Chapter 5.

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"When are you leaving tonight?" Nina asked me as we exited a store in the city. 

It was six days into the new year and we'd decided we needed some new outfits to start the new year right.

I told her I'd got my midnight kiss and when she found who it had been with, Nina'd almost lost it. I hadn't realised Namjoon was such a popular guy on Campus. But I also hadn't heard from him since that night, so I didn't really have anything else to tell.

"The party starts at seven, although I think it could be called a dinner party if Jin's throwing it," I said, happy to finally see my stepbrother.

"And you're wearing the white blouse?" Nina asked, pointing to the frozen yoghurt stand.

I yielded and followed her, "Yes, and the grey sweater," I said after we ordered.

Nina, as always, ordered it with a thousand chocolatey toppings and I stayed true to my fruit preference.

 "Uh, that grey one is really cute," Nina had to pause because the frozen yoghurt was so cold, "maybe you'll even run into a certain someone." She raised her eyebrows and gave me a little wink.

"Huh?" I asked her while enjoying the sweet flavour of a strawberry, "who?"

Nina's eyes widened for a split second at the utter confusion colouring my face, and then she said, "Sorry, bad joke, he's your brother."

I rolled my eyes at her. She'd known Jin for years and she still wasn't over how handsome he was. "Eat up, I have to get ready."


I wasn't sure how big this party at Jin's was supposed to be, so I chose a safe option, suitable both for dinner and a house party.

I threw a grey sleeveless sweater over my loose white blouse and put on some black skinny jeans. Since there was still a lot of snow outside, I put on my Chelsea boots and zipped up my long coat. 

I was driving there myself, so I wouldn't be drinking more than a glass of wine and didn't need to put on much make-up, because my cheeks wouldn't get that red. That's why I'd only put on some eye-liner, mascara, concealer and some red lipstick. 

As soon as I stepped outside, I practically ran to my car, because I didn't want the wind to tangle my hair.


When I arrived at Jin's house, the driveway was almost completely parked up. I was thankful my car wasn't big, and I could squeeze it into a free spot.

I guess this was going to be a proper party then.

As I walked up the pathway to Jin's giant house, I remembered I'd be meeting his roommates - or rather housemates - tonight. All that I knew about them was that they all played baseball together and I'd actually met one of them before - Yoongi - when he stayed over at our house once. I couldn't even remember why, probably because I could care less about Jin's friends at that time. Although now it would have been nice to know a familiar face.

I reached the big wooden door and rang the doorbell, fidgeting with the wine bottle in my hand. Red, of course, because Jin was picky about his wine.

I rang it again and the door opened, a welcoming face smiling at me. "Hello," said the guy and stepped aside so I could enter. He was so good-looking it made my head spin.

"Hi," I said back and closed the door behind me.

"We're in the living room," he said and gestured me to follow him.

I wasn't sure if he'd recognised me as Jin's sister or if he was just friendly with all strangers showing up at his doorstep.

As I followed him through the hallway I couldn't help but be impressed at the size of the house. Especially if I compared it with my tiny apartment.

Just the living room alone was bigger than my apartment and the guy just nodded at me and said, "welcome," before hurrying off to the kitchen, I assumed.

I looked around, proud of my brother for finding such an awesome place to live in. The whole wall facing the backyard was practically one giant window, giving me a clear view of the outside, still decorated in Christmas lights. In the middle of the room was a giant grey sofa and against the wall opposite it, a giant TV. Piles of video-game cases were stacked next to it and judging by the number of consoles they had, they obviously spent a lot of time playing. A low coffee table stood before the sofa, now full with glasses and plates of chips and all sorts of desserts. 

Except for the few chairs, set up in different random spots around the room, clearly just for tonight, not much else was in the living room. Giant and simple, I smiled to myself.

The door through which the guy who'd let me in had gone before opened and suddenly a voice boomed through the room, silencing even the music playing.


Of course, I could recognise that loud yell anytime. 

"Jinnie!" I yelled back and walked into his open arms.

I adored his hugs and I held on a bit longer than one might think appropriate. 

