🧡Shigaraki x Reader Pt1

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Shigaraki's POV

I leaned my chin on my left hand, propping my head up on the bar top in front of me.
"You look quite bored." Kurogiri announces, gaining the attention of Dabi, Toga, and I.
"That's probably because I am." I huffed, pulling back my middle finger to keep from disintegrating my face. Suddenly, I pushed myself away from the bar and walked to the door. I grabbed a big coat, and threw it on.
"Where are you going, Shigaraki?"
"Can I come?!" Toga asked excitedly, standing quickly.
"God, no. Please leave me alone." I groaned, opening and slamming the door.
I walked to the park that was near by our headquarters. The fresh air felt good on my dry skin. I sighed, taking in the evening noises. There was only one other person that was at the park at this late hour. The person turned in my direction. That was when I noticed her H/L H/C hair, and the fact that it was a girl. She smiled and started walking towards me.
"She's..." I muttered, trying to turn away. I took a step back and tripped over a rock, landing on my back. "Oww." I groaned. I opened my eyes to see the girl was standing over me.
"Are you alright?" She asked, holding her hand out to me. I nodded, but hesitated in taking her hand. I finally decided to just do it, holding back my middle finger. I didn't want to invoke needless terror in her by disintegrating her, as that would only draw attention to me.
"I'm sorry, it seems I was the reason you were startled enough to fall... Will you accept my apology?" She asked, giving my a small smile, and turning her head slightly to the side. I stared at her face for a moment, taking in every detail of it. She was... cute.
"Oh! It wasn't your fault, I'm just skittish, I guess." She smiled wider.
"I'm Y/N! What's your name?"
"Uh... Tomura."
"It's nice to meet you, Tomura!" I gave her a side glance.
"Aren't you... scared of me?" She turned her head to the other side.
"Why would I be?"
"My looks and demeanor tends to send people away." She giggled.
"I'm not going to be scared of someone just because they might look like a villain! Those are the people who need good friends the most!" I touched my dry skin, and weakly smiled back.
"Of course! It's always nice to meet a new friend!"
Y/N and I ended up talking for two hours about anything and everything. I knew she wasn't a villain, but somehow I felt a pull towards her. Like she was drawing me in. It just made me want to talk to her more.
"Oh gosh... I have to get home... My brother will be worried about me!" She glanced at her watch, and pulled out her phone. "Will you... give me your number?" I looked between her and her phone before nodded.
"Ah... yes. How do you spell your name again?" She smiled.
"Y/N Kirishima. Y-O-U-R/N-A-M-E K-I-R-I-S-H-I-M-A." She held out her arms and I looked at her in confusion before my eyes widened and my mouth opened.
"Oh! D-Do you want a... hug?" She nodded, shyly. I gave a small smile and wrapped my arms around her, careful not to let all of my fingers touch her.
"I... I'll see you later, Tomura." She gave me a wide smile before turning and walking into the chilly night.
"Yes! I'll see you later!" I called after her. As I watched her, I looked inside myself and noticed weird feelings forming. "I really like this girl. What is it about her?" I sighed and started walking back to the league's headquarters.
I entered the bar, and I noticed no one had moved in the two hours I had been gone.
"Ah! Tomura! You look all happy! Why's that??" Toga asked, bouncing excitedly. I curiously touched my face to feel a small smile.
"I don't know."I mumbled, walking to my bedroom. I could feel Kurogiri, Toga, and Dabi's inquisitive looks, but I ignored them. I closed and locked the door to my room, to let myself be alone and search through my feelings.


I locked the front to my house and couldn't hold back a blush on my cheeks.
"Hey, Sis!" I turned around.
"Oh hey, Eijiro!" I smiled, embarrassed. I scratched the back of my neck and laughed.
"Why are you back so late? And why are you blushing? What happened??" He asked, poking my cheeks. I pushed air into them and stuck my tongue out at him.
"Nothing happened! I just met a guy in the park. We talked for a while, that's it!" I laughed and he chuckled.
"At least tell me about this guy!" I rubbed the top of his head, messing up his hair.
"He's got blue hair and he's pretty small... He's got deep red eyes and he seems to be pretty socially awkward. He's got kind of a villainy look so I think that most people avoid him. He's seemed confused when I started talking to him." Eijiro cocked his head to the side and took my left hand in his.
"What's his face look like?"
"Umm... He's got dry skin and kinda sunken eyes... pale skin..." I thought I saw Eijiro's face pale.
"Uhhh... What's his name?" I gave him a confused look for a second.
"...Tomura." Eijiro pulled me into a hug.
"You... You can't see him again." I was taken aback.
"Huh?! Why?!"
"Thats... You're talking about Tomura Shigaraki! That's one of the villain's that attacked the USJ!" He squeezed my hand and I looked at him, my face continually falling.
"He... what? But..." I looked away from my brother's face, at the floor.
"But nothing! You really can't see him again! Please promise me??" I slowly nodded, avoiding looking at my brother, trying to take in the information he had just given me. He released our hug and I mosied to my bedroom.
"Goodnight, Y/N. I love you! Will you drive me to school tomorrow before you go to work?" I turned to my brother.
"I love you too, Eijiro! Of course I'll bring you to school!" I smiled, trying to hide how upset I was. Ever since our parents left, I dropped out of school and started working, so that I could afford to put Eijiro through U.A.'s expensive program. I work long hours, but it's totally worth it, to see Eijiro every morning be excited to go to school. I'd do anything for my little brother. But, is it possible that he's wrong about this one?
I mean, I know Tomura looks like a villain, but could he really put Eijiro's class through that attack that he told me all about? He seemed so sweet to me, that it's just so hard to believe.
My phone lit up with a message from him.
"Hey, Y/N. It's Tomura from the park. I was wondering if you'd like to meet up at the park again tomorrow?" I noticed he had put his last name in his contact for me as 'Shigaraki.'
"That's the same name Eijiro said..." I mumbled, reading the text over and over again.
I decided to test the waters a bit more. I mean, Eijiro is only 16, he could be totally wrong, couldn't he?
"Sure! I'd love to. See you at the same time tomorrow?"
"Sounds great. See you there." I put my phone on the charger.
"He's wrong... That can't possibly be him... right?" I wrapped myself in two blankets, and drifted off to an uneasy sleep.

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