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TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 227 (Answer Keys)

A1 adv. instead

definition (b) in place of; as a replacement

A2 n. layer

definition (d) thickness of some material that covers a surface; covering; bed; stratum

A3 v. disclaim

definition (a) to deny connection with; to renounce; to repudiate; to disavow

A4 v. content

definition (d) to satisfy; to please; to meet a request

A5 v. conduct

definition (b) to behave; to manage; to carry out; to transmit

A6 n. acquisition

definition (d) purchase; something that has been purchased or obtained

A7 v. permit

definition (b) to let; to enable; to allow; to authorize; to sanction

A8 v. minute

definition (c) to record the proceedings of a meeting; to make a memorandum

A9 n. track

definition (c) lane; path; signs; trails; channel

A10 adj. urban

definition (b) pertaining to a city; municipal


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A1 n. carrier

definition (a) person or company that ships things; shipping company; truck

A2 n. economy

definition (d) management of resources (i.e. money, goods, etc.); thrift; careful spending

A3 n. offender

definition (c) transgressor; person who breaks the law; one who insults

A4 n. affiliate

definition (a) partner company; distributor

A5 n. agenda

definition (d) schedule; calendar; outline of things to be done

A6 n. pipe

definition (c) tube; trachea; flute; toot

A7 n. option

definition (c) choice; alternative; possibility; selection; election

A8 n. breadth

definition (a) width; broadness

A9 n. damage

definition (d) injury; harm

A10 n. campaign

definition (b) series of activities organized to accomplish a goal


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A1 v. dispense

definition (b) to do without; to give up; to distribute; to give out; to hand out

A2 v. remember

definition (a) to recall to the mind; to retain in one's mind; to have a recollection

A3 v. broadcast

definition (c) to transmit over the radio; to publicize; to advertise

A4 v. destroy

definition (a) to demolish; to ruin; to destruct; to erase

A5 v. receive

definition (b) to get; to accept; to absorb; to take in; to host; to accommodate

A6 v. boost

definition (d) to raise; to push; to urge; to lift

A7 n. pollution

definition (a) contamination; dirtying; soiling; spoiling; destruction

A8 v. receipt

definition (a) to write a statement of purchases; to make a bill of sale

A9 v. party

definition (c) to celebrate

A10 v. sample

definition (d) to take a small portion of something as a specimen


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A1 v. fare

definition (b) to travel; to go; to journey; to happen; to eat and drink

A2 n. prerogative

definition (d) right; special privilege

A3 v. come along

definition (d) to accompany someone; to appear; to advance; to succeed

A4 conj. however

definition (d) in what way?

A5 n. briefcase

definition (d) small container for documents; tool for synchronizing files between two computers

A6 n. complaint

definition (c) finding fault; act of expressing displeasure; pleading entered by a plaintiff (Law)

A7 n. renovation

definition (d) act of repairing; renewal; act of restoring to good condition

A8 adj. compatible

definition (c) congruous

A9 n. halt

definition (b) temporary stop; standstill; break or pause in a march or journey

A10 v. litter

definition (c) to toss or dump garbage in an unauthorized place; to scatter objects in disorder


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A1 n. fine

definition (b) monetary penalty; punishment which involves the payment of specified sum of money

A2 n. convention

definition (a) conference; routine; custom; treaty

A3 n. novel

definition (b) piece of long fiction with a plot and characters; story

A4 n. incentive

definition (a) stimulus; inducement; enticement; encouragement

A5 n. period

definition (a) punctuation mark; end; pause at end of a phrase; full sentence; age; season

A6 n. raise

definition (c) increase in salary; wage increase

A7 n. session

definition (a) meeting; assembly; term; semester

A8 n. source

definition (a) origin; starting point

A9 n. attendant

definition (d) steward; stewardess; person who serves others; person who accompanies others

A10 n. onus

definition (b) responsibility; duty; burden; impediment; blame


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A1 v. dismiss

definition (c) to send away; to fire; to release; to free

A2 v. kit

definition (a) to equip; to outfit with supplies

A3 v. prioritize

definition (a) to organize according to importance

A4 v. average

definition (d) to have a mean of a certain amount

A5 v. create

definition (b) to produce; to design; to make; to manufacture

A6 v. mortgage

definition (d) to sign over property to a creditor as security for money that is owed; to obligate

A7 n. information

definition (b) knowledge; intelligence; data

A8 v. guide

definition (d) to direct; to lead; to instruct

A9 v. piece

definition (c) to join parts together; to attach segments

A10 v. forecast

definition (c) to predict a future event or condition; to foretell


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A1 v. attire

definition (a) to dress; to put on clothes

A2 v. pressure

definition (a) to apply force or weight; to push; to stress

A3 v. remind

definition (a) to cause to remember

A4 v. trail

definition (d) to follow; to drag; to tow

A5 v. mistake

definition (a) to make an error; to be wrong; to confuse

A6 n. earnings

definition (d) money gained; salary; revenue; profit; income

A7 n. journalist

definition (a) reporter; person who writes for a newspaper or magazine; correspondent

A8 adj. present

definition (b) existent; in attendance; on hand; of the current times; pertaining to the current times

A9 v. course

definition (b) to hunt; to pursue; to run over; to race

A10 v. labor

definition (d) to work; to toil; to exert oneself; to work hard


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A1 n. daily

definition (a) newspaper that is published 5 to 7 times a week

A2 n. competitor

definition (a) rival; (i.e. Coca Cola and Pepsi); person who participates in a contest

A3 n. relationship

definition (b) connection; association; closeness

A4 n. resist

definition (a) protective coating

A5 n. will

definition (d) last testament listing inheritors of a dying person's property

A6 n. car

definition (a) automobile; elevator; vehicle; ride

A7 n. basis

definition (d) foundation; grounding

A8 v. coordinate

definition (c) to arrange in proper order

A9 v. prolong

definition (b) to extend; to lengthen

A10 n. straight

definition (b) line that is not curved; section that is not curved


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A1 v. arrive

definition (d) to reach a destination; to return; to come back; to succeed

A2 v. clear

definition (c) to clarify; to explain; to approve

A3 v. validate

definition (a) to confirm; to sanction; to legalize

A4 v. posture

definition (a) to pretend; to feign

A5 v. regress

definition (c) to move backward; to go back; to return to a previous condition

A6 v. drill

definition (a) to bore a hole; to practice; to train; to sow seeds in rows

A7 v. quote

definition (c) to cite; to state a price; to offer a price

A8 v. proliferate

definition (c) to reproduce quickly; to multiply rapidly; to thrive; to grow quickly

A9 v. complete

definition (a) to make whole; to finish; to perfect

A10 v. express

definition (b) to declare; to say; to send quickly; to squeeze; to extract


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A1 n. shortage

definition (c) lack; scarcity; deficit; deficiency

A2 n. catering

definition (d) business of supplying and servicing food

A3 v. look over

definition (b) to examine

A4 n. franchisor

definition (b) person who has the right to grant a license

A5 adj. dismal

definition (c) gloomy; cheerless; bad; depressing; sad

A6 n. grade

definition (c) mark; level; degree; rank; type; extend; class (in a school)

A7 n. president

definition (c) head; leader; chairman; chief

A8 v. resist

definition (b) to oppose; to fight against; to challenge; to withstand

A9 v. warehouse

definition (d) to store in a large building

A10 n. venture

definition (a) an undertaking that is dangerous, daring, or of uncertain outcome


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A1 n. involvement

definition (d) inclusion; participation; connection; association; relation

A2 n. flaw

definition (a) defect; imperfection; crack; strong gust or wind

A3 n. clearance

definition (c) release; approval; washing

A4 n. clip

definition (a) clamp; fastener; shred; segment of video

A5 n. misunderstanding

definition (a) incorrect interpretation

A6 n. sales

definition (a) marketing; activities associated with selling a product or service

A7 n. brake

definition (b) device which is used to slow or stop a vehicle

A8 n. last

definition (b) end; conclusion; final appearance; power of endurance; vitality; unit of weight

A9 n. interior

definition (c) inside a building; inland section of a country

A10 n. dictate

definition (b) ruling principle; command; decree


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A1 v. decline

definition (b) to refuse; to go down; to decrease; to fall

A2 v. talk

definition (a) to converse; to speak; to spread rumors; to lecture; to reveal secret information

A3 v. imagine

definition (a) to envision; to fantasize; to visualize; to think; to assume

A4 v. remark

definition (c) to notice; to observe; to comment; to state; to say

A5 v. track

definition (d) to follow

A6 v. lend

definition (d) to give on a temporary basis; to give money as a loan; to donate

A7 v. career

definition (a) to evolve; to make to progress; to grow professionally; to develop; to speed

A8 v. weight

definition (d) to load; to oppress; to burden; to regard; to esteem

A9 v. cure

definition (b) to restore to health; to make well; to correct a bad habit; to preserve food

A10 v. contract

definition (c) to create a formal agreement; to bind legally; to obtain


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A1 n. grooming

definition (c) process of making neat and attractive

A2 n. retail

definition (b) sale of products to final consumers; sale of goods to end users

A3 v. default

definition (c) to fail to perform a duty; to fail to pay on time; to fail to appear in court

A4 n. resident

definition (a) inhabitant; one who lives in a particular location

A5 n. agreement

definition (c) pact; contract; accord; consent; concurrence

A6 adj. exclusive

definition (c) sole; limited to a selected few; incompatible; fashionable; unique

A7 n. chop

definition (b) seal; trademark

A8 n. drill

definition (c) practice; training; furrow; seeding machine; row of seeds in a furrow

A9 n. collateral

definition (b) security deposit

A10 adj. immediately

definition (a) right away; shortly; at once; without delay


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A1 n. gift

definition (a) present; talent; offering

A2 n. logo

definition (a) graphic symbol which represents a company or organization

A3 n. cancellation

definition (c) nullification; termination; revocation

A4 n. pile

definition (c) heap; mound; wealth; fortune; group of buildings; dike; levee

A5 n. aircraft

definition (b) any vehicle which can be flown (i.e. helicopter)

A6 n. confirmation

definition (d) formal approval; proof; verification; religious ceremony

A7 n. tool

definition (b) apparatus; device

A8 v. commute

definition (d) to exchange; to replace; to convert; to travel back and forth regularly (i.e. to work)

A9 n. express

definition (a) system for prompt transportation of people or parcels; dispatch conveyed by special messenger

A10 n. function

definition (a) duty; role; purpose; feature; convention


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A1 v. bound

definition (b) to jump; to leap

A2 v. presume

definition (c) to take for granted; to dare; to venture; to take liberties; to permit oneself

A3 v. pretend

definition (c) to impersonate; to act in a role; to claim; to assert

A4 v. accrue

definition (b) to compile; to increase; to accumulate; to grow

A5 v. categorize

definition (b) to arrange in groups; to classify; to sort; to structure

A6 n. semester

definition (d) one of the two periods of an academic year (usually 15-18 weeks)

A7 n. takeover

definition (d) act of assuming control of something (as in a government or business)

