Chapter 9: Bones?

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MaiMia AN: I wonder what happened w This was an interesting chapter to say the least... don'tmurdermethanks

Mikoto's A/N: Another chapter with Mai san is another feeling of happiness and accomplishmeeeent, I hope you guys enjoy reading thiiiis

Another day, another chance to get the others back. That's what Kashitaro thought as he woke up, not wasting much time as he went to the bathroom to change and get a quick shower so they could get some breakfast before heading off.

He made sure to wash his face quickly, looking into the mirror one last time as he sighed at his appearance, a wry smile forming on his face before he put his familiar fox mask on.

Taking another look at the mirror, his usual smile then formed on his face as he hummed, leaning back as he stretched.

"Another day, another morning. Let's work hard today as well," he told to himself before heading back to the bedroom to see if Amatsuki was already awake.

The younger brunette was just sleepily blinking awake as Kashitaro walked back in, a sleepy 'good morning' leaving his lips.

"Good morning," Kashitaro wished him as he gave him a small smile. "Take your time to wake up, I woke up a bit earlier than usual," the older male assured him.

Yawning, Amatsuki sleepily nodded, hugging the pillow to his chest. "Why are you even up so early...?"

"I guess I just kind of woke up and decided I might as well stand up if I'm not tired anymore," the older brunet answered.

"I see..." Rubbing his eyes once more, Amatsuki stood up, dropping the pillow back onto his bed.

"Are you... okay? You seem a little off." Noticing a small change in Kashitaro's demeanour, the younger asked gently.

Blinking a few times, Kashitaro then stood there silent for a while before nodding as he laughed lightly, patting the other's head.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. Though thank you for asking," the older male thanked him. For Amatsuki to ask him if he was alright, he neither expected that nor realized it himself if he wasn't alright.

"Tell me once you're done so we can go, alright?" the older male said softly before pulling his hand away again.

Pouting slightly, Amatsuki sighed and nodded. It wasn't his business, he wouldn't care about it.

But... something told him he should. That was... rare.

Sighing to himself, Amatsuki hugged the older tightly, hiding his blushing face away. "If you need to talk, I'm here."

Startled by the sudden hug, Kashitaro once again stood there silent for a few seconds, stunned and not sure of what to say before a soft smile formed on his face, the older male gently patting Amatsuki's head as he hummed in response.

"Really? I will remember that then in case I ever need to talk," the older male told him.

He was so sure that Amatsuki didn't really like him nor any of the daylight police but seeing how despite that, he still offered his help, Kashitaro thought that the other male was a good person.

Pouting at the pats but secretly actually liking it, Amatsuki pulled away. "I'll go get ready first. Can you check on Eve-kun for me? I got... a bad feeling he stayed up all night."

"Isn't Sou-kun already with him though? But you're right, I will go to his room then. See you later," the older male said as he stepped away, taking the things he needed before going out to Eve's room to check up on him.

"Thanks." Letting the older leave, Amatsuki bit his lip before shaking his head and went into the bathroom, ignoring the fast beating of his heart.

Meanwhile, Eve had indeed stayed up the whole night, careful not to wake up the younger. Though, only mere minutes ago, he had fallen asleep on his table, his papers scattered everywhere across it.

Sou who had just woken up, yawned as he stretched slightly, intending to go to the bathroom and prepare himself until he noticed someone sitting at the table, the younger male frowning once he noticed that it was Eve, his frown deepening even more when he pieced himself together how the older male had most likely not slept at all.

Walking over to the older male, Sou carefully brushed the older's bangs away to see the faint dark circles under his eyes as he went over to his futon and take the blanket over Eve, deciding that the other could at least sleep a few more minutes as he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Letting out a soft mumble in his sleep, Eve unconsciously pulled the blanket closer, keeping himself warm for now.

Once Sou finished changing and brushing his teeth, he quietly returned to his room, wondering what he should do until he heard a knock on his door.

Opening the door, he was met with a familiar tall male, a smile forming on his face as he greeted him.

"Good morning, Kashitaro-san! Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"I did. I hope you did too, Sou-kun," Kashitaro told him as he patted the others head briefly, the younger humming at that. "I came here to see if Eve-kun already woke up and check up on him," Kashitaro explained as the smile turned into a frown before Sou spoke up to answer.

"I think he slept little to almost not at all and worked instead. When I woke up he was asleep at the table," Sou answered as the older male smiled wryly before walking inside.

"I see... It can't be helped, let's hope he is fit enough at least," the fox-masked male said as he walked over to the mushroom-haired male, thinking of whether to wake him up or not.

Another soft knock came, and Amatsuki swung open the door, frowning as soon as he saw Eve. "Do you know how long he slept?" Turning to Sou, Amatsuki asked softly.

Thinking about it for a bit, Sou then shook his head as he gave the other an apologetic expression.

"I just woke up as well but I don't think he slept a lot seeing how he is deep asleep and was at the table. I am guessing that he just fell asleep a bit ago though."

Sighing at this, Amatsuki shook his head before walking towards the younger at the table. Picking up a few sheets of paper that were marked red, the brunette shooed the two out of the room. "We'll wake him up later."

"Alright. Should we go eat breakfast first and bring him his cake later?" Sou asked as he looked away from Eve to look at the older brunet.

"Yes. We'll wake him up 15 minutes before we have to leave so he can get ready and eat." Amatsuki sighed softly as he began flipping through the papers.

"Alright, let's go then," Kashitaro said as he took a last glance at the sleeping mushroom-haired male before heading towards the dining hall, making sure to walk quietly to not wake the other up.

Walking to the living room, Amatsuki pursed his lips in thought as he read through the documents. Ah... Eve really went all out to make sure they had the negotiating chip...

Once they got to the dining hall, they were met with Kuro and Neru who were already there, waiting for them, the blonde female who was bothering the brunet, finally leaving him alone as she greeted them with a grin.

"Morning~ Finally you guys arrived, I was about to eat the whole pastries by myself, you know?" Kuro joked before realizing that one of them was missing.

"Where is Eve? Did he not sleep again?"

"Unfortunately. But... he did a great job." Showing the documents to Kuro, Amatsuki smiled weakly. "I don't know whether to be mad at him or to thank him."

"Hm... Let's punish him by letting him eat one of those spicy pastries that Mafu-chan usually eats once you get him back and make them again. But for now, let's be thankful for him that he did that," Kuro said with a small smile as she looked at the documents.

