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 Chapter 3: The missing rabbit and Minazuki.


 It was June and the rainy season was upon us.

 This year's rainy season has seen clear, sunny days alternate with days of heavy rain, and although the weather has been extreme, Koharu felt that it was a good thing that the humid days didn't continue for long.

 At this time of year, the best-selling item at Sakuraan is the vinyl Japanese umbrella.

 With its classic red with floral patterns and chic black, it has a reputation for being elegant and stylish.

 And Soujiro's new product "Mini Ayu," which went on sale for a limited time last month, has quickly become a popular menu item at Sakuraan.

 The seasonal staple Japanese sweet "Ayu" in Kyoto is smaller than normal size, and there's nothing particularly special about it, but perhaps its convenience has been a big hit, as many customers have bought boxes of it. The little "Ayu" lined up in the box look very cute, and apparently they make a great gift.

 It seems that Soujiro is good at business after all.

 Although his methods may be unorthodox and sometimes a bit cunning, Koharu thought the Japanese sweets he made were actually delicious and it was easy to see why they were so popular.

 However, recently, I've finally begun to realize that this isn't the only secret to its popularity.

"Um, are there any craftsmen here today?"

 Two female college students came to the store and asked, fidgeting in front of the Japanese sweets display case. Both were wearing cute, stylish dresses and had slightly red cheeks.

"Oh, well, I'm working in the kitchen on the second floor... no, in the kitchen."

 Koharu hesitantly pointed to the second floor.

"Oh, I see..."

"I'll call you if there's anything I can do."

 When he immediately tried to call out to the second floor, she leaned forward in a panic.

"It's okay. I don't have anything to do. Ah, well, he's... aren't craftsmen usually at the store?"

"Yes, I basically work in the kitchen... no, I make Japanese sweets in the kitchen."

 Sojiro only comes down to the first floor a few times a day to carry the products he has made.

 It has recently been discovered that a female customer who happened to see Sojiro at that time became a fan and is now a repeat customer.

 By the way, female customers are not just young women...

"I came to buy some sweets for Muneta."

"That's right. If you're going to buy sweets, it's better to buy them made by a handsome guy."

"Really? Muneta and Haru?"

 It was also very popular among middle-aged women.

"--That's terrible. It was the same in Asakusa."

 It was dinner time. Sojiro held his teacup like a wine glass, sighed, and looked sad.

 Although it has an atmosphere like a hotel bar, this is a Japanese-style living room with a low table. Today's menu is mackerel stewed in miso, with freeze-dried tofu, simmered dishes, miso soup, and various pickles.

"Was it the same in Asakusa?"

"Yeah, all the female customers who wanted to see me were flocking to the store, calling out 'Munemitsu, Munemitsu.' It was overwhelming."


"Of course, as a man, I don't mind, but as a craftsman, I have mixed feelings. Was she really after the sweets I made, or was she simply after me?"

 She put the rice bowl down with a clunk and pushed her bangs aside.

 Her soft, slightly light-colored bangs were swaying softly.


 He's totally getting ahead of himself.

 Although Koharu was irritated, she gave Sojiro a quick glance and said, "The truth is, he's handsome in appearance, so I can't say anything back."

 He must have been a popular craftsman in Asakusa.

"Oh, so that's why Soujirou doesn't usually work at the counter."

"That's right. I don't know if they're praising my skills or just my looks, but I do have a conflict that comes with being blessed with good looks. Well, you might not understand it well though."

 Sojiro slaps Koharu on the back and laughs, and this time he feels murderous.

"Koharu, leave that idiot alone. If you pay him attention, you'll catch the idiot."

 Yoshino continues eating without changing her expression.

"Yes, I will."

 Koharu nodded vigorously and brought the miso stew to her mouth. Then,

"By the way, did you call your parents' house?" Soujiro looked up as he suddenly remembered.

"Uh, yeah, I tried it."

"how was it?"

"...I was able to talk a little bit."

 Koharu chuckled and shrugged.

 In truth, I could barely speak.

 Although he had become quite able to speak fluently here, as soon as he heard his parent's voice, his body suddenly became stiff and he was unable to speak properly.

"Oh, you see, I'm fine... so..."

 That was about all I was able to convey properly.

"Hey, if you could talk a little, that would be good."

"Yeah, I'm glad."

 Seeing the two of them smile brightly, Koharu felt her heart lighten.

"...Yes, that's right. Thank you, Grandma and Soujiro."

"Don't fall in love."

"That's okay."

 Koharu laughed and Yoshino shrugged her shoulders and said, "Oh well."

 It's been two months since they came to Kyoto, and Koharu feels very comfortable spending time with the three of them.

 The conversations we have may be trivial or even ridiculous at times, but we can do so without deceiving or pretending to be someone we're not.

 I took a sip of the miso soup, feeling deeply glad that I had come here.


"Let's do our best today too."

 The next morning, Koharu was dressed in her usual azuki bean-colored work attire and had a white apron tied tightly around her waist.

"Yeah, do your best. And I'll do my best too."

 Sojiro said as he wrapped a white towel around his head.

 He seems to be busy at the moment working on prototypes for June's new products, and has been spending more time in the kitchen than usual.

 In June, a Japanese sweet called "Mizunashi Tsukizuki" is a staple in Kyoto.

 It is a Japanese sweet made by placing red beans on an outer uiro mold and placing a triangular piece of cake inside, but it seems that he is having an unusually hard time making something that he is satisfied with.

 Koharu went down the stairs and appeared in front of the store. She quickly set up the products, started ringing up the cash register, and occasionally wrapped items, going about her usual work at Sakuraan.

 The rain that had been falling had stopped by the afternoon, and I was feeling delighted at the wide blue sky when a slender man came through the noren curtain.



 She turned around like a conditioned reflex, saw what he was like, and opened her eyes, "Ah!"

"It's been a while, Koharu-chan."

 It was Mioto. He had a handsome face and beautiful eyes that were gently narrowed.

 As he said, it's really been a long time.

"Y-Yes, it's been a while."

"Is that noisy 'Dad' not around?"

 As Mioto looked around the store with amusement, Koharu pointed to the second floor.

"Oh, I've been working in the kitchen all this time."

"Hmm, Soujirou-san, you're surprisingly serious."

"The thing is, 'Make the best Minazuki.'"

"--- Ah, that's such a classic, it's hard to think of any way to tweak it."

 Mioto put his hands on his hips and looked up at the second floor.

"But I'm sure the Minazuki made by Soujirou is delicious, so I'll come and buy some at the end of the month."

 The way he laughs "fufufufu" makes my heart flutter.

"By the way, Minazuki is something you eat on June 30th, right?"

"That's right. In Kyoto, on June 30th, which is exactly halfway through the year, there is a Shinto ritual called "Natsunagoshi no Harae" that is held to cleanse oneself of the sins and impurities of the past six months and pray for good health and safety for the remaining six months. The food eaten at that time is "Minazuki," and red beans are said to ward off demons. It's a sweet that wards off bad luck."

"I see."

 Koharu agreed, saying she had no idea it was a sweet to ward off evil spirits.

"Then, the triangle is meant to represent 'ice' that dispels the heat."

"Wow," Koharu said with shining eyes, and Mioto gently turned up the corners of his mouth.

 Even though Koharu is clearly brighter and more talkative than before, Mioto doesn't say anything about it and simply looks at her with kind eyes.

 As the two of them were chatting about this and that, Yoshino, who had been in the back room, popped her head in and said, "Oh my."

"It's you, Mioto-chan. Come in."

"Hello, Yoshino-san."

"Did you ask me to tell you something again?"

"No, I think my sister, Anna, is coming here today."

"Oh, An-chan! Are you coming back from Tokyo?"

"Yeah, it's work."

 Listening to their conversation, Koharu nodded and said, "I see."

 Apparently Mioto's sister's name is Anna.

 I wonder what kind of person she is, I'm sure she's a beautiful person.

 As I was thinking about this,

"Do you know about An-chan, too, Koharu?"

 Koharu was surprised when Yoshino rejected her like that.

"Eh, I'm talking about Mioto-san's sister?"

 They are close relatives, so I wonder if they met when they were young?

