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Hey, if I just made this exactly like what happens in the manga, I'd be a boring author wouldn't I? Have fun with this little twist, y'all.


"It's no good, they've surrounded this side too!" Suguro reported. "There are a lot of them."

"It's no good this way either. I can't set them on fire. That'll make it even worse." Rin added.

"We need to clear the way. I could clear it in one shot with my bazooka." Suguro offered. "No, we need to save ammo since it doesn't work on these zombies." Yukio countered.

"We'll have to cut 'em down. Burn 'em to ashes." Rin stepped forward, the flames on his body flickering excitedly as his tail whipped around impatiently.

"Well, get to cutting. You're the only one here that can." Yukio ordered.

"Of course." Rin ran in front of them and put his sword to good use, occasionally slicing with his knives, which he seemed to have lots of on that belt of his.

"Does that guy go anywhere not prepared to cut something?" Konekomeru whispered, watching the half-demon obliterate the zombies. Rin danced around the corpses, cutting them all down and burning the bodies to the ground. The room was highlighted in blue.

And suddenly, they were all falling. The floor had turned into a funnel of sorts. Rin slid down on his feet like he was sliding down a muddy hill. Yukio slid on his side like he'd been trained. Everybody else slid on their asses. Shiemi somehow ended up upside down before they were plunged into darkness. Rin lit up the tunnel with his flames, but he was the only one he could see. He heard his classmates' screams get farther away.

He honestly should've been prepared for the landing, but it was pitch black and he was still disoriented. He landed on his side painfully, sure he cracked a few ribs on top of the burns and still-healing wound. He groaned, rolling over to face where he'd come from. It was pitch black, even with his flames lighting the area around him. It must have been a vast space. A growling noise could be heard.

"Don't tell me....." He turned around and blasted flames in the general direction of the noise. Horrible, gut wrenching shrieking sounded before an entire zombie thing was lit and Rin could see both the cage it was in and the walls. It was a very tall room. No light could be seen from above or around them, save for the blue glow.

He studied the mutated zombie. It seemed to be more of a Nabarius, with body parts sticking out everywhere.

"Oh hell...." He muttered, just as he collapsed. Three tranquilizers stuck out of the back of his neck. One of the German twins–Gunnan–caught him and heaved him up into his arms while the other twin–Gunnar–shot at the chimera zombie to shut it up and they left the chamber, ignoring the shrieks of the pained groaning zombie.


"Huh. So we were separated when we fell through the floor." Suguro shined his flashlight around, noticing the wall closest to him. Just as he was going to examine the room further, a growl was heard, just like the first zombie they'd heard.

The lights suddenly turned on and he saw the giant Zombie chimera in the cage on the far side of the room. "So this is what happens to the worst defects huh?" He noted. The cage bars slid into the floor, releasing the thing. It tried to rush him, but it was too big and slow. Suguro smirked as he dodged easily and put some distance between the zombie abd himself. "Alright then."

He took a missile from his belt and loaded into his bazooka, positioning it on his shoulder and taking aim. It wasn't hard, the thing was huge. He couldn't find any particular weak spots except it's half-melted face.

"EAT MY BAZOOKA!" He bellowed, releasing a clear shot straight into the thing's face.


"We have acquired Rin Okumura. What of the other one, Dr. Gedouin?" The German twins reported to the piggy man with the unconscious half-demon.

"Ah, put him down on the table over here. The Commander said to leave the younger one be. Meanwhile, I will test this older one to see how his body works." Gedouin answered, shooing the twins away.

The short scientist took his eyes away from the cameras to examine the son of Satan. While unconscious, the teen looked perfectly calm.

He'd seen pictures of the boy–pale and perfect skin, no scars or imperfections to be seen, neutral expression giving away no emotion. He was quite the brawler and he was quick. He took advantage of everything in his surroundings when he fought, so he clearly had no qualms against fighting dirty. Rin's only goal was to win if he ever indulged in a fight.