Chuckling, Amatsuki nodded. "Yeah. Let's do that~ Or maybe get Mafu-kun to feed him some of that delicious medicine curry of his~"

"We can just do both~" the blonde chirped before she turned around and stretched.

"Anyways, let's eat the breakfast! I even took the cake out of the fridge for you already and will do the dishes willingly for once so please, let's just eat~" she whined as she walked to the table where everything laid ready already.

"I had to help too." Neru pouted in the corner, crossing his arms.

Laughing, Amatsuki nodded. "Then let's dig in."

Once everyone sat down, they all clapped their hands together, muttering something before starting to eat. "Ittadakimasu."

Looking at the ice cream cake which was still looking well even over the night, Sou took a bite, thinking how the older male had a good taste with food.

"Ahhh finally! I've been waiting to eat this ever since yesterday!" Kuro exclaimed with her full mouth as she ate her cake happily.

Taking a good look at his cake, Neru pursed his lips before taking a bite, his eyes widening at the taste. Surprisingly it tasted really good!

"This shop definitely sells good cakes..." Amatsuki hummed, already breaking down the taste of his own cake in hopes to maybe recreate it one day.

"It really does. This cake tastes very good, I see Eve-kun and Sou-kun both thought of what kind of cake we like when they bought it," Kashitaro said with a fond smile as he looked at the matcha cake in front of him, eating it slowly as he savored the taste.

As all of them continued to savour the cake, a knock on door interrupted them and Amatsuki went to it, only to return with a letter for Eve later. "Well, they really work fast."

"A letter?" Kuro asked curiously as she looked at the letter, her fork still in her mouth as she tried to get the rest of her cake.

"Mhm. I'll pass it to Eve-kun later." Putting the letter with the rest of the documents, Amatsuki sat back down, just as Eve appeared at the doorway.

"Oh, so everyone was here..." The mushroom-haired male mumbled sleepily.

"Good morning," Kashitaro greeted him as he watched the other male enter the room.

"I hope you slept well... in the short time that you could sleep that is," Sou said as he looked at the older male, worried.

"U-Uh..." Eve smiled sheepishly and nodded, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he took a seat next to Sou.

Sighing, Amatsuki stood up and went to the kitchen, only to return with a large cup of coffee. "You better sleep when we come back or I'm locking you in your room and removing all your work from your room."

Laughing nervously, Eve nodded. "Yeah, I will... Thanks for the coffee."

"You look like a sad mushroom, Eve-chan, you better rest enough once you get back~" Kuro said as others hummed in agreement.

"I will..." A nervous smile before noticing the envelope. "It came already?"

"Apparently." Amatsuki hummed as he served up Eve's cake.

"What's the letter about?" Kuro asked still wondering what the content of it was.

"Just... plain bribery." Eve hummed, unable to put it in a more subtle way.

"Bribery?" the blonde repeated confused before shrugging it off as she nodded. "Alright if you say so. Anyways eat up and then off you guys go~ I will see you off and await your return," Kuro said as she fake sobbed.

"Now, now, Kuro-chan~ I'll make you your favourite cake later!" Amatsuki chuckled as he finished off his cake.

Hearing that, Kuro's tears immediately dried as she grinned happily. "You will make me bubble tea cake?! It's a promise ok? You just promised! You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life! You break your pinkie promise, I throw you on the ice~"

"Yes, yes," Amatsuki said with a laugh. "If I fail, I'll buy you it instead."

"Throw you on ice...?" Rather concerned of this, Neru questioned.

"Yup~ Well, if I get my cake, I'm happy~" Kuro chirped as she finally took her fork down.

"Okay then it's settle!" Amatsuki cheered as Eve stifled a yawn, pouring way too much sugar into his coffee and hoping the sugar rush and caffeine would wake him up properly.

"So much sugar..." Sou mumbled as he looked at the coffee slightly horrified. "You have quite a sweet tooth, Eve-kun," Kashitaro said chuckling amused when he saw the mushroom-haired male putting so much sugar into his drink.

"He doesn't actually." Amatsuki sighed as he noticed the sugar amounts. "It's for a sugar rush."

"...I'm going back to dark coffee tomorrow..." Eve mumbled, dumping yet another teaspoon in.

"Woah, no more sugar getting into this cup," Kuro said as she took the sugar away from the other so he couldn't take any more sugar.

"B-But!" Eve puffed his cheeks before sighing and nodding, taking a sip of his too sweet coffee, cringing at the taste.

"And that's why you don't put too much sugar in." A sigh from the red-eyed brunette.

"Next time let's not put too much sugar into it," Kashitaro said, thinking of how bad the coffee must be.

"D-don't force yourself to drink it," Sou said as he looked at the older concerned.

"It's fine." Assuring the other two, Eve downed the sweet coffee before standing up. "Let's go."

"Ah, yes, let's go," Kashitaro said as he put his fork down and stood up. "We will clean up so off you guys go~" Kuro chirped.

"Thanks Kuro-chan!" Amatsuki hummed as Neru muttered under his breath. "You mean only you."

"Thank you Kuro-san." Eve said with a warm smile.

"No I meant us~" Kuro said as she wrapped an arm around Neru's neck, pulling him down to her height. "Both of us, got it?"

"Make sure to help her, Neru-san. It's not good to let her do all the work," Sou told her.

Yanked down to Kuro's height, Neru huffed before yanking himself away. "Fine."

"Well that's settled." Amatsuki hummed as he gave Eve the documents and letter, which the younger gratefully accepted.

"With that said, should we go now?" the fox-masked male asked.

"Yes." After I grab one more thing." With that said, Eve ran off.

"Do you guys have anything valuable to you?" the younger brunette asked as he crossed his arms.

"Ah... yes. Should we leave it here?" Sou asked as he looked at the older male.

"If you want to keep it, yes. Or else give Eve-kun to take care of it for you." Amatsuki pursed his lips.

"It's ok, I wouldn't want to give him another task or anything since he already has enough to do. I will go ask Neru-san to hold onto it for me until we get back," Sou assured him.

"I don't have anything so I'm good to go," Kashitaro said.

"Then you better hurry." A nod to Sou before Amatsuki watch Eve appear, this time with a rather... casual outfit.

A black hoodie with black jeans... accompanied by a blood red pin with a blood red bag that he stuffed the envelope and documents into.

"Got everything. We can leave now."

After giving Neru his belongings, the blond male returned to their side as he nodded, Kashitaro looking at everyone to see if they were ready before humming.