 "I have no recollection of it at all," Koharu said, frowning.

"Ann is working as a model in Tokyo."

"That's amazing, but I don't know much about models."

 I shrugged apologetically, and Mioto narrowed his eyes in amusement.

"No, no, my sister is not famous anyway."

"This one," Yoshino said, taking out a teen magazine from the drawer and opening it for me.

 It featured a small photo of a cool beauty with striking bob hair and blunt bangs.

"Oh, I've seen this girl before. This is Anna, isn't she?"

"That's right."

"It's amazing to be featured in this famous teen magazine."

"It's amazing, the photo isn't even that big," Mioto said, waving his hand.

 Even though she says that, she must be proud of her sister. She looks happy somehow.

"I heard that they're going to be shooting a pamphlet in Gion soon. I think they'll show up in between."

"If you're shooting in Gion, it would probably be Hanamikoji, just beyond Shijo."

"I suppose so."

 As Koharu listened to their conversation, she felt a little excited that a model she had seen in a magazine was coming to the store.

"...So, Yoshino-san. Does Soujiro-san ever come downstairs?"

 Mioto asked, keeping his voice down.

"---I've made today's Japanese sweets, and I'm currently engrossed in 'Minazuki', so I don't think she'll come down unless you call her."

"...Good. The truth is, my sister doesn't know that you've returned to Kyoto. I don't mind finding out a lie from her, but could you please keep quiet as long as she doesn't ask me?"

"What, did something happen to those two after all?"

 Yoshino looked at him with a slightly fangirlish look.

"Well, we lived together, after all. A lot of things must have happened."

"But Soujirou said that Anzu was like a little sister to him."

"'She's like a little sister'. Isn't that just a convenient excuse? They lived under the same roof in a small apartment and were clearly in a relationship. In the end, they ended up fighting or breaking up, so I don't think they let them meet."

 Koharu was stunned as she listened to the two of them talking.

 I can't believe things have gotten so complicated.

 To begin with, Anna is Soujiro's mother's younger brother's granddaughter.

 The relationship becomes that of "cousin niece," an unfamiliar term.

 Their relationship alone is complicated, but it seems their relationship is just as complicated.

 Koharu becomes confused and tries to piece the relationships together in her head again.

 First, Sojiro moved to Tokyo, and then Anna ran away from home to follow him.

 Anna then showed up at Sojiro's apartment, and the two of them ended up living together in Tokyo.

 Sojiro calls Anna his "little sister," and Yoshino thinks their relationship was similar to that of brother and sister. However, Mioto asserts that theirs was "a relationship between a man and a woman."

 In the end, they end up breaking up on bad terms.

 Koharu groaned and crossed her arms.

 I don't know the truth of the matter, but...yeah, I definitely don't want them to meet.

 Koharu's excitement turns into anxiety.

 At that moment, the noren curtain moved softly as if rustling in the wind.

"Hello, Yoshino-san."

 A cheerful voice echoed through the store. Rumor has it that it was model Anna.

 Just as I saw in the magazine, she has a small, pure white face and large, clearly defined eyes.

 She has shiny black hair that is cut straight across both the front and back. She is tall and slender.

 It looked like a Western doll with a Japanese doll wig on it.

 Because of her cool beauty appearance, I had an image of her as a cold person, but I sensed something bright and sunny about her.

"Welcome, it's been a while."

"Yes, since autumn."

 Anna bowed enthusiastically to Yoshino, but as soon as she noticed Mioto standing next to her, she visibly frowned.

"Uh, Mioto, why are you here?"

"It's not 'why'. It's been five years since I left Kyoto like I was running away from home, and I've never been back to my parents' house. What's with that? Even my intonation has become so Kanto-esque."

"Well, she told me, 'If you're going to leave, don't come back'. And anyway, how did she know I'd be coming here? You didn't use some dodgy spell on my fortune again, did you?" She folded her arms and looked off to the side.

"Don't talk about some weird spell. My dad told me you were coming to Kyoto today."

"Huh? How do you know?"

"They're checking your blog. They're such a stubborn couple."


"Seriously. So, I checked it out too. It said, 'Hello, it's Anna ☆ I'm shooting in Kyoto starting tomorrow. It's been a while since I've been to Kyoto, so I'm really excited. When the pamphlet is ready, everyone please take a look ♪'. I had to look twice, wondering who wrote this."

"...Ah, you're still a nasty guy. If you have a problem with something, why don't you just say it straight out instead of beating around the bush?"

"I have no complaints. I was just surprised to see who wrote it. It's not the same girl I know."

"I'm really going to kill you," Anna said, grabbing Miohito by the collar.

 Koharu was shocked, but Mioto didn't seem the least bit perturbed and just laughed.

"Ah, so now you know me, I'm relieved."

"Shut up, you dancing prostitute."

 ...Well, the male maikos are just like the brothers.

 Koharu was overwhelmed by the way he spoke, which was even more ruthless than Sojiro's.

 However, from their interaction, it was clear that these handsome siblings are very close.

"Even so, you've shrunk again, Nee-san."

 As Mioto looked down at her, Anna gritted her teeth in frustration.

"You've grown, haven't you? Seriously, you've only grown vertically. Can you give me five centimetres of your height? Then I'd be able to do a little more work."

"Don't say nonsense. Why don't you grow up a little and come home every once in a while? This is the time when your daughter will give up."

 Mioto gently grabbed Anna's wrist and looked straight into her eyes.

"I can't go home yet. Not in this half-baked state! I have to be very successful. I made a big show of running out of the house, so I've decided that I'll only go home once I've succeeded."

"...I understand how you feel, but my father is already happy. He's even clipping articles about you. You're the pride of the Kamo family now."

 This time Mioto looked at her with a very gentle look in his eyes, and Anna blushed and asked, "Your father?"

 However, he quickly came to his senses and shook his head.

"N-no, you're not going to fool me. You're just asking your mother to take me home."

"What's up with you? You're as clumsy as ever, but you've got a good sense for strange things. Let's change our strategy."

 Mioto laughs joyfully.


 As Soujiro had said, it seemed that Mioto was not an easy man to deal with.

 At that moment, they heard a tapping sound coming down the stairs, and Koharu, Yoshino, and Mioto all felt their shoulders twitch.

"It seems like everything's pretty noisy," said Soujirou, appearing in the store.


 Anna let out a burst of screams, and Mioto put his hand to his forehead weakly.

"Hey, Anzu. It's been a while."

 When Soujiro simply raised one hand, Anna ran up to him, calling out, "Sou-chan!"

"I didn't think you'd even gone to Asakusa, so did you go back to Kyoto?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"I heard that you didn't even show up to Shigeru's funeral?"

"At that time, I had a high fever and was in bed. I was reflecting on that. I couldn't leave my grandma alone."

"I see, that's true...But anyway, Muneta, you're still as cool as ever."

 Anna's cheeks flushed and she clenched her hands together.

"Oh, I thought so. I mean, I'm in my thirties too."

"That's not true! You're much sexier than before."


 Koharu looked at the scene in amazement.

 They live together and don't look like a pair of ex-lovers who had a falling out.

"It's such a waste. If Muneta had stayed in the entertainment industry, I'm sure he would have been very successful."

 As Anna continued, Koharu's eyes widened and she said, "Huh?"

 "Ahh," Soujirou said, holding his head, while Mioto smiled.

"So now the information ban has been lifted. Koharu-chan, Soujirou-san once ran away from home saying he wanted to be an idol."

"...Ah, an idol?" Koharu's hoarse voice echoed through the store.

"I'm not an idol, I'm an actor!"

 Sojiro said angrily.

"You said you wanted to be a star."

"Shut up, boy."

 I never would have imagined that Soujiro's reason for moving to Tokyo was to "become an idol."

 I turned my gaze to Soujirou in a daze,

"Koharu, don't say anything! Don't say anything! It's the folly of youth!"

 He said, waving his hand wildly.

"I-I was young and foolish..."

"Well, I'm going back to work!"

 Sojiro goes up to the second floor as if he is escaping.

"Munejiro has become an idol..."

 So much happened in such a short amount of time that it took me a while to process it all.