A8 v. mandate

definition (a) to issue a command; to make an official order

A9 v. devise

definition (c) to plan; to invent; to design

A10 v. infer

definition (a) to derive; to conclude; to guess; to surmise; to hint


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A1 adj. general

definition (c) inclusive; of all things

A2 v. declare

definition (a) to proclaim; to make a statement; to make a full statement of (one's taxable or dutiable property)

A3 v. wait

definition (d) to be ready or available; to work as an attendant; to postpone

A4 n. handle

definition (d) part of an object designed to be gripped by the hand; fist name; nickname; code name; title

A5 n. photographer

definition (b) cameraman; person who takes pictures

A6 n. grit

definition (c) small rough granules or particles (i.e. sand); bravery; pluck; endurance

A7 n. garbage

definition (a) something that is discarded; rubbish; trash; junk; waste

A8 adj. corporate

definition (d) common; shared; collective

A9 v. anger

definition (b) to irritate; to infuriate; to enrage

A10 v. season

definition (c) to spice; to flavor; to accustom; to acclimatize; to become experienced


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TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 243 (Answer Keys)

A1 n. safety

definition (a) freedom from danger; quality of not causing injury or loss; any security device

A2 n. analysis

definition (d) process of breaking down a subject and studying it; examination

A3 n. ownership

definition (d) legal right of possession

A4 n. director

definition (c) boss; supervisor; manager; head

A5 n. proposal

definition (d) suggestion; tender; plan; offer of marriage

A6 n. advancement

definition (d) forward movement; progress; promotion

A7 n. company

definition (d) corporation; firm; ensemble; association with another

A8 n. issue

definition (a) topic; subject; matter; question; problem; publication

A9 n. staff

definition (d) employees working in an organization; personnel; crew; team

A10 n. broker

definition (d) middleman; agent who buys and sells property or shares etc. for other people


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A1 v. instruct

definition (d) to inform; to direct; to guide; to command; to order; to educate

A2 v. court

definition (b) to seek to please; to flatter; to seek to gain the affections of someone

A3 v. interrupt

definition (d) to stop; to discontinue; to disturb; to bring a conversation to a halt

A4 v. choose

definition (d) to select; to prefer; to pick; to make a choice

A5 v. tackle

definition (b) to deal with; to stop; to undertake; to set about

A6 v. know

definition (a) to be acquainted with; to understand; to distinguish; to be aware of

A7 v. supervise

definition (d) to oversee; to administer; to direct; to manage; to watch over

A8 v. design

definition (a) to create; to conceive; to produce; to conceptualize

A9 v. exhibit

definition (c) to show; to display; to demonstrate; to present

A10 v. select

definition (c) to choose; to pick out


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A1 n. cabinet

definition (a) small room; piece of office furniture; office; part of a government

A2 v. nurse

definition (a) to breast-feed; to suckle; to provide medical care; to take care of

A3 n. gymnasium

definition (d) building for indoor sports and exercise; fitness center

A4 n. date

definition (d) day, month and year according to the calendar; interview; meeting

A5 adj. daily

definition (b) occurring on a regular basis

A6 n. commuter

definition (c) person who travels back and forth between home and work

A7 n. clipping

definition (a) article cut from a newspaper

A8 n. mortgage

definition (a) conditional conveyance of property as for security on a loan; pledging; lien

A9 n. assistant

definition (b) person who gives support to a superior; aide; helper

A10 adj. bankrupt

definition (d) lacking; deficient; insolvent; unable to pay debts


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A1 n. downtown

definition (a) commercial center of a city; business distract

A2 n. coordinate

definition (b) reference point; geographical location

A3 n. cause

definition (b) reason; purpose; principle; factor; basis for a legal case

A4 n. landscaper

definition (b) person who designs gardens or large areas

A5 n. skill

definition (b) ability; aptitude; proficiency; expertise; craft or trade that requires special training

A6 n. entry

definition (c) opening; record; information or item in a book, dictionary, catalog, list, directory, etc.

A7 n. dispense

definition (d) expenditure; pardon

A8 v. surprise

definition (b) to startle; to astonish; to ambush

A9 n. provision

definition (a) supply; stock; measure; means; condition; stipulation

A10 n. registering

definition (d) list; record; regulator; gauge


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A1 v. disturb

definition (b) to bother; to interrupt; to confuse; to worry

A2 v. sort

definition (a) to classify; to organize; to separate from others; to clarify

A3 v. clock

definition (b) to measure time; to register on a time piece

A4 v. economize

definition (c) to save; to cut back; to be thrifty; to be frugal

A5 v. borrow

definition (a) to take on loan; to copy; to steal

A6 v. secure

definition (b) to obtain; to protect; to defend; to strengthen

A7 n. upholstery

definition (c) materials that are used to cushion and cover furniture (i.e. fabric, lining, padding, etc.)

A8 v. book

definition (c) to record; to order in advance; to inscribe; to indicate

A9 v. clerk

definition (d) to work as an employee (i.e. in the legal or bank business)

A10 v. persuade

definition (c) to convince; to induce; to sway


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A1 n. permit

definition (c) license; authorization

A2 n. duress

definition (d) intimidation; constraint; pressure; coercion

A3 v. endure

definition (d) to put up with something or somebody unpleasant

A4 v. deny

definition (b) to say that something is not true; to refuse; to renounce

A5 n. decade

definition (d) ten years; group of tens

A6 n. vending machine

definition (c) automated device used for selling items

A7 n. directory

definition (a) guidebook; library; catalog

A8 v. found

definition (a) to establish; to create; to build; to set up; to start a company

A9 adj. tense

definition (d) strained; taut; rigid; nervous; stressful

A10 v. elect

definition (a) to choose; to vote for; to prefer; to decide


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A1 n. science

definition (c) system of knowledge gained by research; specific field of systematic knowledge; skill; proficiency

A2 n. context

definition (d) connection; overall situation; background

A3 n. salvage

definition (d) act of rescuing; rescued items

A4 n. invitation

definition (d) request for one's presence; summons; call

A5 n. education

definition (d) learning; instruction; imparting of knowledge; upbringing

A6 n. cab

definition (a) taxi; carriage; driver's compartment

A7 n. scramble

definition (d) climb over rough terrain; struggle for possession; disorderly or chaotic proceeding

A8 n. array

definition (c) display; layout; clothing; menu

A9 n. frequency

definition (b) quality of occurring regularly; rate at which a function reoccurs

A10 n. omission

definition (a) deletion; negligence; failure; default


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A1 v. freight

definition (a) to load with goods; to load; to weigh down; to send as cargo

A2 v. disembark

definition (b) to go ashore from a boat; to leave a plane or vehicle; to land

A3 v. suspend

definition (a) to hang; to postpone; to defer; to expel

A4 v. entertain

definition (a) to interest; to amuse; to host

A5 v. realize

definition (a) to understand; to comprehend; to accomplish; to convert into cash; to liquidate

A6 v. dispose

definition (a) to control; to arrange; to put in order

A7 n. elevation

definition (b) height of something; altitude above sea or ground level; raising; lifting up; grandeur

A8 v. debut

definition (d) to perform for the first time; to make one's premiere performance

A9 v. retrieve

definition (a) to recover; to regain; to bring back; to fetch; to rescue

A10 v. demolish

definition (a) to destroy; to ruin; to tear down; to remove


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A1 adj. unnecessary

definition (d) excessive; redundant; superfluous

A2 pref. post

definition (b) after; later; subsequent to

A3 adj. modest

definition (b) humble; unpretentious; unassuming; simple; limited

A4 n. protection

definition (d) defense; shelter; safety

A5 n. helicopter

definition (d) aircraft which flies by means of horizontally rotating blades

A6 conj. yet

definition (a) but; in spite of; despite

A7 n. thoroughness

definition (d) diligence; neatness

A8 v. aggregate

definition (d) to accumulate; to gather; to collect; to assemble

A9 adv. firm

definition (c) sturdily; steadily; assertively; in a determined manner

A10 n. fund

definition (b) amount of money set aside for a specific purpose; supply


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A1 n. passenger

definition (c) traveler; fare; person who rides or travels

A2 n. relation

definition (d) narration; act of telling; family member; connection; association

A3 n. desk

definition (d) office table

A4 n. acronym

definition (d) a word which is formed from the first letters of several words; i.e. TOEIC or NATO

A5 n. mid-range

definition (b) pertaining to a value that is approximately in the middle of a series of values

A6 n. dietician

definition (d) nutritionist; expert on nutrition

A7 n. engine

definition (d) machine which supplies force and motion; motor; truck; part of a program which handles certain

types of date

A8 v. climb

definition (d) to ascend; to up; to slope upward; to move upward gradually

A9 n. medicine

definition (b) art and science of disease treatment and health maintenance; remedy; drug

A10 n. reason

definition (a) cause; basis for action; intelligence; sense


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A1 v. concoct

definition (d) to invent; to create; to contrive; to think up

A2 v. relate

definition (d) to narrate; to tell; to make a connection between; to have a good relationship with

A3 v. export

definition (d) to ship; to send abroad; to sell goods and products overseas

A4 v. reimburse

definition (a) to repay; to refund; to compensate for a loss; to repay for an expense

A5 v. respond

definition (d) to answer; to reply; to react

A6 v. barter

definition (a) to exchange goods and services

A7 v. pick up

definition (d) to choose; to select; to pull out; to tear out; to peck

A8 n. name

definition (a) word or phrase by which someone or something is called or identified; moniker

A9 v. research

definition (c) to perform a thorough investigation; to study a subject closely

A10 v. fax

definition (c) to transmit document electronically


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A1 adv. further

definition (c) to a greater distance; more; in addition

A2 v. put off

definition (c) to postpone; to disgust; to repulse; to deter

A3 v. enthuse

definition (d) to express excitement; to motivate

A4 v. invite

definition (b) to request the presence of; to solicit; to attract; to encourage; to promote

A5 adj. evident

definition (b) clear; obvious; apparent

A6 n. novelty

definition (d) innovation; something new; discovery

A7 v. invest

definition (d) to expend money or effort for future benefits; to grant; to install; to cover; to authorize

A8 n. export

definition (c) shipping of goods to other countries

A9 v. fear

definition (d) to be frightened; to be concerned; to be afraid of; to have respect for

A10 n. anchor

definition (a) newsreader; broadcaster


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A1 n. layout

definition (c) arrangement; plan; sketch; drawing; something which has been arranged

A2 n. bankrupt

definition (c) a person who was unable to repay their debts

A3 n. reimbursement

definition (b) act of paying back; repayment; compensation for a loss; repayment for an expense

A4 n. amount

definition (d) quantity; sum

A5 n. step

definition (b) movement made by lifting the foot and setting it down in another place; stair; stage in a process

A6 v. get into

definition (b) to enter

A7 n. example

definition (a) model; pattern; something which serves as an illustration

A8 n. divide

definition (d) separation; ridge between drainage areas; watershed

A9 n. manual

definition (c) instructional booklet; handbook

A10 n. interim

definition (b) temporary arrangement; in between period


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A1 v. promise

definition (d) to pledge; to give one's word; to vow; to commit oneself to a certain course of action