"Then let's do our best then."

"Have a safe trip~"

Guiding the other three, Eve led them through many alleyways, many twists and turns before they finally ended up at a metal gate with barb wire, though... the metal gate was broken...

"They broke it again..." A sigh from Amatsuki.

"Not a surprise. They like to do it."

"They? Who are you talking about?" Kashitaro asked as he looked at the broke gate.

"...The residents here." A sigh as Amatsuki watched Eve push open the gate, the loud creaking alerting their presence.

"I see. So where are we going to go first? This place sure looks like something else," Kashitaro commented as Sou nodded in agreement, making sure to stay close to the older.

"You haven't seen the worst." Amatsuki sighed as Eve guided them in, a gunshot heard in the distance.

"Well the fanfare is here." Eve mumbled rather sarcastically.

Flinching as soon as he heard the gunshot, Sou clutched Kashitaro's arm tightly as he looked at the two of them worried and confused. "What was that?"

"Our welcome party." Amatsuki said as he watched three men walking towards them, one with their gun aimed towards the sky, smoke billowing out of it.

"Fancy meeting goody two shoes here... and Eve." A man sneered.

"It's been a while." Eve nodded quietly.

"Thanks for having us here?" Kashitaro answered with a small smile not sure how to react or act around them as he made sure to keep a good distance from them.

Ignoring Kashitaro, the man walked up to Eve, who didn't flinch while Amatsuki shrunk back to the other two. "Why so cold, Eve~ We haven't seen each other in so long after all~"

"And I would prefer if it would have stayed for a lifetime." A smile that was not so gentle.

"Your business?"

"An investi-"

"Denied." Surprised at this, Eve blankly stared at the man.

"Is Eve-san on bad terms with them?" Sou asked Amatsuki quietly, his voice barely above a whisper as he was still hiding behind Kashitaro. He knew he should be more courageous like the others but he couldn't help it.

Those people seemed very unpleasant to talk to.

"Not really..." Amatsuki whispered back, watching with caution.

"Don't look so surprised. After all, the saying goes..." the man smirked as Eve bit his lip. "An eye for an eye."

"If it's money, I have a card on me with-"

"Not money. We took that the last time." The man tutted as the guy with the gun pointed the silver gun at the trio. "We want you back."

"I-Im sorry but we are just here for a small investigation and I don't think Eve-san would want to come back to... this place," Sou said.

If these people really wanted to get Eve back, it might have been better to just go with the three of them after all. Then again, Eve was the most knowledgeable about this. Life sure was hard.

Holding his hand up to make Sou pause, Eve shook his head and looked to him with a soft smile before turning back with an icy smile. "There should be no reason for me to be here anymore."

"You think just because you joined the police again, you can change what you did?"

"Of course n-"

"Then come back where you belong... murderer."

Staying silent, Eve sighed softly as Amatsuki finally stepped in. "He's not to return unless he resigns from the police."

"Then resign now." the man waved the brunette off, a glare to the brunette. "Keep a hold of that tongue when adults talk, Blood Prince."

"Now let's all calm down." Kashitaro said as Sou nodded, deciding not to say anything further if it would disadvantage Eve or anyone.

Kashitaro could already feel things escalating right at the beginning. For the sake of everything he had to stay calm as well.

"Though please refrain yourself from being so impolite and speaking in such a way towards him, you do have a brain of a human to be able to do that, don't you?" Kashitaro asked, Sou looking at him as if he was about to stick tape over his mouth if he had any with him.

As if amused by this, the man merely laugh. "At least you hang around with people that can actually smack talk."

"The past is the past, I'm not coming back here." Eve said firmly.

"Is it to atone your sins or something~? You know that's not gonna work you murderer." The man barked a laugh. "How about this, we play a game. You win, you're free to investigate all you want. You lose... well, the three behind you get out and you come back."

"Eve-kun." Worriedly, the red-eyes brunette stared at the mushroom-haired male.

"I don't think you should do this," Kashitaro said as he was also not very fond of the idea of Eve playing a game and possibly having to return to this shady place.

"His decision~ Either way... what makes you think you can walk out of her safely if he doesn't agree?" A smirk from the man before Eve sighed and nodded. "I'll play."

"Eve-ku" Stopping as he watched Eve shook his head, Amatsuki frowned worriedly.

"Good! Now.... You!" Pointing at Sou, the man beckoned him. "Come here."

"M-me?" Sou asked shocked as he hesitated for a second before nodding as he decided to walk over, not wanting to know what would happen if he would disobey.

"What are you doing? If this is some game, please let me switch with Sou-kun," Kashitaro said, looking at the blond worriedly.

"Nope." Nodding at the man with the gun, said man handed the gun to Eve, who accepted it reluctantly. "Let's see how skilled you are~ Reverse Russian roulette~"

"Reverse russian roulette- What do you mean with that?" Kashitaro asked as he looked at them terrified, Sou clutching his hands together in fear as he thought of what they could mean.

"Your life... is in Eve's hands~" the man smirked as he looked to Eve. "And he'll be the target~" Gesturing to Sou, the man continued to smirk at Eve.

Holding the gun in his hands, Eve stared at it, before he walked towards Sou, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Do you trust me?" he asked softly.

Was there really a need to even trust Eve? After all, his life was on the line because of some luck depending game.

Even so, if Eve asked him that, the younger male decided that he wanted to trust him at least. Believing that Eve wouldn't let him die here and now.

So even if he was scared he mustered up a weak smile as he then nodded.

"I-I trust you. So let's do this so we can find the others."

Smiling at Sou, Eve nodded gently before patting his head. "Don't flinch."

Spinning the barrel, Eve pressed the gun to Sou's head before firing without hesitation.

But all he fired was nothing.

Having pressed his eyes shut in order to not have to see, Sou then opened one of his eyes again, peeking at the older male unsure. "A-are you done?"

"Yes." Now turning the gun at the man, Eve pulled Sou close, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." A soft whisper before Eve pulled away. "Are you done?"

"You'll need to meet head boss to get your official pass."

"But you have one conveniently on you right now."

"Maybe in my right pocket, who knew?" A teasing smirk before the man turned away. "I'm surprised you still remember the rules here."

Approaching the man, Eve fished out the pass before turning away. "Some habits... some sins, can't be forgotten."