"--Mune-chan, you were pretty close."

 Later, while drinking tea at a table in the back, Anna began to speak quietly.

"I've always admired Muneta, who is six years older than me..."

 Anna said enthusiastically.

 Sojiro and Anna shared a common dream of succeeding in the entertainment industry.

 However, for many people, big dreams end up being just lip service.

 But Sojiro was different.

 True to his word, he moved to Tokyo without hesitation as soon as he graduated from high school to make his dream come true.

 Anna was deeply moved by Sojiro's behavior and vowed to herself that she too would pursue her dreams.

 So Anna also ran away from home without a second thought as soon as she graduated from high school, and as soon as she arrived in Tokyo, she went straight to Sojiro's house and begged him to let her stay at her house until she settled down.

 I was prepared for him to give me a sour look, but Sojiro gave me the OK surprisingly easily, saying, "Yeah, that's good."

 Apparently, the two of them started living together and had a lot of fun.

 Since Sojiro was working multiple part-time jobs while also pursuing his entertainment career, they rarely saw each other at home in the first place.

"Mune-chan sent me to a beauty school because he thought it would be an advantage for me. Thanks to him, I was able to learn makeup and get a qualification as a beautician..."

 At the time, Sojiro was 24 years old and was beginning to gain some recognition in the entertainment industry.

 She has worked as a model for magazines and has also appeared in minor roles in films and TV dramas.

 He was tall, good-looking, and brave, so it seemed like he was finally going to show promise, Anna said with a sigh.

"Maybe it was bad luck. There was a handsome guy of the same generation as Muneta-chan, and his agency was much bigger. But Muneta-chan was more attractive, so I think he was probably a nuisance. And he was constantly obstructed and harassed... They would get the staff to tell Muneta false meeting times and make him late. Muneta-chan hates that kind of thing, so it seems he got fed up with it and said, 'I've given up on aiming to be the best in this world'..."

 After that, Anna also started to get work little by little, and was warned by her agency that it was not good to be living with a man, even if he was a close relative, so she moved out of Sojiro's apartment.

 It wasn't a fight or a breakup, Koharu agreed as she listened to the story.

 After that, Sojiro also moved somewhere, and before he knew it, he had become an apprentice to a Japanese confectioner in Asakusa.

"I don't know why you decided to become a Japanese confectioner, though."

 After speaking, Anna looks into the distance.

 Everyone was speechless and just nodded vaguely.

"But Muneta is still a foul player."

 " Anna muttered.

"Foul play?"

"No matter where you go, you're always sparkling. And you're still beautiful now."

 Anna exhaled feverishly, and the three of them looked at each other in silence.

"...That's right, An-chan. I don't know what you wanted from me."

 Perhaps unable to bear the strange atmosphere any longer, Yoshino clapped her hands to change the air, and Anna looked up in surprise.

"That's right, you bought a handmade tenugui here in the fall, Yoshino-san. The kind that can be turned into a tapestry."

"Ah, a 'decorative hand towel'."

 Yoshino's eyes turned to the tenugui hanging on the wall inside the store.

"Decorative tenugui" are not intended to be used as normal tenugui, but are primarily intended to be hung on walls, and are also called "tapestry tenugui". They have a variety of uses, and some people use them like Noren curtains or hang them in frames.

 You can find "tapestry tenugui" in any Japanese goods store, and Sakuraan has a wide selection. At this time of year, goldfish and hydrangea designs are the norm, while not long ago cherry blossoms and dancing geisha designs were the main focus.

 In addition to the items purchased from vendors, Yoshino's handmade corner also had "tapestry tenugui". All of them were dyed by Yoshino herself, and the quantity was small and the price was high. However, they were popular with Yayoi and the neighbors.

"--- I thought that if I displayed Yoshino's tenugui, it would definitely bring me good luck, so I did. I feel like it had an effect. My audition went well, my work was going well, and a lot of things started to go well at the right time..."

 Anna said that, her face tense.

"But something strange has been happening lately."

"Is that strange?" they all said in unison.

"Look at this."

 Anna took out a rolled up hand towel from her bag and carefully unfolded it.

 The tenugui had a design that indicated it was purchased in autumn, with a large dark blue full moon, Japanese pampas grass, and moon-viewing rice dumplings.

 What was strange about this towel? Koharu stared intently at it.

"--Well well, that's true."

 Yoshino cried out in surprise.

"Um, what's strange about this towel?"

 Koharu asked hesitantly, and Anna pointed to the full moon and said, "Here."

"Inside this moon, originally, there was a rabbit."


"The rabbit disappeared without me noticing."

"That's right, there really aren't any," Mioto said, nodding excitedly.

"As soon as Usagi disappeared from the moon, things that had been going well up until then suddenly started going wrong, and I just couldn't get any better. I wanted to talk to you about this, Yoshino-san. What could this be?"

"...That's right."

 Yoshino picked up the towel.

 The current design is a simple one, featuring a full moon, pampas grass and rice dumplings.

 However, if you look closely, you can see the silhouettes of other animals in the shadows of the silver grass.

 A fox and a monkey, perhaps? But it was lonely without the main rabbit.

"An-chan, think carefully about why the rabbit was on this moon and why it disappeared. When you understand the meaning, the problem will be solved."


"It was your intention to remove the rabbit from here."

 Anna gave a confused look as Yoshino smiled brightly.

"My... my feelings? So, they can come back depending on how I feel? How do I get them back?"

"You'll have to figure that out for yourself."

"Uh, yeah..."

 He looks down at the towel in a daze.

"What should I do? I have no idea. Mioto, do you understand?"

"...Yeah. I kind of get it."

"Oh, you know? Hey, tell me."

"No. You have to think for yourself if you don't get the answer right away."

 Koharu left the place to prepare some tea while listening to everyone's conversation.

 "The missing rabbit," he thought, crossing his arms as he walked.

 A rabbit disappearing from the moon drawn on a tenugui cloth - is this really a supernatural phenomenon?

 It could be that it was someone playing a prank on them, or maybe it got lost in the process of being washed.

 Twisting her head, Koharu was about to climb the stairs to the second floor when she stopped in her tracks.

 Halfway up the stairs, a white rabbit was sitting.


 Definitely a rabbit.

 The rabbit stared at Koharu intently, then jumped up to her.

"Wow!" He suddenly sat down on Koharu's outstretched hand.

 Usagi was looking up at Koharu, her nose twitching in the palm of her hand.

 The fluffy feel really comes through.


 Realizing that she hadn't been able to breathe for a while, Koharu took a deep breath and, being careful not to let the rabbit in her palm escape, quietly made her way under the others.

"Oh, Grandma, there was a rabbit."

 Koharu spoke in a trembling voice, and everyone turned to look at her in surprise.

"Oh, you were at my house?"

"That's true. It's so cute, sitting neatly in the palm of your hand."

 Yoshino and Mioto looked at each other with frowns. However, Anna was the only one who squinted her eyes and said, "Hmm."

"Well, where's the rabbit?"

 Apparently, Anna can't see the rabbit.

 There are probably some people who can see and some who can't.

 However, it seemed that Yoshino and Mioto could see it at least, and Koharu felt truly relieved.

"As usual, you're so slow, Nee-san."

 As Mioto chuckles, Anna purses her lips in frustration and says, "You're so slow anyway."

"Koharu, try putting the child on the moon."


 Gently place the rabbit on top of the unfolded tenugui towel shaped like a full moon.

"So, how about it? Do you think it'll go back to being a hand towel?"

 Even though Anna couldn't see anything, she leaned forward excitedly.

 The rabbit was busily scratching its ears with its hind legs on the towel, and showed no signs of going back into the moon.

 His ears twitching, he hopped towards Koharu again.

"...No good, it looks like she has no plans to go back at the moment. Why did she leave the moon? You have to find out the reason yourself, An-chan."

 Yoshino put her hand on Anna's shoulder.

"...I understand," Anna said, nodding with a grim expression.

"Sis, what's with that face?"

"Because I don't think I have any idea why the rabbit jumped out."

"It's a bad habit of yours to quickly turn a blind eye to things you're not good at or that are bothersome. Think carefully."

