Chapter 14: Success?

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Mai's AN: owo)b enjoy reading?

Mikoto's A/N: I don't rlly know what to say- But I do hope you guys like this chapter if you read it www

Waking up to notice everyone asleep, Luz blinked sleepily, yawning. He was still curious about Nqrse and how they met in Daylight. Just how exactly... Did Nqrse sneak over?

It wasn't long after Luz woke up when the door opened, said pink-haired male stepping inside with a tray of food. "Good nom nom morning~ Who wants breakfast made by our lovely Urata?"

"Ah..." The rest was still asleep... Luz looked to the male curiously. "It's only me who's awake right now..."


Looking around, Nqrse noticed that Luz was indeed the only one who was awake. "Oh, you're right."

"Mhm." Luz hummed softly before looking up. "Nee... Nqrse-san, you promised me..."

"Hm?" looking at the taller in slight confusion, Nqrse then understood as he hummed before giving the other a smile. "You wanna know more about me and stuff like that with the bar and me coming from daylight side, right?"

"Yes!" Luz nodded eagerly. "I... really don't understand how you did it..."

Especially since travelling between borders required permits.

"Hmm... I can tell you of course but before that, are you fine with going to another place? I don't really feel comfortable talking here if others can wake up soon." the pink-haired male informed him.

"Mn. I don't mind... though..." Nqrse would at least have to untie his legs if he wanted him to walk.

"Oh, right, you need your legs... i can't carry you after all." Nqrse said as he carefully placed the tray next to the light-haired male before untying his legs.

"Oh, well, I know you wouldn't run away unlike the others. Wouldn't want to betray your friends and leave them behind, right?" Nqrse said as he finished before taking his tray again and standing up.

Nodding sheepishly, Luz answered honestly. He saw no point in lying after all!

"Ok ok~ Then Let's go~ My room should be fine~" Nqrse chirped before walking ahead, heading towards his room.

Following after Nqrse, Luz looked around in the other male's room in awe. "Your room is very neat!"

"I like to keep it that way unlike some people I know." Nqrse said snickering as he opened a drawer before pulling out a box of snacks. "You can sit wherever you want."

"Ah... thank you." Luz smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed, awkwardly shuffling as he patiently waited for Nqrse to settle down too.

Seeing how the taller was so awkward, the pink-haired make couldn't help but laugh as he sat down next to the older. "No need to be nervous, I don't bite~ So what did you wanna know first? I will answer everything to a certain extent~"

"Eh... Then, how did you come over to our side... and why did you say you were from Daylight side?" Luz asked, tilting his head as he looked to the pink-haired male eagerly.

"Hmm... how to explain..." Nqrse mumbled as he crossed he opened the box of snacks, eating some. "If you want the short story of everything, I have a second job there. Most people don't know that I'm from the shadow hunters and if some are, I have connections to keep them quiet~"

"So you... blackmail those that do...?" Luz frowned before shaking his head. "What do you even work as... how...?""

"Ah that..." trailing off, Nqrse stayed silent for a while to finish his snacks. "Caretaker. Oh and sometimes I go to the streets and do some rapping with others."

"Rapping...?" Now that took Luz by surprise. "I think I might have heard of you then."

He had heard from a friend that there was a rapper that was really good...

"Ohhh, you've heard of me? That makes me really happy~ Though I'm not surprised if you wouldn't have recognized me even if you saw me. Despite saying that I have connections, I usually just go out differently whenever I go to the daylight side." Nqrse admitted snickering. "But hey, isn't this enough about me? I wanna get to know more about you too~ Like what do you like?"

"About me?" Luz smiled sheepishly. "I don't have... anything interesting."

"But I still want to know more about you. Since you asked me stuff too~ So spill it, who's your type? What do you do in your free time?" Nqrse asked curiously.

"M-My type...?" Luz's cheeks flushed. "I... don't have one...? And I normally like to...sing..." A soft whisper at the end.

"Aw, you like to sing? Then we could like duet sometime~ Bet your voice is really cool." the pink-haired male assured him.

"Many people say it is..." Luz smiled sheepishly. "Maybe we can do a duet... if we weren't at odds with each other."

"Ah right... there was that. If only you weren't a police officer or followed Maashi to this side, I could have probably talked normally to you like to others on the daylight side." Nqrse said as he trailed off again staying silent for a while before he noticed that it might be too awkward.

"Ah, right, I should probably bring you back soon. The others will be worried if they wake up with you gone." Nqrse said as he stood up again and stretched.

