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TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 113 (Answer Keys)

A1 n. advertisement

definition (c) commercial information designed to attract attention; commercial

A2 n. city

definition (d) town; large urban area

A3 n. supplier

definition (c) provider

A4 n. haze

definition (b) fog; mist; obscurity; vagueness

A5 n. wrench

definition (c) violent twist; violent ripping; tool for gripping or turning bolts

A6 n. founder

definition (a) establisher; organization or channel; person who gives authorization to operate a channel

A7 n. crew

definition (d) group of people working together; team

A8 n. wait

definition (b) staying where one is; expectation; ambush

A9 n. fluctuation

definition (b) vacillation; instability; wavering; inconstancy; change

A10 n. exposure

definition (c) denouncement; revealing; photograph; abandoning; placement


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A1 v. limit

definition (c) to create boundaries; to restrict; to reduce; to function as a border

A2 v. unlock

definition (c) to open; to free from restraints; to release

A3 v. cushion

definition (d) to reduce; to protect; to soften; to upholster

A4 v. levy

definition (a) to impose a tax or fine; to conscript troops

A5 v. look forward to

definition (d) to anticipate gladly

A6 v. would

definition (a) helping verb for use in a question; request or expression of desire

A7 v. entrust

definition (c) to give to for safekeeping; to empower someone with a responsibility or duty

A8 v. reprove

definition (a) to accuse; to admonish

A9 v. catalog

definition (a) to make an itemized list; to index; to classify

A10 v. excel

definition (b) to be talented; to do very well; to surpass; to do better than


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A1 n. plant

definition (a) small vegetable growth; factory; equipment

A2 n. fare

definition (d) cost for traveling (on a bus, train, etc.)

A3 v. falter

definition (c) to hesitate; to stumble; to sway; to totter; to be unstable

A4 n. quality

definition (d) degree of excellence; characteristic; attribute; character; excellence

A5 v. inspect

definition (c) to check; to look over carefully and critically; to examine officially; to review

A6 n. creativity

definition (d) innovativeness; inventiveness

A7 v. utilize

definition (a) to put to practical use; to take advantage of

A8 v. railroad

definition (b) to transport via locomotive; to convey by train

A9 v. aid

definition (d) to help; to assist

A10 adj. versatile

definition (a) fulfilling many functions; multi-purpose; skilled to do many things


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A1 adj. constant

definition (c) firm; faithful; persistent; unbending; adamant

A2 adj. tall

definition (b) having a specified height; difficult to believe; exaggerated; challenging

A3 adj. good

definition (d) excellent; pleasant; valid; competent; skilled; positive

A4 adj. incredible

definition (c) unbelievable; inconceivable; fabulous; great; amazing

A5 adj. secret

definition (b) classified; confidential; clandestine; covert; hidden; latent

A6 adj. available

definition (d) ready for use; attainable; present; vail

A7 adj. absent

definition (d) preoccupied; lost in thought

A8 adj. sporadic

definition (d) irregular; fitful; occasional; infrequent

A9 adj. imperative

definition (a) necessary; obligatory; commanding

A10 adj. lucrative

definition (d) profitable; yielding monetary rewards; gainful


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A1 n. award

definition (b) prize; grant; arbitration

A2 n. compensation

definition (b) repayment; something done to make up for (a loss, deficiency or fault)

A3 n. hallmark

definition (a) identifying characteristic

A4 n. skirting

definition (b) act of going around; avoidance; evasion

A5 n. ado

definition (c) commotion; flurry; excitement

A6 n. privacy

definition (a) seclusion; solitude; reclusion; secrecy; confidentiality

A7 n. airport

definition (c) place used by planes for takeoff and landing

A8 n. ferry

definition (c) boat for crossing a body of water; shuttle

A9 n. signification

definition (c) meaning; sense; importance; consequence; act of pointing out

A10 n. note

definition (b) short written reminder; memo; brief informal letter; official message


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A1 v. code

definition (a) to cipher

A2 v. accomplish

definition (d) to complete; to achieve; to attain; to perform

A3 v. button

definition (c) to fasten; to connect

A4 v. depart

definition (a) to leave; to go away; to go in a different direction; to die

A5 v. abound

definition (b) to be plentiful; to be filled with; to overflow with

A6 v. confirm

definition (d) to approve; to verify; to ascertain

A7 n. switchboard

definition (b) panel containing buttons for connecting and disconnecting telephone or electrical circuits

A8 v. bond

definition (a) to store in a warehouse

A9 v. form

definition (d) to shape; to create; to design; to arrange; to be created

A10 v. temper

definition (c) to moderate; to soften; to tone down; to toughen; to harden


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A1 n. appliance

definition (d) tool; gadget; device; apparatus

A2 n. guilt

definition (b) state of having committed a crime or offense; culpability; feeling of having done something wrong

A3 v. withstand

definition (c) to bear; to endure

A4 n. arrival

definition (b) reaching a destination; incoming; opposite of departure

A5 n. weight

definition (c) heaviness; unit of mass; pressure; importance; influence

A6 adv. certainly

definition (c) of course; surely; doubtlessly; definitely; absolutely

A7 v. develop

definition (d) to build; to create; to design; to grow

A8 v. invoice

definition (b) to bill; to charge

A9 v. fleet

definition (b) to move quickly; to pass quickly

A10 n. aggregate

definition (a) combination; conjunction; group; mixture


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A1 adj. frequent

definition (a) happening often; regular; common; usual

A2 adj. mean

definition (d) average; middle; unkind; base; inferior

A3 adj. excellent

definition (d) superior; extraordinary; outstanding

A4 adj. meaning

definition (a) significant; important

A5 adj. attentive

definition (a) concentrated; focused; observant; polite; caring

A6 adj. legal

definition (d) of or pertaining to the law; allowed by law

A7 adj. unable

definition (c) not capable

A8 adj. direct

definition (c) straight; forthright; clear

A9 adj. regardless

definition (d) inattentive; unmindful

A10 adj. subordinate

definition (c) inferior; of secondary importance; under the authority of another


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A1 n. communication

definition (c) exchange of information or ideas; transfer; passing along; letter; message

A2 n. conviction

definition (d) acknowledgment; strong persuasion or belief; condemnation

A3 n. must

definition (a) necessity; obligation; new wine; grape juice that has not yet fermented

A4 n. slogan

definition (c) motto; catchword; attention getting phrase used in advertising

A5 n. scenery

definition (c) view; vista; panorama; set; backdrop used on stage to portray a particular setting or locale

A6 n. reach

definition (d) distance that an arm can extend

A7 n. consideration

definition (a) payment; thoughtfulness; respectfulness; careful attention

A8 n. private

definition (d) soldier of the three lowest military ranks

A9 n. objective

definition (c) aim; purpose, goal

A10 n. cost

definition (c) price; expense


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A1 v. lease

definition (c) to rent out property for a specific period of time; to let

A2 v. complain

definition (c) to find fault; to express displeasure; to protest

A3 v. identify

definition (d) to recognize; to show to be the same; to sympathize; to relate

A4 v. certify

definition (c) to confirm to be true; to authorize

A5 v. intend

definition (d) to plan; to mean; to have in mind do or accomplish; to designate for a particular purpose

A6 v. concentrate

definition (a) to focus; to pay attention

A7 v. consist

definition (a) to be composed of; to be made up of

A8 v. overlap

definition (b) to cover a part of; to have something in common

A9 v. angle

definition (b) to bend; to turn sharply in a different direction

A10 v. counter

definition (d) to oppose; to retaliate; to react; to strike back


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A1 v. compel

definition (d) to force; to coerce; to influence; to impose; to demand

A2 v. recommend

definition (d) to advocate; to endorse; to speak well of; to advise; to suggest

A3 n. border

definition (c) boundary; edge; limit

A4 n. endorsement

definition (a) signature on a money order such as a check

A5 v. consider

definition (a) to think over; to believe; to regard; to take into account

A6 n. initial

definition (a) beginning letter of a person's first name; first letter (as of a word)

A7 v. strengthen

definition (a) to make strong; to fortify; to reinforce; to toughen

A8 v. mend

definition (a) to repair; to improve; to be improved

A9 v. adorn

definition (d) to decorate; to beautify

A10 adj. ostentatious

definition (b) showy; pretentious; bombastic; pompous; garish


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A1 adj. collectible

definition (c) payable; subject to or requiring payment especially as specified

A2 adj. germane

definition (a) pertinent; relevant; connected

A3 adj. guilty

definition (a) deserving of punishment; responsible

A4 adj. committed

definition (d) obligated; engaged; industrious; ambitious; loyal

A5 adj. advance

definition (c) beforehand

A6 adj. large

definition (a) big; enormous; wide; spacious; famous

A7 adj. predictable

definition (d) can be prophesied; can be foretold

A8 adj. practical

definition (c) feasible; workable; applicable; useful; efficacious

A9 adj. crucial

definition (b) very important; critical; decisive; vital

A10 adj. tremendous

definition (c) very great in numbers; huge; powerful


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A1 n. comparison

definition (d) pointing out of similarities and differences; similarity; likeness

A2 n. special

definition (c) reduced price; sale on particular items; extra newspaper edition

A3 n. spy

definition (a) secret agent; person who secretly investigates and gathers information about other people

A4 n. logistics

definition (d) planning and execution; management of a business or other operation

A5 n. defect

definition (b) deficiency; flaw

A6 n. stage

definition (d) raised platform; resting place on a journey; phase

A7 n. response

definition (d) reply; answer; reaction

A8 v. forward

definition (c) to send; to convey; to transmit; to promote; to advance

A9 n. nurse

definition (b) medical caretaker (especially in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor)

A10 n. preserve

definition (c) area of land set aside to protect natural resources and wildlife


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A1 v. appropriate

definition (c) to set aside; to allot; to adapt; to embrace; to accept

A2 v. cement

definition (c) to reinforce; to bind together; to strengthen a connection

A3 v. account

definition (c) to explain; to give a report; to cause; to regard

A4 v. discount

definition (d) to reduce the price of; to mark down; to ignore

A5 v. accredit

definition (a) to certify; to recognize; to assign; to license

A6 v. explain

definition (d) to illustrate; to elucidate; to interpret; to describe; to define

A7 n. ranches

definition (d) farm with large pasture land for raising livestock

A8 v. recruit

definition (a) to enlist or draft new members; to gain; to obtain; to procure

A9 v. perform

definition (b) to do; to carry out; to execute; to present; to arrange; to manage

A10 v. collect

definition (c) to gather; to garner; to assemble; to accumulate; to take payments


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A1 n. visitor

definition (d) guest; migrating bird

A2 adj. including

definition (c) comprising; containing; embracing

A3 n. visit

definition (a) temporary stay somewhere; instance of spending time with a person or group of people;


A4 n. subordinate

definition (b) one who is subservient; someone under the authority of another

A5 n. negligence

definition (d) neglect; disregard; carelessness; failure to provide the necessary provision for (Law)