"I know."

 Koharu couldn't help but laugh at Anna's sulky look.

 She is a very beautiful woman, but not at all pretentious, and is truly a wonderful person.

"Well then, sister. It's time to go. I'll carry your luggage."

 Mioto quickly picked up Anna's carry-on bag.

"Hey, Mioto, where are you planning to go?"

 Anna grabbed Mioto's wrist tightly.

"Where? I'm at home."

"That's why I said I'm not going home yet."

"But you're going to Kyoto for a while, right? Where are you staying? Do you have a boyfriend here?"

"No, there isn't anyone like that, but... well..."

 Anna blushed and glanced at Yoshino.

"Um, Yoshino-san, I'll do anything, so could you let me stay here for a little while?"

 He bowed his head vigorously.

 Seeing Anna like that, Yoshino didn't hesitate at all and nodded, "Sure."


"--Suddenly, it's a big group."

 Sojiro narrowed his eyes with a bit of amusement as he brought out a slightly larger low table in the center of the living room.

"I'm so sorry."

 It was Mioto who bowed deeply.

 He looks genuinely apologetic.

 Sojiro, Yoshino, Koharu, Anna, and Mioto were all gathered in the Japanese-style living room, which was by no means spacious.

"Can I stay here for a little while?" Anna asked, and just after Yoshino nodded and said "Sure," Mioto put his hand to his forehead in exasperation.

"Sis, what are you talking about? How shameless."

"I know it's a bit brazen, but there's Usagi after all."

"That's what I'm saying, but it's because Soujirou is here."

"Even if that's the case, it's none of your business!"

"It is related."

 And so the chaotic battle between the older sister and younger brother continued for a while.

 Yoshino, who had been watching this in silence, after a short while suddenly stood up.

"Oh, come on! If Mioto-chan is that worried about An-chan, then he should stay here while An-chan is here! That's the end of this story! That's good!"

 Anna and Mioto were frozen in their seats by Yoshino's unexpected forceful words, which reverberated throughout the store.

"---" he said, all he could do was nod and say.

"I'm so happy. It's like the bustle of the past has returned."

 Yoshino looks excited as she places a portable stove on top of the large new table she has brought out.

 A flat iron pot. I could see bright red beef, onions, Chinese cabbage, chrysanthemum, and lots of mushrooms.

"Wow, maybe sukiyaki?"

"It looks delicious."

 Everyone's eyes light up at the vibrant color of the meat.

"That's right. Since we've all come together,

 As Yoshino smiled, Koharu and Anna clapped their hands and exclaimed, "Wow."

"When Shigeru was alive, the house was always a place where people gathered. It's nice to have a lively place."

"Having you say that somehow makes me feel better."

 Mioto frowned apologetically as he placed the plates on the table.

"Yoshino-san, please tell me anything you want. Oh, I'll serve you some food."

 I opened the lid of the rice cooker and quickly poured some rice into bowls.

"Can I have beer, An?"

 Soujirou turned around after taking out a bottle of beer from the fridge.

"Yes, a beer would be fine!"

 Anna raised her hand enthusiastically.

 Everyone sits down at the table and raises their glasses in a toast.

"Let's eat! It's been a while since I've had Kansai-style sukiyaki. I'm happy."

 Just having the energetic and cheerful Anna there makes the house seem instantly brighter.

"More importantly, what's that rabbit?"

 Sojiro looked down at Usagi, who was sitting between Koharu and Anna.

"No way, you can see the rabbits too, Muneta?"

"Oh, I see. You still can't see."

"I'm the inferior member of the Kamo clan anyway."

 Anna pouted, not seeming amused.

"...I wouldn't call it recessive, though."

 Mioto muttered this softly, as if he was talking to himself, and Koharu squinted her eyes and asked, "Hmm?"

 What does it mean to be different from recessive?

 However, Anna didn't seem to hear what he was saying and continued to have a pleasant conversation with Sojiro throughout the entire conversation.

 The Sakurai family had so many unused Japanese-style rooms that it was said they could even run a boarding house, so they had no trouble finding a room for Anna and Mioto to use.

 After a hectic day where everyone cleaned up, tidied up the rooms, and took turns taking baths, Koharu returned to her room.

 I sat down on the bed and took a deep breath.

 -- I was so busy that I didn't really realize it, but I would end up living under the same roof with Mioto, even if only for a short time.

 Thinking about that, Koharu suddenly felt her heart start beating fast and her cheeks turned red.

 Even if it's only for a limited time, I wonder if my heart is okay living with someone like that?

 While she was feeling nervous by herself, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Koharu flinched.


"I'm Anna. Can I come in?"

 Feeling a little relieved at the voice, Koharu nodded and said, "Please."

"Sorry, I was just about to go to sleep, right?" he says, popping his head out.

 She had no make-up on and her hair was a little wet after getting out of the breeze.

 The look was natural and very beautiful.

"I-I'm fine. I hadn't slept yet. Is something wrong?"

"Um, so, is Usagi-san still by your side, Koharu-chan?"

 Anna came into the room with the same hand towel in her hand and sat down on the cushion.

"No, I don't think he's there right now."

"I see," Anna said, looking down.

 Koharu was thinking that she must be really worried about him, when...

"S-sorry. That's not what I actually wanted to ask."

 Anna looked down and let out a small sigh.


"I wanted to know how you felt, Koharu-chan. What you were thinking."

 Anna asked with some hesitation, and Koharu blinked and said, "Huh?"

"Well, you see, I know this is just a friend, but Koharu-chan's eyes looked dazed so I started to wonder..."

 Koharu's heart skipped a beat.

 He must be talking about Mioto. His eyes start to wander in frustration.

"Ah, well... I think it's nice, but it's not like I have any feelings for it, more like I admire it."

"So, Koharu-chan, is there anyone else you like?"

"Well, when I was at my previous school, there was someone I was interested in, but then a lot of things happened and those feelings faded away."

"Really? Was he a nice guy too?"

"...Well, at the time I thought it was really nice."

"The same type?"

"No, it's completely different from Mioto-san."

 After hearing that, Anna frowned and said, "Huh?"

"Koharu, were you perhaps referring to Mioto when you said 'admiring' him?"

"Um, yeah... Are you perhaps thinking about Soujirou, Anna?"

"Of course not. I don't care about Mioto. I was curious because Koharu was looking at Muneta with a dreamy look in her eyes."

"I, I'm not looking at you with dazed eyes!"

"Why not? Muneta, you're so cool!"

 Koharu felt intimidated as Anna became more excited and leaned forward even further.

"Y-You know, Soujirou is cool, but..."

 Having said that, I was at a loss for words.

 No matter how handsome he is, Sojiro is just family.

"That's why I don't really see him as that kind of person. He's my real uncle, so I feel like he's more like an older brother."

"......That's right"

 Anna collapsed to the ground, either from relief or weakness.

"Anna... you really love Soujiro, don't you?"

"--Yeah, but I got dumped a long time ago."

"Eh? What?"

"He always said, 'I think of you as a little sister.' Even when we were living together in Tokyo, he never laid a finger on me. Muneta was constantly dating and breaking up with all kinds of people. So I decided to take a chance."

"A bet?"

"...on a stormy night, I pretended to be scared of thunder and crawled into Muneta's bed."

 His frank story made my heart skip a beat.

"Mune-chan laughed and said, 'You're just a brat after all,' and patted me on the back and fell asleep....It was a complete and utter heartbreak, wasn't it? So, I decided at that moment that I wanted to leave home."

 Koharu couldn't say anything to Anna, who was smiling mockingly at herself.

 I'm sure that for Anna, it was a "gamble" that she took with great resolve.

 I'm sure Sojiro knew how Anna felt but did nothing.

 Maybe that was the gentlemanly thing to do.

 However, for Anna, who was gambling on the love of her life, this became the deciding factor.

 After that, Anna apparently left Sojiro's house immediately.

 Of course, the agency had told her that, but it was too painful and she couldn't stay with him any longer, Anna said sadly.

"After I left Muneta's place and started living on my own, I tried to forget about him and even dated someone else, but... it didn't work.