A2 v. dash

definition (c) to move with sudden speed; to bolt; to shatter; to hurl; to cast

A3 v. convince

definition (a) to persuade; to influence; to prove

A4 v. feed

definition (b) to supply; to support; to send; to move into a machine

A5 v. article

definition (b) to bind with a contract

A6 v. fizzle

definition (c) to fail after starting well; to make a hissing noise which gradually fades into silence

A7 v. mail

definition (d) to send a letter or other item via the postal service; to post

A8 v. effect

definition (a) to accomplish; to put into action; to execute; to do

A9 v. franchise

definition (a) to grant a license to an individual or group; to grant the right to vote

A10 v. stall

definition (b) to put into a stable; to delay; to check the progress of


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A1 adj. controlling

definition (b) ruling; supervising; regulating; managing; restraining

A2 n. instalment

definition (a) one of several separate payments into which a debt has been divided

A3 n. shareholder

definition (b) person or organization that owns part of a company

A4 v. envision

definition (d) to imagine to oneself; to picture; to visualize

A5 v. constrain

definition (a) to compel; to reinforce; to oblige; to coerce

A6 n. bargain

definition (b) good deal; agreement; item that has been bought at a specially low price

A7 n. advisor

definition (d) a person who provides guidance; consultant; counselor

A8 n. number

definition (a) mathematical value or its symbol; indefinite amount; quantity of; sum

A9 v. own

definition (b) to be in possession of; to belong to; to confess

A10 v. advert

definition (c) to refer to; to comment on; to draw attention to


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A1 n. fellow

definition (b) friend; member of an academic organization; suitor

A2 n. leader

definition (c) head; chief; director; carrier; main article

A3 n. citizen

definition (b) resident; native of a country

A4 n. facilitator

definition (d) person or thing which promotes; expeditor

A5 n. chapter

definition (b) part of a book; phase; stage; local branch of an organization

A6 n. generation

definition (b) production; creating; group of people born around the same time

A7 n. layman

definition (d) unexperienced person

A8 n. need

definition (c) requirement; shortage of an indispensable item; distress; hardship

A9 n. credit

definition (a) money (in a bank account); trust; confidence; respect

A10 n. counsel

definition (b) advice; person who gives advice; attorney; lawyer


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A1 v. enroll

definition (d) to register; to sign up; to join up; to enter one's name on a list

A2 v. reinforce

definition (c) to strengthen; to fortify; to support; to increase

A3 v. download

definition (a) to copy files from a distant computer onto another computer through an Internet connection

A4 v. rank

definition (c) to arrange in a line; to grade; to classify

A5 v. represent

definition (b) to act as an agent on behalf of a person or organization; to symbolize

A6 n. erasure

definition (b) rubbing out; deletion; eradication

A7 v. abolish

definition (d) to cancel; to revoke

A8 v. plan

definition (c) to make a scheme; to plot; to design; to contrive; to think up

A9 v. disrupt

definition (a) to upset; to disturb; to divide

A10 v. engineer

definition (a) to design; to plan (i.e. machinery, roads, etc.)


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A1 n. restriction

definition (a) limitation; limit

A2 v. plate

definition (c) to cover with a thin layer of metal; to coat with metal

A3 adj. annoying

definition (d) bothersome; troublesome; worrisome; harassing

A4 adj. repeat

definition (a) done over again

A5 n. operation

definition (d) working, performance, handling; venture, undertaking; series of actions

A6 v. observe

definition (c) to watch; to study; to monitor; to supervise; to discern

A7 n. turnover

definition (d) gross revenues; total business done; rate of selling or producing

A8 adj. significant

definition (b) important; consequential; meaningful; having meaning; of a considerable amount

A9 adj. residual

definition (b) enduring; lasting; continuing; leftover; remaining

A10 v. level

definition (d) to straighten; to flatten; to make even; to equalize


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A1 n. bias

definition (a) prejudice; tendency; leaning

A2 n. readiness

definition (c) preparedness; willingness; promptness; quickness

A3 n. description

definition (c) explanation; illustration; instruction

A4 n. equality

definition (c) sameness; uniformity

A5 n. assistance

definition (c) aid; help; support; direction; upkeep

A6 n. ambiguity

definition (c) vagueness; lack of clarity

A7 n. rescue

definition (a) deliverance; act of saving from danger or injury; act of freeing from risk

A8 n. arrest

definition (a) detention; imprisonment

A9 n. comfort

definition (d) relief; consolation; coziness

A10 n. barometer

definition (c) commercial and market information that indicates overall economic trends


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A1 v. prevent

definition (c) to cause not to happen; to avert; to delay; to impede; to hinder

A2 v. characterize

definition (d) to describe; to depict; to portray; to outline

A3 v. appoint

definition (d) to nominate; to designate

A4 v. evade

definition (c) to avoid; to run away; to shrink

A5 v. pursue

definition (c) to chase after; to follow; to aspire to; to strive for

A6 v. stand out

definition (a) to be conspicuous; to be noticeable; to project; to protrude

A7 adj. complicated

definition (a) confusing; hard to understand; difficult; complex

A8 v. vaccinate

definition (c) to render insusceptible to a disease by inoculating

A9 v. reconsider

definition (c) to contemplate again

A10 v. further

definition (c) to advance; to encourage; to promote; to assist


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A1 v. stop

definition (a) to halt; to cease; to quit; to close; to block; to impede

A2 adv. especially

definition (c) particularly

A3 n. trial

definition (a) test; attempt; experiment; annoyance

A4 n. impact

definition (d) influence; effect; colliding of two bodies; touch

A5 n. mailing

definition (b) large batch of letters sent at one time by a single sender; rented property

A6 adj. favorite

definition (d) preferred; beloved; liked

A7 n. joint venture

definition (d) collective enterprise; group endeavor; collaboration

A8 v. expedite

definition (a) to speed up; to accelerate; to facilitate; to dispatch

A9 n. whereas

definition (c) this being the case; since (used in formal documents)

A10 adj. elaborate

definition (b) detailed; complicated; carefully planned; worked out in great detail


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A1 n. currency

definition (c) national money of a country; circulation; custom; prevalence

A2 n. destruction

definition (b) ruin; desolation; annihilation

A3 n. fortune

definition (c) luck; wealth; chance; success; riches

A4 n. entertainer

definition (d) host; performer; comedian

A5 n. token

definition (a) symbol; sign; mark; remembrance

A6 n. courtesy

definition (c) politeness; good manners; cordiality; civility

A7 n. chore

definition (b) routine job; unpleasant task

A8 n. infant

definition (b) baby; very young child; toddler; tot; minor

A9 n. judge

definition (d) person who presides over court trials; arbiter; expert; critic

A10 n. hurry

definition (c) rush; haste; urgency


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A1 v. command

definition (b) to rule; to control; to be in charge; to be in authority

A2 v. shape

definition (c) to design; to mold; to form; to direct; to be formed

A3 v. base

definition (a) to establish; to found; to set up; to place on

A4 v. indulge

definition (c) to give in to desire; to yield to; to satisfy; to spoil; to humor

A5 v. registering

definition (c) to record; to enroll; to have an effect; to have influence

A6 v. extend

definition (c) to stretch; to enlarge; to lengthen; to reach out

A7 n. demographics

definition (b) study of the statistical characteristics of a population

A8 v. estimate

definition (d) to judge an object's value; to appraise; to assess; to guess

A9 v. bargain

definition (d) to negotiate; to arrive at an agreement

A10 v. hazard

definition (a) to endanger; to imperil; to dare; to venture


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A1 n. board

definition (b) management committee; food

A2 adj. favorable

definition (a) positive; approving; likable; helpful; encouraging; desirable

A3 v. authorize

definition (c) to permit; to approve; to empower

A4 n. occupation

definition (a) act of forcefully taking possession of an area; seizure; conquest; possession or settlement of land

A5 v. cook

definition (a) to prepare food by heating; to falsify account records

A6 adj. serious

definition (a) solemn; acute; critical; requiring much consideration; humorless; grim

A7 n. capability

definition (c) ability; skill; trait; characteristic; quality

A8 v. participate

definition (b) to be involved; to join in

A9 adj. capital

definition (b) main; major; chief; principal

A10 v. link

definition (c) to join; to connect; to associate with; to relate to


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A1 n. salary

definition (b) periodic wage paid to someone for work; pay

A2 n. specification

definition (d) item or detail included in a description of requirements or plans

A3 n. reputation

definition (d) regard; esteem; renown

A4 n. affinity

definition (b) attraction; closeness; liking; likeness

A5 n. site

definition (d) place; location; area

A6 n. cutback

definition (d) reduction; curtailing; decrease

A7 n. admission

definition (b) entrance; permission to enter; confession

A8 n. fix

definition (d) embarrassing situation; predicament; location; position (i.e. of a ship or individual)

A9 n. cast

definition (a) throw; team of actors; squint (of the eye)

A10 n. measure

definition (b) action; step; criterion; amount; degree; extent


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A1 n. liberal

definition (c) person who favors political and social reform

A2 n. prior

definition (d) officer of a monastery; high-ranking member of a religious order

A3 n. tailor

definition (c) one who makes or alters garments

A4 adj. negotiable

definition (d) describing an asset or item which can easily be sold or transferred

A5 n. beverage

definition (a) drink; refreshment

A6 n. assignment

definition (a) task; duty; responsibility; role; obligation

A7 n. worry

definition (c) concern; fear; misfortune; distress

A8 v. practice

definition (d) to exercise; to train; to drill

A9 adj. viable

definition (b) capable of living; having a reasonable chance of succeeding; practical

A10 v. index

definition (c) to register; to adjust prices or salaries in accordance with changes in economic indicators


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A1 n. tense

definition (c) inflection; verbal 'time'

A2 n. lounge

definition (b) sofa; couch; lobby; slow walk; stroll

A3 n. handling

definition (b) care; treatment; procedure; system; touch

A4 n. climate

definition (a) weather conditions; surrounding conditions; atmosphere; setting

A5 n. humidity

definition (c) dampness; moistness; mugginess

A6 n. manager

definition (a) person who runs a company; director; administrator; supervisor

A7 n. removal

definition (d) act of shedding; act of taking away; elimination; ejection; dismissal

A8 n. central

definition (d) telephone exchange; operator; main bureau or office

A9 n. line

definition (b) long thin mark; row; border; domain; tactic

A10 n. paradigm

definition (d) model; ideal; mold; form; example; pattern


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A1 n. ticket

definition (a) certificate; entry pass; tag

A2 n. book

definition (d) printed work which is bound together; bundle

A3 n. plumber

definition (a) person who works with pipe and water systems

A4 adj. discouraged

definition (a) deprived of hope or confidence; dissuaded from

A5 v. cart

definition (b) to drag or to carry by force

A6 v. retire

definition (a) to withdraw from a position (usually due to old age); go into seclusion; to withdraw

