...My Nightmare And Sanity... (Future Rp AU)

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Hey Guys And Cousins! This Is Called The Rp AU Since This Goes To The Roleplay I Do With My Friends On Their Servers! When We Talk And Were Not Rping That's Called The Discord AU. This Is Actually A Sneak Peak To What Happens In The Future Of The Timeline Set In The Rp AU, So Basically What I'm Writing Is Actually In The Future. We Haven't Gotten To This Yet But I Got Ronin To Get It Out Of The Way!

Kol - Me
Ronin - yupilikeyaoi

Let's Start!

(P.S. There Is Cannibalism And A Dead Body.)
-Kol Is Basically A Cyborg.-
-Kol Has Two Demons Only One Is Mentioned-

Kol Opened His Eyes As Tears Fell Down His Face, Everything Was Tinted Red, His Hands Were Bloody, The Only Thing He Could Hear Was The Words Repeating In His Mind As He Kept Ripping Through The Skin Of The Body, More Tears Fell From Kol's Face As You Can See He Was Crying But Smiling, Every Word Repeated Over And Over To The Point Kol Almost Couldn't Take It Anymore

Ronin Stares at Kol in fear, He was frozen, Scared, and didnt want to make the wrong move by saying something that will Trigger him. Ronin slowly Walks towards Kol while trying to avoid the blood on the floor.
ronin waves his hand across Kols face slowly to see if he was awake during what he died

Ronin: k-kol... you ok?

Kol Looked At Ronin's Hand Then Up At Ronin As His Eyes Were Completely Dull Though His Eyes Seemed Tinted Red For A Second Before Returning To It's Emerald Green Color, Kol Then Looked At The Body Grabbing The Arm And Ripping It Off, Kol Then Ignored Ronin As He Was Ripping Up The Body Even More

Ronin Finally realized what he was doing and tried to Pull him off the already deceased Body. Ronin kept trying to pull kol off. Ronin didn't know what to do. He kept trying to calm Kol down But It wasn't working
Ronin threw Kol across the room attempting to release him from the body

Kol Felt Blood Run Down His Face As He Looked Pissed Off At Ronin

Ronin started to panic as he realizes what he did and how fucked he was

Kol Stood Still For A Moment Before He Started Coughing Out Blood, He Was On His Knees On The Floor When He Was Holding His Stomach As He Continued Coughing Out Blood

Ronin quickly ran over to Kol and tried to get as much blood back into his mouth as possible, Ronin started to panic and tried to see what was the problem, He really needed Venus

Ronin Started to Panic as he saw how much blood was being spit out by Kol G-god damit! ronin said

Kol Looked At Ronin With Tears In His Eyes As He Then Hugged Ronin, His Face Buried As Only Tears Were Falling Out Of Kol's Eyes, He Wasn't Coughing Out Anymore Blood And His Eyes Weren't Dull Anymore

K-Kol? ronin lifted up his head slowly in case he triggered another "blood attack"

Kol Kept His Eyes Closed As He Was Crying Though He Wasn't Saying A Thing, Just Dead Silent.

Ronin hugged Kol and cradled him till he calmed down Its ok... U are ok...

There Was Some Sniffles And Some Shaking From Kol Though He Hugged Ronin Tighter

Ronin sat Kol up while leaning him on Ronins shoulder can u talk about it?

Kol Shakes His Head

Okay... thats Ok... Ronin pulls Kol back into his arms and let him cry

Ronin tried to fit the pieces together... But he doesnt know what triggered this...
ronin looks at the body and looks back at kol


Its o-ok Kol....

I Made Something For You...


Mhm... Kol Pulled Out A Blue Diamond And Gives It To Ronin
You Might Wanna Point It Away From Both Of Us...

Um O-Ok? Ronin grabs the Diamond and points it away from Kol and himself

Press Down On It, You'll See The Gift

ronin presses down on it

A-Ah! ronin was in shock but impressed

Kol Smiled It's A Sword I Made For You

what f-for??

Well, I Wanted To Make A Weapon You Can Carry Around Without Anyone Knowing What It Is. So, That's The Reason Why It Was A Diamond.

T-Thanks kol... I love it

Your Welcome Ronin Kol Looks At The Body Oh-


I Can Get Rid Of It Fast, Except You May Not Wanna See This...

U-Uh Ok... Go ahead kiddo

Kol Let's The Hug With Ronin Go As He Gets Up And Walks To The Body, Kol Smiled A Bit Before All Three Of His Tongues Were Out And Ate The Body In A Flash, His Tongues Lick Off The Blood On His Face As He Then Puts His Tongues Back In, He Gently Touched His Head Where The Blood Was I'm Gonna Have To Bandage This Up-

Ronin didnt watch him but heard the sounds...Ronin felt scared but calm U d-done already kid?

Yeah, I'm Done. Just Need To Bandage Up My Head- Kol Smiled, He Turned His Illusions Off And His Robotic Arm Glowed As The Blood On The Ground Was Now All Gone

Ronin opened his eyes Ill help with the bandages. cmon, i have some in my bag.

Great, That Makes Things Easier!

Yep. ronin stops walking Could we talk about what happened?

... I Have No Idea- I Think He Broke Into The School, Which I'm Going To Guess. Which Is Probably Why When I Woke Up, I Was Killing The Guy-

I see. We will have to upgrade our security then. Sorry about that.

It's Fine Ronin.

next question...

Though What Is The Next Question?

When you Were killing him... Did you remember something? Were you even conscious?

... Well,... I Was Able To Remember Something... Though I Wasn't Conscious When Killing Him.

Hey Hey its Ok... Ronin said while walking quickly to kol. You dont have to tell me kid.. ronin hugs kol tightly

Kol Ends Up Almost Crying Again As He Latched Onto Ronin, Kol Was Shaking As He Felt More Blood Run Down

Hey Its ok! just breath... Ronin was scared Kol might start coughing up blood again

Kol Was Calming Down As His Crying Started Coming To An End

You are Ok... its okay..... Ronin started rubbing Kols back attempting to Help him relax

Kol Stayed Silent

Ronin was still trying to fit the pieces together... What could Kol have remembered to kill someone?

T-Thanks Ronin...

Anytime Kid...

Kol Smiled Slightly

After ronin Calmed Kol down he pulled the diamond out of his pocket This is unique kid...


How did you disguise it?? No one would know if its a sword or not... Ronin said pressing the button

Oh, I Used A Type Of Crystal! It's From A Special "Place", Only You Can Find The Crystals There.

Hmm... Ronin was impressed yet confused ... They finally bandaged Kol up, luckily venus wasnt there to question anything Anddd Perfect! Feel much better?

Eh... Slightly-

Emerald Can You Fully Heal My Head, Please? Kol Thought As He Then Took Off The Bandages And His Wound Was Gone

Eh- Ronin was confused How did- ... i shouldnt be surprised anymore... ronin said while laughing a bit

A Little "Friend" Did It. Kol Smiles

Ronin walks kol out of the nurses office... and sends him On his way. Ronins mind: time for an all nighter of Research

Total Words For This Whole Nightmare: 1,259

Time Took To Finish This Whole Roleplay In Discord: Estimated 3-7 Days

I Hope Y'all Guys Enjoyed This Nightmare! I'll See Y'all Soon! I'm Mostly On Discord Nowadays So If You Wanna Talk I Have Told Y'all My What My User Was In My Main Book!

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