 "I still haven't found a man who can surpass you, Muneta-chan. Even today, I haven't seen you in a long time, but my heart still beats fast. He's already in his thirties, but he's still so handsome. If you keep it up, you'll still be handsome even in your forties, Muneta-chan."

 Anna covered her bright red face with her hands and rolled around on the rug.


 It's true that Soujiro never seems to change.

 They are likely to be free-spirited, living at their own pace, happily and energetically, wherever they are.

"So I was really nervous because I thought Koharu must like Muneta too...But it turns out it was Mioto."

 Hearing him say it so casually, Koharu thought her face would turn red.

"I-I'm not saying you're Mioto... I just think you're really nice."

"Yeah, you did say you "admired" her. It's true, that girl is hard to grasp, she's like she's not human, she's like she's out of touch with the world, so it might be best to just admire her from afar."

"Unhuman, unearthly..."

"Yes, Koharu-chan, you know the Kamo family's secret, right? That they're secretly running a shady business."

"Ah, yes."

 Koharu nodded, confused.

 It seemed that Mioto's family was still secretly running an Yin-Yang business.

"You see, I can't see or understand anything. Not even ghosts or thoughts. So to be honest, I can't really keep up with the Kamo family's secret business."

 He said with a bitter expression.

 Seeing Anna like that, Koharu was reminded of her own father.

 Perhaps her father must have felt as cramped as Anna.

 Perhaps that is why, as a reaction, he has developed an aversion to things of the invisible world.

"But because it's an old house, things like the 'feelings of our ancestors' can be passed down. Old customs and practices that are only passed down in our house. Things like the Kamo family's way of thinking and customs... I sometimes think of Mioto as a 'living ghost' born from the history and thoughts of the Kamo family, and it sometimes scares me a little."

 Anna, leaning on her elbow, muttered to herself and looked into the distance.

 --A living ghost born from the history and thoughts of the Kamo clan.

 Indeed, there is absolutely nothing human about Mioto.

 Feeling a chill run down her spine, Koharu hugged herself tighter.

"What are you talking about? A 'living ghost'. That doesn't make sense."

 Anna laughed lightly and ruffled her hair.

"No, no, I can kind of understand the nuance."

 This may have been one of the reasons why Soujiro was so adamant about not recommending Mioto.

"Let's not tell Mioto about this. That girl has stronger spiritual sensitivity than most people, so it seems like she's had a lot of hardships and pain."

 As Koharu nodded yes, she felt a little uncomfortable.

 After all, when you have powers that others don't have, you often get hurt.

"That's right, Koharu-chan. If you don't mind, would you like to accompany me to the shoot tomorrow?"


"Yoshino-san said she thought it would be good if we went out together with Koharu-chan. Usagi seems to have grown fond of Koharu-chan too. Of course, this is only if Koharu-chan is okay with it, but I wonder."

 Anna leaned forward with her big eyes shining, and Koharu pretended to nod but looked away.

"I-It's okay. I'm happy to be able to watch the filming."

"That's good. I was actually really lucky this time."


"Yes, it was a job that had been offered to another popular talent in the same agency, but she is currently in Shikoku filming a movie, so the offer came to me. If the pamphlet is well received, it might lead to a commercial.

 I've had a string of bad luck ever since the rabbit disappeared from the towel, but I thought things might be picking up a bit."

"I see. I'm glad your luck has returned."

"Yes...But even so, the rabbits disappearing from the moon is a shocking experience for me, even though I'm a member of the Kamo clan. It's the first time I've encountered something so strange. I wonder why they disappeared."

 Anna spread out the towel and took a deep breath.

 There is still no sign of the rabbit on the moon inside the tenugui.

 Anna stood up and said, "Okay."

"Well then, Koharu-chan, I'm sorry I was about to sleep. Good night."

 She clutched the towel to her chest and went back to her room.

 Anna left the room and Koharu lay down on the bed.

 --Love, huh?

 When I close my eyes, the image of my former school comes to mind: a classroom after school, bathed in the setting sun.

"Sakurai, you see..."

 Kudo-kun sat at his desk and stared at me.

『Uh, yeah?』

 I felt embarrassed as he looked me straight in the eye, but I made firm eye contact with him.

"Um, well... if we go to the same high school... would you like to go out with me?"


"Oh, no, not now. We'll do it after we've both gotten to college."

 He smiled innocently, and I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"Uh, yeah," he laughed.

 I had a wonderful feeling.

 I was surrounded by lots of friends, school life was fun, and I was able to get close to the person I admired...

 I was sure I would be able to go to the same high school as him.

"Hey, Koharu! Why did you suddenly stop going to school?"

"Hey, what are you going to do about the entrance exam? This is the most important time of your life, your whole life depends on it!"

 I know that, but I can't go to school anymore!

 After I screamed as hard as I could that time, I couldn't speak properly.

 Feeling bitter, Koharu pressed her face into the pillow.


 That night, Koharu had a dream in which she was desperately searching for Usagi.

 Then, under the big moon, a rabbit suddenly appeared among the pampas grass.

 His ears twitching, he bounces around energetically.

 They ran around happily and then disappeared somewhere.

 What really struck me was how lively the rabbit looked.


 Waking up, Koharu groaned.

 Maybe because I was running around in my dream, I feel exhausted when I wake up.

 Even though I slept a lot, I don't feel like I slept at all.

 My head feels fuzzy.

 Koharu entered the living room as usual, hand on her forehead.

"Good morning, Koharu-chan. Do you have a headache?"

 When the voice asked her gently, Koharu froze, looked up and said, "Ah, no."

 Sitting in front of the low table is not Soujiro, but Mioto.

 W-why is Mioto here?

 Koharu almost panicked for a moment, but quickly regained her composure.

 That's right, Mioto is at home right now.

 Koharu felt nervous and sat awkwardly at the low table.

"Oh, good morning, Mioto-san. That jinbei is yours, right Soujiro?"

"That's right. It was so sudden that I didn't have a change of clothes, so I bought some spare underwear at the convenience store, but I borrowed my pajamas from Sojiro. But when I put them on, they were too loose and I looked awkward."

 He put his hand on the jinbei he was wearing and laughed.

 Although Sojiro appears slim, he has a fairly stocky build.

 Working out seems to be his hobby, as his room is equipped with training machines that are out of place in a Japanese-style room, and there are always dumbbells lying around on the tatami mats.

 On the other hand, Mioto is as slim as she looks, and looks very elegant and delicate compared to Soujiro.

 Naturally, the size didn't fit, but Mioto looked very lustrous in the oversized jinbei.

"--No, no, it suits you."

"Thank you. Your floral pajamas are adorable, Koharu-chan."


 Upon hearing those words, Koharu finally realized that she was now in her pajamas.


 He rose to his feet and ran out of the living room.

 Oh no, I can't believe Mioto saw me in such casual pajamas!

 Plus, his hair was messy!

"Hey Koharu, why are you making that weird noise?"

 Sojiro, who was in the bathroom, popped his head out with wide eyes.

 She appears to have just finished a shower and is drying her wet hair with a towel.

 His upper body was naked, revealing his shiny skin and six-pack abs.

 It's not hard to understand why Anna and the female customers are excited by him; he is a real man.

 However, for some reason, Koharu sometimes finds herself irritated by his good looks.

"I forgot that Mioto was staying over and he saw me in these pathetic pajamas!"

 I said crying as I ran to my room.

"What's the matter? You're showing it to me like that."

"Soujirou-san is fine!"

 The moment I entered the room, I thought I saw a very complicated look on Sojiro's face, but I ignored him and rushed into the room.

"I'm sorry for showing you such an unsightly sight."

 When Koharu had finished getting everything ready and reappeared in the living room, Mioto chuckled.

"I'm sorry too. But you didn't need to be so considerate. We're close relatives."

"That's right, Koharu-chan."

 Koharu's face twitched as Mioto and Anna said that.

 To be honest, I have never met my grandmother's beautiful younger brother's grandson until I came to Kyoto this time, and I can't really think of him as a relative.

"C'mon, let's have breakfast."


"Thank you."

 Continuing from the previous night, the five of us gathered around the low table, saying "Itadakimasu" in unison, and began eating breakfast.