A7 n. amortization

definition (a) gradual payment of debt; the reduction of the value of an asset

A8 n. import

definition (c) brining in of goods from another country; opposite of export; meaning; significance

A9 n. resource

definition (d) supply; stock; means of accomplishing a goal; expedient

A10 v. firm

definition (a) to solidify; to become solid; to stabilize; to become stable


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A1 n. patience

definition (d) tolerance; forbearance

A2 n. access

definition (d) approach; entry; permission to enter a computer system or network and/or retrieve data

A3 n. path

definition (a) track; lane; route; search route

A4 n. management

definition (d) person of group of people that runs and administers a business or other enterprise

A5 n. innovator

definition (d) person who makes changes; person who introduces new methods or procedures; creative


A6 n. conversation

definition (b) talk; dialog; discussion; verbal exchange

A7 n. pad

definition (b) piece of soft material which cushions; block of pages stacked together and connected on one


A8 n. expertise

definition (d) proficiency; skill; specialist knowledge and information

A9 n. proximity

definition (d) adjacency; nearness; closeness; vicinity

A10 n. audit

definition (b) examination of financial accounts; internal investigation


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A1 v. reach

definition (a) to arrive; to obtain; to procure; to extend the arm outward

A2 v. target

definition (b) to aim at something

A3 n. loom

definition (c) apparatus on which fabrics are woven; weaving machine

A4 adj. spot

definition (c) made or done immediately; paid at once; performed randomly

A5 v. put up with

definition (d) to tolerate; to be patient

A6 adv. apparently

definition (b) evidently; obviously; allegedly; seemingly

A7 adj. exclusively

definition (c) in a manner which shuts out all others; solely; in a limited manner

A8 v. proof

definition (b) to make resistant; to make impervious; to edit

A9 v. sense

definition (d) to feel; to perceive; to apprehend; to understand

A10 v. regulate

definition (c) to control; to govern; to manage; to adjust to a specific level or condition


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A1 n. building

definition (a) house; dwelling; structure; premises

A2 n. perspective

definition (a) viewpoint; outlook; vista; view

A3 n. driver

definition (c) chauffeur; program which enables an operating system to communicate with a particular device

A4 n. paint

definition (c) colored substance applied to surfaces; layer of dried pigment on a surface

A5 n. stake

definition (a) wager; bet; investment; share

A6 n. reflection

definition (a) act of casting back a mirror image; act of sending back energy from a surface; idea; concept

A7 n. attention

definition (d) concentration; consideration; focus; care; acknowledgment; recognition

A8 n. travel

definition (c) movement; journeying

A9 n. canvass

definition (d) examination; careful inspection; debate

A10 n. benefit

definition (b) advantage; profit; aid; stipend


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A1 v. refurbish

definition (c) to make new again; to renovate; to restore to good condition

A2 v. fix

definition (c) to determine; to stabilize; to arrange; to repair; to prepare

A3 n. interruption

definition (c) disturbance; discontinuance; stoppage; cutting-off

A4 v. explore

definition (a) to travel to unknown regions; to investigate; to examine; to research

A5 n. facility

definition (c) device; tool; convenience; talent; ability; building

A6 n. grasp

definition (b) hold; understanding; knowledge; realization

A7 v. overwhelm

definition (b) to defeat; to master; to crush; to stagger; to stun; to daze

A8 v. diversify

definition (c) to make different; to invest one's assets in various securities

A9 n. adept

definition (a) person who is an expert; person who is skilled

A10 v. worry

definition (d) to be concerned; to harass; to advance through great effort


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A1 n. mainframe

definition (c) computer which can serve many users simultaneously

A2 n. tenure

definition (d) strength; period; permanence

A3 n. guideline

definition (a) instructions; manual; handbook; indication of acceptable conduct or procedure

A4 n. ingredient

definition (b) component; element; factor; one of the substances which comprises a mixture

A5 n. vehicle

definition (a) means of transport (car, bus, etc.); instrument; means; medium

A6 n. peace

definition (d) state of not being at war; silence; quietness; tranquility

A7 n. lesson

definition (b) exercise; assignment given to a student; something to be studied and learned

A8 n. due

definition (b) something which legally or rightfully belongs to an individual; payment; fee

A9 n. experience

definition (d) knowledge obtained by doing; something that one has lived through

A10 n. display

definition (b) presentation; show; screen; monitor; exposure; exhibition


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A1 n. trespasser

definition (b) one who damages a person or his property or rights

A2 adj. flawless

definition (b) perfect; impeccable

A3 v. exchange

definition (b) to give one thing in return for another; to replace one thing with another; to trade; to barter

A4 v. carry

definition (c) to transport; to continue; to bear

A5 v. pretense

definition (a) to feign; to impersonate; to put on a false show

A6 v. dial

definition (a) to press buttons; to place a phone call by pressing buttons

A7 n. memo

definition (d) reminder; internal document

A8 n. terminal

definition (a) either end of a passenger line; bus or train station

A9 adj. pertinent

definition (c) relevant; related; appropriate; fitting

A10 v. alert

definition (c) to warn; to put on standby; to alarm


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A1 n. mull

definition (b) thin muslin fabric (Hindi); beach cliff (Scottish)

A2 n. income

definition (d) amount of money received in payment for goods or services or from other sources; revenue;


A3 n. staple

definition (a) metal clip for binding papers; essential element

A4 n. grain

definition (d) cereal; seed; granule; particle; texture; weave

A5 n. attendance

definition (d) being physically present; act of accompanying or serving

A6 n. carpenter

definition (a) a person who makes things out of wood such as furniture

A7 n. lifestyle

definition (a) way of life

A8 n. inconvenience

definition (c) bother; disturbance; nuisance; discomfort

A9 n. ship

definition (a) large vessel made for sailing on the sea; aircraft; spacecraft

A10 n. skim

definition (c) a thin layer covering the surface of a liquid; film; thin layer


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A1 n. hyphen

definition (c) short dash; short line used to connect or separate words or syllables (-)

A2 v. corrupt

definition (a) to cause to be dishonest; to pervert; to spoil

A3 n. clout

definition (b) pull; influence; power; weight

A4 adj. various

definition (b) assorted; different; individual; several

A5 adj. managerial

definition (b) relating to supervision and responsibility

A6 n. receptionist

definition (a) person who greets visitors or clients on the telephone and upon their arrival

A7 n. caveat

definition (b) caution; warning; admonition; suspension of proceedings (law)

A8 v. evidence

definition (c) to offer proof; to prove; to show to be true

A9 adj. intermittent

definition (a) not continuous; sporadic; fitful; alternately stopping and starting

A10 v. mention

definition (d) to remind of; to state; to refer to; to hint at; to indicate


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A1 n. supply

definition (c) act of providing; provision; reserve; stock

A2 n. statement

definition (b) declaration; allegation; official account

A3 n. stack

definition (b) heap; tall bookshelf; chimney

A4 n. diversification

definition (d) process of becoming varied; sale of a variety of products and services

A5 n. paper

definition (d) thin sheets of fibrous material used to write on; article; essay; questionnaire

A6 n. rear

definition (b) back end; hindmost unit of an army (or fleet, etc.)

A7 n. graph

definition (d) diagram; chart

A8 v. evict

definition (b) to expel a tenant by legal process; to turn out

A9 n. independent

definition (a) person who does not belong to any political party

A10 n. coin

definition (c) metal money; piece of stamped metal currency (as opposed to paper bills)


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A1 adj. intensive

definition (c) characterized by a high degree; highly concentrated

A2 n. major

definition (c) military rank above captain; main subject of study chosen by a college or university student

A3 n. rubber

definition (a) elastic material derived from of some tropical plants; eraser

A4 v. unify

definition (d) to join; to cause to become one

A5 v. take over

definition (b) to capture; to assume control

A6 n. incinerator

definition (c) furnace which burns things to ashes

A7 v. motivate

definition (b) to prompt; to spur; to provide inspiration; to stir to action; to induce

A8 n. potential

definition (b) possibility; ability; capability of being

A9 v. involve

definition (b) to cause to be concerned with; to engage; to engross

A10 n. dedication

definition (b) setting apart; devotion; inscription (in a book, poem, etc.)


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A1 n. leakage

definition (a) something which escapes or passes through a hole or opening (i.e. liquid, gas, etc.)

A2 n. region

definition (b) area; territory; domain; field; area of activity or interest; sphere

A3 n. situation

definition (d) condition; circumstance; location; position; job; place of employment

A4 n. headquarters

definition (d) main office; central office of a company; center of operation

A5 n. business

definition (d) company; enterprise; trade; commerce; issue

A6 n. airways

definition (c) route through traveled by vehicles above ground level

A7 adj. durable

definition (a) sturdy; long lasting

A8 n. document

definition (c) certificate; written file

A9 n. broadcast

definition (c) transmission; dispatch; radio program

A10 n. fair

definition (d) festival; exhibition; show; market; bazaar


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A1 adj. trivial

definition (b) trifling; unimportant; insignificant; minor

A2 n. application

definition (a) software program; written request; formal letter; implementation

A3 n. uncertainty

definition (c) doubtfulness

A4 adj. measurable

definition (b) estimable; determinable; assessable

A5 n. debt

definition (c) obligation; something owed (i.e. money)

A6 n. conference

definition (d) meeting; seminar; convention

A7 n. doubt

definition (a) misgiving; lack of certainty

A8 n. minimum

definition (c) least possible amount; smallest possible size; lowest degree

A9 adj. still

definition (c) quiet; tranquil; calm; motionless

A10 n. sense

definition (c) any of the five faculties of perception; perception; recognition; awareness


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A1 n. representative

definition (d) delegate; agent; person who acts on behalf of another person or organization

A2 n. obligation

definition (c) duty responsibility; indebtedness; agreement

A3 n. sympathy

definition (b) affinity; compassion; pity; concern; empathy

A4 n. town

definition (b) city

A5 n. status

definition (a) individual's social or professional standing; position; rank; present situation

A6 n. command

definition (c) order; direction; control; domination; headquarters

A7 n. intention

definition (b) plan; aim; goal; purpose

A8 n. empty

definition (b) container devoid of contents

A9 n. auction

definition (d) public sale where goods are sold to the highest bidder (such as eBay)

A10 n. cook

definition (d) a person who prepares food


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A1 adj. special

definition (c) unusual; exceptional; unique; particular; highly valued

A2 adj. cohesive

definition (d) sticking together; forming a unit or union; united; related to each other

A3 n. tension

definition (c) tautness; strain; nervousness; agitation; apprehension

A4 v. prove

definition (c) to substantiate with evidence; to demonstrate; to show clearly

A5 adj. elemental

definition (a) simple; basic

A6 n. diary

definition (b) written account of daily events and occurrences; journal; daily calendar; log book; blog

A7 n. commerce

definition (d) trade; business; transactions; exchange of products/services and money

A8 v. delay

definition (b) to postpone; to hinder; to linger; to move slowly; to loiter

A9 n. forward

definition (b) player positioned at the front of the offensive line (Sports)