"Wait Nqrse-san." Before the pink-haired male could walk away, Luz made Nqrse pause. "Maybe... if you want to... we can try to do one..."

"A duet?" Nqrse asked. "I don't want to suffer the glares of your friends if they see that I took you away for a while." he said laughing. "If you ever feel up to, we can do one another time though. Don't forget it though~"

"I won't!" Luz smiled earnestly. "I look forward to listening to you rap."

For some reason, he couldn't wait!

"Likewise!" Nqrse exclaimed as he flashed him a smile before taking the tray again. "Alright, I got to talk to you and such so if you don't have any more questions, let's get you back to your friends."

"Mn!" Luz nodded as he stood up, following Nqrse like a faithful puppy. It made him a little happy to find someone who likes singing/rapping too!

Once they arrived, Nqrse quickly tied Luz's legs again, looking at his watch to check the time before speaking up in order for the others to wake up. "Rise and shine, you guys~ I still have something important to do after this so wake up~"

Groaning softly, Mafumafu woke up sleepily before nudging Sakata, remembering how upset the redhead was for not waking him up.

"Huh...? Good morning..." the red-haired male mumbled as he sat up properly rubbing his eyes. "Geez, I'm too tired..." the blonde muttered upon hearing Nqrse's voice.

"Would love to let you sleep but I have to be somewhere so if you could comply fast and eat that would be great~" Nqrse informed them.

"Where are you going...?" Luz asked in curiosity as Mafumafu stretched, stifling another yawn.

"...Work." Nqrse merely answered with a smile. "I'm visiting someone. Anyways, have some breakfast before I go~" Nqrse said as he walked towards them, helping them to eat their food as fast as he could.

Pouting a little when he didn't get his answer, Luz follow Nqrse's orders to make their lives easier before pulling away to rest against the wall.

Once he was done with everyone, the pink-haired male looked at his watch once again. "Ok, gotta go, see you Luz-chan~ Bye bye~" Nqrse chirped before quickly running out.

"Bye..." Luz smiled warmly as Nqrse disappeared up the stairs, before his cheeks flushed as the others stared at him.

"Is this some sort of preference I see here?" Sakata asked as he tilted his head.

"It's not." Luz quickly assured. "We just... talked a bit."

"About?" Now Mafumafu was curious.

"About... how he was on Daylight side..."

"Eh, he was on the daylight side??" Sakata asked shocked.

"Kind of reminds me of Eve-kun." Senra pointed out.

"But Eve-kun never will resort to things like this freely." Mafumafu huffed, shaking his head.

"He still works there apparently..." Luz mumbled, maki8ng the albino blink. "Eh?"

"Working where? On the daylight side?" Sakata asked, his eyes widening even more than before.

"Apparently." Luz nodded. "I don't know how... but he did."

"I know a lot of people from the daylight side but I never saw someone like Nqrse around where I was." the redhead said.

"Daylight side is big after all... and he said he disguises himself." the tallest hummed softly, pulling his knees to his chest.

"Ehhh, now I wonder how many more are hiding on that side..." Sakata sighed. "More importantly, I wonder how the others are. I don't even know how long we've been stuck here." the blonde said.

"I wonder too..." Luz sighed softly, before his head drooped down. "Maybe I should have asked."

"It's fine, don't worry." Mafumafu assured. "It'll be over soon... we need to believe in them."

"You did great already, Luz-kun, we know a bit more now at least! Hopefully, the others will find us soon though... I just hope nothing goes worse." Sakata mumbled as a frown formed on his face.

"Hopefully." Mafumafu nuzzled into Sakata's side, trying to reassure him. Sakata must be nervous since Sou was going to be forced to come too...

Feeling how the albino nuzzled next to him, Sakata hummed as he snuggled closer. "I wonder if we will get out soon..."

"We will definitely." Mafumafu assured now, looking to the others with a firm nod.

"Yeah, we will. After all, we have Eve and everyone there who will work hard to get us back." Senra said as he nodded in agreement.

"Mhm!" Luz nodded happily.

Fiddling with the rubik cube, Mafumafu hummed softly.

Noticing how the albino's hands were in front of him, Senra blinked before he tilting his head. "Mafu, since when did you have that?"

"Ah. Soraru-san gave it to me when you guys were sleeping because I complained I was bored." Mafumafu shrugged nonchalantly. "It helps time pass faster."