 Normally after breakfast Koharu would take a shower, change into her work clothes and go straight into the store, but today she is accompanying Anna on a photo shoot so she puts on a dress and gets ready to go out.

 It was my first time to observe a filming session.

 Koharu's heart was pounding with anticipation as she said, "I'm off," and left the store with Anna.

 By the way, Soujirou will be making Japanese sweets at Chubou as usual, and Mioto will be relaxing for a bit before heading off to university.

 As we started walking, Yoshino came out of the store and said, "Koharu, Anchan, take this," and handed us a plastic Japanese umbrella.

"It might rain suddenly today too."

 Looking up at the sky, the clear blue sky makes it hard to believe it's the rainy season.

 However, this year's rainy season is characterized by sudden downpours, as if the sky were a lie.

 It would be safer to bring an umbrella.

"thank you"

 The two of them thanked each other, waved goodbye again, and started walking.

 Our destination was Hanamikoji, located on the south side of Shijo, less than a five-minute walk away.

 --Hanami Alley.

 It is a vertical (north-south) street that runs through the center of Gion, stretching from Sanjo-dori Street in the north to Yasui Kitamon-dori Street in the south.

 The atmosphere of Hanamikoji is quite different on the north and south sides of Shijo.

 The north side is a fairly ordinary street lined with tenant buildings, while the south side has a more tidy landscape. All the electric wires are underground, and historic teahouses and restaurants line the stone-paved alleys.

 Many tourists are impressed, saying that it looks like a movie set, but there is a charm to it that can never be replicated in an artificial setting; it is an atmospheric townscape that makes you feel as if you have traveled back in time to a generation ago.

"This place is so nice. Kyoto is so nice."

 Koharu looked out at the street and let out a nostalgic sigh.

 It's still early in the morning, so there aren't many people around.

"Yeah. When I was back home I didn't really think much of it, but Kyoto is really great," Anna murmurs with emotion.

 In one corner of the street, there were people holding cameras and equipment and having serious conversations.

 It must be the camera crew.

"Good morning," Anna said, running up to him with a smile.

"Oh, Anna-chan."

 A middle-aged woman came running in.

"Good morning," he bowed again and whispered to Koharu, "He's the manager of our agency."

"Anna-chan, I just sent you an email, did you check it?"

 She said, sounding weak.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't notice."

 Anna hurriedly took out her smartphone from her bag.

"Oh, it's fine. Actually, it's raining really hard in Shikoku right now, so Miiko-chan's filming has been temporarily halted. So she said, 'Since I can't move around anyway, I'll work on the Kyoto pamphlet in the meantime.' So, that's... Anna-chan."

 Anna was at a loss for words for a moment as the manager lowered his brows in an apologetic manner.

 In the middle of the staff is a beautiful girl named Miko, bowing with a big smile and saying, "Thank you for your help."

 Koharu knew about her too.

 He is a very popular talent at the moment.

 Anna immediately smiled.

"I understand. Originally, it was supposed to be for Miko-san. Got it."

"I'm truly sorry."

"N-no, no, if you want, I can help you with something. I'm good at makeup and stuff."

"Oh, Anna-chan also graduated from beauty school. Maybe it would be good to have her as your assistant. Wait a moment, I'll check with Miiko-chan."

 The manager ran over to Meeko, whispered something in her ear, and then returned immediately.

"I'm sorry, Miiko said she doesn't need an amateur assistant. Anna-chan, I'm really sorry today," she said, clasping her hands together.

"N-no, no, don't apologize so much. I'm going now, so everyone, please do your best with your photography. Oh, this is a snack, so please eat it during your break."

 Anna said as she handed him a box of sweets.

"Thank you, this kind of thoughtfulness is typical of Anna-chan. Actually, I haven't prepared any gifts for the staff yet. So, these sweets are from Miiko-chan to the staff. Can I give them to you?"

"Oh, yes, that's fine."

 Anna nodded with a smile on her face.


 Koharu was listening to the conversation next to him and was speechless.

 I don't really understand the norms in this industry.

 It may be true that they wanted to use the model of Miiko, but even so, isn't this too cruel to Anna?

 Despite being treated like that, Anna kept smiling, which was very painful to watch.

"--Koharu-chan, I'm sorry, let's go. Oh, if you want to watch Miiko-san's photoshoot, I think it's fine if you stay."

"No, I wanted to see Anna," Koharu said firmly.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry that this happened. I wanted Koharu to see it too," Anna said, clasping her hands together apologetically.

"...There's nothing for Anna to apologize for."

 Koharu and Anna then turned around and headed back down Shijo Street.

"Koharu-chan, there's a cafe nearby. Shall we go in?"


 A short walk east on Shijo Street brings you to a world-famous cafe.

 Mioto was seen on the open terrace of the cafe.

 He seems to be checking a report while drinking a cafe latte.

 As soon as Mioto saw the two of them, he opened his eyes and said, "Huh?"

"Koharu-chan, why are you making that face to your sister? Isn't this a photo shoot?"

"Um, Koharu-chan, what would you like to drink? I'll go and order something, so sit down and wait."

 Anna spoke awkwardly and quickly.

 It was clear that she didn't want to explain the situation to Mioto.

"Oh, I'd like a limited edition frozen one, please."

"Understood. I will do the same."

 They bustled into the store. Koharu felt a little guilty about making Anna work, but she sat down opposite Mioto.

"Is there some kind of trouble?"

"Yes, actually..."

 Koharu explained the whole story of what had happened to Mioto.

 Regardless of the circumstances, the way he treated Anna was terrible.

 Amidst all this, Anna never stopped smiling.

"I see, that sounds like you, big sister."

 Mioto leaned his chin on his hand and gave a wry smile.

"Is this typical of Anna?"

"That person is a coward. He can be himself with his family and people he trusts, but as soon as he steps outside he becomes like a cat that has been staying with them for a while. He's too much of a spoiled brat. He gives in to others, respects others, and holds back - there's nothing bad about that, but he can't assert himself. Because he's been too much of a spoiled brat, he often ends up being treated lightly."

"......That's right"

 Maybe I have some of the same traits, Koharu thought, lowering her eyes with a bitter feeling.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

 At that moment, Anna returned with two limited edition frozen drinks in her hands.

 Her bright smile remains.

 When Koharu thought that she had been enduring this for so long, she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

 Mioto laughed and stood up.

"I'm going now. Oh, you'd better sit inside, it's going to rain soon."

 Mioto took out a folding umbrella from his bag.

"What, you're going now."

"What, did you want me to comfort you?"

"It's not like that."

"Well, I'll give you a hint as a consolation."

"A hint?"

"The rabbit grew from the moon--"

 When Mioto said that, Anna and Koharu looked up as if they had been shocked.

"First of all, we should find out why there is a rabbit on the moon."

 Mioto took out a book from his bag and handed it to Anna.

The cover reads "Konjaku Monogatarishu."

"More than a hint, it's almost the answer."

 Mioto laughed and opened his umbrella with a bang.

 The sight was strange, even though it wasn't raining.

 However, as soon as Mioto took a few steps to the bus stop, raindrops started falling on the asphalt, and soon it turned into a downpour.

"Oh, terrible."

 Koharu and Anna hurriedly ran into the store.

"...He really is a scary man, isn't he?"

 As soon as she sat down inside the restaurant, Anna said with a straight face.

 This sort of thing probably happens quite often.

 Koharu laughed a little and nodded, "That's true."

"Even so, nothing good has happened since the rabbits disappeared from the moon. But I'm glad Mioto gave me a hint. He said to 'find out why rabbits are on the moon,' but I wonder if there is a reason. I think someone long ago saw the shadow of the moon and said, 'That looks like a rabbit pounding mochi.'"

 As Anna leaned forward with her hands on the book, Koharu somehow nodded in agreement.

"I thought the same thing, but maybe there's a good reason for it."

"Is that what it says here?"

 Anna rested her chin on her hand and flipped through the pages.

"Well, there's no modern translation of this, so I don't know what it says."

 Anna immediately fell to her feet.

"Oh, I was a student preparing for entrance exams until recently, so I might be able to read it somehow."