A6 n. timeliness

definition (b) punctuality

A7 v. carry out

definition (b) to put into practice; to accomplish; to perform; to conduct

A8 n. break

definition (c) fracture; pause; rest; opportunity; alteration

A9 adj. placid

definition (d) serene; quiet; peaceful; tranquil; relaxed; calm

A10 v. grain

definition (c) to crumble into granules


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A1 adj. suspect

definition (a) doubtful; dubious

A2 adj. responsive

definition (b) answering; reacting (esp. positively or sympathetically)

A3 adj. generous

definition (c) benevolent; giving; unselfish; abundant; plentiful

A4 adj. outstanding

definition (b) excellent; conspicuous; prominent; due

A5 adj. previous

definition (a) earlier; antecedent; hasty; premature

A6 adj. adult

definition (d) mature; full grown

A7 adj. extraordinary

definition (c) unusual

A8 adj. motive

definition (a) of reason or cause; inspiring to action

A9 adj. flexible

definition (d) elastic; easily bent; adroit; adept; pliable

A10 adj. arbitrary

definition (d) optional; uncertain; changeable; open; unrestricted


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A1 n. exit

definition (d) passage that leads out

A2 n. waiter

definition (c) one who serves tables at a restaurant or pub

A3 n. injury

definition (c) hurt; wound; harm; damage; insult

A4 n. institution

definition (b) organization; custom; convention; law or activity which is accepted in a society

A5 n. overtime

definition (a) work beyond regular working hours; pay for such work

A6 n. supervisor

definition (b) overseer; director; manager

A7 n. photograph

definition (d) picture; snapshot; image

A8 n. extension

definition (c) expansion; branch of a telephone network; supplement; reprieve

A9 n. process

definition (c) routine; course of action; advance; summons to court

A10 n. legacy

definition (a) inheritance; bequest; something handed down from one's ancestors


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A1 v. supplement

definition (a) to make up for a deficiency; to add on to

A2 v. couple

definition (a) to connect; to join; to link

A3 v. diet

definition (b) to limit the amount of food eaten; to eat only certain kinds of food

A4 v. except

definition (c) to exclude; to leave out; to skip; to protest; to object

A5 v. board

definition (d) to accommodate; to house; to enter (a plane, ship, bus, etc.)

A6 v. capture

definition (a) to copy; to photograph; to snapshot

A7 v. comprehend

definition (d) to understand; to contain; to grasp; to absorb; to perceive

A8 adj. paramount

definition (a) superior; supreme; above all; of the highest rank; most important

A9 adj. inanimate

definition (c) lifeless; spiritless

A10 v. initial

definition (a) to sign using the first letter or letters of a name


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A1 v. privilege

definition (b) to grant special rights; to give special advantages or benefits

A2 v. lack

definition (d) to be short of; to be without; to be missing; to need; to want

A3 v. discern

definition (d) to distinguish; to perceive; to recognize; to discriminate

A4 v. cash

definition (a) to exchange a check (or another money order) for coins and bank notes; to redeem

A5 n. performance

definition (d) show; presentation; execution; act; deed

A6 n. housing

definition (a) lodging; dwelling

A7 n. auditorium

definition (c) large room used for lectures; talks, performances and other events

A8 adj. familiar

definition (a) ordinary; skilled; close; intimate; well-known

A9 n. slash

definition (a) punctuation mark in the form of a diagonal line (/); reduction; decrease

A10 n. record

definition (c) list; evidence; best result ever attained; list of events or actions


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A1 adj. brokered

definition (a) negotiated by an intermediary; settled through a middleman

A2 adj. unjudged

definition (c) objective

A3 adj. fellow

definition (c) having membership in; belonging to (a group, academic organization, etc.); of the same type

A4 adj. global

definition (c) worldwide; universal; of the whole world

A5 adj. alive

definition (c) active; attentive

A6 adj. independent

definition (c) free; autonomous; sovereign; self-reliant; self-sufficient

A7 adj. additional

definition (a) extra; supplemental

A8 adj. earnest

definition (b) serious; sober; sincere; fervent; eager

A9 adj. maximum

definition (b) greatest; most; utmost; highest

A10 adj. relevant

definition (b) pertinent; related; connected to the current subject


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A1 n. abuse

definition (a) maltreatment; corrupt practice; foul language

A2 n. voucher

definition (a) certificate that bears monetary value; coupon; receipt; authorizer; endorser

A3 n. part-time

definition (d) period; era; hour; rate

A4 n. influx

definition (d) inflow; inward flow; place where a stream flows into another body of water

A5 n. study

definition (a) learning; field of learning; thorough investigation; report; analysis

A6 adj. initialed

definition (a) signed with initials; marked with the first letter or letter of a name

A7 n. availability

definition (c) accessibility; attainability; obtainability

A8 n. secret

definition (a) information that is confidential or classified; mystery; unexplained phenomenon

A9 n. pressure

definition (c) exertion of force; application of weight; weight; burden; encumbrance

A10 n. counterbalance

definition (b) equal weight or power acting in opposition


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A1 v. look into

definition (d) to investigate

A2 v. watch

definition (d) to see; to look; to pay attention; to supervise

A3 v. deal

definition (c) to provide; to offer; to distribute; to supply; to sell; to trade

A4 v. elucidate

definition (a) to explain; to clarify; to describe; to depict

A5 v. headquarter

definition (c) to set up a center of operations; to be set up in a center of operations

A6 v. branch

definition (a) to fork; to divide into parts or sections

A7 v. reduce

definition (a) to lessen; to diminish; to decrease

A8 n. appeal

definition (b) request; plea; petition for a new trial or judgment

A9 v. experiment

definition (b) to attempt to discover or test something; to try; to venture; to research

A10 v. upgrade

definition (c) to improve; to raise the quality of


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A1 adj. least

definition (a) smallest in size; smallest in amount; lowest in importance

A2 n. constraint

definition (b) restriction; force; limitation; limit

A3 n. conservative

definition (d) person who is resistant to change; person who favors traditional political parties

A4 n. reinforcement

definition (a) act of strengthening; reward or punishment designed to encourage or discourage a particular


A5 n. device

definition (b) apparatus; appliance; gadget; trick; scheme

A6 adj. found

definition (c) discovered

A7 n. wool

definition (b) fleece from some animals; frizzy hair

A8 v. verify

definition (b) to confirm the truth of something

A9 n. part

definition (c) section; piece; region; role; function; side in an agreement

A10 n. support

definition (a) prop; brace; economic assistance; upkeep; encouragement; aid


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A1 adj. terminal

definition (c) end; closing; concluding; final; mortal

A2 adj. steadfast

definition (b) loyal; faithful; unchanging

A3 adj. fussy

definition (c) exacting; choosy; ornate; nagging; annoying

A4 adj. upcoming

definition (c) about to happen; imminent

A5 adj. comfortable

definition (c) easy; relaxing; cosy; financially well to do

A6 adj. traditional

definition (c) customary

A7 adj. gifted

definition (d) talented; skilled; having great natural ability

A8 adj. back

definition (a) behind; after; rear; hind

A9 adj. salient

definition (a) conspicuous; bulging outward; protruding; remarkable; noticeable

A10 adj. prevalent

definition (d) common; widespread; current


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A1 n. license

definition (a) permit; official permission; authorization; document which shows proof of authorization; certificate

A2 n. age

definition (c) period; era; generation

A3 n. asset

definition (c) something of value (property, equipment, goods, etc.); item of quality; something beneficial

A4 n. postage

definition (a) fee for sending letters or packages by mail

A5 n. matter

definition (d) issue; affair; question; problem; substance of a particular composition and consistency

A6 n. vacancy

definition (b) emptiness; available position; job opening

A7 n. coincidence

definition (c) chance occurrence; unforeseen event

A8 n. expert

definition (b) person skilled in a particular area; specialist

A9 n. meaning

definition (a) definition; significance; intention; explanation

A10 n. delivery

definition (c) distribution; liberation; transference


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A1 v. implement

definition (b) to perform; to put into effect; to carry out; to execute; to realize

A2 v. urbanize

definition (c) to make into a city

A3 v. assess

definition (b) to estimate; to gauge; to evaluate; to measure

A4 v. dedicate

definition (c) to devote to; to set apart for; to inscribe (a book, poem, song, story, etc.) to someone

A5 v. mollify

definition (d) to calm; to soften; to pacify; to relieve

A6 v. incline

definition (b) to slope; to bend; to bow; to slant; to influence

A7 v. become

definition (d) to turn into; to develop into; to grow into

A8 v. cause

definition (b) to make happen; to bring about

A9 v. autograph

definition (a) to write one's name by hand; to sign one's name

A10 v. monitor

definition (a) to supervise; to observe; to follow up on; to check up on


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A1 n. picture

definition (d) photograph; drawing; painting; film; embodiment

A2 v. canvass

definition (c) to examine; to debate; to scrutinize; to solicit votes or opinions

A3 adj. evasive

definition (c) avoiding; tending to shrink; elusive

A4 n. department

definition (c) division of a company; section; area

A5 v. propose

definition (d) to suggest; to recommend; to tender; to make an offer of marriage

A6 v. suggest

definition (b) to propose; to mention; to imply; to hint; to evoke

A7 n. nomination

definition (d) appointment; proposal of a candidate (for an office or an honor)

A8 n. subsidiary

definition (b) company that is owned or controlled by another company

A9 v. emulate

definition (c) to imitate; to try to equal or excel; to take after; to copy

A10 v. report

definition (a) to provide a detailed statement about an occurrence or situation; inform


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A1 adj. acquainted

definition (a) familiar; close; intimate; informed; aware

A2 adj. profitable

definition (c) lucrative; paying; rewarding; beneficial; producing income

A3 adj. reasonable

definition (b) rational; logical; intelligent; wise; plausible; likely; credible

A4 adj. actual

definition (b) substantial; real; tangible; current

A5 adj. crowded

definition (b) full; packed; crammed together

A6 adj. several

definition (a) some; few; separate; distinct; individual; various

A7 adj. frisky

definition (b) energetic; full of life; playful; lively

A8 adj. overseas

definition (c) foreign; abroad

A9 adj. adept

definition (c) proficient; skilled; expert

A10 adj. town

definition (a) of a city; local


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A1 n. maintenance

definition (b) upkeep; repairs; livelihood; means of support

A2 n. downturn

definition (d) negative tendency (especially in economy or business)

A3 n. exhibit

definition (a) something presented as evidence in a court of law; display; show

A4 n. scene

definition (a) place where an event occurs; vista; view

A5 n. back order

definition (a) ordered merchandise that is not currently in stock but will be supplied in the future

A6 n. preference

definition (c) favor; liking; fondness; priority; superior status

A7 n. custom

definition (d) habit; tradition; convention

A8 n. mean

definition (d) midpoint; middle; equally far from two extremes; average

A9 n. contest

definition (d) competition

A10 n. dash

definition (c) hyphen; drop; pinch; rush; sprint


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A1 v. feature

definition (a) to characterize; to depict; to describe; to present; to emphasize

A2 v. rectify

definition (d) to fix; to repair; to correct; to calibrate; to adjust

A3 v. comfort

definition (b) to bring relief; to encourage; to console

A4 v. search

definition (a) to hunt for; to look for; to investigate; to examine

A5 v. argue

definition (b) to dispute; to claim; to give reasons

A6 v. overlook

definition (a) to inspect; to supervise; to miss; to omit; to ignore; to excuse

A7 v. inform

definition (b) to communicate data to; to tell; to brief; to notify

A8 v. enhance

definition (c) to increase; to intensify; to improve; to raise the value of

A9 v. believe

definition (d) to have faith in; to assume; to suppose

A10 v. adapt

definition (b) to conform; to change; to make suitable; to match; to fit


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A1 v. deploy

definition (b) to speak out; to move into a position of readiness and availability

A2 adv. rather

definition (c) very quite; to a degree; somewhat; slightly; a bit; might as well

A3 n. combine

definition (a) harvesting machine

A4 n. enlargement

definition (d) expansion; increase in size; magnification

A5 v. dispute

definition (d) to argue; to debate; to contest; to oppose; to fight against

A6 v. attain

definition (d) to reach; to achieve; to fulfill; to realize (a goal, purpose, etc.)