Currently, though, he was still recovering from Lucifer's searing light when he'd gone to declare war on the Order, so there were patches of glossy pink skin all over his face and arms, not to mention the still healing stab wound from Shima's staff.

His ears were short and pointed, like Lucifer's. His hair was messy and overlong, ink-black locks around his head on the cold metal table like a halo of negative light. The doctor spotted the demon-slaying sword Kurikara sitting in the corner where one of the twins had left it. Oh how he'd love to break that blade and release the true demon inside this boy. It would be amazing! Glorious!

But alas, he had tests to begin for now. Keeping an eye on the cameras in each of the rooms the intruders were in, he took a scalpel and delicately cut thin lines in the half-demon boy's arms. Rin twitched, but with three full doses of tranquilizer specially made for demons, it would take a lot to wake him.

Gedouin made it his personal goal to see how much the boy would take before he woke up and started struggling.


"Alright we're all here! Let's go get Kamiki!" Yukio ordered. The rest started moving, except one. "Suguro? What's bothering you?" Yukio wondered.

"Okumura's missing." He grunted, refusing to move. "Oh! I never saw him escape one of those Chambers! What do you think happened to him? Do you think his monster got him?" Konekomeru realized.

Suguro shook his head. "No clue. But he is Satan's kid and this place is run by one of his brothers. Think they caught him?"

"That could be possible. But, Rin can handle himself. We came here to rescue Kamiki. We'll have to go one without him. If we can, we'll find him and take him back, but for now, we have no backup, so we gotta move." Yukio brushed it off, beginning to run again. Suguro didn't like it, but they had to stick together.


"He hasn't woken up yet?" Shima was watching Gedouin place cuts everywhere he could reach exposed skin while Rin lay passed out and strapped down on the cold metal table. His shirt was cut off and his bandages had been removed to reveal the stab wound from Shima's staff that was now only a deep gash. His burns were about healed, but Gedouin's little cuts littered the teen's upper body.

"Nope! Amazing isn't it! Had to shoot him three times to keep him like this." Gedouin said gleefully. He'd begun to cut deeper and deeper. The spy wondered when he'd hit bone. Shima cringed as the scalpel dug into the skin and maybe even into some muscle.

Rin may have been one of the Illuminati's targets, but the guy never really did anything to be on Shima's bad side. He was just a brutally honest dude who was a little twisted after having a messed up childhood and being neglected. It wasn't like his twin seemed to care about his brother's well being most of the time anyways. Who knew? Maybe Rin would join the Illuminati and be a Double Agent like Shima.

Shima stalked out of the watchtower and went back to see how the prep for the experiment was going.


Kamiki was screaming and writhing, fighting against the scientists dressing her in the ceremonial outfit. She didn't want to go through this. They'd said she wasn't compatible! This ritual was going to kill her!

Just as they finally got her pinned down, the ExWires ran in from a hallway. They didn't question anything, just ran in and began taking down scientists in some impressive hand-to-hand combat. Konekomeru couldn't fight much, so he didn't and instead ran around the adults, scrambling around to get to the computer. He looked at the stats and frowned. Some of it was in a different language, possibly French, and was therefore mostly gibberish to the boy.

He tapped a few keys, typing in commands in Japanese and hoping at least some would work.

They got lucky. The lights went off and the machines all shut down, including the device on Izumo's head.

The only noises were noises of surprise and Izumo's sobbing. Konekomeru could only hope his friends could adjust and beat the bad guys in the dark. Rin's fire would be very convenient right now.


Rin was up and he was screaming bloody murder as he struggled against the straps soaked in holy water and hexed to keep him there.

Gedouin was speaking quietly in his nasally voice, trying to calm the half- demon while the scientist cut deep into his arm, right in the crook of his elbow. Blood spilled from the wound as a vein was cut into.

Rin struggled. He yanked and pulled and arched off the metal table. All to no avail as he was cut over and over again, deeper each time. Rin had woken up to this and he'd just been in continuous pain ever since. He had no idea how long it had been.