"But you're trying I see." the man hummed with a shrug as Eve returned the gun. "Have fun, enjoy your stay~"

Blushing from the sudden hug, Sou tried to compose himself again as he readjusted his clothes, mumbling that it was ok, Kashitaro running over to him as he pulled him into a hug.

"Thank goodness, you are alright, I am glad we can trust Eve-kun but that was still nerve wrecking! What would I have told your brother if I came home without you, he would kill me!" Kashitaro exclaimed exasperated in a comedic manner in order to express his worries but showing that he was not mad at anyone here.

"Ah, yes. Thank goodness that Eve-san handled this well. Now we can investigate here thanks to him," Sou said.

Pulling the envelope out, Eve pressed it into the man's hands. "Keep it for compensation. Bo- Your boss would want it." A small genuine smile before he turned away again.

"Glad to see you're as kind as ever." the man laughed before he waved. "See you."

Watching the three men leave, Amatsuki let out a sigh of relief. "What rule were they talking about this time?"

"No one is allowed to carry a gun loaded with two or more bullets to somewhat keep order under the boss' orders." Eve hummed, closing his bag properly. "The barrel was empty since he had fired it."

"So you knew that Sou wouldn't get shot in the first place?" Kashitaro asked. "Did they also know that and test you or what was this game about?"

"I told you... it's a welcoming party." Eve said quietly. "There are three things you'll need here. First, is the guts to do something no matter what. And... I guess you can call it a test. For me at least."

"I see... well I am glad it all went well," the fox-masked male said as he decided to not ask anything else. "Let's not talk about what happened to Neru though. Or at least the details," Kashitaro said, not wanting to worry the others two.

"So does that mean that we can investigate here now?" Sou asked.

"How about to just keep it between us... Kuro-chan's going to flip too." A sigh from Amatsuki.

"Yes." Nodding at Sou, Eve smiled softly. "But... only for a day. If any longer... we'll have to go meet him." Which Eve would very much like to avoid. "Let's hurry."

"Alright, then let's investigate as much as we can," Kashitaro said before he scratched his cheek sheepishly. "But me and Sou-kun don't know much about the areas here so we will probably follow you around."

"We'll split into pairs." Eve nodded at Amatsuki, who sighed. "I'll go with Sou-kun, Amatsuki-san can go with Kashitaro-san. We'll cover more ground... and if we find anything, text each other immediately."

"Right." Taking the bag Eve gave to him, Amatsuki frowned slightly. "Will you-"

"Just go." Turning away from the brunette, Eve nodded at Sou.

"See you later then, Kashitaro-san, Amatsuki-san," Sou said as the fox-masked male hummed.

"Yes. Stay safe you two," Kashitaro told them.

Guiding the older, Amatsuki pulled out the pass and tied it around his wrist for convenience. "So... welcome to the forbidden grounds of Twilight side."

"Thanks for having me," the older responded as he followed the younger male. "So are you going to guide me around here? Where are we going to go first?"

"Honestly... I have not much of an idea. I... don't remember much from here... but we're safe to walk around thanks to Eve-kun. And we have necessary bribing material here too." Patting the bag, the brunette hummed.

"Bribing material? Well, I'm glad that we are prepared then. Should we just walk around and look for clues then?" Kashitaro asked as he looked around the place. It wasn't that large to begin with seeing how it was the forbidden area so at least they wouldn't have to walk around too much and fear of getting lost.

"Yes. But... I have a feeling, if we can find the right people, we can get information almost immediately." A careful glance around the area.

Humming, the fox-masked male also looked around, making sure to never linger his gaze anywhere for too long before speaking up again. "Do you have any person in mind which we could ask? Or should we just go around and ask people if they have seen anyone?"

"No to both questions, because our information source is running right to us." Looking at a blond child running towards them, Amatsuki stared at the child who looked up to him.

"How much to buy a bone?" the child asked, their eyes glinting.

"20, 000 yen for a decent bone. Anything not worth it, 10,000."

"A bone?" Kashitaro repeated confused.

Was that some secret message or did that child actually want to buy a bone?

Either way, the older male didn't get it and decided to just let the brunet do what he needed to do, watching the two of them talk.

"Four guys, west side, abandoned building. Carrying four people." the child replied before holding their hand out. "Good bone?"

"Is it real?"

"Good, real bone another 10, 000 yen." A cheeky smile from the kid this time.


"It is real. No other bones." Satisfied with the answer, Amatsuki pulled out 30, 000 yen before placing it in the child's hand, who immediately squealed and ran off.

"So... what was the conversation about and did we just gain something or?" Kashitaro asked as he gave the other a confused smile.

"Quite literally the saying... throw me a bone, you know?" A grin from Amatsuki. "We got out info, they call it bones here."

Humming, Kashitaro then understood before his smile widened ever so slightly. "So does that mean that we finally got some more information?"

"Mhm." A smile as Amatsuki pulled out the map Eve had prepared. "West abandoned building... It's where Eve-kun and Sou-kun went. I'll text them and we can head there."

"Alright, let's go then," the brunet said before he followed the younger male towards the west side, happy that they had found some information now at least.

Seeing the text from Amatsuki, Eve smiled softly. "We got a lead." They lost 30,000 yen... but that was fine.

"We'll meet them there. Come on." Taking Sou's hand out of habit, Eve began pulling him.

Startled by the older male suddenly taking his hand, Sou felt the heat rising to his cheeks again as he was pulled along.

"E-eve-san, y-your hand..." the younger male mumbled quietly, almost inaudibly as he noticed how quiet it was. It was embarrassing to point it out again though so he gave up up and just went along with it. "Y-yes, let's go."

Pulling Sou along for a bit more, it was only then Eve realised what he was doing. "A-Ah! I'm sorry!"

Pulling his hand away, Eve smiled sheepishly

"I-it's ok," Sou assured him as he waved his hand dismissively with a small smile. "Habit right? I understand."

And he honestly didn't mind holding the other's hand anyway.

"Yeah..." An awkward smile before they were interrupted by a man approaching them. "Look what we have here~ Two young birds fresh out of the cage..."

Smirking at the two, the man pointed a gun at them. "Shall I see what you have for me today?"

"What do you want from us?" Sou asked, looking at the man unsure. This place had even more dangerous people than the twilight side and the blond was impressed to see that people could live like that.

"I want... everything you have~" the man grinned before he noticed how Eve was dressed... as well as the blood red pin on his chest. "A-Ah, nevermind!"

Running off, the man dropped his gun, the single bullet popping out of its gun. Who cursed him to meet someone like that...?

