Vol.2: The Alternate Kuuga/Ch. 2: Ambush by Plumber Rangers Pt. 1

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(Yoseph heads out to a library as Grimlock is secretly watching him before flying away while he waited for Yoseph to have a rematch. Yoseph then hears something and turns to see his childhood friend: Samantha Simpson, mostly known as Sam.)

Yoseph: (eyes widen) Sam?!

Sam: (eyes widen) Yeseph?!

(They've both hugged each other, he patted her back as they pulled away.)

Sam: (smiles) It's good to see you again, Yoseph.

Yoseph: (smiles) You as well, Sam. You look as beautiful as usual, I see.

Sam: (giggles) Stop, you're gonna make me blush if you keep this up. So, how's your mother doing?

Yoseph: She's doing great, I always help here around the house till I never quit. I'd already passed all my school years, so I decided to get a job.

Sam: (smiles) Well, someone wants to meet you tonight. I'll introduce you to my friends before that. Until then... see ya.

Yoseph: (smiles) Yeah, see ya.

(As Sam is about to leave, she turns around to Yoseph.)

Sam: By the way... (smiles) It's good to see you again, Yoseph.

Yoseph: (smiles) You too, Sam.

(Then he walks to search for a book, and he finally finds one about his ancestor Seria first fighting Draconius Prime. His ancestor also co-existed with Draconius to join forces against evil gods or goddesses and even rogue aliens, Seria and Draconius separate while going two different places where they go. Draconius goes to Greece in the Golden Ages while Seria's kingdom lives in Rome till generation, Yoseph reads the ancient text of the picture in a book. When he turns a page, he is shocked in awe at the four symbols of the cybertronians.)

Yoseph: (shocked) What are these symbols?

(Then he hears a voice.)

????: These are the new main symbols of Cybertronian Factions.

(He turns around as he sees Masaru Satoru aka The Dark Paladin, Yoseph gasped as he fell backwards for the first time that he'd ever seen a real live dark magician.)

Yoseph: (scared) W-W-Who are you?

Dark Paladin: (smiles) I am Masaru Satoru, the Dark Paladin. I like to come to places such as Salem, Massachusetts, New Orleans, Louisiana, Florida and other places that have libraries. I always love to go to the library, and even New York as well.

Yoseph: Okay, Mr. Satoru. What are those Cybertronian Factions?

Dark Paladin: The factions are the Dinobots, led by Grimlock; The Blue Order, led by Armada Prime, formerly known as Magna Convoy; The Decepticon Justice Division, led by Tarm; and the Mercenaries; led by Sixshot. Their main arch enemies are Megatronus Prime aka The Fallen, and Scourge the Terrorcon.

(He gets up as he dust himself off, and faces back at Dark Paladin.)

Yoseph: The Fallen? Who betrayed the Thirteen Primes.

Dark Paladin: That's right. He's hellbent on destroying the universe for revenge, but Deaconius' descendants will destroy him, and the universe will finally rest in peace.

Yoseph: Okay, just another thing, were Draconius Prime and Seria Rashi enemies?

Dark Paladin: Formerly. They were once enemies a long time ago in the year of 360 A.D., Draconius didn't want any of the kingdoms to become a power-hungry villain such as Gilgamesh. So Titanus Ziz convinces Seria and Zenruis to become better heroes than abusing their own powers. One day, Draconius got killed by Predaking himself, and that's how Grimlock's story started, my friend.

(Yoseph was impressed by the origins of his ancestors and the Aliens. He looked at his watch and it was 8:00 p.m. and he turned back at him.)

Yoseph: Thanks for your knowledge, Mr. Satoru. Also, are you well-known?

Dark Paladin: Yes, I am friends with Dr. Kurtis Hallows and Mr. Howard.

Yoseph: (confused) Mr. Howard?

Dark Paladin: Percy Howard's father, I was his friend once before Sirzechs' devil clan murdered my wife and children, and turned me into this. So, I am the Librarian Paladin.

Yoseph: What does that mean?

Dark Paladin: I always keep the ghosts inside of the spirit world as they won't get out to the living world like this. So, I am protecting the living world from rogue spirits and ghosts. You better go, kid. Your friends might be waiting for you. 