"Heh... I also want Soraru to give me something to pass my time." the blonde joked laughing. "Honestly, am I the only one who feels like their back is getting destroyed?"

"A little." Luz admitted.

"I have Mafudon so I'm fineee" the redhead answered as he leaned closer towards the other.

"Sakatan is nice to lean on too~" Mafumafu giggled softly. "Maybe you can complain to that weird person and he'll run and give you a bed. Seems like he would."

"Ma- Shima-san? I'd rather not, feels weird to suddenly get a bed into this room." Senra answered.

Raising his eyebrow, Mafumafu looked to Senra, confused by the sudden name change he did.

"It would." Luz giggled softly, brushing his suspicions off.

"Right? So I'd rather not." the blonde said, happy that no one spoke anything further about this.

"Well, then ask him for a pillow or something at least." Mafumafu shrugged, getting comfortable next to Sakata.

"I don't want to ask any of them for anything... Luz get over here, you are going to be my new pillow." Senra said as he scooted closer to the light-haired male.

"Ah? Sure!" Luz was more than happy to comply as he nuzzled closer.

"See, all is well now." the blond assured as he shifted to make himself comfortable, feeling a bit better than before.

Just after he finished, the door opened, a raven-haired male stepping inside with several cushions stacked onto him, the oldest stopping in his tracks when he saw everyone nuzzling against each other.

"...I thought you guys might need blankets and stuff since it must suck sleeping on the floor but is that my cue to leave again?" Soraru asked.

"You actually are kinda thoughtful huh?" Mafumafu raised his eyebrow at Soraru.

"Hah? It's just that I would also hate to sleep on the floor and had too many blankets anyway so I figured you guys could take them." the older explained. "You guys need them or should I throw them somewhere else?"

"Can we... have it?" Luz asked softly, looking up to the raven-haired male, nervous.

Eyes softening slightly upon seeing how scared the other was, Soraru merely nodded as he gave the other a wry smile.

"Of course, this is why I brought them over." the raven-haired male said as he draped the blanket over Luz and Senra before going over to Mafumafu and Sakata and draping them over before placing the other blankets on the side.

"Thanks." Mafumafu muttered softly, his cheeks heating up slightly. He wasn't used to this kindness from a stranger save for the Daylight crew.

"You're welcome. If it's not something too difficult to get, you guys can ask me and I will try to get it at least. Least I could offer seeing how you guys are in this crappy situation." Soraru said sighing. "Though your options are limited."

"I'm pretty sure getting out is not an option huh?" Mafumafu smiled wryly.

"Limited. If you guys are actually becoming insane inside here, we have a garden. Though I'd have to add some tracking device onto you guys." Soraru answered. "Though who you are going with and when will depend on who has time seeing how most of us are busy with stuff."

"I see." Mafumafu huffed, knowing that it wouldn't be that easy.

"Well, I just came to check up on you guys. If you don't need anything else, I will be going again." the older said as he looked at everyone silently to ask if they needed anything.

"Thank you very much for the blankets, I don't need anything else!" Sakata told him. "Me neither." the blond said.

"Thank you!" Luz smiled warmly at the older as Mafumafu turned away, his cheeks red. He didn't understand this damn it. Why would he flutter at someone checking on them?

"It's nothing." Soraru answered. "I'll leave those here and come to check up on you guys once in a while since I work indoors mostly unlike the others. I'll be going now so bye." the raven-haired male said before leaving.

"I don't get him." Mafumafu huffed before snuggling into Sakata's side more.

"Ehh, why? It's nice that we could get the blankets without asking." the redhead said as he hummed happily when the albino snuggled closer.

"Why all of a sudden?" Mafumafu huffed again. "I don't get it."

"Maybe it's because he was busy? Or something else, either way, I'm just happy that we can have these!" Sakata exclaimed.

"Mn. I suppose." Mafumafu sighed with a smile as he saw how happy Sakata was.

Letting out a yawn, Sakata let his head fall onto the albino's again as he closed his eyes. "But then again... time passes the fastest when you sleep. I know I just woke up but I think I will get some more sleep. Maybe when I wake up, we will be back home again."

"Maybe." the albino rested his head against Sakata. "Then we can get ramen!"

"Ohhh, you're right! Let's do that. Looking forward to it already." the redhead said with a smile. "We could go together and with everyone else..."

"Mhm!" Mafumafu stifled a yawn too, the other two already snug asleep. "Sleep well..."

"You two, Mafudon..." the other wished him before letting himself drift into sleep.