A10 adj. yearly

definition (a) occurring once within 12 months


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A1 n. ad

definition (b) informal word for a commercial announcement

A2 n. copy

definition (b) duplicate; photostat

A3 n. locksmith

definition (b) person who who makes and fixes keys and fasting mechanisms

A4 n. drop

definition (d) small globule of liquid; drip; very small amount; pendant

A5 n. recognition

definition (a) acknowledgment; identification

A6 n. posting

definition (a) message sent to a newsgroup or mailing list (Internet)

A7 n. vegetable

definition (a) plant; edible fruit of a plant

A8 adj. aggregate

definition (a) collective; total; taking all units as a whole

A9 n. branch

definition (a) affiliate; office; industry; trade; business unit

A10 n. substitute

definition (a) replacement; person or thing that takes the place of another


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A1 n. necessary

definition (a) something that is essential or imperative; essentials of life (food, clothing, and shelter)

A2 adj. last

definition (c) coming after all others; most recent; final; newest

A3 v. signify

definition (c) to represent; to indicate; to communicate; to express; to convey

A4 n. groceries

definition (b) foods and other goods sold at a small supermarket or store

A5 v. introduce

definition (b) to present for the first time; to initiate; to establish; to announce

A6 v. fill out

definition (a) to insert written information into the gaps on a form

A7 n. agency

definition (a) office; bureau; institution; franchise; method

A8 n. fee

definition (c) toll; payment for services rendered; cost of admission; commission; feudal estate

A9 adj. unlimited

definition (b) infinite; boundless

A10 v. affiliate

definition (a) to join with; to connect to; to become attached to


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A1 n. value

definition (a) monetary or material worth; importance; merit

A2 n. bank draft

definition (b) check

A3 n. payroll

definition (a) financial sheet listing salaries; list of workers who receive wages and salaries

A4 n. adverse opinion

definition (c) one of several separate payments into which a debt has been divided; section; portion

A5 n. accelerator

definition (d) gas pedal of a motor vehicle

A6 n. slot

definition (c) notch; narrow opening; place; position (within a system, etc.)

A7 n. attire

definition (a) dress; clothing; apparel

A8 v. coach

definition (b) to train; to teach; to instruct; to guide; to counsel

A9 n. advantage

definition (a) benefit; profit; utility; avail

A10 n. instant

definition (c) moment; very short space of time; current month


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A1 n. stable

definition (a) structure in which horses and other animals are housed

A2 v. locate

definition (c) to situate; to place; to identify; to find; to settle

A3 v. mull

definition (b) to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to heat and spice for drinking

A4 n. disclaimer

definition (b) statement which denies responsibility or affiliation; repudiation; denial

A5 adv. manually

definition (a) by hand; physically

A6 n. cooperation

definition (c) collaboration; working together

A7 n. base

definition (c) foundation; principal element; fundamental part

A8 v. volunteer

definition (d) to offer to do or give something for free; to propose

A9 v. draw

definition (d) to attract; to pull; to sketch; to depict with lines; to conclude

A10 adj. gross

definition (a) inclusive; complete; total; general; without deductions


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A1 n. success

definition (c) attainment of something desired or attempted; accomplishment; prosperity

A2 n. millennium

definition (a) unit of time equal to one thousand years; thousandth year anniversary

A3 n. offensive

definition (b) attack; act of aggression; position of pursuit or aggression

A4 n. section

definition (c) part; district; paragraph; passage; department; unit

A5 n. title

definition (c) heading; caption; right; ownership; championship

A6 n. explorer

definition (b) researcher; investigator; software program for file management

A7 n. imagining

definition (d) fantasizing; visualizing

A8 v. circumstance

definition (b) to place in particular situations

A9 n. earnest

definition (c) seriousness; industriousness

A10 n. executive

definition (b) manager; person or group of persons having administrative authority within an organization


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A1 n. consultant

definition (d) advisor (adviser); counselor; coach; person who gives professional advice

A2 v. machine

definition (b) to produce via mechanical means

A3 v. provision

definition (c) to supply with stock; to equip with supplies (esp. food)

A4 n. luggage

definition (a) suitcases; cases and bags carried by travelers

A5 adj. usual

definition (d) common; regular; ordinary

A6 n. software

definition (a) programs which control the functions of a computer's hardware

A7 n. project

definition (a) plan; scheme; program; task; assignment; activity

A8 adj. bound

definition (d) obligated; certain; fastened; tied

A9 adj. disparate

definition (c) markedly different; contrasting

A10 v. elicit

definition (c) to extract from; to bring out; to draw out


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A1 n. subsidy

definition (a) financial assistance

A2 n. estate

definition (d) extensive piece of land usually with a large house on it; person's property; wealth; possessions

A3 n. harvest

definition (c) reaping; gathering in of crops; outcome; product

A4 n. main

definition (a) principal pipe or duct in a system; chief part of something; strength or force; high sea

A5 n. victim

definition (b) person who falls prey (to an attack, deception, etc.)

A6 n. sum

definition (b) whole amount; entire quantity; essence; gist

A7 n. collection

definition (b) selection; choice; assortment; accumulation

A8 n. interview

definition (b) meeting at which a person is evaluated through questioning (as for a job)

A9 n. confidence

definition (c) trust; certainty; faith in oneself; secret

A10 n. advert

definition (c) public announcement or printed notice designed to attract attention


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A1 n. equivalent

definition (b) something that is the same of the same level

A2 v. dispatch

definition (c) to send off quickly; to dismiss; to conclude with speed and efficiency; to eliminate

A3 adv. primarily

definition (b) chiefly; principally; mainly; initially

A4 n. aging schedule

definition (b) a list of accounts receivable

A5 n. keep

definition (b) wages; living; stronghold

A6 adj. eventual

definition (d) final; occurring as a result

A7 v. prefer

definition (b) to hold superior; to appoint; to nominate; to like better

A8 n. sequence

definition (a) progression; succession; order; arrangement

A9 v. scratch

definition (c) to rub; to achieve or obtain with difficulty; to delete; to cross out

A10 v. connote

definition (a) to imply; to suggest; to hint


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A1 n. aspect

definition (d) facet; outlook; direction; issue; point

A2 n. sample

definition (a) specimen; small part of something; representative part of a larger group

A3 n. bonus

definition (b) dividend; perk; monetary gift

A4 n. dealing

definition (a) manner of doing business; behavior; distribution; giving out

A5 n. barbed wire

definition (a) metal cord with sharp projecting points

A6 n. attempt

definition (a) try; assay; test; trial

A7 n. passport

definition (d) a document issued by a country to a citizen allowing that person to travel abroad and re-enter the

home country

A8 v. bankrupt

definition (c) to ruin financially; to go bust; to go broke; to collapse

A9 n. treat

definition (b) delight; refreshment or entertainment given to its recipient without cost

A10 n. frame

definition (c) casing; skeleton; structure; body structure; mood


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A1 v. assign

definition (a) to allot; to apportion; to give somebody a task or responsibility; to delegate; to appoint

A2 n. bankruptcy

definition (d) state of losing property to one's creditor's due to unpaid debts; insolvency

A3 n. ignorance

definition (a) lack of knowledge; illiteracy; lack of education; state of being uninformed

A4 v. pitch

definition (b) to establish; to erect; to throw; to toss

A5 adj. impressive

definition (b) grand; magnificent; striking

A6 v. comment

definition (c) to make a remark; to explain; to write an explanatory note

A7 adj. mental

definition (b) of or relating to the mind; intellectual; psychosocial

A8 v. graph

definition (b) to represent by chart; to draw a curve representing a given function

A9 adj. legitimate

definition (b) lawful; acceptable; justified; authorized

A10 n. precondition

definition (b) advance stipulation; preliminary terms


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A1 n. accord

definition (c) agreement; settlement; harmony

A2 n. society

definition (a) association; organization; community; rich upper class; fellowship; companionship

A3 n. episode

definition (b) event; occurrence; one of a group of loosely connected stories

A4 n. finance

definition (d) money management (including investment, banking etc.); science of money management

A5 n. ZIP

definition (a) extension of an archived file compressed with a special program; type of drive using removable


A6 n. certificate

definition (b) official document; license; reference; attestation

A7 n. medium

definition (a) means of expression; channel of communication; middle man; intermediary; broker

A8 n. range

definition (c) pasture; scope; extent; field; domain; assortment

A9 conj. until

definition (a) up to the time which

A10 n. artisan

definition (d) creator; craftsman; skilled workman


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A1 v. grit

definition (b) to grind the teeth together; to abrade; to grind; to make a harsh grinding noise

A2 v. grant

definition (b) to agree; to give; to bestow; to answer to; to donate

A3 adj. collateral

definition (a) of secondary importance; insignificant; corresponding

A4 n. reward

definition (b) prize; recompense; benefit received as payment for a service

A5 n. stationery

definition (d) paper used for writing letters

A6 v. summarize

definition (d) to present in a condensed form; to list the main points in a brief and comprehensive manner

A7 n. fertilizer

definition (c) organic or chemical substance added to soil to enrich it (i.e. manure)

A8 v. case

definition (b) to pack; to crate; to box

A9 n. vacation

definition (c) holiday

A10 v. poll

definition (d) to vote; to elect; to count votes; to make a survey


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A1 n. insurance

definition (a) contract by which property or persons are guaranteed against damage or loss

A2 n. forecaster

definition (a) person who foretells future events; weatherman

A3 n. concern

definition (a) worry; issue; problem; group of companies; large corporation

A4 n. assortment

definition (a) variety; collection; selection; range; mixture

A5 n. accident

definition (c) casualty; misadventure; mishap; failure

A6 n. lease

definition (d) a contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified time for a specified payment

A7 n. effort

definition (b) physical or mental exertion; labor; attempt; organized operation

A8 n. price

definition (d) cost; value; worth; rate; measure

A9 n. traffic

definition (b) movement of vehicles or persons; trade; commerce; load of messages in a communications


A10 n. blunder

definition (c) gross error; stupid mistake


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A1 n. review

definition (b) survey; general study; examination; inspection

A2 v. support

definition (b) to carry; to encourage; to assist financially; to substantiate

A3 n. prospectus

definition (d) a document giving details about an offering of securities investment for sale to the public

A4 v. collate

definition (a) to compare in a critical manner; to verify; to collect; to compile

A5 v. revive

definition (a) to resuscitate; to bring back to life; to put into action again

A6 v. erase

definition (b) to rub off; to remove totally; to delete

A7 n. denial

definition (c) refusal to accept; refusal to believe; refusal to recognize

A8 v. expect

definition (a) to assume; to anticipate; to hope

A9 v. trust

definition (a) to rely on; to extend business credit

A10 n. expectancy

definition (a) hope; anticipation; assumption


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A1 n. achievement

definition (b) performance; operation; attainment; mission; success

A2 n. pair

definition (a) match; whole consisting of two parts; couple

A3 n. suggestion

definition (b) proposal; recommendation; insinuation; hint

A4 n. leisure

definition (d) time free from work other demands and duties; free time; rest; recreation

A5 n. owner

definition (d) proprietor

A6 n. circumstance

definition (d) condition; influencing factor; situation

A7 n. enterprise

definition (b) company; firm; undertaking; business; endeavor

A8 n. solace

definition (b) consolation; relief from distress; source of comfort

A9 n. ideal

definition (a) standard of perfection; pattern; model; person or thing that embodies a standard of perfection

A10 n. quantity

definition (b) amount; extent; measure; degree; size; magnitude


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A1 n. aptitude

definition (c) ability; skill; talent

A2 adj. sensible

definition (a) rational; reasonable; wise; judicious; cognizant; aware

A3 n. flight

definition (d) flying; aviation; trip on an airplane; escape

A4 n. perishable

definition (c) product which can rot or spoil (fruit, food etc.)