A7 adv. instinctively

definition (d) naturally; spontaneously; intuitively; automatically

A8 n. compare

definition (d) contrast

A9 n. barter

definition (b) exchanging of goods and services; trade

A10 n. account

definition (d) business arrangement; client; funds deposited in a bank


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A1 adj. secure

definition (b) safe; protected; strong; stable; confident

A2 adj. visible

definition (d) in view; observable; obvious; apparent

A3 adj. infant

definition (d) pertaining to a minor

A4 adj. stable

definition (b) steady; firm; lasting; dependable; faithful

A5 adj. distinctive

definition (a) special; unique; different

A6 adj. loyal

definition (b) faithful; true to one's obligations

A7 n. might

definition (b) strength; power; force; bravery

A8 adj. smart

definition (c) intelligent; clever; shrewd; lively; fashionable; stylish

A9 adj. substantive

definition (a) existing independently; real; tangible

A10 adj. comprehensive

definition (d) including a lot; large in scope; extensive


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A1 n. draft

definition (d) rough outline; sketch; written order for payment; conscription

A2 n. constant

definition (a) number with a fixed value; factor

A3 n. behalf

definition (a) representing; in support of

A4 n. revenue

definition (c) income; return; gains; government income earned through taxation

A5 n. litter

definition (a) refuse; trash; disorder

A6 n. expectation

definition (d) anticipation; longing or waiting for; hope

A7 n. deregulation

definition (d) transferal of ownership from government to private hands; privatization

A8 n. reject

definition (c) something or someone that does not match up to standards; object of lower quality; outcast

A9 n. equity

definition (d) honesty; fairness; justice

A10 n. court

definition (d) yard; formal reception; place where legal trials take place


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A1 v. cancel

definition (d) to call off; to annul; to terminate; to stop

A2 v. arrest

definition (a) to detain; to slow down; to capture; to imprison

A3 v. hurry

definition (d) to make haste; to rush; to urge; to prod; to dash

A4 v. file

definition (a) to arrange papers methodically for preservation and reference; to submit in a formal way

A5 v. patch

definition (b) to cover a hole with a piece of material; to use to cover a hole

A6 v. break down

definition (a) to fail; to collapse; to defeat; to overthrow; to descend

A7 n. loyalty

definition (c) faithfulness; devotion; constancy

A8 v. ought

definition (a) to need to; must; to be obligated

A9 v. change

definition (d) to alter; to replace; to become different

A10 v. lumber

definition (a) to move heavily or awkwardly; to accumulate; to collect


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A1 n. newsletter

definition (c) short informational periodical that is usually distributed to the members of an interest group

A2 n. plan

definition (a) program; scheme; agenda; timetable; schedule

A3 n. membership

definition (c) state of belonging to an organization or group; fellowship

A4 n. carriage

definition (b) coach; buggy; transportation

A5 v. process

definition (a) to treat; to adapt; to prepare; to make ready

A6 n. establishment

definition (c) anything that is set up; institution (i.e. business, church, authority, government, etc.)

A7 n. banquet

definition (a) celebration; feast; dinner; drinking

A8 v. tow

definition (b) to pull; to drag

A9 n. opportunity

definition (a) chance; occasion; favorable time to act

A10 v. must

definition (b) to have to; to be obligated; to be likely or probable


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A1 adj. promotional

definition (a) of publicizing; of advancement; of encouragement; of fostering; of an enterprise

A2 adj. hard

definition (c) difficult; complicated; rigid; stiff

A3 adj. objective

definition (d) impartial; unbiased; existing outside of the mind

A4 adj. few

definition (a) little; not many; some

A5 adj. congruent

definition (d) identical; corresponding; in agreement; harmonious

A6 adj. creative

definition (b) inventive; innovative; artistic

A7 adj. convenient

definition (c) comfortable; useful; serviceable

A8 adj. content

definition (b) satisfied; pleased

A9 adj. prosaic

definition (b) common; regular; boring; tedious; dull

A10 adj. preventive

definition (d) averting; avoiding; delaying; inhibiting


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A1 n. combination

definition (a) joining; union; an ordered sequence

A2 n. anticipation

definition (d) expectation; hope; intuition

A3 n. sink

definition (d) wash basin; sewer; drain; cesspool; place where criminals gather

A4 n. lock

definition (b) fastening mechanism which is opened with a key or other device

A5 n. nuance

definition (b) slight difference; subtle distinction

A6 n. sneakers

definition (b) sports shoe; one who moves about stealthily; one who acts furtively

A7 n. strength

definition (a) durability; determination; resolve; power; intensity; force

A8 v. salvage

definition (c) to save from destruction; to rescue

A9 n. pretense

definition (d) feigning; impersonation; false show; claim; assertion

A10 n. growth

definition (d) development; progress


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A1 v. direct

definition (d) to guide; to lead; to instruct; to manage; to supervise

A2 v. adopt

definition (d) to form a relationship with another person

A3 v. format

definition (c) to design the appearance of; to arrange; to prepare a diskette or hard disk for use

A4 v. assume

definition (c) to suppose; to take on a position or duty; to accept an idea

A5 v. entitle

definition (d) to give a heading or name to (i.e. a book, painting, etc.); to grant a right; to claim something

A6 v. merge

definition (d) to blend; to be blended; to combine or unite into a single body; to be assimilated

A7 v. excite

definition (a) to stir up; to arouse feelings; to provoke; to stimulate

A8 n. vendor

definition (b) salesman; supplier; automatic machine for selling goods

A9 n. factor

definition (b) cause; agent; broker; financier; money lender

A10 v. place

definition (b) to put; to lay; to lodge; to nominate; to appoint


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A1 v. brake

definition (b) to stop a vehicle; to slow down a vehicle

A2 v. complicate

definition (c) to confuse; to make hard to understand; to make difficult; to make complex

A3 n. division

definition (b) partitioning; department; faculty; ranking; level according to difficulty

A4 v. nominate

definition (d) to appoint someone (for a position, office, or honor); to designate; to select

A5 adj. aware

definition (d) attentive; conscious of

A6 n. applicant

definition (a) candidate; nominee

A7 n. cognition

definition (b) awareness; perception

A8 v. reward

definition (d) to recompense someone for a service

A9 v. object

definition (a) to oppose; to protest

A10 n. card

definition (c) thin and flat object


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A1 adj. uncertain

definition (b) doubtful; not reliable; ambiguous

A2 adj. commercial

definition (d) pertaining to business; pertaining to buying and selling

A3 adj. horrible

definition (d) terrible; awful; disgusting

A4 adj. wry

definition (a) distorted; crooked; twisted; askew

A5 adj. impatient

definition (d) unable to wait; intolerant; restless

A6 n. loss

definition (c) opposite of profit; deprivation; defeat; destruction

A7 n. waste

definition (d) misuse; loss; rubbish; garbage; sewage

A8 adj. further

definition (c) more distant; additional

A9 adj. surface

definition (c) external

A10 adj. complacent

definition (d) content; self-satisfied; comfortable; smug


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A1 n. width

definition (b) breadth; thickness

A2 n. grocery

definition (c) store which sells food and other household goods

A3 n. mind

definition (b) brain; memory; recollection; opinion; intention; desire

A4 n. intelligence

definition (a) ability to reason and understand; cleverness; brilliance; information

A5 n. environment

definition (b) surroundings; conditions in which someone or something lives

A6 n. pushy

definition (b) cat (Slang); feline

A7 n. objection

definition (d) opposition; appeal; denial; protest

A8 n. table

definition (d) list of information arranged in columns and rows; chart; flat surface

A9 n. crate

definition (c) wooden box; old car; old plane

A10 n. feature

definition (b) characteristic; function; capability (of a product, machine, device, software etc.)


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A1 v. serve

definition (a) to tend to; to attend; to work; to perform a duty or task

A2 v. repair

definition (b) to fix; to mend; to correct a problem or malfunction

A3 v. work

definition (d) to labor; to act; to operate; to activate; to process

A4 v. seem

definition (b) to appear to be; to look like; to give the impression of; to have the appearance of

A5 v. soar

definition (c) to glide; to fly upward; to ascend; to increase; to rise

A6 v. employ

definition (d) to hire as a worker; to activate; to operate; to use

A7 v. lecture

definition (b) to deliver a discourse before an audience; to reprimand tediously

A8 v. simulate

definition (b) to copy; to pretend; to fake

A9 v. occasion

definition (d) to cause; to incite; to bring to pass

A10 v. arrange

definition (c) to organize; to settle; to structure; to order; to systematize


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A1 v. audit

definition (d) to examine accounts and other financial records

A2 v. subtract

definition (a) to take away part of a whole; to remove; to deduct

A3 adj. somber

definition (c) gloomy; dark; depressing; sad; mournful

A4 v. cruise

definition (d) to sail; to move at a moderate speed; to travel; to coast; to drive along slowly

A5 n. behavio(u)r

definition (a) manner of acting; conduct

A6 adj. environmental

definition (d) pertaining to the world and nature around us

A7 n. money supply

definition (b) the total amount of funds in circulation in a given country's economy

A8 v. grade

definition (d) to give a mark to; to classify; to make level; to evaluate; to assess

A9 n. prime

definition (c) state of perfection; state of highest quality

A10 n. moral

definition (c) ethic; lesson; principle


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A1 adj. funnelled

definition (b) channeled; centralized

A2 adj. located

definition (b) situated; placed; identified; found; existing; standing

A3 adj. vivid

definition (c) lively; bright; dazzling; clear; graphic

A4 adj. empty

definition (c) containing nothing; without people; without contents; hollow; meaningless