"The people here seem to be scared of you. Is this why you dressed up differently today? So they would recognize you?" Sou asked as he watched the man run off.

"Ah, sorry, you don't have to answer that! I am just glad he left us alone."

"No it's fine." Eve immediately assure as he tugged at his clothes. "You can put it that way... but I was mostly for investigating even without a pass. Most people here... they won't cross me." A soft sigh before he ruffled his hair. "But that's a story of the past."

"I see... Well, you're right, it's all in the past. Let's go find the others? They found information right?" Sou said as he was happy that they at least found some clues.

"Mhm." Noticing a sky blue rose bush, Eve stared at it before he picked one, pulling each thorn away skillfully before he slid it behind the younger's ear. "There."

Feeling the rose slide behind his ear, Sou blinked once before his face exploded into a dark shade of red, the younger male not knowing how to react as he could only stand there confused and flustered.

"E-e-e-eh, w-what, w-why?" Sou stuttered out as he didn't know whether to take the rose down or keep it there since Eve had been so kind to pick out the thorns for him.

"Ah, is it not to your liking?" A frown before Eve reached for the flower.

"A-ah, no that's not it!" Sou assured him as he flailed his arms around. "They're my favorites! J-just why would you give me this all of a sudden? You didn't have to bother and pick the thorns just to give it to me."

"Ah... right. I should explain." Eve smiled sheepishly. "A blue rose is a sign of claiming around here if you're..." A pause before he shook his head. "If we get separated and someone sees you, they wouldn't dare touch you."

"I-I see. That makes sense. Eve-san is really prepared for a lot of situations I see," Sou said as he calmed down, knowing the reason now.

"So anybody can just wear a blue rose so no one will hurt them?"

"Not really. Only... certain roses." Pulling out a small dagger, Eve pricked his finger before coating the inner rose with his blood. A blue rose with red blood. "Let's go."

Sucking on his finger to stop the bleeding slightly, the older shrugged.

Paling slightly at the sight of blood, Sou then quickly followed the older male, worry visible in his face.

"I-is your finger alright? Does it hurt? I'm sorry that you had to do this for my safety, next time you don't have to do anything like that."

"No, it's fine." For some reason... if it was for Sou, Eve didn't mind doing it again. "It'll heal. Your safety is more important."


Being at a loss of words, Sou then smiled softly as he then nodded. "Thank you very much."

"B-but next time we can also hold hands for just a bit so we won't get separated. In crowds that is. But we don't have to, it's not me suggesting this to inconvenience you or anything!" Sou assured him. "We have the rose so it should be fine."

"Mhm." Smiling softly at the younger, Eve chuckled softly. "You look really good with the rose on."

"D-do I?" Sou asked, feeling embarrassed by the compliment. "I'm glad you think so..."

Cheeks dusting red, Eve nodded before continuing to walk. "Anyway, let's go before we miss them."

Ah... why was Sou so cute?

...Cute...? Since when had he ever called anyone cute?

"Y-yes, let's go," the younger male nodded as he quickly trailed after the mushroom-haired male, hoping they would find the others soon.

Guiding the younger, they finally met up with the other two in front of the abandoned building. "So here?"

"That's the bone I got." Amatsuki shrugged.

"Bone? What's a bone?" Sou asked confused as he looked at the abandoned building in front of them.

"Information." A soft chuckle from Eve.

Noticing the flower, Amatsuki's lips curved a little as he looked at Eve, who shrugged.

"Ahh, I see. Does that mean we are one step closer to finding the others again?" Sou questioned.

"Yup." Eve hummed before looking around. "Strange to be deserted... did a new rule get implemented?"


"It might be abandoned... but many homeless crowd around here for shelter." Eve shrugged. "I'm guessing new rule.... a new rule each week, so they say."

"Are we going to go into this building now? What exactly was the information that we got anyway?" Kashitaro asked, also taking a glance at the abandoned house in front of them.

"Four guys carrying four people here." A shrug. "Sounds pretty worthy of investigation at least."

"Let's then." Pulling out the dagger from before, Eve nodded. "Let's go quickly. They probably know we are here."

Nodding, the others held their weapons ready as they waited for Eve to walk ahead so they could follow him.

"So they should definitely be around here, right? Let's waste no time and investigate more then," the fox-masked male said.

"Well, you guys are late as always." Watching from the second floor window, Shima hummed as he stared at them. "Congrats, you found our old base! We already moved them."

"Person who really likes Senra-kun? I see... so this was the old base," Kashitaro said as he sighed to himself. So they were too late to get the others back.

"If it was old... why are you here?" Amatsuki questioned, his gun in hand.

"I wonder..." Shima hummed thoughtfully.

"Is it to make fun of us or do you have a reason which you refuse to tell us?" the fox-masked male asked.

"Who knows?" Shima shrugged, a smirk playing across his lips. "All I know is you should get indoors... the blood rain is coming soon."

"Blood rain? What do you mean with that?" Sou asked confused and worried. Whatever blood rain was, didn't sound good.

"Ask them." A teasing smile before Shima disappeared into the building.

"Hurry." With no explanation, Eve began dragging Sou by his hand, Amatsuki doing the same to Kashitaro.

"Eh? What is going to happen?" Sou asked as he still followed the older male, not wanting to know what would happen if he would stay still.

"Blood rain, is there actually blood going to rain?" Kashitaro asked, running behind the younger brunet.

"In a way... yes." Amatsuki replied, worry coating his face as they approached a house.

Upon reaching the house, Eve pulled out a key and pushed open the door, hurrying everyone in. "We should be safe here for now. After this, we need to get out as soon as possible."

"Can you explain what is going to happen and where we will go after this?" Sou asked as he sighed out in relief that they were at least safe for now according to Amatsuki.

"...Illegal experiment went wrong five years ago." the younger brunette mumbled, a dark expression across his face.

Patting the older, Eve smiled weakly at him. "How about you go rest? I'll explain."

"Right." Nodding stiffly, Amatsuki disappeared upstairs.

"Does the blood rain have to do anything with Amatsuki-kun?" Kashitaro asked as he watched the younger male disappear.

"Did it? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked then..," the blond male apologized as he looked at the stairs where the other had disappeared.

"No, no it's fine. Amatsuki knew we were going to bring up memories as soon as he agreed to come." Eve smiled softly before gesturing for them to sit down on the couch. "You're right about him being involved. He was... the key component to the experiment."

