Ep. 8 ~ So, about the kiss,

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Jungkook's Pov:

Jimin and Sungjoon come walking up, laughing and smiling, shoulder to shoulder. We all stand there, gaping at them, since we all knew how he felt about her just a few days ago. Jimin smiles at all of us and Sungjoon looks at the ground. "Uh, I've got to go to my locker, see you later, Jimin?" He smiles and nods. She smiles up at me shyly and waves. "J-Jungkook." When she walks away, we all turn towards Jimin.




"I called her this morning and we met at the park. She invited me over since my house is on the other side of town and we had school in a few hours. So we went over there and talked a little. I met her mom, I mentioned you to her mom. Sungjoon flipped out and rushed us out and then we laughed about it the rest of the way to school."

We all stand there gaping at him. I'm the one to break the silence. "Thank you for talking to her, Hyung. I know it wasn't the easiest, but I appreciate it and I'm glad you guys are getting along now." Jimin smiles and shrugs. "I got a friend out of it." The bell rings and he walks away. My heart leaps and I become overjoyed. My best friend and my girlfrie- soon to be, hopefully, girlfriend, being friends.


On my free period I go searching for Sungjoon, since our free periods clash. Like usual, I find her in the courtyard. I slide up next to, making her jump. I chuckle, nudging her. "I'm not that scary, am I, Sungjoon?" I give her puppy dog eyes for emphasis. She smiles and shakes her head. "Only at first." I shake my head and nudge her again. "So, about the kiss,"

Her cheeks get a red hue and she smiles, looking down at her hands. "Yeah, what about it?" I chuckle, putting her hand in my mine. "Did it mean anything? Do you like me," I say, only teasingly, but curious. Her eyes go wide and she looks up at me. "It meant something to me. And, uh, I guess I d-do." I smile, standing up and pulling her up with me. "Then I must take you on a date, Miss Sungjoon."

She giggles, shaking her head. "Miss? You're older than me, Jungkook." I stop for a second thinking about what she said. I am older. "If I'm older, then why are you calling me by my name? Whatever happened to honorifics." She bursts into laughter. "Namjoon Oppa, is Oppa. You are Jungkookie." She smiles innocently. I frown at her. "Tsk, this calls for a punishment." Her eyes widen. "A punishm-"

I pick her up, putting her over my shoulder and start running. "Ju-Jungkook! Put me down!" She's laughing uncontrollably which makes me start laughing. All of the sudden, Namjoon appears out of nowhere, scaring me and making me trip. I manage to get under Sungjoon so she doesn't hit the ground. She catches my eye for a split second before standing up, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. "Aish Hyung! Don't do that!" Namjoon breaks his character for a second and chuckles. "I came to get you guys, the bell rang and it's time for lunch." He turns and starts walking towards the school. Sungjoon and I catch eachothers eyes and we double over in laughter, before following behind Namjoon. 


As Sungjoon and I get in the lunch line, I slip my hand into hers. "So, what do you say?" She frowns and looks up at me. "Say about what?" I chuckle, flicking her arm, lightly. "Me taking you on a date, pabo." She smiles and nods. "I'd love too, you would just have to meet my mom."

We grab our trays and head towards our meeting room, where our Fraternity always eats. "Why would 8 have to meet your mom, don't you think it's a little to earl-" She stops walking and looks at me. "My mom is the only person I had for the longest time. She's one of the most 8mportant people, so no. I don't think it's to late. And anyways, a gentleman, such as yourself, should always pick up the lady, such as myself."

I sigh, chuckling. She's got a point. We start walking again until we reach the door. Before we walk in, I turn to her. "Then I'll pick you, at your house, on Saturday night, say 8?" She nods. "I'd love that."

I open the door for her and she goes straight to Jimin, sitting next to him and getting into a conversation almost immediately. I go over and sit by Namjoon. "Oh, jungkook? I thought you'd sit with Sungjoon." I motion towards Sungjoon and Jimin and he nods. "Does that bother you?" I shake my head. "I'm happy they're friends. Jimin is the hyung I'm closest to, so it important to me that he likes Sungjoon."

He pats my knee. "Don't worry, young maknae. We all love her."


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