A5 n. introduction

definition (d) act of acquainting one person with another; preface

A6 v. approve

definition (c) to agree; to concur; to confirm; to endorse

A7 n. stance

definition (a) physical position or bearing; opinion; attitude

A8 n. proficiency

definition (c) expertise; state of having expert skills; skillfulness; adeptness; masterfulness

A9 conj. except

definition (c) but; only

A10 v. acquire

definition (c) to buy; to obtain; to purchase; to attain


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A1 n. administration

definition (a) management; supervisors; leadership

A2 n. scale

definition (a) progression of steps; table of graduated rates; system of marks used for measuring

A3 n. dignity

definition (a) respected position; honor; nobility

A4 n. wallet

definition (c) small purse used to carry money and personal documents; billfold; handbag

A5 n. area

definition (c) region; domain; field; category

A6 n. coupon

definition (a) printed form that entitles the holder to certain rights such as in a discount

A7 n. population

definition (a) total number of people living in an area

A8 n. level

definition (d) degree; rank; height; plane; flat horizontal plain

A9 n. dependent

definition (b) one who relies on another especially for financial support

A10 n. blame

definition (b) guilt; responsibility; liability


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A1 n. program

definition (b) schedule; agenda; written order of events

A2 v. aim

definition (a) to try or to intend to achieve something; to direct; to plan; to aspire

A3 pref. ad

definition (c) toward; at

A4 n. barrier

definition (b) border; limit; obstacle; barricade

A5 n. rule

definition (b) law; custom; common practice; government; flat tool used for measuring distances

A6 adv. slantwise

definition (c) at an angle; obliquely; in a slanting direction

A7 n. rise

definition (b) slope; incline; increase; ascent; raise in position or status; promotion; angry response

A8 v. function

definition (b) to work; to act; to operate; to perform

A9 v. evoke

definition (c) to arouse; to bring out; to summon; to wake

A10 adj. level

definition (b) straight; equal; even; honest


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A1 n. quotation

definition (c) citation; passage taken from another source; reference; commercial offer; statement of price

A2 n. apartment

definition (a) flat

A3 n. butcher

definition (c) meat cutter; meat slaughterer; owner of a meat shop

A4 n. sale

definition (c) commercial transaction; instance of offering goods at a reduced price; demand for merchandise;


A5 n. degree

definition (c) rank; extent; university certificate

A6 n. rivalry

definition (b) competition; contention; act of competing

A7 n. flexibility

definition (d) elasticity; ability to adapt to new circumstances; pliability

A8 n. increase

definition (d) growth; expansion; addition; enlargement; escalation

A9 n. local

definition (b) person who is native to or resides in a particular area

A10 n. maximum

definition (d) greatest quantity or amount possible; highest capacity


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A1 n. page

definition (a) piece of paper; attendant; servant

A2 n. scanner

definition (d) peripheral device used to convert objects or images into digital images (Computers)

A3 v. downsize

definition (a) to reduce the size of; to make smaller; to cut the number of employees

A4 v. resonate

definition (a) to echo

A5 n. shelf

definition (d) a support that consists of a horizontal surface for holding objects; projection; rock ledge;


A6 n. faith

definition (d) belief in a particular thing or person; religion; trust; confidence; loyalty

A7 n. discouragement

definition (a) derailment; feeling of despair in the face of obstacles

A8 n. apology

definition (c) expression of regret or sorrow; excuse; defense; justification

A9 v. predominate

definition (b) to control to rule over; to be superior

A10 v. divide

definition (c) to separate into parts; to part; to share; to apportion


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A1 n. mistreatment

definition (c) abuse; molestation

A2 n. gain

definition (c) profit; assets; achievement; increase; benefit; advantage

A3 n. briefing

definition (c) short meeting; summarizing; giving and receiving instructions; reporting

A4 n. cargo

definition (c) freight; luggage; baggage; load

A5 n. promise

definition (d) pledge; vow; declaration of intention; source of hope; basis for expectations

A6 n. product

definition (d) result of manufacturing; goods; merchandise

A7 n. request

definition (d) petition; instance of asking for something; something that is asked for; object of a petition

A8 n. shape

definition (a) form; model; image; condition; fitness; mold

A9 n. plate

definition (b) flat dish for serving food; portion; covering, coating; board

A10 n. vegetarian

definition (d) one who does not eat meat; herbivore


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A1 pref. step

definition (d) related to by the remarriage of a parent and not by blood

A2 conj. although

definition (b) despite the fact that; in spite of the fact that

A3 n. argument

definition (a) dispute; claim; rationale; cause

A4 n. speed

definition (d) quickness; velocity; transmission gear in a motor vehicle

A5 n. refuse

definition (c) garbage; trash; waste

A6 n. decision

definition (a) determination; resolution; ruling (especially in court)

A7 n. health

definition (a) physical or mental well-being; freedom from disease

A8 v. scrutinize

definition (d) to examine; to investigate; to check closely; to inspect

A9 v. station

definition (b) to assign to a particular post or position; to appoint

A10 adj. hazardous

definition (c) dangerous; risky; perilous


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A1 n. treaty

definition (d) formal agreement between two states; compact; covenant; contract

A2 n. flat money

definition (a) banknote printed by a government as legal tender which is not redeemable and which lacks

economic value

A3 n. unit

definition (d) specific quantity regarded as a standard; combination which acts a whole; piece

A4 n. citation

definition (b) quotation; official praise; summons to a court of law

A5 n. conveyance

definition (a) the act of transferring a property title from one person to another

A6 n. money

definition (c) coins and paper notes which have value; currency; medium of trade; wealth

A7 n. conduct

definition (d) behavior; management

A8 n. transfer

definition (c) exchange; conveying something from one person to another

A9 n. confusion

definition (d) disorder; embarrassment; bewilderment

A10 n. difference

definition (b) distinction; unusual quality; disagreement; remainder


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A1 n. equal

definition (c) person or thing that is the same

A2 adj. transcendent

definition (d) sublime; exalted; superior

A3 n. apparatus

definition (a) device; system; machine; gadget; appliance

A4 n. motive

definition (a) something that causes a person to act; cause; incentive; purpose; intention

A5 n. enthusiasm

definition (b) excitement; great interest

A6 n. junction

definition (d) intersection; crossing; connection

A7 n. meter

definition (a) instrument that automatically measures quantities of substances (gas, water or electricity)

A8 n. floor

definition (c) flat surface at the bottom of the room on which you walk; story; level of a building

A9 adv. hard

definition (c) strenuously; with great effort; to the full extent; intently; to the extreme limit

A10 n. adamant

definition (b) something unyielding; something hard; stone similar to diamond


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A1 n. imaging

definition (a) forming of mental pictures to control bodily processes

A2 n. position

definition (a) viewpoint, opinion; siting; locus; location; place; job

A3 n. badge

definition (d) tag; sign; identification tag

A4 n. automobile

definition (c) car; vehicle; ride

A5 n. accountant

definition (c) a person who keeps financial records; a person who conducts financial audits

A6 n. bubble

definition (d) blister; gas-filled sac

A7 n. buyer

definition (b) person who purchases something; client; customer; shopper; purchaser

A8 n. arrangement

definition (b) organization; order; selection; range; assortment

A9 n. piece

definition (c) slice; part; segment; creation; work

A10 n. brief

definition (c) abstract; summary; concise report; instructions


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A1 v. spread

definition (a) to open; to extend; to apply a layer on; to scatter; to distribute

A2 n. fear

definition (d) fright; horror; concern; terror

A3 n. client

definition (a) customer; buyer; computer that serves as a terminal

A4 n. illustration

definition (b) picture in a book or other work; explanation; clarification

A5 adv. anyhow

definition (b) in some way

A6 n. aid

definition (a) help; assistance; accessory

A7 n. progress

definition (a) headway; forward movement; development; advancement

A8 v. attempt

definition (c) to try to; to assay

A9 n. detail

definition (d) item; piece of information; part of a whole

A10 n. default

definition (b) failure to perform a duty; option on a computer which is automatically selected


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A1 n. guess

definition (c) conjecture; supposition; hypothesis

A2 n. knowledge

definition (b) familiarity; understanding; wisdom; education; awareness

A3 n. density

definition (d) compactness; closeness

A4 n. extent

definition (d) scope; range; scale; size; measure; degree

A5 n. penalty

definition (c) punishment; fine; punishment in the form of a financial payment

A6 n. bulk transfer

definition (d) the sale of all or most of a company's inventory or assets to another company

A7 n. event

definition (d) occurrence; happening; contest; campaign; promotion

A8 v. advance

definition (c) to progress; to promote; to make a payment before it is due

A9 n. least

definition (c) something which is smallest in size or importance

A10 n. persistence

definition (a) diligence; tenacity; stubbornness; continuation


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A1 n. beige book

definition (d) report on current economic conditions, published by the Federal Reserve Board

A2 n. object

definition (c) article, thing; goal; focus of a thought or action

A3 v. monetize

definition (a) to turn into profit; to generate revenue

A4 v. put in

definition (d) to make an application; to enter; to let something or someone enter

A5 adj. effusive

definition (d) overflowing; unreserved; unrestrained; exuberant

A6 n. recovery

definition (c) recuperation; getting well; return

A7 n. continuity

definition (b) stability; consistency; continuousness; unbroken succession

A8 adv. however

definition (c) in any event; anyway

A9 adj. obsolete

definition (b) ancient; archaic; no longer in use; outdated; useless

A10 n. chain

definition (a) group of stores, outlets, banks etc., under one management


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A1 n. attendee

definition (d) person who takes part in a particular event such as a conference or seminar; participant

A2 n. streamline

definition (d) path along which a fluid flows; direction in which a particle flows; aerodynamic shape

A3 n. respect

definition (a) honor; esteem; high regard; consideration; attention

A4 n. contractor

definition (a) person or company that does a particular job or assignment

A5 n. inquiry

definition (c) formal question; exploration; questioning; investigation

A6 n. distributor

definition (d) person, company or organization that markets a commodity, product or service; wholesaler;


A7 n. allowance

definition (d) grant; pocket money; stipend; discount; deduction

A8 n. stock

definition (a) supply of goods; inventory; share; company's capital divided into shares

A9 n. patch

definition (b) area of fabric used to repair a hole; stain; bandage; lot

A10 n. wire

definition (c) cord; line; string; telegraph cable


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A1 n. search

definition (c) quest; hunt; instance of looking for something; investigation; examination