A5 adj. residential

definition (c) intended for inhabitation; occupied with homes

A6 adj. supervisory

definition (d) managerial; overseeing

A7 adj. firm

definition (b) strong; solid; stable; fixed; immovable; determined

A8 adj. pushy

definition (d) controlling; aggressive; extremely self-assertive; bossy

A9 adj. eligible

definition (c) suitable; worthy of; qualified; entitled to; allowed

A10 adj. buoyant

definition (c) floating; light; lively; cheerful


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A1 n. average

definition (b) mean; median

A2 n. standpoint

definition (b) outlook; perspective; view; opinion; attitude

A3 n. competition

definition (d) rivalry; contest; act of competing against another

A4 n. clerk

definition (c) minor office worker; book-keeper; bureaucrat

A5 n. consumption

definition (d) using up

A6 n. danger

definition (c) risk; peril; hazard

A7 n. completion

definition (c) finishing; finalizing

A8 n. content

definition (c) substance; component; all that is inside of something

A9 n. style

definition (a) manner; way; fashion; chic; vogue

A10 n. agent

definition (d) representative; rep; factor; cause


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A1 v. undercut

definition (a) to offer at lower prices than the competition; to weaken; to undermine

A2 v. preempt

definition (d) to occupy a place; to take a place; to obtain at an advance opportunity

A3 v. annoy

definition (d) to bother; to trouble; to disturb; to upset

A4 v. pertain

definition (a) to belong to; to be connected to; to relate; to refer

A5 v. appeal

definition (c) to plead; to request; to petition for a new trial or judgment

A6 v. discover

definition (c) to find out; to come across; to get information about something

A7 v. field

definition (d) to answer adequately or successfully

A8 v. stage

definition (c) to perform; to present; to carry out; to execute

A9 v. share

definition (b) to divide; to apportion; to receive a portion; to participate

A10 v. finance

definition (a) to raise money for; to provide with funds; to fund; to pay for


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A1 adj. reliable

definition (c) credible; trustworthy; dependable

A2 adj. portable

definition (b) mobile; movable; can be transported from one place to another

A3 n. coalition

definition (c) alliance; union; agreement

A4 n. tender

definition (a) bid; offer; overseer; supervisor

A5 n. accordance

definition (c) conformity; agreement; coordination; suitability

A6 adj. crafted

definition (c) produced; made; manufactured

A7 v. frequent

definition (d) to go regularly to (a certain place); to patronize

A8 adv. fair

definition (a) justly; equitably; directly; completely; really

A9 n. course

definition (d) direction; series of lessons or training units; layer; part of a meal

A10 adj. service

definition (b) useful; providing assistance; repairing; performing maintenance tasks


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A1 adj. striped

definition (d) marked with narrow bands of contrasting color or texture

A2 adj. kindly

definition (a) nicely; thoughtfully; graciously; considerately; sympathetically

A3 adj. frank

definition (a) honest; sincere; straightforward; open; candid

A4 adj. graduate

definition (d) having a degree or diploma; concerning studies beyond a bachelor's degree

A5 adj. occupied

definition (d) conquered; seized; filled; taken up; inhabited; populated

A6 v. stay

definition (c) to visit; to spend time in a place; to remain temporarily; to lodge

A7 v. improve

definition (c) to make better; to increase in quality; to enhance; to develop

A8 adj. tight

definition (b) close-fitting; tense; narrow

A9 adj. contemporary

definition (d) modern; current

A10 adj. substitute

definition (d) acting as a replacement


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A1 n. defense

definition (a) protection; security; rampart; shield

A2 n. index

definition (d) list of subjects or other information arranged in alphabetical order; indicator; sign

A3 n. discard

definition (b) garbage; refuse; scrap

A4 n. enrichment

definition (b) enhancement; refinement; improvement

A5 n. pallet

definition (d) straw-filled mattress; hard and simple bed; platform used to stack items during moving or storage

A6 n. interviewee

definition (a) person who is being asked questions; job candidate

A7 n. destination

definition (d) place where one is going; the purpose for which something is destined

A8 n. rental

definition (a) money paid for the use of property; property that is leased; act of leasing

A9 n. ordinary

definition (c) ecclesiastical judge; priest

A10 n. order

definition (c) arrangement; instruction; command; request for something


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A1 v. space

definition (b) to set some distance apart

A2 v. bank

definition (d) to deposit money; in a money institution; to count on; to depend upon

A3 v. exert

definition (b) to exercise; to use; to make an effort

A4 v. converge

definition (d) to meet; to assemble to gather; to get together

A5 v. slip

definition (c) to glide; to sneak; to slide; to decline; to deteriorate; to make a mistake

A6 v. anticipate

definition (a) to expect; to predict; to assume

A7 v. supply

definition (c) to furnish; to equip; to make up for; to compensate for; to substitute for temporarily

A8 v. mind

definition (a) to pay attention to; to supervise; to regret; to oppose; to remember; to notice

A9 v. slope

definition (d) to incline; to slant upward or downward; to cause to tilt

A10 v. concrete

definition (c) to solidify


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A1 n. premium

definition (a) supplementary charge; additional charge; amount paid for insurance; reward

A2 n. discussion

definition (b) debate; conversation; talk; dispute; argument

A3 n. approval

definition (d) confirmation; endorsement; positive opinion

A4 v. interpret

definition (c) to explain; to clarify; to elucidate; to understand or explain in a particular way

A5 n. intensity

definition (d) strength; energy; extreme degree; depth; clarity

A6 v. fail

definition (c) to be unsuccessful; to not do; to disappoint; to go bankrupt; to be used up

A7 n. negotiator

definition (b) person who participates in a bargaining session

A8 adj. choice

definition (b) select; fine; excellent

A9 n. mail

definition (c) postal service; letters and other items that are sent via the postal service

A10 adj. society

definition (c) of or pertaining to the upper class


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A1 adj. important

definition (d) significant; influential; essential; crucial; critical

A2 adj. select

definition (a) chosen; picked out; choice; superior; prime; picky

A3 adj. internal

definition (c) inner; inside; located within; of a country's domestic affairs

A4 adj. possible

definition (a) could be; might be; may be

A5 adj. particular

definition (a) special; unusual; detailed; precise; pedantic; strict

A6 adj. delicious

definition (a) tasty; having a pleasant taste or smell

A7 adj. genuine

definition (d) original; real; true; natural; honest; sincere

A8 adj. inclusive

definition (d) containing; comprehensive; all-embracing; extensive; taking in

A9 adj. valid

definition (c) legitimate; legally acceptable; not expired; logical; well-founded

A10 adj. feasible

definition (b) able to be carried out; achievable; possible; likely


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A1 n. proposition

definition (b) offer; plan; theory; problem

A2 n. employment

definition (b) work; occupation; keeping busy

A3 n. creditor

definition (d) person or organization that lends something; lender; loaner; moneylender

A4 n. advice

definition (a) counsel; guidance; specific information; hint

A5 n. back door

definition (b) the U.S. treasury

A6 n. background

definition (d) setting; biography

A7 n. replay

definition (d) rematch; repetition

A8 n. discount

definition (a) price reduction; rebate

A9 n. veil

definition (d) netting attached to a woman's hat

A10 n. use

definition (d) function; utilization; benefit; advantage; consumption


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A1 v. achieve

definition (c) to obtain; to attain; to perform; to accomplish

A2 v. venture

definition (c) to take a risk in order to achieve a goal

A3 v. exit

definition (c) to leave; to go out

A4 v. brief

definition (c) to make a summary; to give a report; to inform; to instruct somebody

A5 v. address

definition (c) to direct to; to speak to; to direct to a specific destination; to refer to

A6 v. comply

definition (c) to submit; to consent; to obey; to agree with

A7 n. explanation

definition (a) interpretation; something that clarifies; description; definition

A8 v. combine

definition (b) to unite; to join; to come together; to become one

A9 v. paint

definition (c) to apply color to a surface; to put makeup on; to describe something in words

A10 v. drive

definition (c) to travel in a car; to transport in a vehicle; to compel


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A1 adj. superb

definition (c) excellent; wonderful; splendid; magnificent

A2 v. disagree

definition (a) to have different opinions; to differ

A3 v. insure

definition (b) to provide a guarantee against possible damage or loss; to make certain

A4 v. conceive

definition (c) to understand; to comprehend; to grasp

A5 v. pay

definition (a) to give money for goods or to cancel debts; to settle; to be worthwhile; to be profitable

A6 n. instruction

definition (a) teaching; direction; guidance; training; education; information

A7 v. prepare

definition (c) to make ready; to get oneself ready; to put into the proper condition

A8 v. fence

definition (b) to protect; to guard; to evade a question; to respond in a vague manner

A9 n. prejudice

definition (b) bias; sentence passed before proper examination of the circumstances

A10 v. perceive

definition (b) to feel; to sense; to distinguish; to discern; to see


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A1 n. levy

definition (b) a charge imposed and collected

A2 n. honesty

definition (d) truthfulness; sincerity; integrity; frankness

A3 n. grocer

definition (d) person who owns and operates a food store

A4 n. behind

definition (a) rear; end; seat

A5 n. wealth

definition (d) richness; prosperity; capital; fortune; abundance

A6 n. journal

definition (d) newspaper; magazine; diary; blog; bookkeeping ledger

A7 n. imagination

definition (c) ability of the mind to create mental pictures which do not exist in reality

A8 n. slip

definition (d) slide; stumble; mistake; blunder; error

A9 n. liability

definition (d) financial obligation; debt; responsibility; obligation

A10 n. button

definition (c) switch; icon to click on


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A1 v. tax

definition (c) to impose a tariff; to impose a levy; to burden; to demand too much

A2 v. elaborate

definition (a) to provide additional details; to plan carefully and with great detail; to produce; to develop

A3 v. auction

definition (a) to sell something through a bidding system

A4 v. associate

definition (b) to share company; to connect; to relate to; to combine

A5 v. equip

definition (b) to provide with the required supplies, tools and items

A6 v. switch

definition (c) to change; to shift; to exchange; to trade; to turn on or off

A7 v. draft

definition (a) to make an outline; to draw up in written form; to conscript; to draw out and separate

A8 v. accord

definition (c) to give; to match; to fit; to complement

A9 v. experience

definition (b) to try; to live through; to feel; to endure

A10 v. flaw

definition (a) to crack; to become defective; to become cracked


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A1 adj. prepaid

definition (a) remunerated ahead of time; settled beforehand via payment

A2 n. letter

definition (a) character which is part of an alphabet; written communication sent to a person or organization

A3 n. idea

definition (d) concept; thought; opinion; intention; plan

A4 n. overlap

definition (a) something that is superimposed

A5 n. understatement

definition (b) representing something less strongly than what the facts would justify

A6 v. reason

definition (c) to think; to consider logically; to argue; to claim

A7 v. distract

definition (d) to disturb; to confuse; to worry; to divert; to amuse

A8 adj. standard

definition (a) serving as a model; normal; regular; typical; widely accepted

A9 v. instance

definition (c) to refer to a case or occurrence to explain or prove a point; to cite; to mention

A10 adj. common

definition (d) shared; ordinary; mediocre; average; public


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A1 n. pay

definition (b) salary; wages

A2 n. contemporary

definition (b) person living at about the same time as another person

A3 n. forecast

definition (a) prediction of a future event or condition (i.e. development of the economy)

A4 n. council

definition (a) assembly; board; group of people (gathered to advise, plan, etc.)

