Chapter 5

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Mickey sprinted across Yen Sid's tower in his sorcerer's hat and robe trying to evade a massive waving hurling in his direction, déjà vu! It was happening again!

Mickey: Sir?! Sir!!!!

He thought he spotted Yen Sid in his study and he hurried as fast as his little legs could carry him, but as soon as he got to the study, he vanished. The huge wave was still going, and the whole tower would be submerged in a matter of minutes! He had to do something before it was too late! He climbed onto the chair and frantically searched for a counter spell in the spell book, but he couldn't find anything, the spell book didn't have anything for a tsunamic tidal wave in a tower! But Mickey couldn't give up, he continued searching through the spell book for at least something, but he suddenly stopped when a large shadow loomed over him. He looked up and saw one of the brooms he had brought to life...but it was huge!

Mickey: Uh oh...

The broom spilled a giant bucket of water all over Mickey and he was engulfed in the water, struggling to breathe. He swam up to the surface and gripped the spell book as if his life depended on it, which it did.

Mickey: What to do, what to do...!

Then Mickey got an idea, he had Yen Sid's hat, he could stop the water! He stood on top of the book and started making gestures he had seen Yen Sid do, but instead of stopping the water, a giant whirlpool formed and he was immediately sucked into it, gripping the spell book with all his might.

Mickey: HELP!!!!

He kept getting dragged further and further down, the whirlpool seemingly endless as it swallowed him whole. Suddenly, just as soon as as it started, it stopped. However, instead of Mickey finding himself submerged in water...he was surrounded by nothing, floating helplessly in a void. What was going on? He felt so helpless this way.

?: Mickey Mouse...

Suddenly, everywhere he looked, he saw notorious enemies from the past, was his mind playing tricks on him?

Jafar: Magic is a curse, Mickey, you don't need a genie to realize that!

Cruella: Even with that stupid hat, you're still a weak little mouse!

Ursula: What a poor, unfortunate soul indeed!

Where were they coming from, all they seemed to be doing was discouraging the poor mouse and planting a lot of doubt in his head!

Hades: Let's face it, Mick, you're just a mouse, roadkill just waiting to be crushed, y'know?

Maleficent: You're nothing but vulnerable prey, you will never find peace!

Evil Queen: Even the mirror will say you're the weakest of them all!

It didn't stop there, Mickey was overwhelmed by the numerous villains surrounding him, all of them cackling at his helplessness and planting seeds of doubt in his head. But what happened next stung him like a scorpion.

Yen Sid: What have you done, Mickey Mouse?! You've disappointed me and your family!

That was the last thing Mickey heard before he plummeted into the endless abyss, the heartless laughter drowning him like a tidal wave.


Mickey woke up with a start in his bed, he put a hand over his chest feeling his racing heart and he was drenched in sweat. He looked over at Minnie who was sound asleep on her side of the bed. He looked over at the time which read 1:15 am.

Mickey: Oh gosh...what a nightmare...!

He got up from his bed and put his robe on, then he looked over at Minnie again before leaving the room and going outside, he sat down on the porch outside his house lost in thought. He couldn't get that nightmare out of his head, he had been through much worse, so why was this bothering him? He saved Minnie from a giant Frankenstein monster for crying out loud! This should be nothing compared to that!

Felix: Daddy...?

Mickey tensed up when he heard the door open, but then he relaxed when he turned around and saw it was only Felix.

Mickey: Hey, champ, what are you doing out of bed?

He picked up the little boy and held him on his lap.

Felix: I had a nightmare...

Wow, convenient. But whatever nightmare Felix had, it was probably nothing compared to the one Mickey had.

Mickey: Me too, buddy, me too...

Felix scooched closer to his father and laid his head down on his chest.

Felix: you think magic is real?

That was a bizarre question coming from a 6 year old, it was a hard one for Mickey though, he was raised by a well respected sorcerer, but he never knew his real family. Minnie and his kids were the only real family he had. And the magic that he had? That was still new to him, he only found out about his power just a few days ago and he still couldn't control it.

Mickey: Well, Felix, how should I put this...? Magic isn't something you see, it's something you feel. Your old man's been through it many times.

He thought back to the incident back at Yen Sid's tower when he messed with his hat and caused a lot of magical disasters.

Felix: But I thought magic wasn't a feeling like happy and sad.

Mickey: Not like that,'s more like...something extraordinary were to happen, like fireworks for example. When you watch them, it feels magical.

Felix: Ohhhhh, did you ever feel magic, Daddy?

That was an easy question to answer to a 6 year old, Mickey's been through a lot of experiences.

Mickey: Sure have, buddy, you know when my most magical time was?

Felix: When?

Mickey: When I married your mom.

Felix: You married Mommy?

Mickey: I sure did!

Remembering his wedding day often made Mickey feel better, that was his comfort, thinking back to when he married the love of his life.

Mickey: You'll understand when you get married one day, it'll be a magical day for you.

Felix: Okay, Daddy...

Mickey kissed Felix on the head and held him close for comfort. As much as he loved being with his little boy, he still couldn't get that awful nightmare out of his head. What did it mean? Was it his anxiety for having his own magic not counting the sorcerer hat? Or was it more? Was he in danger?

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