Finally, Gedouin made a mistake.
He looked at the long black tail that was strapped to the table in interest and inched towards it. Rin jerked, trying to get away from the psychotic scientist.

Memories flashed in his mind, pieces, broken pieces that couldn't tell him the whole story.

A man–tall, lanky, and a too-wide smile. He didn't have an actual face–it looked like someone took a sharpie and drew a smiley face on a blank canvas of skin.

His body was stretched too far, limbs too long, mouth filled with yellowed fangs like a shark.

Long, crooked fingers grabbed at him and pulled him every which way, pulled his clothes off and water was splashed on him with a bucket.

The water didn't feel like water–it burned and itched and crept into his skin and muscles and bones.

His fingers melted away until just sizzling bones were left and he screamed. Screamed and cried for Daddy, Yukio, the clergymen, anyone.

Burnt flesh smelled horrible and he threw up next to where he was forced to sleep on the cold, hard floor.

More tall, crooked people, hurting him.

Knives, sharp and shiny and stained with his blood.

Cuts all over his body.

Deep gashes from teeth on his shoulders and neck.

Stinging, burning water.

Dirty water to drink.

Infected cuts and bright red veins.

More vomiting.

No clothes, only cold.

Tired, sad, alone.

Sick, hurt, furious.

Knives, sharp and shiny and stained with their blood.


Gedouin held down the squirming tail and brought the scalpel down to put a shallow cut in the middle of the appendage.

Rin lost it. He screamed loud enough for the whole facility to hear, tears streamed down his cheeks at the sheer pain rippling through his body at that one little cut on the most sensitive place of his body.

Another cut, even deeper in his tail. He writhed, yanking even harder on the bonds. And this time, he refused to stop. More pieces of memories flooded his mind, too fast and incomprehensible to make any sense aside from how he'd felt then.

The last cut sliced cleanly through the fur and skin, even deeper. Rin broke through the hexes and his flames were free, melting the metal cuffs off of him. He jumped off the table and onto Gedouin. He set the scientist on fire, watching as he screamed and clutched at Rin's slit wrists.

Rin watched intently, a cruel–and maybe even a little insane–smile on his face as he watched the man's skin melt off his body, then his muscle and fat. Then, finally, all that was left were charred bones. This felt familiar–had he killed someone before? Had there been someone hurting him like this until he'd snapped? A little six-year-old boy with a knife surrounded by dead, mutilated bodies? Was that what happened to him back then?

He calmly dropped the burnt skeleton in his hands to the floor and beside the goop that had once been Michael Gedouin. He wondered if he should take the man's skull back with him as a souvenir, but decided that he'd rather not explain to Yukio why he was creepily clutching onto a charred human skull when he was already shaking like a leaf.

As soon as he went to leave with his sword, Saburota Todou stopped by and saw the damage done to the room. Blue flames licked the walls, slowly flickering out at their master's will. And then he saw what was left of the body and cringed.

"Ah, well, at least I always come back." He sighed. He threw himself onto the son of Satan and they tumbled, wrestling for control.

Finally, they ended up with Todou on top, straddling Rin and holding his wrists down. Rin did his best not to let out a quiet whimper as his injured tail was held down by Todou's foot.

"Ah, yes. Such youth is wonderful, isn't it? I'm very sorry that man did this to you. Let me make it up to you." Todou leaned down and clamped his fangs around Rin's cartoid artery.

Rin let out a strangled yell. He struggled, but stopped when he felt a warm sensation throughout his body and most of his cuts closed up and the violent trembling stopped.

"What the hell are you doing, you creep?" He growled. Todou chuckled against his neck and leaned back up.

"Why, that's not very nice. I healed your cuts! The power of the Phoenix is amazing isn't it?" Todou explained breathlessly, licking the blood off his lips. Rin shuddered in disgust and threw the man off, making a run for it while the Demon Eater was surprised.