Watching Eve leave Sou alone in the room, Nqrse readjusted his skirt before hopping into the room, smiling innocently at the younger. "Hello Sou-kun~☆"

Upon seeing how the pink-haired male was suddenly standing in front of him, Sou let out a shriek before jumping away.

"First your friend and now you... Nqrse-san, right?" Sou asked unsure, hoping for Eve to come back fast.

"Mhm~ Though I want something else compared to Shima-kun~♪" Nqrse hummed, twirling a little before tugging Sou a little. "Won't you come to our side?*

"If this is another trick to harm, Eve-san or anyone here, then no thank you. I don't see any reason for you to want me on your team unless it's to get something else." Sou told him backing off a little.

"Aw, that's too bad then." Nqrse hummed softly. "You'll go to such lengths to protect the people here... how about Sakata-chan~?"

Nqrse knew this wasn't going to be easy... so it might be better to start rough.

Upon hearing the redhead's name, Sou visibly stiffened as he looked at the other more warily. "...Are you going to threaten me?"

"Let's just say in Urata-san's words... it's blackmail~" Nqrse smiled innocently, as if it was a normal thing. "It really is your call Sou-chan~"

"Urata-san already tried to do something once, if you are coming, then you are trying to trick me too, right? Why would you want me on your side? That doesn't make sense." the blond said, trying to figure out why he was targeted. Was it because he was the weakest out of everyone here?

"I'm not!" Nqrse lied with a huff, placing his hands on his hips. "I genuinely want you over, and will resort to any tactics so!"

"...And why would you need me? Wouldn't someone like Eve-san or Kashitaro-san make more sense than me?" Sou asked.

"Because... I want people to listen to me!" Nqrse puffed his cheeks, his hands still on his hips. "Aniki won't listen to me, Shima-chan is busy with Senra-chan and Urata-san is always busy! And also..."

"Also?" the younger male repeated curiously. The other reason was way too unreasonable but Sou was willing to listen, wondering if someone would find them soon.

"Also~" Nqrse grinned now, humming as he twirled a little. "Between you and me... Sakata-chan has been crying without you. I go to feed him some times, and he never told me why until Urata-san had to force him to talk! So we kinda need you to talk to him." A sheepish, innocent smile.

"S-sakata-kun did?" Sou asked as he then shook his own head, slapping his cheeks. "T-that's why we will save him from you guys. Then he won't have to be scared anymore! E-eve-san is here to help too! Like everyone else as well!"

"Nee..." Nqrse turned cold now, staring neutrally at Sou. "I'm coming here for a reason you know~? If Sakata-chan won't stop crying, Urata-san won't stop at anything to shut him up."

Taking out his phone, Nqrse tapped through it, pulling out an edited recording that Soraru helped him with and played it. "...Sou-kun?"

It sounded scared and sad, and the edited fear was showing through it.

"S-Sakata-kun?! Are you alright?!" Sou asked as he ran towards the pink-haired male, trying to get the phone to talk to his friend.

Pulling the phone away, Nqrse made a dramatic display of him hanging up, smiling innocently. "Why don't you find out yourself~♪?"

Sucking in his breath, Sou stepped away again, a frown forming on his face. "So you want to kidnap me as well? Why not just kidnap me instead trying to talk this out with me?"

"Because, I'm not like the others." Nqrse smiled innocently. "Sure they'll kidnap you, but why would they even bother when they can just end his life easy peasy? I would rather avoid unnecessary bloodshed~" An innocent giggle. "Unless you really don't care... then I'll be on my way~"

Guilt tripping was his specialty after all.

Seeing how the other was about to go away, Sou quickly grabbed his hand. "W-wait..."

If Sakata was being threatened then Sou could not just stay here even if it meant leaving the others behind. "What do I have to do if I would go over to your side?"


Smiling innocently, Nqrse hummed, tapping his chin with his finger. "Follow me then~ Though I'll have to carry you." A pout this time. "And blindfold you... and you have to promise not to run from us! That's all!"

"You... are definitely planning something else." Sou said as he narrowed his eyes but nodded in the end. If this was for Sakata, then he had not much of another choice. "...Then please take me with you."

"Good, good~" Nqrse walked over, pulling out a blindfold. "Now hold still~"

Not moving as told, Sou bit his lip as he apologized to the others in his head. "I'm sorry everyone and Eve-san... In the end, I can't help after all." he thought to himself.