It wasn't like I hadn't seen him in a year or something. I'd actually seen him just a few days ago when he'd come by my apartment for breakfast, and to wish me a happy new year. But that didn't mean we didn't deserve a big greeting gesture.

"I'm so glad you're here," Jin said as we ended our bear hug. "Can you help bring the plates out?"

"I'm here for literally one second and I already have to do something," I complained and threw my hands up in exasperation. "Of course, I'll help."

Jin poked me in the ribs, making me squeak. I glared at him because he knew just how ticklish I was and still did it. 

"Where's Maggie?" I asked him as we entered the kitchen. 

"Working, she'll be here in half and hour," Jin said and opened the fridge.

Even his kitchen was amazing. Spacious and all in white marble. Of course, it had a huge fridge which was now stocked up to the brim with booze.

There was also someone else in the kitchen. A guy was standing by the sink, washing some glasses. He turned around when Jin and I stalked in, and I immediately recognised him.

It was the guy who'd let me in.

"Hey, it's you again," he said and smiled at me. I had to admit he was handsome, but more in a classic, timeless kind of way.

"Sophie, this is Taehyung," Jin said and handed me a plate of little meringue pies, "Tae, this his my little sister, Sophie."

"Nice to meet you," I said while a slight confusion coloured Taehyung's stunning face.

Jin, already knowing the reason for the confusion said, "Lily is my little sister and Sophie is my little step-sister."

Taehyung's jaw dropped as he processed the information and then smiled kindly once again, "Nice to meet you too, Sophie." Before turning back to the sink he said, "And call me Tae."

"Sure, Tae," I said and he went back to washing the dishes and singing quietly.

Jin gave me another plate to hold, "Put these two on the coffee table and please come pick this one up," he pointed at another plate with little pies on it, "and just put it on the counter with the drinks."

I nodded, thankful I'd looked around earlier.

"Thanks, sis," Jin kissed me on the cheek before running off to the living room.


After successfully distributing the pies, I poured myself a glass and quietly sipped the wine while I watched to room fill up.

I was so immersed in people watching I almost spilled my drink when a small figure appeared next to me.

"Sophie, hey!" Maggie, sweet as always, greeted me.

"Maggie," I smiled back and hugged her, "I've missed you."

"And I'm so happy I'll be seeing more of you now," Maggie said while she fixed her glasses.

Maggie has been Jin's girlfriend for four years now. They'd met when they were still in high school and finally got together in their freshman year of uni. She's practically become a part of our family and I couldn't imagine a birthday without her there too. 

No matter the occasion, Maggie stayed true to her signature style - mom jeans, a sweater with a cute print and her big blue-framed glasses. 

"I'm just gonna go hang my coat in Jin's room and then I'll be back," she said and after I nodded, I watched her short, auburn bob sway as she walked away.


Jin found me soon after that, while I was busy sending Nina a cute cat video.

"C'mon, I want to introduce you to my boys," Jin threw his arm around my shoulder and led me to the sofa.

Some of the people crammed on it stood up when they saw Jin and I assumed they were his roommates.

"This is my sister Sophie," Jin looked at me, "Sophie, this is everyone."

When I subtly rolled my eyes at him, Jin chuckled and pointed at the guy standing on our left, "This is Hobi, Jungkook, Jimin, and you've already met Yoongi and Tae."

Jin introduced them so quickly I barely had time to smile at each one and remember their names. Even if I would only take one thing from this, it would be that they were all too handsome for it to even be fair. 

"Wait," Jin said, scanning the guys in front of him again, "where's our captain?"

Yoongi, who seemed to remember me, if I could assume that by the nod he'd given me, said in a bored voice, "I just saw him come in."

Jin nodded and mumbled, "he'd better have brought the snacks."

In the meantime I went over their names once more in my head, trying to remember them.

Okay, so, Hobi, Jungkook, Jimin, Yoon-

My eyes flew back to the guy standing left to Yoongi - Jimin. He looked oddly familiar. And then he smiled at me. That smile. I remembered that smile - New Years.

And while my mind was still trying to connect the dots, Jimin winked at me knowingly and Jin yelled, "Namjoon! Finally!"

My breath caught in my throat and had to bite down on my lip to stop my jaw from dropping as Namjoon walked towards us.

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