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Homophobia is really stupid. I'm mean, your scared of another person because of who they are? Wow, that's low.

People argue that it's against their religion. Well here in America, we have a freedom of religion. You have no right to go out and make someone miserable because they go against your religion.

Argument 2: My children don't need to see that.
Who says? I think it's perfectly fine to allow your children to see two people loving each other, or being who they are. What's not ok is to shield your children's eyes from the LGBT+ community as if they are a disease.

Here's another one, bullying. It's not ok. NOPE NOPE NOPE. You have no right to attack someone's courage, or physically hurt them, because they are different. And this one goes for everyone. If someone has only one parent, no you can't bully them. If someone is gay, you can't bully them. If someone is transgender, you can't bully them. If ANYONE is different and you don't like it, suck it up buttercup. Life doesn't revolve around you.

So yeah... there are three arguments here against homophobia.

NOTICE!  Anyone from the LGBT+ community is welcome on my page and in my stories. I will love you my little sweet chicken nuggets. No hate. I will find you if you hurt my sweet babies so don't.

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