 Koharu took the Konjaku Monogatarishu and looked at the table of contents.

 Among the rows of kanji characters, Koharu found the title "The Tale of the Three Beasts, Bodhisattva and Rabbit Immolation, Part 13" and squinted her eyes at it.

"Anna-san, I think this is probably the story."

"What kind of story?"

"you know......"

 --To briefly summarize the story, once upon a time, in Tenjiku, there were three creatures: a rabbit, a fox, and a monkey.

 The three cats practiced Buddhism diligently, respected each other as if they were parents or older brothers and younger brothers, and always put the needs of the other two above their own.

 The Emperor, residing on Mount Sushimi, looks down on the world below,

"Even though they are animals, they have a truly admirable attitude," he said, looking at the three of them and feeling very impressed.

 However, he honestly couldn't believe that the beasts really had Buddhist hearts, so he decided to test things out by disguising himself as a weak old man and appearing before the three animals.

"I am an old man, exhausted and childless. I am poor and homeless, and have little to eat. I have heard that you have a deep sense of compassion. I ask you for your life's sake, if you have a compassionate heart, would you please support me?"

"That's exactly what I'd ask for. I'll raise you right away."

 The three gladly accepted the old man's offer.

 The monkey climbed a tree and brought back many fruits of the mountains, including nuts, and fed the old man his favorite foods. The fox went to the area around the tomb and brought back offerings of rice cakes, rice, and various fish, so the old man was completely full.

 Then the old man looked at the monkey and the fox with satisfaction and said:

"You two are truly compassionate. It would not be an exaggeration to call you Bodhisattvas."

 Hearing this, the rabbit felt encouraged and tried desperately to find something that would make the old man happy, but he just couldn't find anything.

 Seeing this, the monkey, the fox, and even the old man all humiliated, mocked, laughed at the rabbit, and encouraged him, but it was no use, and he was unable to find anything to eat.

 Then, with a certain resolve in his heart, the rabbit said:

"I will now treat you to a delicious meal, so please light a bonfire and wait."

 So, while they were waiting with the fire lit, the rabbit came along,

"I did not have the strength to bring food, so roast my body and eat it."

 And with that, the rabbit jumped into the fire and was burned to death.

 Taishakuten was so impressed by the rabbit's selfless act that he moved the rabbit's burned body into the moon so that everyone could see it.

"And so, apparently, there is a rabbit on the moon."

 Koharu gave an awkward modern translation, then frowned, thinking that she had heard a similar story in a Buddhist tale.

 Perhaps the Buddhist tales are collected in the Konjaku Monogatarishu.

"...Oh, so, Usagi was displayed inside the moon in recognition of her dedication, right?"


"I see... So maybe I'm not dedicated enough."

 Anna quietly let it slip and a sad look came over her face.

 In recognition of her dedication, the rabbit was projected onto the moon.

 The rabbit that disappeared from the moon.

 If we were to look at this phenomenon alone, we might interpret it as a lack of dedication, as Anna says.

 But is that really the case?

 Koharu frowned, feeling something was bothering her.

 Looking at Anna, I couldn't imagine that she lacked "devotion."

 As Anna, whose cheerful demeanor had now vanished and she was looking down, Koharu quietly began to speak.

"Anna, let's go back to Sakuraan."


"Then let's eat some delicious Japanese sweets made by Soujirou."

 When you're feeling down, the best thing to do is look at the face of someone you love.

 Koharu smiled,


 Anna nodded with tears in her eyes.


 When we returned to the store, Sakuraan had become a shelter for customers who had been surprised by the sudden rain.

 While taking shelter from the rain, I buy a vinyl Japanese umbrella.

 To avoid the hustle and bustle, Koharu and Anna entered through the back entrance, nodded to Yoshino, and went straight up to the second floor.

Was the filming cancelled due to rain?

 Soujirou, who was working in the kitchen, turned around with a smile as soon as he saw the two of them.

"But then the original girl ended up being able to appear, and I was relieved of my duties."

 He said this casually as if it was nothing and sat down in front of the low table.

"I see, that's unfortunate."

"Uh, yeah, it can't be helped."

 Seeing Anna cheerfully shaking her head, Koharu's heart ached.


 Sojiro raised one eyebrow, glanced at Anna for a moment, then took off his vinyl gloves, walked over to the low table, and placed his large hand on Anna's head with a thud.

"You idiot."


"You may not need to look cool at the scene, but you're back home. If you're disappointed, that's okay."


"Don't go around faking and deceiving your own feelings like that. It must have been really frustrating and disappointing, right?"

 As Soujirou ruffled her head, Anna's face quickly contorted.

"I, actually, I was really frustrated. I was treated like I didn't matter."

"Yeah, that's frustrating."


 Anna let out a sob and put her hand over her mouth.

 Feeling it would be rude to stay there any longer, Koharu stood up to leave the living room, when suddenly the White Rabbit appeared.

"Ah, it's a rabbit," Koharu said, and Anna and Sojiro looked up.

 Usagi looked at Anna with her deep black eyes.

"Anna, can you see it?"

"N-no, I still can't see it."

 Anna frowned in disappointment and took out a hand towel from her pocket.

"Mune-chan, they say that the rabbit on the moon is a reward for dedication. I wonder if I wasn't devoted enough, which is why this one left the moon."

 Soujirou frowned as Anna muttered something.

"What is that?"

"It was in this book."

 Koharu showed Sojiro the cover of the Konjaku Monogatarishu and gave him a brief explanation of the story.

"Yeah, I've heard that story too. I thought it was about Buddha or something."

 "I thought so too," Koharu nodded.

"So in the end, as a reward for your self-sacrifice, Taishakuten decorated the moon with a rabbit, right?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Then I don't need to be decorated on the moon."

 Koharu and Anna opened their eyes when Sojiro said that so simply.

"I'm not denying that story. If I were Taishakuten and Usagi lacked the ability to bring me food, I wouldn't need her to go to such lengths to procure food. If she wanted to treat me well, I'd be pleased if she sang and danced, told me all sorts of stories, or did whatever a rabbit can.

"I couldn't prepare any dinner, so please eat me," Soujirou said, jumping into the fire and saying. To be honest, I wouldn't be happy about it, and it wouldn't taste good. I'd feel so sorry, I might even display it on the moon," Koharu said, as he shrugged, and she put her hand over her mouth.

 It was so typical of Sojiro that I almost laughed.

"Anna and Koharu, are you happy that someone would sacrifice themselves for you to eat it? Can you say it's delicious, delicious, delicious?"

 When asked that, the two of them shook their heads with bitter expressions.

"I don't think for a second that excessive devotion or self-sacrifice is beautiful. Isn't it most important that you are happy and that others are happy too? How can someone sacrifice themselves for the happiness of others and make that a 'virtue'? The world is a strange place because it is based on the idea that in order for someone else to be happy, someone else has to endure or become unhappy."

 Koharu gulped and gasped at the strong words.

 That may well be true.

"Isn't Anna tired of all that self-sacrifice and dedication? She must have grown tired of being on the moon. That's why she ran away."

 Soujirou stroked the rabbit's head as it came close to him.

 Anna's body was trembling violently.

"...Mune-chan, you know me. I've always played the good girl. I was obedient, never showed any signs of displeasure, and never even asserted myself. I believed that doing so was virtuous. But that's no good. It all backfired, and now I'm always the one who gets the easy treatment.

 I realized that, but I just kept putting up with it, and it was getting to be painful. Before I could break down, Usagi ran away to tell me."

 Tears flowing from her eyes and she holds the towel tightly.

"I'm glad you understand. Selling yourself short and being humble are two different things. Don't get the wrong idea."

 Sojiro said, giving a small smile.

 --Selling yourself short and being humble are two different things.

 Those words were very profound and it would likely take some time for Koharu to fully comprehend them at that moment, but Anna nodded vigorously in understanding.

"Yes. Next time, I'll take more care of myself, have pride, and assert myself more clearly at work. I won't write blogs that lie about who I'm not. If that doesn't work, I'll think about it then."

 Even though her eyes were wet with tears, she looked at them with a strong, relieved gaze.