A5 n. evaluation

definition (b) appraisal; estimation; assessment

A6 n. globe

definition (d) ball; sphere; planet Earth; world

A7 n. climb

definition (d) ascent

A8 n. cushion

definition (d) pillow; soft padded object

A9 n. denominator

definition (b) shared characteristic; common feature

A10 n. cash

definition (a) money in the form of coins and bank notes


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A1 v. merchandise

definition (c) to trade; to plan for and promote for sales of; to market goods

A2 v. circumvent

definition (c) to by-pass; to side-step; to evade

A3 v. get

definition (d) to receive; to obtain; to purchase; to bring; to persuade

A4 v. run

definition (a) to operate; to activate; to manage; to direct; to carry out; to fulfill

A5 v. enlist

definition (b) to draft into military service; to voluntarily join a cause

A6 v. award

definition (b) to give; to grant; to judge; to rule

A7 v. assist

definition (c) to aid; to help; to support; to guide; to direct

A8 v. vacillate

definition (d) to fluctuate; to hesitate; to waver

A9 v. decrease

definition (c) to reduce; to lessen; to decline

A10 v. age

definition (b) to grow older; to mature


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A1 v. encroach

definition (c) to advance beyond proper limits; to infringe

A2 n. news

definition (d) report of recent events; information about previously unknown facts

A3 v. name

definition (d) to appoint; to specify; to identify; to designate

A4 adj. lasting

definition (d) continuing; enduring; remaining for a long time; durable

A5 adv. regardless

definition (c) without consideration for possible problems; anyway; in any case

A6 v. browse

definition (a) to leaf through a book; to surf Internet websites

A7 v. license

definition (b) to grant a permit; to authorize; to permit; to allow

A8 v. incur

definition (a) to meet with; to bring upon oneself; to acquire

A9 n. stress

definition (a) emphasis; importance; accent; strain; tension; pressure

A10 adj. simple

definition (c) easy; uncomplicated; modest; ordinary; plain


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A1 n. fax

definition (c) device for electronically transmitting written material; electronically transmitted document

A2 n. letterhead

definition (c) line printed at the top of a piece of stationary

A3 n. belief

definition (b) opinion; creed; religion; faith; conviction

A4 n. food

definition (d) nourishment; substance which provides the body with nutrients; sustenance

A5 n. shipment

definition (b) sending of cargo or freight

A6 n. version

definition (b) particular form of something; variant; rendering; translation

A7 n. offing

definition (c) distant part of the sea visible from the shore; remote place far from the shore; high seas

A8 adj. house

definition (a) pertaining to accommodations; domesticated

A9 n. ambivalence

definition (d) state of having both positive and negative feelings towards a subject

A10 n. slander

definition (c) false and injurious statements made about another; defamation; calumny


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A1 v. get on with

definition (b) to continue

A2 v. divert

definition (c) to distract; to entertain; to turn in a different direction; to deflect

A3 v. assure

definition (c) to give confidence; to promise; to pledge; to encourage

A4 v. finalize

definition (d) to end; to sum up; to complete; to conclude

A5 v. staff

definition (c) to employ a group of workers; to provide with employees; to man

A6 v. ship

definition (c) to send; to dispatch; to transport (by airplane, truck, etc.); to embark

A7 v. damage

definition (d) to cause harm; to cause injury; to destroy partly

A8 v. augment

definition (b) to increase; to enlarge; to enhance; to multiply

A9 v. position

definition (b) to erect; to set; to put; to place

A10 v. recant

definition (c) to give up; to renounce; to deny; to disavow; to retract


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A1 n. series

definition (b) sequence; succession; television program broadcast in installments

A2 adj. comforting

definition (b) consoling; encouraging; reassuring; brining relief; heartening

A3 n. practice

definition (b) customary action; habit; drill; training exercise

A4 n. time

definition (c) period; era; hour; rate

A5 adj. invisible

definition (b) impossible to see; imperceptible; hidden; concealed

A6 adj. international

definition (a) between countries; of relations between two or more countries

A7 v. campaign

definition (c) to conduct a series of activities organized to accomplish a goal

A8 n. indulgence

definition (d) act of giving in to desire; something which gratifies; luxury; leniency

A9 n. superior

definition (d) one who is higher than another in rank or position

A10 v. rush

definition (d) to hurry; to make haste; to act or move quickly; to cause to hurry


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A1 n. store

definition (c) shop; place where merchandise is sold; supply of goods or materials set aside for future use

A2 n. space

definition (d) universe; empty area; gap; area; interval

A3 n. collaboration

definition (d) working together; cooperation

A4 n. donation

definition (b) gift; contribution

A5 n. fluency

definition (b) ability to speak and write easily; eloquence; articulateness; gracefulness

A6 n. language

definition (a) spoken or written words with which people communicate thoughts and feelings

A7 n. fixture

definition (d) something which is permanently or securely attached; set date for a sporting event

A8 v. resolve

definition (c) to determine; to decide; to separate into constituent parts

A9 n. photo

definition (a) picture; snapshot

A10 n. bond

definition (b) link; connection; obligation; grasp; certificate of debt


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A1 v. photograph

definition (b) to take a picture

A2 v. leave

definition (b) to depart; to exit; to quit; to omit; to let alone

A3 v. preserve

definition (d) to guard; to keep safe; to keep; to defend; to protect

A4 v. reply

definition (a) to answer; to respond

A5 v. anchor

definition (d) to attach firmly; to fasten tightly

A6 v. even

definition (c) to make level; to smooth; to balance

A7 v. debate

definition (a) to argue; to discuss; to consider; to ponder

A8 v. screen

definition (d) to cover with a curtain; to filter; to sift; to hide; to conceal; to separate

A9 v. study

definition (b) to learn; to ponder; to examine; to investigate; to memorize

A10 v. expel

definition (c) eject; drive out; banish


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A1 n. habit

definition (b) custom; something that one is used to doing; part of a routine; behavior pattern

A2 n. labor

definition (a) strenuous physical or mental work; toil; exertion

A3 n. dollar drain

definition (a) a situation in which the imports of a country from the USA are larger than their exports to the


A4 n. call

definition (b) telephone conversation; visit; invitation; claim; need

A5 v. chain

definition (a) to tie down

A6 adv. directly

definition (d) clearly; straight; frankly; immediately; soon

A7 n. availability float

definition (c) the time or amount of money that defined by checks that have been deposited but not cleared yet

A8 adj. tentative

definition (d) experimental; trial; temporary; hesitant

A9 n. fleet

definition (b) group of ships, cars, trucks or other vehicles

A10 adj. outside

definition (d) external; of the outdoors; from the outdoors; maximal


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A1 n. expansion

definition (d) enlargement; increase; spread; development

A2 n. awareness

definition (c) consciousness

A3 n. present

definition (a) gift; offering; something that is given to another person without compensation

A4 n. handbook

definition (c) manual; guide; guideline; document containing instructions

A5 n. threat

definition (a) expression of intent to damage or injure; intimidation; danger

A6 n. transaction

definition (a) negotiation; settlement; business deal

A7 n. misgiving

definition (b) apprehension; worry; doubt; hesitation; reservation

A8 n. clear

definition (b) deletion; act of unmarking; removal of a mark from a check box (Computers)

A9 n. talk

definition (b) conversation; speech; lecture; meeting

A10 n. couple

definition (b) pair; group of two


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A1 v. present

definition (d) to display; to demonstrate; to bestow; to grant

A2 v. calculate

definition (b) to estimate; to compute; to depend upon

A3 v. request

definition (b) to ask for; to petition for

A4 v. page

definition (b) to call; to summon (e.g. to the telephone); to number sheets of paper in a collection

A5 v. substantiate

definition (d) to prove; to verify; to confirm; to actualize

A6 v. phone

definition (d) to make a call; to ring

A7 v. unveil

definition (d) to reveal; to uncover; to disclose

A8 v. pipe

definition (b) to convey a fluid; to transport a liquid; to make a high-pitched sound

A9 v. facilitate

definition (a) to make easy; to assist; to forward; to promote; to expedite

A10 v. contest

definition (d) to fight for; to challenge; to appeal


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A1 adj. severe

definition (d) serious; grave; acute; difficult; rigorous; harsh; strict

A2 adj. subsidiary

definition (a) supplementary; auxiliary; secondary; lesser in importance

A3 conj. immediately

definition (a) as soon as

A4 n. monitor

definition (c) supervisor; device for regulating; screen

A5 n. above

definition (d) something previously mentioned or indicated

A6 v. rebound

definition (b) to spring back

A7 n. expression

definition (b) putting into words; phrase; word; manifestation

A8 adj. susceptible

definition (d) vulnerable; prone; impressionable

A9 n. panel

definition (a) group of judges; board; band; strip; crew; staff

A10 n. list

definition (a) roll; roster; inventory; strip; band


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A1 n. statistics

definition (b) organization and interpretation of numerical data

A2 n. consultancy

definition (b) the practice of giving expert advice within a particular field

A3 n. examiner

definition (d) person who gives a test

A4 n. retirement

definition (c) withdrawal from one's job or occupation

A5 n. law

definition (a) rule enacted by a community or country; custom; principle; convention

A6 n. workshop

definition (b) seminar; brief intensive educational program; discussion group

A7 n. nominee

definition (a) person who has been appointed; candidate

A8 adj. small

definition (b) little; few in number; trivial; unimportant; modest

A9 adj. irrelevant

definition (a) beside the point; unconnected; impertinent; immaterial

A10 n. point

definition (a) spot; tip; essence; gist; matter


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A1 v. admit

definition (c) to confess to something; to allow entrance; to accept as valid

A2 v. range

definition (d) to determine the scope of a target; to extend; to stretch; to vary

A3 v. thread

definition (c) to pass something through an opening

A4 v. order

definition (b) to command; to request something; to arrange; to manage

A5 v. get through with

definition (c) to finish; to complete

A6 v. go through

definition (b) to experience; to endure

A7 n. deed of surrender

definition (a) a legal document that temporarily transfers a property from one individual to another

A8 v. plane

definition (c) to smooth wood; to make smooth; to remove rough areas

A9 v. empty

definition (d) to remove the contents of

A10 v. tie

definition (a) to bind; to fasten with a rope or cord


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A1 v. inspire

definition (d) to motivate; to stimulate; to provoke; to influence; to encourage

A2 n. implication

definition (b) consequence; outcome; result; indirect suggestion; connotation; hint

A3 n. thought

definition (a) idea; concept; product of the mind

A4 n. poll

definition (b) voting, electing; counting of votes; number of votes; referendum

A5 adv. adversely

definition (a) unfavorably; in a manner that works against; antagonistically

A6 n. fulfillment

definition (c) realization; performance; completion; gratification; satisfaction

A7 n. documentation

definition (b) collection of written records; use of written records as evidence

A8 n. feed

definition (d) meal; nourishment; material supplied; act of inserting into a machine (especially of putting paper

into a printer)

A9 n. notice

definition (c) announcement; poster, sign; warning; attention; consideration

A10 n. fundamental

definition (c) principle; basis; essential


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A1 n. conjunction

definition (b) connection; link; uniting; joining

A2 n. report

definition (b) detailed account of an occurrence or situation

A3 n. debut

definition (b) opening of a show; first public appearance

A4 n. scan

definition (b) close examination; scrutinizing look

A5 n. recruitment

definition (d) act of enlisting or drafting new members

A6 n. place

definition (a) location; position; standing; role; function

A7 n. programmer

definition (b) person who creates sets of instructions for a computer or other device

A8 n. doctor

definition (d) person who is licensed to practice medicine (i.e. physician, surgeon etc.)