A2 n. mandate

definition (d) command; order; authorization granted from one body to a subordinate body

A3 n. invoice

definition (c) bill

A4 n. capital requirement

definition (d) the level of monetary funding a company needs to run smoothly

A5 v. hide

definition (b) to conceal; to cover up; to keep secret; to place out of sight

A6 v. cycle

definition (b) to ride a bike

A7 n. notebook

definition (d) portable personal computer; laptop computer

A8 adj. novel

definition (c) new; strange

A9 adj. imaginary

definition (a) not real; fanciful

A10 n. quiet

definition (c) silence; noiselessness; stillness; tranquility; muteness; speechlessness


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A1 n. exclusive

definition (c) news story publicized in only a newspaper or television/radio station

A2 n. apparel

definition (d) clothing; garments; clothes; garb

A3 n. publisher

definition (c) person or company that produces and distributes printed material

A4 n. measurement

definition (d) calculation of size or extent; assessment of capacity or dimension

A5 n. association

definition (b) organization; society; union; coalition; foundation

A6 n. capex

definition (a) refers to the cost of developing a product or system

A7 n. exception

definition (a) something that is out of the ordinary; anomaly; objection; opposition

A8 n. kit

definition (c) set; equipment; outfit; clothing; wash basin

A9 n. fizzle

definition (c) failure; fiasco; sputtering which gradually fades into silence

A10 n. posture

definition (c) viewpoint; stance; condition; state; mood; attitude


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A1 v. sway

definition (b) to move back and forth; to lean in a certain direction; to be sympathetic to; to hesitate

A2 adj. vital

definition (b) lively; vigorous; crucial; critical; necessary

A3 n. outlet

definition (a) exit; electrical source for connecting appliances; store; shop; joint

A4 n. receipt

definition (d) bill of sale; written statement of purchases

A5 n. subscription

definition (c) payment given for regularly scheduled performances or publications

A6 v. point

definition (c) to indicate; to emphasize; to sharpen; to direct

A7 n. offer

definition (c) suggestion; proposal of a price; tender; bid

A8 n. hazard

definition (d) danger; risk; game of chance

A9 n. professional

definition (c) person who works in a skilled occupation; specialist

A10 v. equal

definition (a) to match; to correspond; to resemble; to be similar to


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A1 n. pick up

definition (d) hoe; tool used to spread soil; choice; selection

A2 n. petrol

definition (c) type of fuel; gasoline

A3 n. hit

definition (a) stroke; blow; collision; success; popular event or production

A4 n. concept

definition (b) plan; idea; thought; structure; system

A5 n. framework

definition (b) support; skeleton; structure; system

A6 n. serve

definition (d) opening stroke or hit of the ball (Sports)

A7 n. parameter

definition (a) variable which determines the form of a function

A8 n. mistake

definition (c) blunder; fault; error

A9 n. gross

definition (b) 12 dozen; 144

A10 n. principal

definition (b) school director; school master; capital sum (Finance)


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A1 n. accommodation

definition (d) housing; residence; lodging; arrangement; adjustment

A2 n. simple

definition (c) stupid person substance unmixed with other substances; commoner

A3 n. gap

definition (b) opening; breach; hiatus; space; great difference; disparity

A4 v. harness

definition (d) to use; to apply; to employ; to control; to channel

A5 v. suppose

definition (a) to presume to be true; to hypothesize; to believe

A6 n. attainment

definition (d) achievement; fulfillment; ability

A7 n. topic

definition (a) theme; subject of conversation; issue

A8 v. notice

definition (b) to discern; to perceive; to pay attention; to observe; to remark

A9 n. procurement

definition (b) purchase; sale; acquisition

A10 n. original

definition (a) source from which something arises; prototype; model


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A1 n. compliment

definition (a) expression of admiration; word of praise for someone

A2 n. printer

definition (b) computer peripheral used for exporting documents to paper

A3 n. backlash

definition (a) rebound; recoiling; sudden movement to the rear

A4 n. toll

definition (a) tax; charge; levy; grievous price

A5 n. voyage

definition (b) trip; journey; travel; cruise

A6 n. retailer

definition (c) person or business that sells goods to final consumers

A7 n. hesitation

definition (b) pausing; stammering; faltering

A8 adj. slantwise

definition (b) sloping; inclined

A9 n. elaboration

definition (d) painstaking labor; careful planning; adding of extra details; act of improving; production

A10 n. savvy

definition (c) understanding; wisdom; intelligence (Slang)


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A1 n. composure

definition (a) serenity; self-control; calmness; coolness

A2 n. inflation

definition (c) increase in the supply of money in relation to the amount of goods available resulting in a rise in


A3 adj. principal

definition (a) chief; head; leading; primary; main

A4 adj. instant

definition (a) immediate; quick; urgent; pressing; present; current

A5 n. landscape

definition (d) view; scenery; horizontal page orientation

A6 n. payment

definition (a) wage; salary; compensation; bonus; punishment

A7 n. underline

definition (c) caption beneath an illustration

A8 n. compromise

definition (d) agreement; settling of a disagreement by making mutual concessions

A9 n. attribute

definition (b) quality; factor; characteristic; feature

A10 n. slump

definition (b) recession; sudden decrease; drooping posture; slouch; collapse


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A1 n. lecture

definition (b) discourse given before an audience; tedious reprimand; formal reproof

A2 n. commodity

definition (b) merchandise; goods; item that is bought and sold; something useful

A3 n. honor

definition (d) esteem; respect; integrity; honesty; award; privilege

A4 n. gasoline

definition (d) flammable liquid mixture derived from petroleum (used as fuel, etc.)

A5 n. protocol

definition (a) method of dealing with a certain subject; draft of a treaty

A6 v. join

definition (d) to attach; to connect; to unite; to combine; to become a member

A7 n. boost

definition (c) push; lift; incentive; encouragement

A8 n. sound

definition (a) vibrations that can be detected by the human ear; noise; vocal utterance

A9 n. entrance

definition (a) way into a building or other structure; gate; doorway

A10 n. purpose

definition (c) goal; aim; intention; objective


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A1 n. audience

definition (c) group of people who attend a seminar, a talk, etc.

A2 conj. either

definition (a) precedes two or more coordinate words or phrases

A3 n. rent

definition (c) money paid for the use of property; rip; tear; laceration

A4 adj. permanent

definition (c) lasting; enduring; perpetual; regular; fixed; invariable

A5 n. authority

definition (d) official institution; agency; power; control; jurisdiction

A6 adv. usually

definition (b) commonly; generally; regularly

A7 v. solace

definition (b) to comfort; to console; to encourage; to relieve; to appease

A8 n. deal

definition (d) agreement; business transaction; exchange; amount

A9 n. approach

definition (c) access; method; system; procedure

A10 n. criterion

definition (d) standard against which something is measured; factor; discipline


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A1 n. procedure

definition (a) routine; protocol; course of action; subroutine; sequence of instructions (Computers)

A2 n. lead

definition (d) guidance; advance position; first place; guide

A3 n. profusion

definition (d) plentifulness; abundance; numerousness; plurality

A4 n. clause

definition (a) paragraph; section in a document; part of a contract

A5 n. decline

definition (d) downward; descent; slope; ebb

A6 n. variety

definition (d) assortment; kind; sort

A7 n. enlightenment

definition (d) state of intellectual or spiritual awareness

A8 n. bottom

definition (a) base; foot; seat of a chair

A9 n. stop

definition (a) cessation; end; visit; obstacle; hindrance

A10 n. edge

definition (c) line at which a surface ends; thin sharp side of a blade; excitement


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A1 n. treatment

definition (c) therapy; care; relation; attitude; behavior

A2 adj. magnificent

definition (b) splendid; majestic; superb; glorious; impressive

A3 v. avoid

definition (c) to escape; to keep away from; to prevent; to keep from happening; to evade

A4 n. replacement

definition (b) substitution; substitute

A5 n. finish

definition (d) end; completion; conclusion; polish; something which completes or perfects

A6 n. shredder

definition (d) device used to destroy documents by cutting them into small strips or pieces

A7 v. fulfill

definition (a) to realize; to make a reality; to accomplish; to complete; to execute

A8 v. amount

definition (d) to come to a sum; to become; to total

A9 n. existence

definition (d) living; state of being; life

A10 v. witness

definition (c) to look on; to see; to observe; to testify; to vouch for


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A1 n. adult

definition (c) opposite of child; a grown-up; a mature person

A2 n. altitude

definition (a) height; distance above sea level

A3 n. formula

definition (a) set way of saying or doing something; principle; pattern

A4 n. instructor

definition (c) educator; teacher; trainer

A5 n. square

definition (d) geometric figure having four equal sides; plaza

A6 n. member

definition (a) person who belongs to an organization or group; part; organ

A7 n. control

definition (b) rule; command; supervision; restraint

A8 n. internal

definition (b) inner quality; intrinsic characteristic

A9 n. corner

definition (b) place where two surfaces meet; angle

A10 n. implement

definition (d) tool; instrument; piece of equipment


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A1 v. scramble

definition (c) to jumble; to mix together confusedly; to clamber; to climb on all fours

A2 n. surplus

definition (a) profit; amount of assets that is higher than liabilities

A3 adv. back

definition (d) to the rear; to the past

A4 n. occasion

definition (a) opportunity; occurrence, event; incident; reason; cause

A5 conj. unless

definition (c) not before; precluding; barring; except; aside from

A6 adj. artificial

definition (c) not genuine; simulated; unreal

A7 n. freight

definition (a) cargo or goods that are shipped for a fee; shipping cost; transportation; conveyance; shipment

A8 v. table

definition (a) to enter information into a chart; to postpone; to set aside for future consideration

A9 adj. pretentious

definition (b) impersonating; putting on a false appearance; feigning; arrogant; haughty

A10 n. format

definition (d) structure; pattern; design; organization; pattern of data organization


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A1 n. demeanor

definition (b) behavior; conduct; bearing; appearance

A2 n. simulation

definition (b) act of pretending; counterfeit; imitation of the operation or features of one system using an other


A3 n. remove

definition (c) degree of difference; promotion of a student to a higher grade

A4 n. duty

definition (b) obligation; responsibility; assignment; customs tax

A5 n. examination

definition (b) test; quiz; investigation; inquiry

A6 n. hospital

definition (b) location where sick and injured people receive medical treatment

A7 n. predisposition

definition (d) sensitivity; susceptibility (to disease, etc.)