(He nods and puts the he put the book back on the shelf. He begins to walk out of the library, while the Dark Paladin pulls out a book that he likes out of the shelf.)

Dark Paladin: Pride and Prejudice, my favorite.

(In the streets, Yoseph went towards the main street to go back to his friends, suddenly a portal opened following him. It went in slow motion, and as Yoseph turns to see it, two pair of arms grabbed and pulled him inside of the portal. Everything went back to normal, as the portal closed.)

(At the Unknown World, Yoseph crashed on the ground roughly, he grunted in pain. As he groans, he hears footsteps as he turns to see two individuals.)

????:  If you want to know where you are, you have to tell us why you have the Arcle?

???? 2: Tell us, why did you find the Arcle and what are you fighting for?

Yoseph: If you're one of those rangers, no thanks. I'm keeping the Arcle, I am fighting for my friends.

????: (glares) Wrong answer.

(The first individual grabs and lifts Yoseph before punching his face as he throws him to the wall as the second individual kicks his face, making him spit blood as he glares back at them.)

???? 2: (glares) You think you're fighting for this, that's not what Kuuga wants. If the Original Kuuga was here, he'd be disappointed.

Yoseph: (glares) Show yourselves, or you're rather weak like the others I've faced before?

????: (stern) Alright then...

(The individuals are revealed to be Robert Justus and Haru Mizuki as the latter aims his Kaizoku Hassyar at him.)

Haru: (glares) Okay kid, tell why did you become famous? Don't even lie to us.

Yoseph: (glares) Because, every superhero is always famous. Like me, Middletown needs a superhero. That's why I wanted to be the first superhero.

(Haru then slams the Kaizoku Hassyar at Yoseph's head.)

Haru: (stern) Wrong, Kamen Riders are meant for fighting humanity-in-secrets. Not just go around and become famous, it is an abusive power for money and fame. And you'll end up shit, a faker, traitor and weakling just like the other riders who want to become like us.

(Robert then whispers to the readers.)

Robert: (whispers) Not like Jaune, Issei or Deku.

(Haru slams his Kaizoku Hassyar harder on Yoseph.)

Haru: (glares) You better stop being famous or your friends might end up destroyed by Gurongi forever.

Robert: (glares) You know nothing.

Haru: Oh yeah?

Haru: Yeah. Now give us the Arcle.

(Yoseph headbutts Haru before kicking him as he summons the Arcle. Haru then brings his Build Driver, and prepares to transform as he places the driver in his waist, and pulls out two fullbottles and shakes them before pressing them and inserting them on his driver.)


(He cranks up the lever of his driver as his suit is summoned.)


Haru: Henshin!

(He transforms into Kamen Rider Soarwing.)


Soarwind: Flying like a pterodactyl, Kamen Rider Soarwind!

(Robert brings out his morpher as he prepares to transform.)


(Robert becomes Sentai Justus.)

Sentai Justus: SENTAI JUSTUS!

(Yoseph prepares to transform as well.)

Yoseph: Henshin!

(Yoseph becomes Kamen Rider Kamushi.)

Kamushi: (glares) Let's dance.

(Finally, the lights revealed while uncovering the dorm. They're in the place he has never seen before... and its title is revealed.)


Yoseph: (shocked) Whoa, what is this place?

Soarwind: This place is called Utopia City, a new home for Kamen Rider Zangetsu and the Knight Riders alongside FlashBolt, son of The Flash and Supergirl. The Plumbers decided to gather their own Justice League, which means they'll be this cities' protector. While we are on this roof, you will face us.

(Soarwind charges at Kamushi as he draws his Drill Crusher, but Kamushi dodges the attack and kicks him back as he prepares to change forms.)


(He changes to his Herculean Form as he draws his Herculean Sword.)

Kamushi: Okay, guys. Let's see what you've got.

(Both Soarwind and Sentai Justus charge towards him as they jump in the air, and Kamushi charges at two Plumber Rangers as he throws his fist.)

(As the screen fades to black, the Dark Paladin floats towards the background screen as he performs a dark magic, writing a "To be continued" at the screen before floating away.)

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