Chapter 2.

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The kitchen thankfully wasn't that full and I could finally breathe. Matt had gone off to store Nina and mine's coats somewhere and I had to admit I was very pleased with my choice of dress because I would've died of heat if I'd worn trousers.

Once we moved away from the blasting music enough so that we could hear each other, Nina immediately pulled me closer, "so ..." she teased me, "seen any cute guys yet?"

I had to roll my eyes at her, "we literally just got here."

"You're right, I should introduce you around first," she said as Matt came back with no coats in his hands, and then she whispered so only I could hear, "let us see your options first."

I poked her ribs, she was having way too much fun making me flustered.

We ran into some of Matt's basketball teammates and every single time one introduced himself to me, Nina either shook her head no or winked at me. And every time I shot her a sideways glance.

Matt and I were chatting while Nina was caught in conversation with one of her psychology classmates when he suddenly turned around to the kitchen door and nodded at someone. I turned and followed his gaze and my eyes landed on a guy leaning against the door frame.

He was tall and lean, but I could still clearly see that he was an athlete. It wasn't just the way he looked but also the way he stood - he was overflowing with easygoing confidence.

A few strands of his dark brown hair were falling on his face and the white shirt he wore complimented his tan skin. But it was his smile that got all of my attention. Most popular guys that I knew always turned out to be jerks, but something about him didn't give me such a feeling. I was being silly, I shook my head at myself. As if I would ever get a chance with a guy like him, but more importantly,  if I did, it would end in my heartbreak and definitely not his.

Nina linked her arm through mine and drew my attention to the girl she'd been talking to and when I looked back the athlete was already talking to some girl. I willed the bitter but also grateful smile off my face and joined the conversation.


"Yay, champagne!" Nina yelled into my ear and threw her hands around my neck, making me almost fall over. Matt had gotten a champagne bottle from somewhere and Nina was already drowning in it. 

I smiled to myself as I remembered all the New Years' nights we'd spent together as children, trying to steal sips of champagne from our parents. My heart still hurt at the thought of my mom and dad in each other's arms. I'd lost my mom when I was 10 and it was the most devastating moment of my life. Somehow my dad and I had gotten through it together. And now I couldn't be happier for him and Mary. I couldn't be happier for the new family I had.

Nina put the bottle under my nose and I almost threw up. The memories of way too much champagne were still with me and it seemed as if my body still remembered the long night I'd spent hugging the toilet.

She saw my grimace and quickly pulled the bottle away, "right, your gag reflex."

"Very funny," I glared at her, "I don't understand how you can still drink this." We'd spent that gross night in the bathroom together.

"My stomach isn't weak," Nina pointed out and then sent me an air kiss to make sure I knew she was just messing with me. "Go grab a drink from the counter," she said as she headed for the door, "we'll be in the living room!" I gave her a thumbs-up to let her know I'd heard her over the music and headed to the counter.

I could tell the party was getting wild because more and more people breezed through the kitchen, grabbing kegs of beer and then rushing back to the living room, which also served as the DJ booth and the dance floor.

I was suddenly glad I was in the kitchen where two giant windows were opened, letting some cool winter-night breeze into the stuffy and alcohol-doused house.

When I reached the counter, I leaned over to grab a bottle of gin and sat down on the barstool while I poured some in my glass. Thank god there was some gin left, I didn't know what I'd drink otherwise. But then I realised that there was no tonic anywhere and I cursed myself for being pleased too soon.

I sighed and dropped a slice of lemon into my gin. I guess I'll have to drink it straight. I took a sip and gritted my teeth as the bitter liquid coated my throat. 

"Looking for this?" a deep voice from my left said, just as a tonic bottle appeared in front of me.

I exhaled, thankful I wouldn't have to torture myself with drinking it without tonic and said, "thank you." I let my gaze travel up from his arm and my breath caught in my throat when I saw a familiar face of the athlete from before.

He smiled at me and his dimples showed. Aaaand I was a goner.

He has dimples too?

I somehow managed to smile back at him and tear my gaze off his stunning face to pour the tonic into my glass.

The dimpled athlete moved and for a second I thought he was walking away and I surprised myself to feel my heart sink a little at the thought.

But then his scent, of a fresh winter day and coffee, engulfed me once again and he sat down on the stool on my left. 

I could feel my cheeks growing redder just because of his presence and when he spoke again I felt warmth spreading over my body. "Can you pass me a lemon slice?" 

I reached for the plate full of lemon slices and put it down in front of him. 

Why am I so awkward? I wanted to punch myself for being a weirdo.

"Thanks," the handsome athlete replied and turned to face me after dropping a lemon slice in his drink.

"I'm Namjoon," the handsome athlete - Namjoon, raised his glass to me.

"Sophie," I said back quietly, hoping my voice sounded levelled and clinked our glasses together.

I let the drink cool my nerves and savoured the taste, which was now delicious.



The girl in the green dress made her way to the counter after Matt and his girlfriend left the kitchen.

Should I go talk to her?

I kept nodding to whatever Bradley was saying as I watched her pour herself a drink. Gin - good choice.

My mouth twitched when I saw her pout and I realised what she was looking for. I patted Bradley on the shoulder and told him I needed a drink. By the time I found a bottle of tonic, he was already gone from the kitchen.

"Looking for this?" I willed my voice to sound confident as I put the bottle down in front of her.

I could hear her quiet exhale of gratitude and I let out a breath myself. Thank god I'd been right, otherwise, this could have been embarrassing.

"Thank you," her voice was gentle and kind. 

When she looked up at me and her eyes found mine, I could see how hers grew bigger at the realisation. I didn't know what else to do but smile.

Then she smiled back at me and my heart warmed. I had to find out more about her, but I didn't want to seem too intrusive, so I casually sat down on the stool next to her and I could barely suppress a smile when I saw her blushing. I decided to try and start the conversation, "Can you pass me a lemon slice?"

She reached to her right and as she turned her head, her dark hair brushed past my face and I was hit with a delicious sensation of a subtle cherry scent.

"Thanks," I said as I dropped the lemon slice into my drink. I turned to face her and could only now see how vividly green her eyes were and how smooth her pink lips looked.

I had to know more about her.

"I'm Namjoon," I said and raised my glass. Why am I being so awkward?

"Sophie," she said back and raised her glass to mine. Sophie. It fit her perfectly.

I couldn't help but stare at her as she took a sip of her drink.

"How do I not know you yet?" I asked and her lips spread into a shy smile.

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