Vol. 1: Kamen Rider Kamushi Begins/Ch. 6: Battle Against Monkey Fist

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(Yoseph is seen slammed into the wall by Go'Badda'Ba, who punches his stomach until his eyes turn blue, and he catches his leg before pushing him roughly to the wall as he summons the Arcle and prepares to transform.)

Yoseph: (glares) You want to play that game, let's do it! (growls) HEN...SHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Yoseph transforms, and then a visible force pushes everyone back. As Go'Badda'Ba gets back up, he sees Kamushi.)

Go'Badda'Ba: You're not Kuuga!

Kamushi: No, I'm Kamen Rider Kamushi!

(He charges towards him as he began his battle against the Gurongi Kaijin, Kamushi punches him and he throws him to the wall, Kamushi grabs Go'Badaa'Ba and punches him in the stomach, making him cough in blood. He throws the Kaijin to the ceiling gate outside of the cavern, Kamushi jumps outside as he charges back towards him he uses Hulk punch and he double punches him, then he grabs his arm and twist it, but someone's voice called from Go'Badaa'Ba's voice.)

????: Help me!

Kamushi: (eyes narrow) What?

(He gets pushed back inside the temple, and falls into the ground as he grunts.)

Kamushi: (in mind) What the hell was that voice?

(Go'Badaa'Ba roars at Kamushi, and charges towards him, but Kamushi lifts him and slams him to the ground before kicking him to the other side.)

Kamushi: Let's finish this, shall we?

(He got into his final stance, his anklet began to glow fiery burst as he leaped into the air and he kicked him as he screams in pain and explodes. Unfortunately Kim and her group are cornered by Monkey Fist and his Monkey Ninjas.)

Monkey Fist: End of the line.

Kamushi: (runs at him) I don't think so, Monkey Fist!

(Kamushi kicks Monkey Fist, knocking him over the Monkey Ninjas, and then he executes his finisher as Monkey Fist gets up, only to be kicked by him as he screams in pain and explodes as he approaches the group while the Monkey Ninjas retreat.)

Kim: Well, problem solved.

Monique: Why things like this don't get recorded on TV?

Felix: Speaking of it...

Ron: (eyes widen) Wait, you're saying that my cousin... is the descendant of that Kamushi Beetle Knight?

Kim: That's right, Seria Rashi is his ancestor.

Monique: And since that monster was helping Monkey Fist, more of them will come, but he'll be ready to defend this world.

Felix: Hmm, that is a good idea. A real live superhero in this world should needed some hand.

Kim: (smiles) Wow! That's a great idea.

(Ron and Yori look at each other and shake their heads, implying that they don't like the idea. Monique then pats Kamushi's shoulder.)

Monique: Everyone will know the very first suphero among Middletown. Your rider name is-

Kamushi: Kamushi. Kamen Rider Kamushi! I'm different than the original Kuuga.

Felix: (smiles) Yoseph, you're gonna be famous around the world.

Kim: (smiles) Anyone will love you, you'll be no longer The Lost Boy... you'll be The Famous Hero of the world.

Monique: (smiles) You'll be always a Superhero member of Middletown High, you will do this for all of us. Even your family and us, Yoseph.

(Kamushi smiles inside his helmet, when he was about to say something, a powerful blast makes a big hole in the wall. Everyone coughs as both Ron and Yori gasp by seeing The Plumber Rangers: UltraPrime, Mercury Ranger, Rainbow Ranger, Cybertron Fury Rangers, and Wolf Ranger.)

UltraPrime: (glares) We should know this would happen.

Ron: (gasps) It's them again.

Monique: So you've been following Yoseph, haven't you?

Wolf Ranger: (stern) You know too much, as for now... back to our priority mission to retrieve that Arcle!


(Kim and her group block their way.)

Mercury Ranger: (glares) Out of our way!

Kim: (glares) We won't let you get the Arcle.

Grimlock Ranger: (glares) Oh yeah?

Monique: (glares) Oh yeah!

Sludge Ranger: (scoffs) Look here little missy, you don't know who's coming. A great evil will come upon this world and you don't even know it.

Felix: (eyes narrow) What are you talking about?

Rainbow Ranger: The Evil Gurongi Kaijin is not the only one, an evil alternate Kamen Rider Agito is leading them to stop your friend, and once he does, he will take over the world.

UltraPrime: That's why we are here to take the Arcle back to our world, now give it to us.

Monique: (glares) Never.