Wrapping the blindfold around Sou's eyes, Nqrse lifted the younger male into his arms just as Eve walked in, freezing at the sight.


"Bye bye~☆" Taking off with Sou in his hands, Nqrse ran off to their base.

Upon hearing some loud noises, Kashitaro ran towards their room, a worried expression on his face. "What's wrong, Eve-kun?"

Panic on his face, Eve wrapped his hands into fists, shaking with anger. "They took Sou-kun."

Hearing that, Kashitaro mumbled something to himself as he let out a sigh before putting a hand on the mushroom-haired male's shoulder. He was also shaken up but he knew that he had to calm Eve down first.

"Listen, they probably took him to aggravate you so please don't try to play into their hands. They must know that we are getting closer to getting them so they took it one step further."

"But!" Eve looked to Kashitaro, the panic evident. "They took Sou-kun... all because..."

If only!


Grabbing the other by both of his shoulders, the older tried to steady him to calm him down. "Sou-kun will be fine. He got taken but they probably won't hurt him. If you panic, you will do what they want. They probably want you to be unable to think logically or pull you on their side." Kashitaro explained to him.

"But you have to stay calm, alright? For the sake of both Amatsuki-kun and Sou-kun. We will get them back, alright?"

Taking a deep breath, Eve nodded, though he was already plotting plans in his head. Playing into their hands or not... they were going too far!

Seeing how the younger male was calming down, the brunet felt a bit better as well. At least the worst thing wouldn't happen hopefully.

"No matter what happens, don't lose your composure and go with them alright? I think that is what Sou-kun did... We will get them back sooner or later, I promise." Kashitaro assured him. They had to, Sou was also his responsibility.

"Un." Eve sighed softly before pulling away. "I'll stay here. Thank you Kashitaro-san."

"It's nothing, we are a team after all. I will go inform the others about what just happened. Do you want to rest or do you want to come with me?" the fox-masked male asked.

"I'll... rest." Then Eve can just sneak out the window to go after them.

"Alright, then I will tell them. Rest well, Eve-kun." Kashitaro told him before quickly leaving to tell the others.

Closing the door, Eve locked it quickly before walking to his kit, quickly strapping it onto him. He had to act fast... the moment Amatsuki heard the news, he knew the brunette would come to stop him.

Quickly walking towards the living room where the others were, Kashitaro opened the door before rushing inside. "Guys, Sou-kun got taken by the shadow hunters. Me and Eve-kun just found out about it."

Freezing when he heard this, Amatsuki stood up. "Crap."

Sprinting towards the room, the brunette tested the doorknob, his fears coming true. "Eve-kun, don't be stupid!"

Noticing how the brunet ran off, the others stood up as well, running after him, hoping that the mushroom-haired male wasn't doing anything rash.

Cursing under his breath, Amatsuki took the knife he hid under his clothes before slamming it against the doorknob's weakpoint, breaking it easily.

Slamming the door open, all they caught was a hand holding a white mask jumping out the window.

Running towards the window, the brunette could only watch as Eve disappeared behind buildings. "No..."

"God damn it..." the fox-masked male mumbled before muttering some curses under his breath.

"First Sou-kun and now Eve-kun, they got exactly what they wanted." Kashitaro hissed as he ruffled his own hair in frustration.

"Kashitaro-san calm down," Neru tried to soothe, but he knew his attempts would get him nowhere.

Trying not to break down, Amatsuki gripped the windowsill, his shoulders shaking. Ah... why...

"I am calm. I am trying but we just lost two of our members." the brunet said frustrated. "You know, at this point, we should find those four as fast as we can and make sure they suffer through what we have to right now." Kuro told them, trying to stay calm as well.

"At this point, I agree with you." Neru sighed frustratedly. "Problem is, with Eve-kun gone, we might be back to square one."

"We have some clues from when we went out the last time. We will start working from there and try to figure out more even if it's more difficult now." Kashitaro answered. "But why did Eve have to go after Sou despite not knowing their hideout... Ugh, why do things get even more complicated..."

"Eve-kun has connections there..." Amatsuki answered flatly. "If he really tried, he might be able to pry a clue... but if the Shadow Hunter's are involved... who knows..."

Taking a deep breath, Amatsuki stood up properly. "For now, let's look around. Eve-kun probably was researching a lot more... trying to find answers."

"You're right, let's do that..." Kuro agreed. "Better than standing around here."

"Let's start then." Neru nodded, walking over the table to look through the documents.