"Was it because of his blood?" Kashitaro asked as he sat down, Sou following him and doing the same even though he was still very confused. "His blood?"

"You have seen, so I'm not surprised you already guessed." Eve sighed softly before nodding. "Yes it was his blood. They were trying to see if they could replicate a human like Amatsuki-san... which as you can see, didn't end well."

"I see... And the blood rain is what exactly?" Kashitaro asked, wondering what was going on outside of this building at the moment.

"Rain of blood." Eve glanced to the window, a dripping sound beginning before something slammed against the window, leaving a bloody trail. "Not exactly a rain... but it's a bloody mess out there now."

Flinching slightly at the sound, Sou looked at the window worried. "But... we are save in here, right? It's not that the blood will somehow get in here, right?"

"All houses were built in a way in order to prevent any of the blood rain from entering the house." Eve explained, watching the bloody trail drag across the window. "No matter how strong you are... you can't beat an enhanced human that has been corrupted with madness."

"I guess that means we are save for now then... How long will this keep going until it stops?" the fox-masked male asked. It looked like a mess already, even if he was only looking from inside.

"A night or so... if we're lucky." A sigh as Eve awkwardly ruffled his hair. "The only people that can walk outside freely now is Amatsuki-san himself... as well as those that has been injected with what we call a warder."

"I see... Well, I guess, there is nothing much we can do about that," the older male said sighing.

"Should we inform Kuro-san and Neru-san about this then so they know and won't worry too much?" Sou asked.

"Yes probably." Another sigh before a knock on the door was heard. "Oh and a friendly warning... don't open the door until I tell you to."

"W...Why? Is something going to happen if we open the door?" Sou questioned as he looked at the door.

"Because you two would die." Eve frowned a little. "Those guys will rush in and kill you to feast on your blood. Also why they call it blood rain."

"Well, thank you for the advice then. We won't open the door under any circumstances then," Kashitaro assured him before looking outside again, a small sigh escaping his lips.

"Maybe this is a good opportunity for you to go rest, Eve-kun. I can inform Kuro-san and Neru-san but you have worked a lot today and you didn't get enough sleep, did you?"

Looking a little worried to be resting, Eve wanted to argue but frowned instead. "I don't think I should be resting. If anything... I should be awake. You two can go rest though."

"You have already stayed up the night before and worked. We can also stay awake, you need to sleep or you will collapse," Sou argued.

"Me and Kashitaro-san can also switch between staying awake so we will still be getting rest. So please go rest a bit?"

"I've gone a lot of days without sleeping before, I'll be fine." Eve argued back. "This is normal... especially since we're here."

"Well, it's normal for you but if you can rest you should rest. You're not alone here anyway, you can lean on us a bit, you know? Both of you," Kashitaro told him with a smile.

"Mhm! Rest is important. Also, even if you are alright with it, others will still worry for you so not just for your sake but theirs also, please do rest," Sou said. "I think Amatsuki-san would also feel a bit better, knowing that you got some sleep at least."

"But-" Pausing as he saw how determined they looked, Eve sighed before nodding. "Fine. Just... for a while." Sighing to himself, Eve stood up. "There are beds upstairs... we can take turns sleeping."

"Ok. Rest well, Eve-san," Sou wished him with a small smile. "Make sure to actually rest and not to start working again."

Smiling wryly, Eve nodded. "Maybe. But... if you hear someone calling out my name at the door... make sure to come look for me."

No guarantee that news would already reach his ears... but who knew?

"Are you sure? I thought it was dangerous to open the door," Kashitaro told him, remembering the warning that they had gotten a while ago.

"Yes. Because if they come calling for me... let's just say it's the boss of this place you don't want to cross or ignore." An emotionless smile before Eve turned away. "I'm going to rest."

"Alright... we will inform you then. Good night, Eve-san," Sou said as he watched the older male leave.

Waving goodnight, Eve disappeared up the stairs and to the room where he knew Amatsuki would be. The only place that made him feel safe.

His parents' room.

"Sorry we had to use this place." Eve said softly, taking a seat next to the older on the bed.

"No it's fine. They'll be happy the house came in handy." A soft sigh from the brunette before he pushed the younger down onto the bed. "You, rest."

Laughing softly as he was pushed down, Eve nodded before closing his eyes. "Keep an eye out on those two will you...?"

Nodding, Amatsuki made sure Eve slept before he left the room and went downstairs to the other two.

Having talked to each other before, Kashitaro and Sou stopped when they saw Amatsuki coming downstairs again.

"Amatsuki-san, you are back already? Don't you want to rest a bit as well?" Sou asked.

"There's no need to." The brunette smiled weakly at the two. "Eve-kun's resting now anyway. He needs it."

"I agree. I hope he will get enough rest," Kashitaro said as Sou hummed in agreement.

Sitting down next to the two, Amatsuki grimaced at the blood at the window before turning to the two. "You know, we never really got to know each other. You want to do that now since we have nothing to do?"

"That is... very sudden.", Sou commented as the oldest laughed at that nodding in agreement. "It's very sudden I agree but I think it would be nice to get to know each other more if are stuck in here anyway."

"You Daylight Police dropping by Twilight side was sudden." Amatsuki pointed out with a shrug. "Anyway... how should we go about this...?"

"W-well, if we are going to get to know each other, what do you like to do in your free time, Amatsuki-san? I heard you liked to bake and such already.", Sou said.

"Eh? Me?" Tilting his head, Amatsuki frowned slightly. "I just play knife dart... and bake... and think. I don't do much. What about you two?"

"Knife dart is a very interesting and unique hobby you have with the others here. For me... I just like to take walks... guitar... and getting to know new people," Kashitaro answered as Sou hummed.

"He is very open to new people, though I see him talk to cats more than to people," Sou said sweat dropping.

"Cats...?" A chuckle from the younger brunette. "How about you Sou-kun?"

"I don't really have any special hobbies," the blond male said with an awkward smile as he fiddled with his fingers. "Though I guess I like flower language and... I guess i follow Kashitaro-san around a lot," Sou admitted.

"I see... Flower language is nice. Do you know the meaning of a blue rose then? The one that's in your hair." A soft laugh from Amatsuki as his eyes twinkled in mischief.

"A-ah, that..."

Quickly putting the rose down from his hair, Sou cleared his throat embarrassed before answering.

"If I remember correctly, it means unattainable. I rarely see any blue roses, actually just in books so I was very surprised to see some here."

