Tempting Offer... (6)

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Bo's POV
It's so close! The rain delayed me but I finally made it! Arriving at the clearing, I only saw Mia tied to one of the stone tables. She was grooming herself quietly and expectantly, as if awaiting the return of someone. I growled as I stalked up to her. "Where's Lukai you mangy fox?" I barked. She glared at me before continuing her grooming session. "No need to be rude," she sniffed. "And how should I know? I've been bound to this stone table."
"I don't like your tone," I growled. "Now I'm going to repeat myself, you obviously couldn't understand me. Where. Is. Lukai?"
"Alright alright! No need to get hostile! Your precious Senpai is coming back as we speak," she sassed(OH NO SHE DIDNT!! OH YES SHE DID! Ok I'm done XD) She was right. Lukai was jogging across the clearing, fish, raspberries, and mint leaves clasped firmly in his jaws. Wait. Did she call Lukai my 'Senpai'? That's just weird! Lukai piled the food under another table to split it between the three of us. "Glad you could join us, Bo," he yipped. I merely dipped my head in a respectful greeting, my gaze returning to Mia. I tore my eyes away from her long enough to catch a glimpse of our breakfast. "Not much prey around here?" I yipped.
"Mia refuses to eat any food other than fish, fruit and plants. I had to get what I could, so we're eating fish today," he barked. Glaring at Mia, who just shrugged and went back to grooming herself, I sat down next to Lukai. Mia doesn't deserve this much attention from such a strong, powerful  wolf as Lukai. She doesn't deserve my respect either! Ok, I'll just call her 'Baka' and make her time with Lukai as bad as possible... "Wow Bo, I knew you hated me I just didn't know you hated me so much," Baka yipped.
     "...I didn't say anything," I told her as Lukai looked at me, confused.
     "Well I heard you and I dont appreciate that name!" Baka barked.
    "Ok you two, calm down," Lukai growled. "Lets just eat."
     "But Lukai I didn't say anyth-"
     "Bo I said lets just eat!" he snarled. What the... Ever since we met Baka, he's been different. Grrr... Why can't she just get out of here! "I told you to stop calling me that," she hissed.
      "Again, I didn't say anything!" I growled back, making sure Lukai didn't hear.
     "Ugh... Lets just eat so you can leave sooner," she sighed. "And I would escape, but if you think back to yesterday you will remember that you were the one who thwarted my last attempt!" she growled between bites. I huffed and took a bite of my fish. Caribou would taste AMAZING right now... "Of course a BEAR would say that," Baka sighed.
      "For the last time... I didn't say any-"
      "I'm going to go do my business over there. I'll be back in a minute," Lukai barked. Baka and I nodded as he added,"Don't try to kill each other while I'm gone." He walked into the trees as I moved a little closer to Baka. "Look, I hate you, you hate me. How about I help you escape, and you never come near us again?" I asked her. I could see the wheels churning in her brain as she though it over.

Word count: 572

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