05| pfft what are you, gay?

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You know the feeling when you just wanna run away and hide? Yeah that's exactly what you were dealing with right now. Jungkook and Taehyung's smile faltered the moment their eyes landed on you, by the looks of it you can say they didn't know about you being Yoongi's sister.

You glanced around the table to see three unfamiliar faces beaming at you and Azalea. You suddenly felt nervous under their judging gazes. It was as if they were trying to locate similarities between you and your brother although there were hardly any.

You and Yoongi shared the same type of eyes and a similar Gummy smile but other than that everything else was different. He took after your mother's features while you were involved more with your father's. You saw how Jungkook's doe eyes widened making him look like a deer caught in headlights, nah more like a bunny caught while stealing carrots. 'Cute.'

"Wahh finally we get to see Sope's younger siblings." You glanced at the speaker and your jaw dropped. Silver locks fell upon his forehead, his jaw with a curve but soft jawline and lips so plushy you wanted to play with them.

Forget Taehyung, this one had the face of a literal God who descended down the very heavens. You were sure you looked like a fish with a mouth agape but you couldn't care any less. You seemed to have found your new crush it seems. "Yeah Hobi's sister looks like him but Yoongi's looks somehwhat different."

Your eyes next landed on the man sitting beside the god who had a smile along with two cute dimples adoring his round face. He had caramel locks cascading down his forehead that were parted in the middle complimenting his handsomeness. The person sitting next to Taehyung approached you. "Hi, I'm Jimin." He extended his hand forward for you to shake.

His mouth stretched into a wide smile showing off a set of pearly teeth along with an crescent eye smile which crinkled the edges of his eyes and look so small making you wonder if he could see anything when he smiles like this. He had dirty blonde locks swept at the side almost covering his left eye. He reminded you of a literal Mochi, cute as fuck. You felt your brother nudge you from the side snapping you out of your stance. You cleared your throat and let out an awkward chuckle, "Uh hi I'm Min Aera."

"Omg so cute, come here sit with us." Your crush- you mean the silver head stood up and came to you. He took your plate in his hands and held yours. You slightly flinched at his action; he led you to sit between him and the dimple guy. You could feel your cheeks tingle and turn red by his gesture. "Ugh I forgot to introduce my self, I'm Kim Seokjin. Call me Jin." He gave you a flying kiss making your cheeks flame even more, if that was possible.

"And hi, I'm Kim Namjoon." said the brown hair guy sitting to your right. From the corner of your eye, you could see your brother, Hoseok and Azalea sitting opppsite to you where Taehyung and Jungkook sat, Jimin settling down in the centre. The boys already had their half eaten lunch plates infront of them. "You two, won't you introduce yourselves?" Yoongi said and you turned your head towards Jungkook and Taehyung who looked at you as well.

"Uh it's okay yoongs, we already met in our English class." You smiled at them and they stuttered a 'yeah', smiling as well. Everyone continued eating their lunch and the table fell silent. After a while you looked up and couldn't help yourself from rolling your eyes seeing Yoongi and Azalea blushing. Even hoseok seemed to cringe at the failed attempts of your brother trying to flirt. Next your eyes darted to an awfully quiet Jungkook and Taehyung as Jimin spoke to them. "Babe can you pass me that ketchup sachet please?"

You snapped your head towards Jin and choked out, "W-what?"

"Uh I'm not saying to you Aera, Joonie pass me the ketchup babe." Your eyes darted the man sitting on your left while the latter did what was said to him, handing the sachet to Jin, he smiled at you and resumed eating.

"You randomly call a guy 'babe'?" You blurted out and everyone looked at you as if you were stupid.

"And why can't I call him babe?"

"Pfft what are you, gay?"

"Yeah. Namjoon is Jin's boyfriend, Aera." Your eyes widened at your brother's words and just like that the love ship which you thought started sailing, drowned. Your mind seemed to stop functioning but still you awkwardly coughed and let out a quite 'oh'.

"Sorry guys I forgot to say her." Yoongi apologised. The couple just smiled and Jin patted your back while everyone resumed eating and you noticed Jungkook trying to stifle a laugh which made you sink down your seat in utter embarrassment.

✡ ✡ ✡ ✦ ✡ ✡ ✡

Finally the first day got over, after your remaining two classes of Physics and Mathematics, you were waiting for a bus with Azalea as your brother had to work on some upcoming assignments with his group. You were tired mentally as well as physically due to so many things happening on just the first day.

Starting with the clash with Jungkook and then Taehyung, competing with Jungkook, finding out Jin is gay and dealing with Jungkook yet again during physics and math - yeah he had to be with you in all your classes considering he was a science student just like you are, meaning more competition. 'Ugh.'

"Hey you free this weekend?" Azalea asked. You had just gotten into a bus and settled down.

"Yeah, why?" You most probably will be free cause it's just the first week of uni and you doubt if they'll give you work, well even if they do, you can complete it on sunday.

"Okay so I heard there is this amazing Formula 1 race going to take place in the Olympic stadium. I've got VIP tickets, wanna go?"

"Wait, why do you have VIP tickets?" You questioned, confused.

"Uh someone from my class gave me for free since they didn't want it and - stop looking at me like that I'm serious!" You still kept your eyes squinted at her since who the hell gives away VIP tickets like that and that too for free?

"So as I was saying, one of my classmates - a GIRL gave me those tickets because she didn't want it and I thought we can go watch some real match this weekend since we have nothing else to do and you love cars." She finished with a slight huff.

"Hmm okay I'm up for it, I'll let Yoongs know about it." You stated while she said the same about informing her parents.

"What's up with you and that Jungkook guy?" You couldn't stop yourself from heaving a loud sigh.

"Ugh, he's a pain in the ass. He's so fucking rude I felt like chopping his dick off!" You hissed.

"Geez is it that bad?" You nodded your head almost immediately. "Hmm I found him cute though, a perfect match for you." She teased.

"Eww, can you not?" You scrunched up your nose in distaste making her laugh. You then pressed the red button for the bus to stop as it reached your area. Exiting, you two started to head towards your respective residences - Azalea's house was at the end of the street while yours was in the middle.

"So you didn't say about you and Yoongs having the same History & Art class huh." You playfully nudged her causing her to blush.

"Can you like shut up? I knew you'd be like this that's why I didn't say." She pouted.

"Well I would've found out about it anyways." You grinned while she rolled her eyes but the blush stayed prominent on her cheeks.

"But it's good, this way you'll get closer to the love of your life." You emphasized on the 'love of your life' making her slap your arm. "Even if you don't get close, I'll make sure to say him about your little crush."

She snorted. "You won't."

"Too bad, I'll be doing it today." You stuck your tongue out at her and proceeded to sprint towards your house.



A/N: I'm so happy I was online during the Taekook live and got to watch it full while my classes were going on in the background lmao.

Finally a Taekook selca after 2.5 years! 😭💖

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