A9 n. dispute

definition (b) quarrel; disagreement; argument

A10 n. trade

definition (d) business; commerce; barter; occupation


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A1 v. slot

definition (d) to notch; to groove; to assign to a place or position (in an organization, system, etc.)

A2 v. defend

definition (c) to protect; to secure; to vindicate

A3 v. purpose

definition (c) to intend; to plan; to design; to aim

A4 v. note

definition (a) not intended to earn profits; to observe; to remark on; to make a comment; to record

A5 v. cast

definition (b) to throw; to project; to form; to shape

A6 v. plant

definition (d) to sow; to place seeds or vegetation into soil; to establish; to set

A7 v. specify

definition (a) to indicate; to itemize; to mark; to designate; to stipulate

A8 v. manufacture

definition (b) to make by machine; to produce; to fabricate; to invent

A9 v. streamline

definition (d) to make more efficient; to organize; to simplify

A10 v. leverage

definition (b) to use one's influence to affect people or circumstances


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A1 v. pattern

definition (a) to decorate; to imitate; to mimic; to copy an example

A2 v. itemize

definition (d) to catalog; to list; to enumerate; to set down in full detail

A3 n. output

definition (d) yield; product; manufacture; information sent out from a computer

A4 n. breakthrough

definition (d) progress; reaching a new level; removal of a barrier; penetration

A5 n. release

definition (d) freedom; liberation; newly distributed film (or record, book, etc.); statement provided to the media

A6 n. dot

definition (c) spot; speck; part (the point) in an Internet web address

A7 n. expense

definition (d) cost; price; payment

A8 v. embark

definition (b) to go on board a ship; to put on board a ship; to begin; to become involved in an enterprise

A9 v. hit

definition (d) to strike; to beat; to reach; to find; to collide

A10 v. shop

definition (a) to visit a store and purchase goods; to browse in a store; to inform on; to betray (British Slang)


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A1 n. swap

definition (a) exchange; trade

A2 n. segment

definition (d) part; portion; slice; piece

A3 n. budget

definition (d) financial framework; financial plan

A4 n. affiliation

definition (c) connection; attachment

A5 n. admiration

definition (b) enchantment; affection; adoration

A6 n. location

definition (b) place; position; situation; site; spot

A7 n. figure

definition (a) number; image; character; price; human shape; symbol

A8 n. associate

definition (c) partner; fellow worker; co-worker; friend

A9 n. routine

definition (c) commonplace activity; everyday task; habit; custom; practice

A10 n. lack

definition (a) need; want; shortage; absence


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A1 v. internationalize

definition (a) to globalize; to make worldwide

A2 v. convey

definition (b) to carry; to impart or to communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture or appearance

A3 v. contrive

definition (a) to devise; to invent; to dream up; to design (often in a negative way)

A4 v. sponsor

definition (c) to back; to support; to finance; to subsidize; to promote

A5 v. expire

definition (d) to come to an end; to finish; to terminate

A6 v. remit

definition (c) to forgive; to absolve; to release; to discharge

A7 v. satisfy

definition (d) to fulfill; to meet a request or requirement; to compensate; to remunerate

A8 v. rent

definition (a) to let; to allow someone to use property in return for regular payments; to hire

A9 v. back

definition (d) to support; to assist; to strengthen

A10 v. lounge

definition (b) to lie down; to recline; to move in a relaxed manner; to walk lazily


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A1 v. set up

definition (c) to establish; to start; to found; to being; to raise

A2 n. necessity

definition (c) obligation; need; requirement

A3 v. avail

definition (c) to be useful; to help; to facilitate

A4 n. common

definition (d) open public area in a city or town; park; square

A5 v. conceal

definition (b) to hide; to keep secret; to cover up

A6 v. submit

definition (b) to give in; to surrender; to yield; to present; to propose

A7 v. mobilize

definition (a) to move; to circulate; to draft; to assemble for action (especially armed reserves)

A8 v. discard

definition (d) to throw away; to get rid of

A9 n. reverse

definition (a) opposite; contrary; back side; rear; setback; defeat

A10 n. lasting

definition (d) strong durable fabric; persistence


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A1 n. machine

definition (d) device made up of interconnected parts that work together to perform a given task or function

A2 n. smart

definition (c) sharp stinging pain

A3 n. insert

definition (d) something created separately for the purpose of being added to or placed inside (a book,

newspaper, etc.)

A4 n. factory

definition (a) plant; any location which mass-produces one type of product

A5 n. satisfaction

definition (a) gratification of a need; remuneration; fulfillment

A6 n. library

definition (d) place where one can borrow books

A7 n. inspiration

definition (c) stimulus; motivation; revelation; insight; idea

A8 n. effect

definition (b) result; outcome; impact; trick; natural phenomenon

A9 n. plain

definition (a) plateau; area of level ground; prairie; savanna

A10 n. rebound

definition (c) backlash


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A1 v. ascertain

definition (b) to clarify; to confirm; to reinforce; to verify

A2 v. back up

definition (b) to support; to solidify; to strengthen

A3 v. project

definition (b) to plan; to scheme; to send; to dispatch; to throw

A4 v. market

definition (a) to sell; to trade or deal; to distribute; to promote

A5 v. cater

definition (d) to provide; to supply (food, etc.); to care for

A6 v. spend

definition (d) to expend; to disburse; to put out (money, resources, etc.)

A7 v. write off

definition (a) to disregard an outstanding debt (as of a customer)

A8 adj. base

definition (a) low; despicable; ignoble

A9 v. refuse

definition (a) to decline; to deny; to reject

A10 v. dissipate

definition (c) to scatter; to spread out; to be scattered


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A1 v. ignore

definition (a) to disregard; to overlook; to refuse to recognize; to reject

A2 adj. superfluous

definition (c) being more than is needed; excessive; unnecessary

A3 n. conclusion

definition (b) end; deduction; cognition; final decision

A4 adj. private

definition (c) intimate; for or pertaining to a small group of people; personal; of an individual

A5 adj. admirable

definition (b) worthy of adoration; impressive; wonderful; marvelous

A6 v. formulate

definition (d) to devise; to conceive; to develop; to plan

A7 n. origin

definition (b) source; beginning; birth; parentage; nationality

A8 n. employer

definition (c) boss; person or company that hires people to do work

A9 v. slander

definition (d) to make false and injurious statements about another; to defame; to vilify; to malign

A10 adj. bottom

definition (a) lower; under


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A1 n. margin

definition (a) profit from the difference between costs and net sales

A2 n. crowd

definition (b) public; large group of people; gathering

A3 n. plug

definition (c) cork; stopper; electrical connector; block; advertisement

A4 n. season

definition (c) one of the four quarters of the year (winter, spring, summer, autumn)

A5 n. development

definition (d) evolvement; gradual growth; evolution; maturation; progression

A6 n. credit risk

definition (b) the prospect that a bond issuer will fail to make required debt payments

A7 n. menu

definition (a) list of choices; list of commands or options which may be selected

A8 v. guess

definition (a) to suppose; to hypothesize; to conjecture

A9 v. site

definition (c) to locate

A10 n. sight

definition (a) vision; ability to see; look; glimpse; spectacle


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A1 v. rescue

definition (c) to save from harm; to deliver from danger; to free from risk

A2 v. use

definition (b) to practice; to employ; to exploit; to treat; to consume

A3 v. dictate

definition (a) to say something aloud for someone to write down; to command; to order; to impose

A4 v. skim

definition (a) read superficially; to cause an object to skip across the surface of a liquid

A5 v. harmonize

definition (d) to agree; to reconcile; to be in concert with

A6 adv. consistently

definition (d) regularly; persistently; steadily; stably

A7 n. return

definition (b) act of giving back; reply; answer; profit; yield; repayment

A8 v. inventory

definition (a) to make a detailed list of property; to summarize; to sum up the worth of

A9 v. head

definition (c) to lead; to be in charge; to direct; to be at the front; to go in a certain direction

A10 v. prevail

definition (b) to win; to succeed; to overcome; to surpass; to prove superior


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A1 v. advise

definition (b) to counsel; to offer guidance; to notify; to inform

A2 n. aisle

definition (d) passage; walkway (between rows of seats or shelves)

A3 adj. supplementary

definition (c) additional; extra

A4 n. vocabulary

definition (d) lexicon; list of words and their definitions in alphabetical order

A5 n. leather

definition (d) tanned and preserved animal skin; item made of animal skin

A6 adj. representative

definition (a) typical; characteristic; acting on behalf of another person or organization

A7 v. invent

definition (c) to originate; to create; to design; to fabricate; to concoct

A8 adv. likely

definition (b) seemingly; probably

A9 adv. either

definition (a) also; too; as well

A10 adv. close

definition (b) nearby


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A1 n. item

definition (c) thing; object; article; news story; piece of information

A2 n. mend

definition (a) reform; repair; act of repairing; state of healing or improvement

A3 n. elevator

definition (b) lift; mechanical apparatus for moving people or items from floor to floor within a building

A4 n. selection

definition (a) choice; assortment; collection of items available to choose

A5 n. manufacture

definition (b) product made by hand or by machine

A6 n. harmony

definition (b) unity; agreement; accord; pleasing balance; symmetry

A7 n. shipping

definition (a) business of sending or transporting cargo; sea voyage (Archaic)

