Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Ye Gonglang coughed slightly, forehead slightly, "Okay! How about tomorrow? If tomorrow's wonderful girl has not left Kyoto City, I will be a guide to guide you through this Kyoto city, how about it?" A moment, and then said: "I just don't know if Miao Miao girl is convenient or not ..."

"Convenient! Convenient!" Lin Miaomiao nodded again and again, thinking, "Should be okay, when the time comes to talk to the ghost!"

Gui Gu worry did not care much about her, and she did not restrict her freedom when she was in Meimu Villa.

Ye Gonglang explained that the day was nine or ten o'clock in the morning when Xianlai came to pick her up. Lin Miaomiao wanted to rush back to Xianlai to hide the things bought today before returning from Guijianchou. Farewell to Lang, and led Xiaoyu back to Xianlaike. Fortunately, Lin Miaomiao returned to the room while holding two boxes of beads and jade jewelry before returning to the room. She quickly plugged the door latch, closed the window, and looked at the beautifully made baby in the box.

After having a good time alone, she packed everything into her bag, and even took off her head and ears.

If you go out with the third brother tomorrow, then take the things secretly, and ask the third brother to help her to pawn and then change to a treasure note (silver ticket), so it is more convenient to carry it. However, listening to Xiao Yan who took her shopping today said that this treasure can only be exchanged for cash in some places and not in many places. Most of the currencies in the market are gold, silver and copper.

Compared to paper money, Lin Miaomiao still felt that the silver was more real. Lin Miaomiao suddenly thought of the Baofeng Money House that Gui Jianchou said.

It's stupid! Money! No place to put it, of course it is safer to deposit a bank!

Baofeng Bank is the largest bank in Yeling and the safest bank. It has branches in the four cities and eight cities of Yeling.

At this time in the counter of the Baofeng Bank of Kyoto City, there was an old man who was in the middle of his account. Someone walked in and knocked on the counter. The old man looked up and gave a slight glance.

In front of him was a twelve-year-old girl, undressed and unremarkable.

"Does the girl save or take?" The old man put down his pen and asked politely.

Yan Caixue pulled the sleeves, revealing a bracelet on the wrist interlocked with a blossoming small lotus, one of which was inlaid with a dark green bead as a lotus heart.

A strange gleam flashed under the old man's eyes, and he said, "Nine-day poems in the middle of the night."

"The sound of the pot of wine sprinkled is absolutely fine." Yan Caixue answered softly.

"Xiao Zhengxi is under the Guangfeng Mountain."

"Snow in the branches of Songzi City."

They are all right, and the old man stood up and asked respectfully: "How much silver do you want to take? Miss cash or treasure?"

Yan Caixue said: "I don't withdraw money, can your boss be here?"

The old man's eyes changed slightly, and he answered, "Yes, please wait for a while, little me ..." He glanced at the door behind him, Yan Caixue immediately understood, waved his hand to interrupt his words, and signaled him Hurry up.

After the old man punched her slightly forehead, he went through the door behind him and went to the inner court of the money house. After a while, he didn't know where he came from, and bowed slightly, and made an inviting gesture, and said, "Miss, my master asked."

Yan Caixue followed the old man to the inner courtyard of Qianzhuang, left and right, came to a courtyard, stopped in front of the sheltered house door, the old man pushed open the door for her, and said with a low eyebrow: " Miss, my master is in there. "

"Thank you very much." Yan Caixue rushed to the old man with a slight forehead, and then stepped into it. As soon as I walked in, there was a strong scent of wine. Going in, opening the curtain, and in front of the open window, a blanket was laid. A woman in a big red shirt was sitting on the blanket with a jug of wine in her hand. The whole person was like her red dress, beautiful and gorgeous.

This woman's name is Long Lianjiao, who is the boss behind Baofeng Qianzhuang.

And she has another identity-the leader of the blood alliance.

Hearing the sound, Long Lianjiao glanced over and saw Yan Caixue. She put down the jug, looked up and down Yan Caixue, and said with a smile at the corner of her mouth, "Sit down."

"Thank you Aunt Jiao." Yan Caixue thanked him and walked over to sit on the blanket like Long Lianjiao.


Long Lianjiao whispered, raised her eyebrows, and indiscriminately explored in her eyes, saying, "Do you know me?"

Yan Caixue slightly forehead, said: "Although you and I have never met, my father's name is Liang Ruyu-" Seeing Long Lianjiao suddenly changed his face when he heard the name, and his whole body intended to kill, but Yan Caixue seemed completely indifferent. Feeling average, smiled slightly, and continued: "It seems that Auntie still remembers this person, and heard that Liang Ruyu and Aunt Jiao are worshipping different brothers and sisters, so I should call you Aunt Jiao in my younger generation."

"Huh!" Long Lianjiao snorted coldly, glanced at the bracelet on Yan Caixue's wrist, and her heart was unabated, "I don't dare to be. Why? You came today, did you come to seek revenge on me?"

This bracelet is a keepsake of huge amounts of money in Baofeng Qianzhuang. A lotus flower represents 10,000 gold.

That's why the shopkeeper just led her to see herself.

Yan Caixue smiled again, and said, "Naturally, how can there be revenge between me and Aunt Jiao? If Aunt Jiao sent Liang Ruyu to Half Star Island, why did I get Yan Caixue? I should also thank Auntie is. "

Really a person from Half Star Island.

