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Ten years later, they'd all graduated. Rin still fought for the Order, though it was mostly his familiars that fought for him now. His leg never healed fully, but he could still use his tail to balance himself without his cane if needed.

Godaiin worked at a bank and had cut his family off from his life after they'd tried several times to dissuade him from marrying Rin. The last straw was when his father called Rin a lowlife with nothing to offer to his face. At that time, Rin punched Godaiin's father square in the nose. Rin didn't care what people said about him, but Godaiin was right there next to him and Godaiin cared a lot.

"If it was just me here, I wouldn't care. But that man is not your son anymore. He is my fiance and he's mine now because it's clear he won't get the care he deserves from you. If either of us ever have to see you again, I'll ruin you." Rin had murmured to the man, dead calm.

It made Godaiin feel warm and fuzzy inside.

They'd both secured good jobs and gotten married after dating for two years and being engaged for six months. At 26, they had two children that were 6 and 4, and three more kids on the way–triplets, Dear Lord–via surrogacy. They were happy and having children helped Rin develop better emotionally. He seemed to grow with the children and it was good for him. Godaiin loved nothing more than watching Rin play Knights and Princesses with the kids or watching how Rin took so much care to do their little girl's hair up in fancy braids or buns and then watch her put Rin's hair up in different messy do's in turn. Every time Rin thought to cut his hair, he just couldn't because his perfect little girl loved playing with it too much.

Godaiin loved eating dinner with Rin and the kids and sometimes Godaiin's sister–their surrogate who happened to look very similar to Godaiin, and the only good person in the family.

With Godaiin's job at the bank and Rin's job as the Order's Weapon, they made a ton of money monthly and put a good amount of it away to support their kids if anything ever happened to Rin and Godaiin or if they needed it for college or private school.

Currently, they were painting a new nursery for the triplets–a warm pale gold, so when the sun hit the room through the window just right, it would feel just as warm as it looked and provide the perfect light for the kids.

Rin had learned to love the life he'd been given and the friends who'd stuck with him all those years ago. They kept in touch and met up every so often. Konekomeru was engaged to the girl he went to the Festival in first year with. Bon wasn't married and didn't seem interested in anyone at the moment(Godaiin was sure he'd fallen hard for Rin before he and Godaiin got together), Shiemi was an Empress of Creation and Life and had no ties to them anymore–a fact that seemed to sadden Rin when it was brought up, Yukio married Shima and they were in the process of adopting their first kid, and Izumo had quit the Order, going to being a Miko like her mother had been. She'd liked Shiemi and was just realizing it when Shiemi had left to be Shemihaza. It hurt her deeply and she didn't seem to want to love anyone else, though Paku was always there, clinging onto the hope that her feelings would be returned one day.

Nothing could be perfect, but Godaiin sometimes wondered if he could make just one more thing perfect by maybe inviting Suguro over more often to see how their relationship could blossom. He'd never had anything against the guy and Rin still loved teasing him however he could whenever they met up. Maybe that compatibility could go even farther than friends?

Godaiin didn't know, but he'd like to try. He'd talk to Rin about it after they put the kids to bed.

But either way, whether Suguro became something more to them or stayed their good friend, whether the birth of the triplets went well or not, and whether Rin died young out in the field or in his sleep peacefully one day as an old man, Godaiin still loved how things had turned out for him and Rin.

He wouldn't change a thing about how his life turned out if he was given the chance to go back in time.


Hey guys!!! Quarantine still sucks and I was rereading Middle Finger to edit it and I decided to do this Epilogue just for fun! I hope you enjoyed it. Peace! ✌🏻

12/14/2020–Hey guys, me again! Wow, almost a whole year in quarantine, huh? Well, I'm still on the fence about making a sequel to this book with Rin/Godaiin/Suguro as the ship. I need an actual plot and not just a ship, so if you could help me come up with ideas for that, it would be lovely, because I miss writing Middle Finger!Rin.

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