A8 n. comment

definition (b) remark; note; statement; explanation

A9 n. resistance

definition (b) opposition; act of fighting against; act of withstanding the effects of

A10 n. periodical

definition (b) magazine; journal


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A1 v. engage

definition (b) to keep busy; to occupy; to employ; to commit

A2 v. blunder

definition (a) to make a stupid mistake; to move back and forth in a clumsy manner

A3 v. entrance

definition (b) to hypnotize; to enthrall

A4 v. reject

definition (d) to decline; to deny; to turn down

A5 v. compete

definition (d) to contest; to contend against another; to participate in a contest

A6 v. familiarize

definition (a) to cause to be acquainted; to accustom; to make something well known; to publicize

A7 v. inflict

definition (c) to impose; to cause something unpleasant

A8 v. brand

definition (d) to mark with an iron; to disgrace; to condemn

A9 v. crowd

definition (d) to gather together; to group together; to press in

A10 v. balance

definition (d) to make equal


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A1 n. operator

definition (c) one who activates; worker of a telephone switchboard; operation symbol

A2 v. price

definition (c) to give a cost to something

A3 n. testimonial

definition (d) letter of recommendation

A4 n. privilege

definition (a) special individual right not enjoyed by others; benefit; advantage

A5 n. barren capital

definition (c) money which is not generating profit

A6 n. experiment

definition (b) attempt to discover or test something; trial; research

A7 adj. administrative

definition (a) managerial; executive

A8 n. essence

definition (a) inherent nature of something; central or outstanding characteristic

A9 n. remit

definition (d) act of forgiving; discharging; dispatching

A10 v. rule

definition (a) to govern; to control; to determine; to decide; to decree


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A1 n. appointment

definition (a) official date; meeting; interview; nomination

A2 n. willingness

definition (c) readiness; agreeableness

A3 n. research

definition (c) comprehensive inquiry; extensive investigation of a subject

A4 n. customs

definition (b) government department responsible for collecting taxes on imports

A5 n. undercut

definition (b) type of beef tenderloin; type of cavity with a broad base

A6 n. extract

definition (c) substance obtained from a plant; essence; text paragraph; passage

A7 n. ceremony

definition (d) rite; ritual; formality

A8 n. dispatch

definition (c) sending off; shipment; message; communication; promptness

A9 n. span

definition (a) length; distance; duration; period of time

A10 n. spot

definition (a) roundish stain; speck; place; awkward or difficult situation; predicament


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A1 v. move

definition (a) to act on; to transfer from one place to another; to change residence

A2 v. style

definition (d) to plan; to design; to name; to call

A3 v. inconvenience

definition (b) to cause discomfort; to trouble; to put out; to disturb

A4 v. emphasize

definition (a) to stress; to show the importance of

A5 v. fold

definition (b) to bend; to crease; to wrap; to envelop; to clasp

A6 v. define

definition (a) to explain; to clarify; to limit; to set boundaries

A7 n. rival

definition (d) competitor; opponent; contender

A8 v. host

definition (d) to act as master of ceremonies; to receive guests into one's home; to give a party

A9 v. commission

definition (c) to contract; to empower; to authorize; to confer

A10 v. oversee

definition (d) to supervise; to manage; to inspect


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A1 adj. budget

definition (d) inexpensive; cheap; of or relating to a financial plan

A2 adv. small

definition (d) softly; in a low voice; without strength or force; weakly; into little pieces

A3 n. score

definition (d) group of twenty items; debt; account; bill; grade on a test

A4 n. industry

definition (b) manufacturing; trade; diligence; perseverance; tendency to work hard

A5 adv. instantaneously

definition (b) immediately; momentarily

A6 v. loop

definition (c) to make circular shape

A7 adj. equal

definition (c) same; identical; able; capable

A8 n. switch

definition (d) exchange; transfer; device

A9 v. house

definition (b) to accommodate someone; to stay; to reside; to dwell; to store; to shelter

A10 n. market

definition (c) demand for goods or services; rate of purchase and sale; fair


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A1 n. set

definition (d) system; group of items; collection; posture; carriage; series; sequence

A2 n. condition

definition (d) situation; requirement; circumstance; stipulation

A3 n. cure

definition (c) method or course that restores health; prescribed treatment for an illness

A4 n. calendar

definition (d) chart showing the months of a year (including days and weeks); schedule; timetable

A5 n. route

definition (d) track; path; customary series of stops during a trip

A6 n. relief

definition (c) easement; alleviation; liberation; aid; assistance

A7 n. persuasion

definition (d) inducement; act of convincing

A8 n. qualification

definition (a) fitness; suitability; limitation; diploma or certificate stating one's abilities

A9 n. absence

definition (a) failure to appear; state of being away; state of being not present

A10 n. opinion

definition (d) attitude; outlook; formal judgment or estimation


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A1 v. pose

definition (d) to stance

A2 v. garner

definition (c) to collect; to gather; to accumulate; to store; to place in reserve

A3 v. cover

definition (a) to encase; to review; to protect; to include; to insure

A4 v. lay off

definition (a) to postpone; to dismiss from a job; to fire

A5 v. resume

definition (d) to recommence; to begin again; to retake; to take back; to continue

A6 v. confuse

definition (a) to embarrass; to mix up; to muddle up; to bewilder; to startle

A7 n. traveler

definition (d) one who makes a journey

A8 v. queues

definition (b) to stand in line; to make a row

A9 v. depict

definition (d) to describe; to illustrate; to characterize; to portray; to elucidate

A10 v. collaborate

definition (d) to work together; to cooperate


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A1 n. stay

definition (d) act of halting; visit; temporary residence; suspension of a legal proceeding

A2 n. weakness

definition (d) drawback; disadvantage; defect; foible

A3 v. maintain

definition (a) to keep in existence; to preserve; to support; to provide for

A4 adj. quiet

definition (a) silent; noiseless; peaceful; tranquil; still; lacking activity

A5 n. innocent

definition (b) person who is free from sin or wrongdoing

A6 adj. consistent

definition (b) coherent; steadfast; firm

A7 n. lumber

definition (a) trees that have been sawed into rough planks; useless items that been put in storage

A8 n. characteristic

definition (d) trait; feature; ability; distinguishing quality; attribute

A9 v. clip

definition (a) to cut off; to curtail; to trim off

A10 adj. rank

definition (b) giving off a foul odor; fertile; productive; fruitful; growing vigorously


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A1 n. check

definition (b) examination; money order; payment order; restaurant bill

A2 n. brand

definition (d) trademark; type; make; variety; product name

A3 n. cheque

definition (d) written order directing a bank to pay a specific amount of money

A4 n. emphasis

definition (b) importance that is attached to something; accent or stress that is placed on a word or words

A5 n. demonstration

definition (c) exhibition; explanation; showing

A6 n. pedicure

definition (d) cosmetic foot treatment

A7 n. case

definition (d) occasion; instance; situation; bag

A8 n. plane

definition (d) type of aircraft; two-dimensional surface; rank; level

A9 n. cement

definition (c) concrete; mortar; bonding agent; filling (for teeth)

A10 n. incumbent

definition (d) person who currently holds an office or position


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A1 v. narrow

definition (b) to limit; to restrict; to contract; to lessen in width; to taper

A2 v. should

definition (b) must (indicating duty or obligation); would (softening the statement)

A3 v. slash

definition (a) to cut with a sharp quick stroke; to reduce; to lower; to criticize strongly

A4 v. appear

definition (a) to come into view; to show up; to seem

A5 v. hesitate

definition (b) to waver; to be uncertain; to vacillate; to falter; to be indecisive

A6 v. schedule

definition (d) to create a timetable; to enter into a timetable; to plan for a certain date

A7 n. ambition

definition (b) aspiration; hope; goal; dream

A8 v. perfect

definition (d) to refine; to improve; to complete; to make faultless

A9 v. assimilate

definition (d) to incorporate; to take in; to absorb

A10 v. classify

definition (d) to arrange systematically; to structure; to group; to sort; to make confidential


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A1 v. qualify

definition (a) to train; to certify; to meet the minimum standards; to moderate; to modify

A2 n. perennial

definition (b) something that continues for many years

A3 n. mention

definition (a) direct or incidental reference; recognition of an achievement

A4 adv. deliberately

definition (c) intentionally; purposefully; methodically

A5 v. increase

definition (d) to enlarge; to add to; to multiply; to raise; to intensify

A6 adj. local

definition (d) characterized; by or occupying a particular place

A7 adj. fiscal

definition (a) of public funds; of or pertaining to money matters

A8 n. feedback

definition (c) response; critique; information about the results of a certain procedure or performance

A9 n. conserve

definition (c) marmalade; jam

A10 adj. average

definition (d) immediate; common; usual; standard


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A1 n. component

definition (b) ingredient; single piece which forms part of a larger unit; part; constituent; element

A2 n. visibility

definition (d) quality of being clearly seen

A3 n. railroad

definition (d) path for a train made of parallel metal tracks

A4 n. vaccination

definition (b) act or instance of rendering insusceptible to disease by inoculating

A5 n. impression

definition (a) strong feeling or idea left by an experience; effect; vague memory

A6 n. gather

definition (c) drawing together; fold; pucker

A7 n. inspector

definition (b) person whose job it is to supervise and examine; police officer ranking below a superintendent

A8 n. neglect

definition (c) disregard; inattention; forgetfulness; abandonment

A9 n. thread

definition (c) string; thin cord; Internet discussion

A10 n. head

definition (b) mind; understanding; leader; person in authority; top


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A1 v. profit

definition (c) to earn income; to make financial gains; to be of service; to be beneficial

A2 v. yield

definition (d) to produce; to supply; to bear (profit, harvest, fruit, etc.)