"Yes. They grow here naturally." A smile at the flower. "Those that were in Eve's group here, they use this flower to mark what not to touch. Unattainable to the rest and only to those marked with the flower and their blood."

Turning to Sou, Amatsuki smirked.

"I-I see. Well, Eve-san explained it to me and said that it was to make sure I was safe and such in case we get separated... W-why are you looking at me like that..," Sou asked when he saw Amatsuki smirk.

"I see~" A small laugh before Amatsuki shook his head. "What do you think of Eve-kun then?"

"W-what do I think of him- He is a smart and hard working person who was kind enough to do this for me even though we haven't known each other for long... Um... didn't we want to get to know each other more? Why are we suddenly talking about what I think of Eve-san?" the younger male questioned.

"Well~ You seem rather oblivious to his actions so~" A shrug before he turned to Kashitaro. "Do you notice or am I the only one?"

"It is very nice of Eve-kun to give you this flower to protect you! What a kind person he is. Make sure to thank him again sometime, alright?" Kashitaro told him as Sou nodded in response.

Sighing at the denseness of the two, Amatsuki turned back to Sou. "Then, can I ask you, what do you think of his past? Or at least what you know of it."

Amatsuki was curious! Plus, Eve never really had kept anyone except his family by his side before...

"I mean... his past is something that does sound complicated and I think others also think so? But I still think that he is a good person despite that! After all, Eve-san is really nice and I am sure he will someday reach his goal, I believe in him!" Sou exclaimed as Kashitaro smiled fondly before sweat dropping.

"Wait, is it alright for me to be here?" the oldest asked. He didn't know if this would be invading Eve's privacy if he stayed here and listened.

"It is. We aren't going into detail anyway." A dismissive wave to the older. "Anyway, Mr Unattainable, you should keep that flower close. It's your guarantee to safety."

"I will make sure to do that! He was kind enough to give this to me after all," Sou told him as he clenched the rose closer to him as he said so. "Also what's with that nickname?"

"How oblivious can one person be?" A sigh to the younger before Amatsuki pointed at the rose. "Eve-kun put this on you to tell others you're not to be hurt... unattainable in a way."

"Yes... I know that. He explained the meaning of the flower to me after all," the younger male said. "As a way of claiming so no one would hurt me if I remember it correctly? Well, it's convenient because then, Eve-san doesn't have to take care of me too much."

"..." Amatsuki was just speechless at this point. "Well, if you want to think that way, sure~" A shrug.

"A-anyways, we wanted to get to know each other more, right? I-I think this is enough about me, I want to get to know more about Amatsuki-san!" the youngest said, both wanting to know more and wanting to stop talking about this.

"Me? I don't have much about me. What do you want to know?" Amatsuki tilted his head.

"You like to bake and cook, right? What is your favorite food? And do you prefer baking or cooking if you like to do both?" Kashitaro asked.

"I like both... I guess my favourite food to make is... everything that the others like." A rather warm smile appeared on his face. "As long as others can smile at my food... I'm happy."

"I see. That's a very nice thought," the fox-masked male answered, smiling softly as he heard that.

"Flowers... I see so many flowers coming out of Amatsuki-san..," Sou mumbled to himself, obviously talking about invisible flowers which he saw sprouting out from the brunet, yet Kashitaro hummed in agreement when he heard that.

"Eh?" Confused at Sou's words, Amatsuki tilted his head. "Flowers? what do you mean?"

"A-ah, um, it's nothing!" the younger male assured him as he waved his arms around.

"Ah... okay...?" Even more confused, Amatsuki nodded. "Hoe about Kashitaro-san?"

"What do you mean?" Kashitaro asked with a smile. "If you meant to ask what Sou-kun meant, he found your smile so radiant that he could see flowers coming out of you and I agree, a smile like that really suits you, you should smile more often," Kashitaro told him.

"Now the last few things are just you saying things not me, Kashitaro-san..," Sou mumbled, making sure to keep his voice quiet for only Kashitaro to hear his comment.

Cheeks dusting red, Amatsuki hid his face behind his hand, embarrassed by the comment. "A-Ah... I see."

Seeing the two of them being like this, Sou watched between them for a while before speaking up when he felt the silence going for a while.

"U-um... should I go?" the youngest asked with a soft smile. He felt like he was disturbing them or third wheeling for some reason.

"Eh? Go where?" Trying to calm his blush, Amatsuki questioned.

"Up? Another room? You two seem to be having some moment here, I understand these situations, I can come back later," the younger male assured him with a smile.

He had seen those moments with his friends ever so often so he knew when to go.

"Eh? We-We're not having a moment!" Amatsuki tried to deny. There was nothing going on between them.

"He's right, we're not," Kashitaro assured as he patted the seat next to him where Sou was sitting before. "So you can come back."

Looking between them, Sou then tilted his head before smiling and nodding.

"Of course. If you say so," Sou said. He didn't believe them but he decided to just agree with them.

Trying to suppress the blush again, Amatsuki let out a nervous breath. "A-Anyway. What else should we talk about...?"

"I... wonder," Sou trailed off as he watched Amatsuki's red face before looking over to Kashitaro who looked slightly embarrassed as well, though less obvious than the younger brunet.

"Well, I know you are from the twilight police and you prefer games like the knife game but do you want to play a round of cards with us?" Kashitaro suggested as he took out a stack of cards out of his jacket.

"Cards? What type of game?" Turning the cards in curiosity, Amatsuki tried to change the topic.

"Just poker but we bet favors instead of chips because that would be difficult to take with us," Kashitaro explained.

"I don't know if we should play it though, seeing how we always end up playing it weirdly..," Sou said. "But that's Sakata-san's fault so we should be fine, right?"

"Yes yes, it's because of Sakata-kun, we will be fine."

"What do you mean weird?" Amatsuki asked, tilting his head slightly. "What does Sakata-kun do?"

"He always forgets which game we are playing and well, we all end up following him somehow because of it," Kashitaro explained, not saying much more as he handed the brunet his cards after shuffling.

"But anyways, I am sure you heard of it before right? Poker."

"Yeah. We play it sometimes... but end up stopping because Eve-kun always wins it." Amatsuki laughed softly. "I'm not very good at it though."

"It's ok, we are not the very best either, we just play it for fun and to pass time. Anyways, do you want to play?" Kashitaro asked. "If you prefer to rest, that's also alright with us."

"I don't mind. We can." A small smile.