"Alright." nodding in agreement, Kashitaro also went to look through the room, going to the shelves to see if there was anything there while Kuro walked over to the drawers.

Scouring through the documents with Neru, Amatsuki could only pray they will make it in time.


After arriving at the forbidden area, Eve looked around desperately, only to notice Soraru. Running towards him, grabbing his arm, Eve glared at Soraru as harshly as he could. "Where is he?!"

"...Hah? Who are you talking about?" the raven-haired male asked, looking at the mushroom-haired male irritated. Just his luck for getting all the troubles that others are leaving.

"Sou-kun! I know you guys took him!" Eve was shouting now, his desperation seeping through.

"Oh, so Naruse already took him with him. Naruse only talked to him and Sou decided by his own will to go with him so why do you think you have any say in this?" Soraru asked.

"He wouldn't go with you guys willingly if you guys didn't trick him!" Eve argued, staring down Soraru. "Isn't toying with us enough already?!"

"You are letting this all out on me right now but I don't really have many details either, you know?" the older male reminded him, looking at his bag. "You want to see Sou again?"

"Yes." An immediate answer... no hesitation. Eve didn't want to lose him...

"Alright. I can let you see him. But you see, the only people who get to see him are his teammates. And he is working for us now. Do you know what I'm getting at?" Soraru asked him.

Freezing, Eve bit his lip before nodding. "Fine."

"Oh, you got him to agree Soraru-san?" the green-eyed brunette mused as he watched them from a roof.

"I didn't do much, any of you guys could have told him." Soraru said sighing. "We are not treating any of them badly, Sou is alright don't worry. Even if it's not much coming from me." the older male assured him. "Alright follow me then."

Sighing softly, Eve muttered a soft apology to his now ex-teammates, hoping that they would forgive him for this...

Walking towards the headquarters, Soraru quickly typed in the code away from Eve's sights before opening the door. "I know this is hard for you right now and you don't really accept us but... welcome. We will arrange a room for you like we would for Sou."

"Let me see him." Eve seethed as Urata shrugged. "Why not let them stay in the same room as Sou-kun~? Wouldn't hurt right?"

"If that's what he wants, then do that, I don't care. I will clean up one room for you guys." Soraru said. "Sou should arrive sooner or later seeing how Naruse might be a bit slow getting here. You got here faster than I thought after all."

Biting his lip, Eve huffed softly, trying to keep his distance but Urata stopped him and grabbed his arm. "Nee, nee, Eve-kun... since we're teammates now... do you still keep that tradition?"

Flinching at the mention of tradition, Eve sighed before taking out the white mask holding it out, to which the brunette took it quite easily. "Thank you~"

Looking at them curiously, Soraru walked ahead before motioning for the younger male to follow him. "Ok, let's go. Sou will arrive in a bit so you can wait for him in the room. If you're lucky, Naruse arrived already."

Following the raven-haired male, Eve looked to the mask, sighing softly. And with that, his loyalty was now with them... as much as he despised the idea.

Walking through the hallway, they soon arrived in front of the room where they were supposed to stay in, Soraru twisting the knob before opening the door. "This is where you're going to stay."

"Right... thanks." Eve nodded, stepping into the rather spacious room. "You'll being Sou-kun here immediately right?"

He had to make sure.

"I will tell Naruse to if I see him again but I think he will bring Sou here as soon as they arrive so just wait." the older male answered him.

"Fine." Sighing, Eve sat at the table, frowning at this development.

Seeing how the mushroom-haired male had no further questions, Soraru walked out of the room, closing the door behind him as he left the other male behind.

Watching Soraru leave, Eve sighed before pulling out a phone he managed to hide away. At least they didn't search him.

Sending a brief message to Amatsuki, Eve apologised but told him not to worry for now. Until Eve could guarantee everyone's safety, he wouldn't tell them the location out of safety.

Quickly hiding away the phone after sending the message, Eve sat quietly, waiting for Sou to come with Nqrse.

It wasn't long until the door opened again, Nqrse walking in with Sou trailing after him. "If you have any questions, just tell me~ Besides that... Oh, you are here faster than I thought." Nqrse said with a smile.

"What do you mean...?" Sou asked as he peaked inside. "Eve-san?!"

"Well, I gotta go but seeing how you are here already, everything worked out for now so see ya~" Nqrse chirped before exiting.

Standing up, Eve pulled Sou close, letting out a relieved sigh. "Good, you're okay." A gentle whisper.

