Rescue (14)

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Mia's POV
     I crouched next to Bo in a dense thicket. We listened to the soft sounds of breathing before Bo nodded to me and crept backwards, careful not to make noise. I sat and waited, watching what I could of the clearing. Before long a rustling started up to the left of me, aiming directly for the edge of the clearing. The wolf on guard perked his ears up and prepared to wake his companion before Bo came forth out of the forest. He nodded to the guard, who visibly relaxed, and made his way towards the wolf who appeared to be in charge. The two began exchanging works before Bo padded to a patch of grass nearby and flopped down. I breathed in before raising my muzzle to the sky and letting out a low, sorrowful howl. "HEEEEELP ME PLEAAAAASE!!!!"

All of the wolves jolted upwards in alarm, and more than half of them immediately raced off into the undergrowth, though they appeared uncertain as to where the call had come from. The lead wolf growled in exasperation before shifting and laying down in a new position. From here I could see Lukai's broad shoulders just barely around the leader's body, gently rising and falling as if asleep. The wolves who had stayed glanced warily around, eyes slightly widened and ears perked. A giant crash followed by a pained howl sounded from the opposite direction I was in and three wolves leaped up, racing towards the commotion. This left only Lukai, Bo, the lead wolf, and one other guard at the camp.

     Stepping lightly, I hurried behind the lone guard and bashed the side of his head with a rock, earning a distressed whine as he slumped over. The lead wolf jumped up in anger and shock when he saw me, but Bo rose up and slammed his large paws down on his shoulders. He fell under the pressure, legs buckling as Bo forced him down. I sprinted over and held his muzzle still as Bo securely tied it with a nearby vine. The leader's amber eyes glared into mine for a moment before I hurried to Lukai. He lifted his head and began tearing at the few restraining vines he could reach.

     Bending my head down, I gnawed on the piece holding his front paws. The strand was thick and taught, as if the wolves were holding a dangerous criminal hostage. Maybe they were; Maybe I'm freeing him. I still know very little about these two, but they'll give me answers once we're safely away. The vine finally broke and I fell back onto the grass. Huffing lightly, I stood up to see if he needed any more help. Lukai gnawed through the last vine holding his paw and slipped his tail out of the remaining bindings.

He shook out his thick fur and walked towards the lead wolf with a growl. "Don't even think about sending anyone after us Blade," he snarled. I picked up a rock and walked it over to Lukai, who didn't hesitate to bash him over the head with it. Blade fell limp with a last growl as some of the wolves who had left neared the clearing again.

"Let's go," Bo growled before releasing the wolf and heading back the way we came. Lukai ran after him, one eye on me to see that I followed. Without waiting for the pair to reach the shrubbery I galloped after them, the wolves howling as they realized they'd been tricked. I kept Lukai's tail in sight as we dodged and weaved through the undergrowth, paws barely skimming the ground. Glancing over my shoulder I realized the wolves weren't following us, probably trying to wake Blade. What I also realized was that we were heading for the area we had set our traps; there was no certainty that a wolf would be stuck in just one.

At that exact moment, one of our vine snared loomed up in front of us. Lukai, apparently not noticing, narrowly avoided stepping into its clutches. I swerved slightly and stepped directly into a second trap, the leafy covering crumbling away. Before I could so much as yelp I was ensnared in the web-like vines that crisscrossed the pit, one of them tangling around my muzzle. The thorny tendrils dug into my stomach and back as I thrashed, trying to draw their attention. All that did, however, was tightly wrap my tail in the thick vines.

I barely managed to glance up and I realized that, not a hundred yards away, was the trapped wolf, tangled in the trees and snarling for backup.


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