Rainbow Ranger: (stern) Of course you know this means war!

(Suddenly Kamushi kicks Rainbow Ranger out of nowhere.)

Slug Ranger: (shocked) How the-

(Kamushi punches Slug Ranger's face, and then Mercury Ranger throws his fist at him, but Kamushi grabs his fist and throws him to Wolf Ranger, knocking them over.)

Slash Ranger: Alright, handsome. Game time!

(She cracks her neck and knuckles to fight, and charges at Kamushi, who punches her five times and kicks her to the wall like Bruce Lee. Wolf Ranger grabs his arms from behind, and performs Zangief's Atomic Buster, slamming him to the ground as he kicks him to the side. Suddenly Ron throws a rock at him.)

Ron: Leave him alone, you pipsqueak.

Wolf Ranger: (eyes twitch) Pipsqueak? P-Pipsqueak?

(Wolf Ranger charges at Ron, only for Kamushi to quickly get in his way and punch his face in the left side as he crashes into the wall.)

Kamushi: (to Ron) Are you okay?

Ron: Yeah.

(Kamushi then rushes at Wolf Ranger, and grabs him before throwing him to Mercury Ranger, knocking them over. Suddenly a dimensional gate opens up as UltraPrime and Rainbow Ranger prepare to go through it.)

Kamushi: Giving up already?

UltraPrime: We're retreating for now, but we will meet again next time. Grimlock won't hesitate to destroy you, he'll make the world regret and nobody will stop him. With the powers of The Year of the Dragon... like Goku! Grimlock will show the Year of the Dragon's power... when we see each other again.

Rainbow Ranger: Till we meet again, Kim Possible, you and your friends gonna be more annoying than Mystery Inc. for the rest of your petty lives, we're gonna have our match again.

(As they walk through the gate, the Rangers prepare to fight again.)

Mercury Ranger: Looks like we're on our own now.

Rangers: Let's do this.

(Outside of the cave, Kamushi gets blasted outside as he grunts. All of the Rangers go outside as well, and Felix picks up Yoseph's phone as he starts recording the fight. He punches both Grimlock Ranger and Wolf Ranger in the face before grabbing Sludge Ranger in the arm as he punches and kicks him like he's nothing before throwing him to the side. Slug Ranger knocks Kamushi to the ground and down to the ground and punches his face multiple times until Kamushi headbutts him, knocking him back before slamming his face into the tree, knocking him out.)

Kamushi: Had enough?

(Wolf Ranger responds by performing Joe Higashi's Tiger Kick, kicking Kamushi's face, and knocking him to the tree as he cracks his neck while walking towards him.)

Wolf Ranger: See? You don't stand a chance against the strongest Rangers of the Megaforce-Verse.

(Kamushi kicks Wolf Ranger's leg, tripping him as he grabs his head and slams him to the trees multiple times and throws him to the bayou. His right arm glows as he charges towards him. Wolf Ranger gets back up and sees Kamushi charging towards him, but before he could react, Kamushi punches his face, and an X-Ray moment shows his skull cracking. Kamushi punches him forcefully, and Wolf Ranger crashes into eight trees. As Kamushi prepares to face Mercury Ranger, who then activates his Defender Vest.)

Mercury Ranger: Get ready to fall!

(As Kim and her group keep recording, Mercury Ranger pounces on Kamushi, who grabs his helmet and throws him before grabbing his leg, and spins him around before throwing him. Kamushi gets in his final stance, he charges towards him and he leaps into the air and kicks Mercury Ranger, who yells in pain before exploding and reverting back to normal. Kim and his group cheer for him as a dimensional door appears below the Rangers, teleporting them back to their world as Felix stops the recording and gives Yoseph's phone back to him and Monique hugs him.)

Kim: (smiles) You did it, Yoseph.

Felix: (smiles) You showed them who's boss.

Ron: You're stronger than them, cousin.

Yori: Real powerful.

Monique: Everyone in the world will know you're the first superhero in Middletown.

Yoseph: Yeah, but it's not over yet.

Felix: Why?

Monique: This is just a beginning of the era where all of these vigilantes coming after me, and these monstrous beings known as Gurongi Kaijins.

Kim: Yep. As of now, we got the video recorded on your phone to show it to the world.

(Ron and Yori get worried about Yoseph while a certain Cybertronian is watching them.)

Grimlock: (stern) Things are just getting started, Gordon. You will be unworthy soon, once you go to New York at the end.

(See you in Volume One Epilogue.)

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