"I am okay... but why are you here?" Sou asked quietly. It made sense if they would target Eve as well. But wasn't this too fast?

"...I came here." Eve admitted softly, pulling away with a weak smile.

"W-why did you come here?! They need you over there, Eve-san." the younger male reminded him, his confusion growing even more than before.

"I need to make sure you're safe." Eve sighed softly, gesturing Sou to sit with him on the bed. "...They would be planning to drag me over here anyway, as soon as they have you secured."

"But even so, this was too fast. You came even faster than me. Compared to my safety, your safety and theirs is more important at the moment." Sou reminded him, sitting down next to Eve. "...Have you talked to them before coming here? Everyone will be worried."

"...I left a message...?" Eve now smiled sheepishly, looking away. "And I'm used to working fast... I just didn't want to leave you alone."

"Still... this is exactly what they wanted when they asked me to join." the blond mumbled. "Then again, it was my fault as well for going with him. Thanks for worrying and going after me..."

"Don't blame yourself." Eve scolded, gently whacking Sou's head. "And it's nothing. I... want to do it."

"Eve-san, you really are too nice." Sou pointed out laughing weakly. "But... maybe this is also alright. If we are together in this, we might be able to find Sakata-kun and the others and escape somehow."

"Mn." Eve sighed softly before turning to Sou. "Though a problem... In order..." Cheeks flaring, Eve realised what he was about to say and cleared his throat, looking away. "I... pledged my loyalty to them already."

Staying silent for a while, Sou merely stared at him not knowing what to say for a while before speaking up again.

"...Are you sure we have everything in control?"

"...Maybe a little on the no." Eve sheepishly admitted. At least he admitted it?

"...I see. Well, as long as we find Sakata-kun and the others... I pledge my loyalty to no one." Sou told him.

"That would be ideal..." Eve sighed softly before flopping on the bed. "Or we can just steal my loyalty back."

"How do you steal your loyalty back...?" Sou asked confused. "If you swore it to them, you are on their side, right?"

"Things are different on this side... our loyalty is represented by an item." Eve sighed softly. "My loyalty... is the mask. If we can get that back... my loyalty is not theirs."

Back when he wore the mask... it used to be a sign he was loyal to no one but himself. Even to Meychan... and Meychan understood that.

"But if an item is all to bind you to loyalty... I don't get it, it works out pretty weirdly here if items do that to you." the blond male said.

"There's a system in every society... if we didn't do that, the society would be in havoc." Eve sighed softly. "Everyone has to abide by the rules if they want to live after all."

"Eh... I see." the younger male hummed. "Nqrse-san said that I was allowed to walk around, I wonder where Sakata-kun is."

"What did they say about Sakata-kun?" Eve looked to Sou in confusion.

"They didn't say much but Nqrse made me hear a call of Sakata-kun and he... sounded really terrified... I don't know what happened but if Sakata-kun needs me, I want to be there for him." Sou explained.

"A call...?" Eve blinked before tilting his head. "Well, at least you'll be here if Sakata-san is in trouble."

"Mhm. Do you mind if I go search for him now?" the younger male asked as he stood up.

"I don't think they would let you... but can I follow?" Eve sat up, looking to the younger.

"I don't mind but..."

In fact he would feel safer with Eve following him. "Are you sure? What if Mafumafu-san and Senra-san misunderstand and get angry?"

"...I'll just have to explain." Eve sighed, shaking his head. "Senra-san might... but Mafumafu-san might not."

"If you say so... let's go together then." Sou said as he opened the door, waiting for the older male to go with him.

Standing up, Eve sighed as he stepped up before he paused when he saw Shima passing their room. "Ah? You guys came already.*

"Ah yes... We were going to go around the building together, is that alright? Nqrse-san told me that we were allowed to walk around here. Is it alright if I see Sakata-kun? After all, apparently that is the reason why you need me, right?" Sou told him with a polite smile.

"Eh? Is that what Nqrse-chan said?" Shima blinked before shaking his head. "We don't need you for that."

"So it was..." Eve muttered as Shima shrugged, walking off. "Wataru-san might be mad if you walk around carelessly, so I wouldn't if I were you."

"May I not see Sakata-kun? Please! I want to see him!" the younger male pleaded.

"How about no?" Shima stared at Sou, unamused. "Just stay in the room."

"Th-then is he alright at least?" Sou asked with a frown.

"He is. We take care of them after all." Shima huffed as he turned away. "Don't worry about him and just stay in the room."

