00:56 AM

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"Do my eyes deceive me or are you actually reading a booking right now? Micah, is that really you? Have you been replaced by a clone?"

"Shut up, Elsie recommended it."

"I've recommended you books at least twice a week and you've ignored me, why is Elsie's recommendation so special? Is she threatening or bribing you?"

"Aw, are you jealous, Sol? Jealous I have other mates beside you and Aarav?'

"I'm just shocked you have friends in general."

"Night or day, you're a bastard aren't you?"

"I do try. It's not easy but I do."

"You haven't left your room all week, why have you decided to creep out and disturb my precious reading time? I swear you have an exam in the morning."

"I came out to grab some coffee, I have no intention of sleeping tonight. I have my syntax and semantics exam at nine but I also need to finish my essay on code-switching between Mandarin and Southern Min Dialect in-"

"My god that's a boring title. You almost sent me to sleep. Can't you jazz it up?"

"Jazz it up? This isn't X Factor mate."

"I jazz my research papers up."

"How can you jazz Genetics research papers up?"

"I'm Micah Saro-Wiwa, jazzing things up is my speciality."

"I bet that's the first thing on your Tinder profile."

"Excuse you, I deleted that Tinder profile as I am in a very committed relationship."

"Great, good for you. What's this book that Elsie recommended?"

"The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. It follows this boy from an indigenous reservation who goes to an all-white school. It's pretty good so far. Y'know, it's one of the most banned books of the decade?"

"Banned? Why?"

"Some American school boards said it had too much profanity, sexual innuendo and violence. It's too scandalous. Banning books is such bullshit. I mean, some of the books they ban are LGBTQ+ and by banning them you're omitting someone's existence. Like, if a Native American kid reads a book with no Native American characters what are you saying to that kid? That they don't count? It's bloody madness."

"Hm. Do you think parents have the right to control what their children read?"

"Yeah, I mean, it is their child and they want to protect and guide them as much as possible but that doesn't mean they have the right to ban these books for other people or other people's children by getting school boards to ban them. You can just get your kid to opt out for that assignment without infringing on other people's rights."

"I wouldn't want my kid exposed to graphic sex, drugs and violence. A lot of studies show that graphic material can have negative psychological effects on children. It can desensitise them to violence and encourage them to act aggressively. I don't think it's about 'sheltering' a kid but guiding them to the best of your ability."

"But don't you think the ideas presented some of these 'graphic' novels actually help children understand the world better and their place in it? I mean, these books are portals to differing world views that can seriously promote empathy and socio-emotional development. For example, if you read a book about a Muslim woman you're less likely to make prejudiced judgements based on race or religion."

"Fair but keeping a book with inappropriate content from kids for their protection doesn't stop other people from reading it or stop the author from writing it. I think it's more about showing discretion and respecting a community's values, and it doesn't prevent people from getting those books elsewhere. Shit, I have to go, I need to finish this essay and then finish my revision for the exam."

"BOO, we're having such a fun debate on censorship and you wanna cut it short?"


"Oh, by the way, when I finish this I'll read one of your recommendations."

"Finally. Read Dune. Greatest work of science-fiction ever."

"Yes, sir, goodnight! Remember, jazz up that boring arse essay."

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