A8 v. craft

definition (d) to shape with skill

A9 n. chart

definition (d) graph; diagram

A10 n. tenant

definition (b) lodger; occupant; resident; renter; landlord


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A1 n. inventor

definition (a) creator; designer

A2 adv. tight

definition (b) in a close-fitting manner; firmly

A3 n. method

definition (c) procedure; plan of action; way; manner in which one conducts business; technique

A4 n. residence

definition (b) headquarters of a business; dwelling place; abode; home; domicile

A5 n. viewpoint

definition (b) attitude; stance; opinion

A6 n. fame

definition (b) notoriety; renown; good reputation

A7 n. customer

definition (a) client; buyer; person who buys a product or service

A8 n. voice

definition (b) sound produced in the throat; expression; language

A9 v. stack

definition (b) to place one thing on top of another in a heap; to pile

A10 n. graduate

definition (c) person who has completed a course of study and received a degree or diploma


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A1 n. gate

definition (d) portion of a wall or fence that opens and closes; any barrier which opens and closes; entrance;


A2 n. draw

definition (b) attraction; lottery; contest which ends in a tie; natural channel; gully

A3 n. modification

definition (c) change; adjustment, agreement; adaptation; restriction

A4 n. browser

definition (b) program used for viewing websites on the Internet

A5 n. sway

definition (c) moving back and forth; influence; control; authority

A6 n. host

definition (d) person who receives guests; large number; multitude (of people or things)

A7 n. target

definition (a) mark; objective; aim; object; goal

A8 n. duplicate

definition (c) copy; photocopy; exact replica; reproduction

A9 n. instance

definition (a) occurrence; occasion; example; illustration

A10 n. commitment

definition (c) obligation; promise


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A1 adj. enthusiastic

definition (a) excited; passionate; ardent; fervent

A2 n. form

definition (b) shape; image; framework; document with blank spaces to be filled in; fitness; type

A3 n. construction

definition (c) building; structure; the industry of erecting buildings

A4 n. familiar

definition (d) good friend; acquaintance

A5 v. separate

definition (d) to segregate; to set apart; to split; to divide; to disconnect

A6 n. union

definition (c) workers' association; federation; amalgamation

A7 v. organize

definition (c) to arrange; to order; to systematize; to set up; to unite; to structure

A8 v. might

definition (d) can; to allow; to be possible; to wish

A9 n. swift

definition (b) financial industry owned cooperative supplying secure, standardized messaging services to

financial institutions

A10 v. respect

definition (c) to honor; to admire; to esteem; to hold in high regard


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A1 n. manner

definition (d) mode; fashion; style; behavior; way; type

A2 n. mission

definition (d) task; assignment; delegation; errand; religious delegation

A3 n. purchase

definition (b) something which has been bought; act of buying

A4 n. banknote

definition (d) bill; money made of paper

A5 n. crop

definition (c) harvest; produce (Agriculture); group; whip; short haircut

A6 n. violation

definition (b) transgression; desecration; attack or disruption; rape

A7 n. merger

definition (a) fusion; agglomeration

A8 n. personnel

definition (d) staff; work force; team; crew

A9 n. cart

definition (c) car; wagon; coach; carriage; trolley

A10 n. work

definition (d) labor; task; profession; occupation; vocation; effort


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A1 v. enter

definition (b) to go into; to join; to record; to inscribe

A2 adj. central

definition (a) main; principal; major

A3 v. attract

definition (a) to draw attention; to captivate; to fascinate

A4 adj. tantamount

definition (d) equivalent to; equal to

A5 v. demand

definition (c) to claim; to require; to request strongly

A6 n. passage

definition (a) way; route; course; section; piece

A7 v. accept

definition (a) to receive; to agree; to consent

A8 v. crop

definition (d) to harvest; to cut short; to clip

A9 v. will

definition (d) to want; to command; to determine; to decide

A10 v. allay

definition (a) to relieve; to calm; to alleviate pain


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A1 n. match

definition (a) competition; equal opponent; partner; counterweight; game

A2 n. waitress

definition (a) woman who serves tables in a restaurant or pub

A3 n. headway

definition (c) progress; advance

A4 n. implementation

definition (a) realization; carrying out; performing; putting into effect; execution

A5 n. folder

definition (b) dossier for storing papers; directory

A6 n. retrieval

definition (d) act of bringing back; restoration; act of finding information and sending it to the user as output

A7 n. harness

definition (a) straps and other parts by which a draft animal is attached to a vehicle

A8 n. sponsor

definition (d) one who donates money; person or organization that promotes or supports (an event, program,

candidate, etc.)

A9 n. schedule

definition (a) timetable; agenda; itinerary; plan

A10 n. element

definition (a) main component; something which is a part of a complex whole


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A1 n. hem

definition (a) folded and stitched down edge of cloth; edge of a garment

A2 n. duration

definition (c) period of time that something continues

A3 n. security

definition (a) safety; pledge; guarantee; stock; bond

A4 adj. glossy

definition (c) shiny; polished; smooth

A5 n. collectible

definition (a) rare object

A6 adj. powerful

definition (d) exerting great force; effective; potent; producing the desired effect; influential

A7 n. article

definition (d) item; object; piece of text; paragraph of a contract

A8 v. circle

definition (c) to surround

A9 n. influence

definition (c) effect; impact; person or thing which has power to affect others

A10 adj. virtual

definition (a) imaginary; hypothetical; computer simulated


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A1 n. career

definition (d) profession; development; progress; gradual growth

A2 v. counsel

definition (b) to advise; to instruct; to coach; to advocate

A3 adv. yearly

definition (d) annually

A4 v. ponder

definition (c) to reflect; to think; to consider; to meditate

A5 n. disposal

definition (a) getting rid of; arranging

A6 n. attachment

definition (d) connection; confiscation; file sent via email

A7 n. overdraft

definition (d) limit to which money may be withdrawn from the bank on credit

A8 v. attribute

definition (c) to ascribe to; to link to; to associate with; to relate to

A9 v. replace

definition (a) to substitute for; to return something to a particular position or location

A10 adj. retail

definition (c) pertaining to the sale of goods to final consumers; of the sale of merchandise to end users


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A1 v. require

definition (a) to demand; to claim; to need; to call for; to order; to command

A2 adj. audio

definition (d) pertaining to hearing and listening; sound

A3 adj. rotten

definition (a) decayed; decomposed; putrid; spoiled; despicable

A4 adj. wire

definition (d) made of a thin flexible cord of metal

A5 n. gratitude

definition (b) thankfulness; appreciation

A6 adj. persistent

definition (d) tenacious; stubborn; constant; continual; diligent

A7 n. inspection

definition (b) act of looking over carefully and critically; official examination; audit; review

A8 n. convenience

definition (d) comfort; fitness or suitability for performing an action

A9 v. sink

definition (a) to submerge; to fall down below the surface (especially in water)

A10 n. close

definition (c) end; conclusion; plug


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A1 adj. competitive

definition (c) involving rivalry; tending to contest

A2 n. whole

definition (c) totality; completeness; entirety

A3 n. update

definition (a) more current version of something

A4 n. shrewdness

definition (c) intelligence; ability to think in a clever manner

A5 adj. talkative

definition (a) chatty; loquacious

A6 adj. hidden

definition (b) concealed; secret; not to be seen; ulterior

A7 n. readership

definition (d) total number of people who subscribe to a particular publication

A8 v. spy

definition (c) to provide secret information about another country; to examine

A9 v. collide

definition (d) to crash; to meet head on; to come together with solid or direct impact

A10 adv. nearby

definition (d) next to; alongside


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A1 n. minority

definition (a) part of a population differing in some characteristic; state of being under legal age

A2 n. calculator

definition (b) small machine that makes computations

A3 v. publish

definition (c) to produce and distribute printed material; to advertise

A4 n. resolve

definition (c) firm decision; ruling; decisiveness; determination

A5 v. hem

definition (a) to surround; to enclose; to hesitate; to falter in speaking

A6 v. determine

definition (b) to decide; to define; to conclude; to cause; to affect

A7 adj. temporary

definition (b) passing; brief

A8 v. finish

definition (a) to terminate; to end; to destroy; to defeat; to complete

A9 adj. incentive

definition (c) provocative; stimulating; encouraging

A10 v. loan

definition (c) to lend a sum of money for a period of time; to give temporarily


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A1 n. foundation

definition (a) base; fundament; substructure; establishing; institution

A2 n. approved list

definition (d) inventory of legal investments for savings banks and trust funds

A3 n. overall

definition (b) work clothing consisting of denim trousers (usually with a bib and shoulder straps)

A4 n. pounce

definition (d) act of suddenly swooping down and grabbing; sudden assault or attack

A5 adj. rental

definition (c) available to lease or rent

A6 adj. indoor

definition (c) occurring within a building; meant to be used inside

A7 n. interviewer

definition (a) person who ask questions (i.e. reporter or employer)

A8 n. pitch

definition (c) relative highness or lowness of a sound; tar; asphalt; throw

A9 n. run

definition (b) range; journey; track; path; series; sequence

A10 n. bank

definition (a) institution for saving and borrowing money; cashier


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A1 adj. idle

definition (c) lazy; vain; unoccupied; unemployed

A2 v. press

definition (a) to push; to iron; to remove creases or wrinkles; to confiscate for public or government use

A3 v. interview

definition (c) to question formally; to evaluate through questioning

A4 n. preventive

definition (d) safeguard; something used to avert an unwanted situation

A5 adj. incorrect

definition (d) wrong; erroneous; imprecise; unseemly; improper

A6 adj. swift

definition (a) fast; immediate; prompt; smart

A7 n. downsizing

definition (d) bringing something down to a smaller scale; lowering expenses

A8 v. embrace

definition (b) to accept; to belief; to hug; to hold tight

A9 n. warning

definition (b) caution; advice about danger; advance notice

A10 adj. coherent

definition (a) sticking together; consistent


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TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 341 (Answer Keys)

A1 v. continue

definition (c) to go on; to keep doing something; to last; to perpetuate

A2 n. productivity

definition (b) a measurement of output per hours worked; creativeness; fruitfulness; prolificness

A3 v. grow

definition (c) to become larger; to cultivate; to be changed; to turn into

A4 v. assort

definition (d) to classify; to categorize; to systematize; to structure

A5 n. portfolio

definition (a) briefcase; attache case; list of securities and stocks

A6 v. travel

definition (c) to go on a journey; to move; to go from one place to another

A7 n. surveillance

definition (a) careful observation of a person or group

A8 v. update

definition (a) to modernize; to make current

A9 v. condition

definition (a) to train; to accustom; to adapt; to stipulate; to prepare

A10 adj. trial

definition (b) experimental; exploratory; test; used as a sample


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Answers 342

TOEIC Vocabulary / Meaning by Word / Test # 342 (Answer Keys)

A1 n. franchise

definition (b) license to market a company's goods or services; business which has been granted a license

A2 n. reservation

definition (a) act of ordering in advance (hotel room, airline ticket, etc.)

A3 n. difficulty

definition (c) problem; challenge; hardship; trouble

A4 adj. routine

definition (b) commonplace; ordinary; usual; customary; habitual

A5 adj. responsible

definition (c) dependable; reliable; accountable; liable

A6 n. publication

definition (a) process of producing and distributing printed material; act of advertising

A7 v. rely

definition (d) to depend on; to trust in

A8 n. complex

definition (c) compound; various objects that for m a unit

A9 n. few

definition (d) not many; some; several; small number of

A10 v. regard

definition (a) to look at; to concern; to relate to; to esteem; to appreciate; to consider


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