 Anna looked so beautiful.

"Well then, eat this for now. It's a little early for a "summer purification ritual."

 Soujiro brought some Japanese sweets called "Minazuki" from the kitchen.

"Oh, is this finished?"

"Yes. I tried to come up with various creative ideas, but this one is straightforward. I focused on making the most of the delicious flavors of the azuki beans and uirou."

"I'm glad, Muneta. I was craving something sweet."

 "Itadakimasu," Koharu and Anna said in unison as they brought the Minazuki to their mouths.


 Elegant sweetness, moderate softness, and just the right mouthfeel.

 Minazuki stuck to the classics without going off the rails, but it felt like that was exactly why his skill was on full display.

"Oh, it's delicious, Soujirou-san."

"Yes, Muneta, it's really delicious."

 Sojiro laughed at the two of them saying this with confidence.

"Okay, thank you. Eat that, settle everything that's happened so far, and this time let's try not to kill ourselves, but to be ourselves."

 Anna's face was all crumpled and she nodded, "Yes."

 ──Don't kill yourself, just do your best and be yourself.

 Those words stabbed Koharu in the heart.

 When I think about it, I've been looking away and running away all this time.

 Without facing the problems that had happened to him, he never confided anything in anyone.

 Koharu was on her knees, fists clenched tightly,

"For now, I think I'll go back to my parents' house for the first time in a while."

 Anna said this with a gentle smile as she brought the Minazuki to her mouth.

"You should do that. There's no guarantee that your parents will be healthy forever."

"...That's right."

 Anna lowered her eyes with a bitter expression upon hearing those weighty words.

 Sojiro was unable to contact his family, and was unable to be present when his father died, let alone attend his funeral.

 Apparently he had been bedridden with a high fever during that time, but how could someone with such keen intuition not have sensed his parent's death?

 Could it all be a result of something?

 While Koharu was lost in thought, Anna finished off her Minazuki.

"I feel so relieved now. I don't care if the rabbit doesn't return to the moon."

 he exclaimed, unfolding the towel.

"Ah," Usagi said, appearing inside the towel.

 It's bouncing around in the moon, or rather, with the moon as a backdrop.

 It must have given up on returning to the moon. Its appearance is larger than the moon.

 Anna relaxed her cheeks and said,

"Welcome home, my other self," she said, hugging the towel tenderly.

 The torrential rain had completely stopped by evening.

 Afterwards, Anna went back to her parents' home in Shimogamo with Mioto, who had just returned from university.

"Thank you so much, I'll come again"

 The sight of her smiling and waving her hands was so bright that it made Koharu's heart warm.

"--- Good riddance, it looks like the typhoon has passed."

 Koharu chuckled as Sojiro chuckled softly while clearing away the dishes.

"Hey, Sojiro. Did you also leave showbiz because you got tired of the excessive dedication and self-sacrifice?"

"Ah, no, it's not like that."

 He said simply as he returned the plate to the kitchen.

"So it's because they harassed you?"

"I wouldn't quit just because of something like that. If that happened, I'd get fired up and make them regret it," he says with a laugh.

"R-right. Well then, why?"

"I simply realized that it wasn't for me. For better or worse, in that industry you have to live within the boundaries of what other people have decided for you, right? From the way your work progresses to your image.

 I felt like my whole life was being influenced by other people, and I thought, "This isn't right." In the end, when I thought about what I wanted, I realized that I wanted to live at my own pace."

"...I see. So that's why I became a craftsman. But why did I become a 'Japanese confectioner'?"

"It was just a coincidence."

"by chance?"

"When I was at rock bottom and struggling with worries, I saw a piece of paper that said 'Delicious bean paste' and so I ate a Mame Daifuku. At that moment, I thought it was so delicious that it saved me."

"I see, sometimes delicious food can save you."

"Yeah, that's right. And we have the same name, so I guess I was drawn to him."

"The same name?"

"An-an and apricot," she said with a grin.


 My heart skipped a beat.

"Well, I guess I'll finish it off," Soujiro said, heading straight for the kitchen.

 As she gazed at his back, Koharu felt firsthand how much Sojiro cared about Anna and how special she was to him, and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

 Anna, you haven't been dumped.

 Soujiro-san... he cared about Anna very much.

 It was a great love, the like of which Anna could never have imagined.

"...You really are cool, Soujirou."

"Yeah, that's often said."

 He turns around and smiles unashamedly.

 The two of them looked at each other and laughed.

"Soujirou... will you listen to what I have to say?"

 Hearing the words uttered in a faint voice, Soujirou turned around and asked, "Hmm?"

"My... my secret..."

 Maybe now I can tell him the secret I've been carrying.

 As I thought that, my heartbeat suddenly stopped.

 Sojiro didn't say anything, just looked at Koharu gently, waiting for her to speak without rushing her.


 When she tried to speak, her throat felt clogged and she was having difficulty breathing, so she put her hands on the tatami mat and panted heavily.

"...I-I guess it's me."

 I can't say anything more. It feels like there's a stone stuck in my throat.

 I thought I could talk now.

 I'm sure the people here will accept me.

 As Koharu clenched her fists in pain, a large hand stroked her head.

"You don't have to force yourself to say it. Even if it's just a scab, if you try to peel it off forcefully it will bleed. When you feel like talking naturally, just say it."

 With a light pat on the head, Sojiro turned his back to Koharu.


 Koharu felt relieved, but at the same time, she also felt disappointed.

 Even if it bleeds, there are times when it's hard to peel off the scab.

 --Munejiro, I...

 In the middle of my third year of junior high school, I began to hear the voices inside people's hearts.

 By "making eye contact" with someone, I became able to read their mind.

 Koharu spoke in her mind as she looked at Sojiro's back.

 It really was a bolt from the blue.

 It happened suddenly one day.

 Until recently, I was just an ordinary person.

"Your ranking has gone up again? Koharu, that's amazing."

(Again, bragging? Yes, yes, that's amazing. Actually, I don't want to hear it.)

 At almost the same time as they were speaking, another voice began to ring in my head.

 At first, I didn't understand and thought it was just my imagination.

"Koharu, is T High School okay?"

(I need you to go. Do you know how much I've spent on cram school so far?)

"It's amazing that you were selected for the T High School entrance exam."

(Oh man, I'm really disappointed. I was hoping for that too.)

 It didn't take me long to realise that it was my inner voice.

 I was anxious and scared, but I managed to convince myself that it must be some kind of mistake or that it was just stress from the exams, but I still managed to go to school.

 But then something crucial happened.

 It was the day after Kudo-kun, the man everyone looked up to, had made what sounded like a confession to her.

"Hey, I saw it yesterday, but Koharu, did Kudo-kun say something like he confessed to you?"

"No way, I'm super jealous."

"The entrance exam selection has been decided, and Koharu, you're getting along well with Kudou-kun, that's amazing, that's amazing."

 My friends patted me on the back and shoulders with big smiles on their faces.

 Everyone unanimously thought the same about me.

(--This guy, I really hope he dies!)

 I had sensed great malice behind the smile.

 From that day on, I couldn't go to school.

 I was scared to go outside. I was scared to make eye contact with anyone who had any feelings for me, even my parents. I couldn't tell anyone about this because no one would believe me. They would think I was crazy and that would be the end of it.

 It is something that his father, who hates being different, and his neurotic mother could never understand.

 I thought that once I said it, it would be the end.

 So when the time came for me to go to the hospital, and my grandmother asked me if I wanted to come to Kyoto, I felt truly saved.

 I thought that even if I could hear my grandmother's inner thoughts a little, it wouldn't hurt me as much as my parents or friends would, and that I might be able to manage if I was in a place where the people there didn't know me.

 In fact, when I came here, I was surprised at how honest both my grandmother and Sojiro were, which was a real relief.

 The truth is, I want to explain my situation to them properly and say "thank you."

 As Koharu was looking down in frustration, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

 Koharu wondered if the footsteps were not Yoshino's alone, but Mioto and Anna who had returned having forgotten something, but when she looked up, she was left speechless by the sight of the two of them appearing in the living room.

"--Dad, Mom."

 Koharu's parents were there.

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