A3 v. subscribe

definition (b) to endorse; to donate; to contribute; to pledge; to support; to approve

A4 v. go after

definition (b) to try to get; to attempt to get

A5 v. distinguish

definition (b) to mark as different; to see as different; to discern; to recognize

A6 v. pull out

definition (b) to remove; to withdraw; to abandon; to exit; to depart

A7 v. trash

definition (b) to throw away; to discard; to destroy; to damage

A8 v. document

definition (d) to record for evidence; to write down; to substantiate

A9 v. relinquish

definition (a) to cede; to surrender; to give up; to forsake; to abandon

A10 v. negotiate

definition (d) to bargain; to deal; to work out; to compromise; to clear or pass an obstacle


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A1 n. occupancy

definition (c) period of residence; act of taking possession (Law); right of possession

A2 v. indicate

definition (c) to show; to point out; to mark; to signify; to imply; to exhibit

A3 v. thrive

definition (b) to prosper; to flourish; to succeed

A4 v. reflect

definition (c) to mirror; to send back energy from a surface; to cause to return; to express

A5 n. loan

definition (c) amount of money that has been borrowed; something borrowed; act of giving temporarily

A6 n. messenger

definition (b) person employed to deliver official dispatches or go on special errands

A7 adj. unconventional

definition (d) not standard; not ordinary

A8 v. certificate

definition (c) to confirm; to license; to authorize

A9 adj. final

definition (a) at the end; last; ultimate; decisive; conclusive; definitive

A10 v. precede

definition (b) to go before; to be in front; to be ahead of; to predate


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A1 n. sharp

definition (b) sewing needle; swindler; cheater; professional gambler

A2 n. luncheon

definition (b) afternoon party where a light meal is served

A3 n. improvement

definition (b) something which enhances or improves; addition or change which adds value to something

A4 n. consignment

definition (c) delivery; dispatch; conveyance

A5 n. century

definition (a) period of one hundred years

A6 n. blue sky laws

definition (b) rules introduced by the government to regulate the trade of securities and mutual funds

A7 n. fraud

definition (a) swindle; deceit; cheating; forgery; embezzlement

A8 n. accuracy

definition (d) preciseness; exactness

A9 n. ill

definition (d) trouble; misfortune; evil; harm; disease; sickness

A10 n. diet

definition (a) nourishment; nutrition; food and drink; regimen; weight loss plan


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A1 v. voyage

definition (c) to take a cruise; to travel; to make a journey

A2 v. procure

definition (a) to obtain; to acquire; to get; to buy; to purchase

A3 v. industrialize

definition (b) to innovate and develop production

A4 v. alter

definition (c) to change; to modify

A5 v. line

definition (a) to place in a row; to cover the inside of; to pad

A6 v. adjust

definition (d) to modify; to adapt; to fit; to arrange; to settle

A7 v. edit

definition (c) to revise; to alter; to make changes and corrections prior to printing

A8 v. speed

definition (a) to accelerate; to cause to move quickly; to expedite; to further; to hurry

A9 v. strike

definition (a) to temporarily cease working as a protest; to impress

A10 v. insert

definition (a) to place in; to put in; to add to


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A1 n. wallpaper

definition (a) picture or design used as a background for the other images in a graphical user interface

A2 n. design

definition (b) plan; sketch; model; layout; structure

A3 n. postmaster

definition (b) mail manager, person responsible for managing electronic mail on a network (Computers)

A4 v. impress

definition (a) to affect strongly; to emphasize; to stamp

A5 n. insult

definition (c) affront; offense; rude remark or action

A6 n. tow

definition (a) act of dragging or pulling with a rope or chain

A7 n. production

definition (c) manufacture; assembly; output; yield

A8 n. sort

definition (a) type; kind; character; manner; quality

A9 v. comprise

definition (d) to include; to contain; to consist

A10 adv. throughout

definition (a) in every; during


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A1 n. diversity

definition (d) variety; difference; unlikeness

A2 n. baggage

definition (b) luggage; cargo; things to take on a trip; equipment

A3 n. significance

definition (d) meaning; sense; quality of having meaning

A4 n. offense

definition (d) attack; misdeed; insult; transgression

A5 n. shop

definition (a) small retail store; studio; business; office; outlet

A6 n. speech

definition (c) speaking ability; something that is communicated orally

A7 v. groom

definition (c) to tend carefully; to take care of; to make clean and tidy; to prepare for

A8 n. mark

definition (c) sign; indication; symbol; grade; trace

A9 n. mentor

definition (c) adviser; counselor; person who guides and teaches; spiritual instructor

A10 n. warranty

definition (c) guarantee; authority; justification


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A1 v. funnel

definition (d) to channel; to centralize

A2 v. strap

definition (b) to tie with a narrow piece of leather; to lash

A3 v. injure

definition (d) to hurt; to wound; to insult; to offend; to damage

A4 v. publicize

definition (d) to advertise; to bring to the attention of a large audience

A5 v. compose

definition (a) to create; to write; to relax; to calm oneself; to settle

A6 v. instrument

definition (b) to equip with devices for measuring, recording, or controlling

A7 v. earn

definition (b) to receive as a result of work or other service performed; to profit; to be eligible; to be worthy

A8 v. pleasure

definition (c) to cause someone enjoyment

A9 v. fuel

definition (d) to provide with a combustible substance that provides energy

A10 v. lead

definition (c) to conduct; to guide; to direct; to influence


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A1 adj. proper

definition (a) correct; suitable; just; complete

A2 n. sweater

definition (c) pullover; employer who underpays his employees

A3 n. momentum

definition (b) force of movement; strength or motivation derived from an initial effort

A4 n. fuel

definition (a) substance burned to create energy (petrol, gasoline, gas, wood, coal, etc.)

A5 n. uniqueness

definition (b) singularity; individuality; incomparability

A6 n. capacity

definition (c) volume which can be contained or received; function; role; feature; potential

A7 v. owe

definition (a) to be indebted to; to be under obligation to pay or repay

A8 n. stem

definition (b) central stalk of a plant; petiole

A9 n. discipline

definition (c) training

A10 n. investor

definition (c) person who puts money into a project


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A1 n. adjustment

definition (a) adaption; settlement of an insurance claim

A2 n. gathering

definition (b) assembly; meeting; convention; cluster; collection

A3 n. definition

definition (c) explanation; meaning; interpretation (as of a word or term)

A4 n. code

definition (a) cipher; collection of instructions of the law

A5 n. greenhouse

definition (d) structure built mainly of glass in which plants are cultivated out of season

A6 n. exertion

definition (b) putting to use; putting into action; effort; struggle; strain

A7 n. mall

definition (b) shopping center; pedestrian walkway; promenade

A8 v. sum

definition (b) to add

A9 n. advance

definition (a) progress; modernization; promotion

A10 n. loop

definition (a) fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords or lines


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A1 v. precondition

definition (c) to train in advance

A2 v. box

definition (c) to fight with fists; to put crates

A3 v. interject

definition (c) to place between other things; to throw into the center of

A4 v. blame

definition (d) to accuse; to denounce

A5 v. exist

definition (b) to live; to be

A6 v. prohibit

definition (d) to outlaw; to forbid by law; to interdict; to ban; to prevent

A7 v. postpone

definition (a) to put off to a later time; to delay; to defer; to put off until later; to stay

A8 v. dislodge

definition (a) to extricate; to remove; to evict; to oust; to expel

A9 v. render

definition (b) to give; to submit; to transform; to represent; to depict

A10 v. concern

definition (c) to involve; to affect; to worry; to interest; to relate to


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A1 v. raise

definition (a) to elevate; to lift; to excite; to arouse; to cause

A2 v. predict

definition (b) to prophesy; to foretell; to announce in advance

A3 v. commit

definition (d) to perform; to do; to engage

A4 n. trustee

definition (d) person granted legal custodianship over property not belonging to him

A5 n. recipient

definition (b) person who accepts; person who takes or gets

A6 n. plaid

definition (b) colorful fabric with a pattern of square s and crossbars

A7 n. triangle

definition (b) shape having three sides and three corners; group of three

A8 v. tailor

definition (d) to create or adapt for a particular need or desire

A9 v. insult

definition (c) to speak or act in a rude or contemptuous manner; to offend; to affront

A10 v. section

definition (b) to divide; to split


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A1 n. alert

definition (c) warning; alarm; attitude of readiness

A2 n. debris

definition (b) rubble; ruins; wreckage; fragments

A3 n. scope

definition (b) range; extent; sphere; expanse

A4 n. contact

definition (c) link; connection; touch; interface

A5 n. impulse

definition (b) instinctual urge; sudden desire; whim; wave of energy sent via a nerve

A6 n. identification

definition (a) verification of a person or thing; recognition

A7 n. leaflet

definition (c) sheet of paper on which information has been printed; flyer

A8 n. intent

definition (d) plan; goal; aim; objective; meaning

A9 n. adversity

definition (b) misfortune; hardship; distress; suffering

A10 n. drive

definition (c) trip in a vehicle; type of computer hardware; combined effort to accomplish a goal (i.e. fund



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A1 v. disappear

definition (d) to go out of sight; to become extinct; to cease to exist; to vanish

A2 v. subside

definition (b) to descend; to decline; to abate; to lessen

A3 v. structure

definition (c) to organize; to arrange; to give form to

A4 v. sign

definition (d) to mark; to indicate; to write one's name

A5 v. chart

definition (a) to make a graph; to draw; to diagram

A6 v. go along with

definition (d) to comply; to conform; to follow; to agree

A7 v. cope

definition (a) to manage in spite of difficulty; to struggle successfully

A8 v. lock

definition (a) to fix in place; to link firmly together; to be held in place

A9 v. part

definition (b) to divide; to separate; to be divided; to allocate

A10 v. budget

definition (a) to prepare a financial plan; to make financial arrangements


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A1 adj. corrupt

definition (d) spoiled; immoral; dishonest; perverted

A2 v. task

definition (d) to give assignments; to overburden; to strain

A3 adv. conscientiously

definition (d) dutifully; with care; thoroughly

A4 n. technician

definition (d) specialist in repairs of machinery and appliances

A5 n. screen

definition (d) part of a television or computer monitor where the picture is displayed

A6 n. citizenship

definition (a) right to live in a country; condition of being a member of a country

A7 adj. proud

definition (c) arrogant; haughty; magnificent; impressive

A8 n. instrument

definition (b) tool; implement; device; appliance; agent; means

A9 n. load

definition (a) something carried; cargo; burden; unit of measure or weight; capacity

A10 v. imply

definition (c) to suggest indirectly; to hint; to infer; to mean; to import


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A1 n. engagement

definition (d) commitment; obligation; period of employment

A2 n. take

definition (a) amount collected at one time; income; proceeds; profits (Informal)

A3 n. evidence

definition (c) proof; something which proves or disproves

A4 n. election

definition (a) choosing; time when people vote for a political candidate

A5 n. garment

definition (d) piece of clothing; outer covering

A6 n. van

definition (c) large closed vehicle used for transporting goods or people

A7 v. enlarge

definition (a) to become bigger; to expand

A8 n. substantive

definition (b) word or phrase functioning as a noun

A9 n. commercial

definition (a) television or radio advertisement

A10 n. terminology

definition (b) nomenclature; specific vocabulary


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A1 v. revise

definition (a) to make changes in order to improve something; to edit; to correct

A2 v. esteem

definition (c) to respect; to honor; to admire; to value

A3 v. fund

definition (b) to finance; to supply with money; to allocate financial sums; to extend a short-term obligation

A4 v. intensify

definition (b) to increase; to strengthen; to heighten

A5 v. taste

definition (c) to check flavor by eating; to attempt; to try

A6 v. term

definition (b) to name; to call; to designate

A7 n. benchmark

definition (b) criterion; measure; point of reference for comparison

A8 v. innovate

definition (d) to make changes; to create something new; to invent

A9 v. surmise

definition (c) to infer; to conjecture; to guess; to presume

A10 v. specialize

definition (b) to devote oneself to a particular profession or field of study; to limit


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