Long Lianjiao's eyes looked deeper, her shoulders slightly lowered, and she seemed relieved. Looking at the little girl in front of her, she seemed to want to find a shadow of Liang Ruyu from her face.

Liang Ruyu was a beautiful man who moved the world. The little girl, who called herself Yan Caixue, was ordinary in appearance, but she was very determined, and she had no idea of ​​killing her.

People at Half Star Island cannot be underestimated.

However, to find her revenge, even Longxingjiao, she is not afraid!

"No matter you don't go to the Three Treasure Hall, I don't know the VIPs from Banxing Island. Why did I come to Baofeng Money House this time?" Long Lianjiao asked.

"Nature is something." Yan Caixue made a moment and touched the bracelet on the wrist. The lotus flower on the bracelet was delicate and small. The lotus flower was not set on the chain, but was loose-closing. Take it down.

"I fled a female slave from Banxing Island. This time the island owner ordered me to look for this female slave to go back. The discipline on Banxing Island is very strict. I rarely come to Ye Ling Kingdom. I am not familiar with this place of life, so I came here. Aunt Jiao, please. "

As soon as the voice fell, a low, crisp sound, Yan Caixue took a lotus flower and handed it to Long Lianjiao.

"This is compensation."

Long Lianjiao laughed a while, and said, "Little sister, are you mistaken? All my blood alliance teachers have always done is to collect money and take lives, but I have never done such things as tracing people. You are looking for someone, why not knock on the door? "

Yan Caixue did not take back the lotus flower, leaning her head slightly, her mouth slightly raised, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, which made Long Lianjiao vigilant and stare at Yan Caixue closely.

"Aunt Jiao refused?"

Long Lian smiled softly and her eyes were cold. "What if I refuse?"

She didn't want to offend Half Star Island, but she wanted to use it to explore the truth and see if this Half Star Island was as unpredictable as rumored.

Yan Caixue smiled, retracted her hand, and clasped the lotus flower on the bracelet again, and said gently: "If Aunt Jiao refused, then how did Aunt Jiao become the leader of the blood alliance, I have something to learn today kind."

"Oops! I'm so scared!" Long Lianjiao pretended to be afraid, and flinched backwards like a frightened and fragile woman, but quickly changed her disdain again, "I Long Lianjiao again It 's not scary. If you want to sit in this position, you have to see if you have this ability! "

As soon as the words fell, she vacated and flipped backwards, and pulled out the sword hanging on the wall. At this time, Yan Caixue also started, she got up and spread her arms. When the sword struck her, she turned over, flew out of the room, and landed in the courtyard.

Long Lianjiao followed her with a sword, but as soon as she arrived at the door, she listened to a few noises. Long Lianjiao waved the long sword in her hand and flew the silver needle that galloped away. As soon as the left hand was flipped, a delicate sharp sword was added to Long Lianjiao. The flowing long hair rolled with the sword, and the sword murmured, showing the pure strength of the swordman's internal force.

"Sword in the sleeve?" Long Lianjiao couldn't help but startled, looking at the sword that came, and took advantage of it.

The sword lights staggered and flew, the two swords rolled up the leaves in the courtyard, and the sand and stones flew for a while, and the dead leaves were all over the sky. After a few rounds, Yan Caixue seemed to have figured out Long Lian Jiao's moves, and began to see the move, using another set of special methods to restrain Long Lian Jiao's swordsmanship.

"Oh, it seems like the legend, Ban Xingdao sits on the cheats of martial arts in the world."

Long Lianjiao flashed another blow from Yan Caixue side by side, but did not want Yan Caixue to turn around. She slapped the sword with her right hand, and the soft sword stabbed back. Yang, just escaped the sword.

The legendary sword in the sleeve with Rou Kegang is fickle, and it cannot be underestimated! Coupled with Yan Caixue's petite body and unusually ghostly movements, although Long Lianjiao had martial arts over her, she did not succeed.

At this moment, Yan Caixue turned around and struck again. When Long Lianjiao ducked away, the sword suddenly turned and wiped her neck. Long Lianjiao's mouth flashed a coldness and quickly stepped forward. After taking a step, slap Yan Caixue's lower armpit with the sword body, Yan Caixue screamed in pain, even after backing down, his arm was numb for a while, and he did not recover for a long time.

As the so-called ginger is still old and spicy, Yan Caixue is still very young and lacks some practical experience.

Long Lianjiao stopped the offensive, and just about to speak, but saw Yan Caixue screaming, holding the sword forward, exhaling, exhaling, the soft blade straight upright, and thundering like a thunderbolt. Xiang Longlian Jiao's brows.

Be good! Does this girl really want to kill her?

When the sword tip was about to hit Long Lianjiao's forehead, her upper body was deflected to the left, and if the long sword in her hand went down the top of the sharp sword without wind, she did not want the sword to look like The living snake turned around in a stupid way. Long Lianjiao felt only a pain in her waist, and even kicked Yan Caixue out of her feet, then flipped herself in mid-air, and landed on a few meters away from Yan Caixue. local.

Long Lianjiao touched her side waist, and the warm blood was sticky, but fortunately, it did not hurt the key, but only punctured some flesh.

Yan Caixue had stabilized her body, wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth, looked at Long Lianjiao, and suddenly smiled, but her eyes burst into excitement.

"You hurt me, it's fair that I hit you back. Auntie, are you still here?"

(End of this chapter)

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