Staying silent, Sou merely nodded before heading back to their room. "I hate all of them so much, once everything ends I will find a place where we will be safe, Sakata-kun..." the blond mumbled.

"...By the way, do you have a plan, Eve-san? What do we do now?"

Ushering Sou back into the room, Eve closed the door behind them. "They won't let us see them... so we try to find where they are before we try to get away. And also..." The mask.

"Ah... you're right." the younger male agreed. "Since we are here, if you need anything, I will do my best to help. If not, I will just follow you."

"Mn." Eve smiled before taking a deep breath. "I have... something I want to confess."

"...Yes? What is it?" Sou asked, slight worry visible on is face.

"The blue rose before..." Eve smiled weakly; "is probably why they targeted you..."

"Eh? Ah... I see? If that's the case, I am glad it gave me the chance then instead of other people." Sou told him.

"Sou-kun... I didn't tell you what the full meaning of a blue rose with blood is." Eve admitted, shaking his head. "It is for protection... but that only scratches the surface of what it means."

"Is there another meaning to it?" the younger male asked him confused.

Taking a deep breath, Eve smiled sheepishly. "A blue rose itself means unattainable. To us here, a blue rose stained with blood means to lay down our lives for the people important to us so they would be unattainable."

Another deep breath.

"Sou-kun, you're already important to me until I'm willing to give you the blue rose stained with my blood."

Hearing that a light blush formed on Sou's face, his confusion growing slightly. "But why? You don't even know me that well... And I didn't do anything."

"You did so much already... and..." Gently cupping the younger's cheek, Eve leaned close and pressed a kiss to his forehead before whispering softly. "I slowly fell for you."

"Fell for me... a-as in love?" Sou asked flustered, not knowing what to say as he tried not to grow embarrassed by their closeness.

"Yes. You don't have to return my feelings." Eve pulled away, smiling weakly. "But please at least allow me to protect you."

"It's not that I don't return them but... Rather than protecting me, I want you to protect yourself first." the younger male answered.

"I try." Eve smiled wryly now before blinking as he realised what Sou said. "You... return them?"

"Yes..." the blond male admitted with a small smile.

Blinking, Eve had near tears in his eyes before he hugged the younger tight, burying his face in his hair. "I'm glad you say that..."

"E-eve-san? Are you alright?" the younger male asked as he patted the others back, not knowing what to do before deciding to hug back.

"I'm alright..." Eve whispered softly, hugging Sou tighter. "I'm just... happy."

Hearing that, Sou smiled softly as he leaned in closer into the hug in response. "...Me too."

Continuing to hold Sou close, Eve let out a soft sigh. "Nee Sou-kun... once this is all over, please listen to my confession properly okay?"

"Ehh, you are going to confess again?" Sou asked. He wasn't sure if he could handle another confession, he felt pretty embarrassed.

"A proper confession." Eve smiled sheepishly. "This doesn't seem like a great confession."

"It's alright, your feelings got across and that's what matters." he assured him, laughing lightly. "You surprisingly care more about these things than I thought, Eve-san."

"Well..." Eve grew embarrassed before hiding his face away again. "Sou-kun will be my first proper relationship after all."

"Ehhh, really?" Sou asked surprised before he laughed lightly when he saw how embarrassed the older male was. "I'm surprised but honored then."

Smiling sheepishly, Eve pulled away before patting Sou's head. "I like you."

"E-eh? Ah, yes..." Sou mumbled as he pulled away as well, averting his eyes. "I like you too."

Chuckling, Eve leaned down on the bed, smiling warmly. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me... A-anyways!" clearing his throat, Sou looked at the clock for a second. "How about we head to sleep soon?"

"I guess." Eve glanced to the clock before looking to Sou. "Can we cuddle...?"


Hearing that, Sou's face heated up into a dark shade of red as he looked at the older male surprised. "S-sure, w-we can do that."

Cheeks red, Eve held out his arms, silently asking for Sou to come closer.

Though he felt embarrassed as well, the younger male complied as he stepped closer before wrapping his arms around the older.

Hugging Sou tight, Eve smiled and hesitantly placed a kiss on Sou's cheek. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Eve-san." the younger male whispered before closing his eyes, hoping for him to be able to sleep soon despite his nervousness.

Surprisingly, it didn't take him long as he felt safe in Eve's arms and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

Watching Sou fall asleep, Eve let himself relax, falling asleep too.

Hopefully... this will all be over soon.

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