Monoma told me he liked me."
"He did what?!?" I laughed and stood.
"I'm not going to be in class for the last hour. I need to blow off some steam. Would you let Aizawa know?" Kiri nodded, and grabbed his back pack.
"I'll see you after. Let me know how it goes." I nodded, walking out. I put my earbuds in. I was going to U.A.'s dance studio, as that's where I go to release steam. Dancing is therapeutic.
"Y/N, class 1-A is the other way!" I heard Monoma's voice behind me, but I ignored it, and kept walking. "Y/N?" I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"What the fuck do you want?" I spat, visibly showing my frustration.
"I-I... just wanted to walk to class with you..." I scoffed and walked faster.
"Leave me the hell alone, asshole." I left Monoma confused as hell, standing on the pavement. I arrived at the dance studio, throwing my bag to the ground.
I put on a peppy song and started dancing.
"Come on come on! Let's keep running til we burn out the sun!" I spun and bounced, creating a nice array of dance moves. I was so lost in dance that a smile appeared on my face.
"Y/N!" I heard, and I spun around.
"Leave me alone." I growled, at Bakugo who was in the doorway.
"Aizawa is wondering where you are!"
"No, he's not. I told Kiri to tell him where I am." I put my hands on Bakugo's chest and pushed him out the door. "And it doesn't even matter. Why, I'm only a prize. Prizes don't need tabs kept on them!" I snapped, slamming the door in his face. My face was red with anger. I decided to put it all away and just dance away the stress. My legs carried me along the walls and through my spins, making me weightless. All of my anger melted away, but I knew it'd come right back once I saw one of those idiots.
I left the studio, and Bakugo was no where to be seen. I grabbed a hall pass from the front entrance, and headed back to class.
"Y/N, you're late." I handed Aizawa the pass.
"I'm sorry, sir." I said, emotionlessly. "Please sit down." I did, trying my hardest not to look at Katsuki, who sat next to me.
"It's time for quirk training. Im going to read off your pairings for sparing, in the order you will be facing off." Aizawa said. I prayed I wasn't paired with Bakugo. "1-B will be there too. We're only fighting our own class, though."
"Mina and Kaminari. Ojiro and Iida. Aoyama and Jiro. Tokoyami and Todoroki. Mineta and Sato. Koda and Yaoyorozu. Y/N and Midoriya. Sero and Shoji. Asui and Bakugo. Uraraka, Kirishima, and Hagakure will all fight each other." I thanked god for the pairings. "Find your partners." I swiftly stood and walked over to Midoriya's desk.
"Hey, Izuku."
"Hey, Y/N! I'm excited to spar with you!" I smiled, and sat on his desk.
"Me too! It's not like Katsuki likes it much when I talk to you, so this is a good opportunity! I'll just hit him." I growled the last part under my breath.
"Did something happen, Y/N-Chan?"
"Yeah. He used me as a prize in a competition between him and Monoma. And I'm really angry about it." Deku sighed.
"Take your anger out in this battle! Use all you've got against me!" I smiled.
"I will. Thanks, Midoriya!" I smiled.
"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU SMILING FOR HIM, OF ALL PEOPLE?!" In a moment, Katsuki was a centimeter away from my face.
"なに?!" I screamed, falling of the desk and onto the floor. "WHAT THE HELL, KATSUKI?!" My rage boiled again, before I grabbed Midoriya's hand, and walked quickly to the changing rooms. I quickly got into my hero suit, exiting the room swiftly. I found Midoriya again and grabbed his hand, squeezing it.
"Y/N!" Midoriya called. "You're crushing my hand!" I released his small pale hand.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Izuku." I put my hand on the back of my neck.
"It's ok. I know you're angry." I smiled at him, and walked up to Mr. Aizawa.
"Sensei? Can Midoriya and I spar first?" He gave it some thought before nodding. He turned to the class.
"Midoriya and Y/N will spar first." We made our way to the sparing ground, and everyone got into the stands. I made eye contact with Bakugo, and then Monoma as class 1-B walked in.

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