"Alright then let's play a bit," Kashitaro replied returning the smile as Sou watched the two of them taking up the cards.

The game started relatively normally until Sou's mind started drifting off, wondering if everyone was alright.

"Sou-kun? It's your turn," Kashitaro reminded him which snapped him out of his thoughts. "U-um.... Uno!" Sou shouted as he placed his cards down.

Laughing softly, Amatsuki shook his head. "Wrong game Sou-kun... Guess Sakata-kun isn't the only one huh?"

Face heating up in embarrassement, Sou quickly took back his cards again as the oldest laughed.

"It's ok, it happens. Anyways, let's continue the game. It's my turn. And I am deactivating your card with mine, freezing you," Kashitaro said throwing his one card on the table making Sou gasp.

"What is even going on right now...?" Amatsuki stifled a laugh, not sure what to say anymore.

"A-Amatsuki-san, he froze me! Avenge me!" Sou exclaimed, clutching his cards.

"Eh...?" Laughing softly, Amatsuki tossed one of his cards on the table. "And I now unfreeze Sou's cards?"

"Amatsuki-kun, no don't do it," the oldest said seriously as Sou puffed his chest out before throwing a card on the table.

"This is only for Kashitaro-san because Amatsuki-san avenged me! I will take you with me! Eternal force blizzard!" Sou shouted as the older male slumped down, letting his cards fall. "I lost."

"Amatsuki-san, you are so good at this game!" the blond male said looking at the older male in awe.

"Thanks...?" Amatsuki smiled and laughed softly, still utterly confused what was going on.

What did poker even become?

"Let's play another round then. This time I will win," Kashitaro said as Sou hummed, neither of them actually remembering what game they were playing anymore.

Unfortunately for them, a knock rang on the door, interrupting their fun. "Is Eve in?"

"Ah... I will go call him," Sou said, quickly rushing up to wake up the older male as Kashitaro packed up the cards, putting them into the box before letting it disappear in his jacket.

"Eve-san? Someone is calling for you," the blond male said as he walked over to the bed, shaking the older lightly.

Shooting up almost immediately, Eve blinked before nodding. "Thanks."

Dashing down, noticing the confused and worried glances, Eve ignored them for now before opening the door, though was immediately pulled into a hug.

"Eve~ It's been so long~" the man outside said as he squeezed the mushroom-haired male.


"A friend?" Kashitaro asked as he looked at the male who was hugging the mushroom-haired male.

"Somewhat of a friend," Daruma grinned before he closed the door behind him. "So you took off your mask huh? You always said something big would happen if you did."

Chuckling nervously, Eve smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

"A mask?" Sou repeated confused as he looked between the mushroom-haired male and the other.

"It's something Eve used to wear everyday!" Daruma hummed before he pulled out his phone. "I wonder if I have a picture~"

"A-Ah, you don't have to!" Eve shook his head smiling sheepishly.

"Oh, you do? I'm kinda curious now that I heard it," Kashitaro said as he came closer to Daruma, Sou nodding in agreement as he rushed over to look at his phone.

"Here!" Showing off the picture, Daruma grinned slightly.

Blood staining the edge of the white mask, Eve wore it as he looked awkward in the picture, holding an umbrella like a cane with a white shirt and a black pants.

"That was so long ago..." Eve mumbled, looking at the picture with mixed emotions.

"You look cool though," Sou commented quietly. "Yes, a very different but unique appearance you had in the past there," the fox-masked male said.

"It made things easier around here." Eve sighed as Daruma put away his phone and pinched the mushroom haired male's cheek. "You're so emotional sometimes... wonder how you managed to survive here."

"We all do what we need to do after all, Daruma." Eve smiled sheepishly as Amatsuki stared at him worriedly.

"....So you were here to visit Eve for something? Or did you come because you heard he was in town?" Kashitaro asked.

"Both actually~" Daruma grinned slightly. "Big boss wants to see him after all~"

"...Can I not?"


"So he has to go? Will it take long? We do have something to do after all," the oldest informed him.

"...It might take long." Eve mumbled, playing with his fingers.

"And, big boss wants you to bring at least one of the others... not Blood Prince though~" Daruma tutted as he saw Amatsuki about to volunteer. "The rest have to return after blood rain ends."

"...Is it dangerous to go there?" Sou asked as he glanced at the fox-masked male who was about to volunteer soon as well just so he wouldn't have to go.

"Either way, Daruma-san can choose whichever you think should come."

"Then you!" A grin as he pointed at Sou. "After all you received the bloody blue rose from Eve~"

"Ah..," looking at the rose, Sou then nodded understanding before giving the other a small smile. "alright then. It is nice to... go with you, Daruma-san."

"You didn't have to pick him based on that," Eve said under his breath.

"I mean, you've never given anyone a bloody blue rose!" Daruma grinned.

"A-ah, he was doing that to help me. It's just like lending it to me, I will return it after we get out of here," Sou assured him. "Are you guys going to be gone for long? They will return safely right?" Kashitaro asked.

"With Eve, they should~" Daruma hummed as he looked out the window. "We'll leave when the blood rain ends, you two go back, Eve and him come with me."

"Do you want to rest in here until we head off then? It must be tiring and dangerous to be outside while this goes on," Sou said as he looked out of the window to see the blood rain still going on.

"Nah, I'm sure Eve already explained. Those with warders and Blood Prince would be fine in the blood rain. Eve and I are one of the few with warders." Daruma shrugged before turning to the door. "I'll be back later."

"See you later Daruma." Eve said softly, the male merely waving his hand and left.

"Ah... well, should some of us go rest then until he comes back?" Sou suggested when he saw Daruma leave.

"We all should." A soft sigh as Amatsuki nodded. "Let's rest a bit."

"Alright. Then let's rest until he comes again," Kashitaro agreed as he stretched slightly.

"There's three bedrooms upstairs, we can all just rest for a bit." Amatsuki said with a nod.

"I already rested so I'll keep watch." Eve stated, not letting anyone argue.

"If you say so. But just wake any of us up if you need to switch or help," Kashitaro told him. "If you are feeling tired again, you can tell us. After all, you need the most rest here," Sou added.

"I will, I will." Eve nodded before shooing them off. "Now go."

"Okay. Follow me." Leading the two, Amatsuki showed them each to a room before he took his own parents' room as his own resting place.

With nothing else to do, Kashitaro and Sou decided to just try and get some rest until Daruma would come back for them later after the blood rain had stopped.

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