Since these guys were only scientists, it was easy to dispatch them. Shiemi used vines to bind all of them and the men and women were propped up against a wall. Shiemi stood guard while Yukio unhooked Izumo from the devices and Konekomeru hacked through the computer database to download all he could on to a hard drive he'd gotten from Yukio. The Exorcist had ordered him to get everything he could from the Illuminati onto it.

They still had no idea of Rin's whereabouts. It was worrying that the ExWire had been gone so long. Konekomeru really hoped he was okay. Despite what he'd thought of Rin before, the scream everyone had heard should never have to be heard, nor should it ever come from someone as steadfast as Rin.

Illuminati soldiers would be there soon and at that point, they'd have to make a hasty escape with or without their classmate.


One of Izumo's familiars from earlier was guiding Rin down the halls, but it would be a lot easier without the Demon Eater chasing him in hot pursuit.

Rin was slow since he hadn't eaten anything but Shiemi's grass sandwiches on the plane that morning and he'd been screaming his damn lungs out while being cut up by that freak, Gedouin. He was low on energy and he felt like shit. Probably looked the part, too.

Todou grabbed his cut up shirt and Rin let it fall off his body and kept running. Todou growled and finally just pounced, landing on top of the half-demon. Rin struggled, flames burning away at Todou, but the regenerative flames of the Phoenix kept him alive and unmelted.

"Come on, Rin Okumura. Stay a while and let me show you what we have in store. I promise we'll treat you much better than the Knights." Todou chuckled as he slipped a syringe out of a pack in his belt and pushed it into the teen's neck. Rin fought hard, but with that much demon sedative, there was no way he'd stay awake.

Rin's eyes began closing and his vision was fading to black.


"We can't stay here much longer. Koneko, how much info do you have?" Suguro turned to his friend.

"Uhhhh....I have a lot of files on their personnel, their targets, and some experiments on the elixr keeping Lucifer functioning." The shorter teen reported.

"That'll have to be good enough. Take the drive and let's get out of here." Yukio told him. Kamiki was in a better state now that she'd been given some water and the experiment hadn't begun.

"We still don't have Okumura....." Suguro grumbled. He seemed actually worried for their detached classmate.

"He can handle himself. If he finds us on our way out, good." Yukio waved it off once again.

"Okay, listen. If they took someone like Okumura, who has the DNA of Satan–who basically has every demon's genetics in him, not to mention insane regenerative abilities, reflexes and senses–what do you think they'll want with Rin? And don't you think they'll do anything to get what they want?" Suguro pointed out. He really wasn't okay with this.

"What are you implying?" Yukio asked him impatiently.

"I'm saying, they'll probably need to kill him to get what they need and even though the guy is kind of an asshole, even he doesn't deserve that. I know we're short on time, but Exorcists fight together right? So let's go get our teammate and leave." Suguro answered.

"That would be ideal, wouldn't it?" A voice said from a hallway. They all whipped their heads around to see Shima casually standing there, in their way of escape.

Not good.

"What the hell do you want?! Just let us go and we'll be out of your hair." Kamiki cried. "No can do, Izumo~! See, I have to prove myself worthy of being in this organization. I can't do that if one of our most valuable assets escape, can I?" Shima tsked, getting his staff ready.

"He's already used up his summoning power today to destroy Mike and Uke. He'll have to take us on with just that staff and strength." Izumo told them.

Shima's smile faltered for a second before coming back again.

"I never said I couldn't summon Yamantaka more than once." He shrugged.

This was a predicament they found themselves in. Faced with a traitor who used to be their friend.


Yes! We finally get a small look at what traumatized little Rin and the reason he always carries a knife. He doesn't know it, but he carried knives at all times because they make him feel safe. He doesn't know how he'd react without his knives because he's literally never gone a day without them since the incident(that he can remember). I hope y'all are enjoying the new and improved plot line of this story!

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