[011] theo silver, the ever reliable kook

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HEADING DOWN THE STAIRS THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Theo sees his dad holding a piece of paper with an angry frown on his face. The boy knows exactly what it is, exactly who sent it, Sapphire Silver has never been one to waste time. He genuinely doesn't know how she could think it's the best for him, she doesn't know him anymore nor does he want her to.

"That from mum?" Theo asks quietly, startling his dad and the look on his face is enough to shatter Theo's composure. "She can't do this, right?"

"She's well within her rights to, Theo, but I doubt she has much of anything that will stand in court. I'm a lawyer, remember? I know every trick in the book," Eric smiles softly but there's no happiness behind it.

"She left, dad, why is she allowed to just come back into my life like this?"

"Parental rights I'm afraid, kiddo. This is for me to deal with, not you. Go and do teenage things for the day, okay? I'll let you know if there is any updates,"

Theo gives the man one final glance before sighing, a defeated nod of his head following. The 'teenage things' isn't exactly something that he feels like doing today, or any day really but especially today. With his mother lurking around, he doesn't wish to run into her by accident. Their last few interactions haven't been particularly good and he doubts they'll get any better — she doesn't allow herself to lose which means she's persistent.

Theo does know, however, that if he doesn't get out of the house that his dad is just going to pester him until he does. There are very few people in this place that he wants to hang around with but his feet do carry him in the direction of a place he knows very well, stopping in front of the large home and staring up at it.

Maisie and he hadn't actually made up yet, they had a few words with one another and shared a dance, but Theo isn't exactly sure where they stand. In his mind, it's the girl who should be reaching out and repairing their fragile relationship, she'd been the one to tear it apart in the first place.

Shaking his head, the boy continues on his way and moves towards the beach instead. People pass by and greet him with small smiles which he struggles to return but he does, not wanting them to stop him and engage in conversation. He simply decides to enjoy the sea breeze in silence, the sound of waves crashing upon the shore sending a calmness through him.


His name echoes through his ears, the serene voice one that he's still getting used to hearing. Theo had believed he'd done enough to keep her away for now, force her to give him some time, yet his mother isn't one for doing what other's want — it seems as if it's all about her and nobody else. At one time in his life, he would've hated himself for thinking so badly about the woman, now he hates himself for any underlying fondness he feels. This isn't his mum who had raised him, no, this is simply the lady who had given birth to him and left years later.

"I don't want to talk to you," Theo comments quietly, leaning against his arms and watching the water splash about in front of him. "Did you follow me?"

"I saw you walking down here, yes. I thought maybe we'd get a chance to chat for a little bit, sort out any misunderstandings," His mother replies, sitting down on the sand beside him.

No boundaries once again it seems, her arm brushing against his. Sapphire feels like ice, a cold jolt to his skin as she pretends to radiate the warmth a mother is supposed to have. Theo shuffles away slightly, she doesn't seem to notice, and doesn't bother looking in her direction either. His father had always likened her to Medusa, look her in the eyes and you'll turn to stone.

"I saw you with that boy last night," Sapphire's voice is soft, gentle with her approach.

Theo can only assume she means JJ, the blonde haired boy from the other side of the island who has slowly been integrating himself into Theo's life.

Sapphire must expect some sort of reply because she doesn't speak for a few minutes, eventually she gives up on waiting all together and begins to interrogate further. "Is he your partner?"

Theo chuckles a little and shakes his head. "No mum, he's not. Believe it or not, I can have male friends,"

"Y-you just seemed very close is all. I just wanted to know if there was something going on there,"

Now he does look at her, a small scoff falling from his lips. "You never care about what was happening with me before. I just don't get what you're trying to gain here, I've been fine without you sticking your nose into my business,"

"I want to get to know my son,"

"Your son has outgrown you. He doesn't need you,"

The hurt that flashes through her eyes admittedly brings him a twinge of satisfaction, being able to cause her the slightest bit of pain when all she's done is hurt him. Perhaps it's a little petty, a little cruel even, but Theo isn't able to hide away the distaste he feels in this moment.

"Teddy—" Sapphire starts.

"Stop! Just stop, okay? This isn't some fucking fairytale where you can waltz back in years after being gone and everything will be happy. I've moved on, you should too,"

Theo pushes himself up, storming away from the woman who watches him go.

My life has a habit of fraying rather quickly, one bad thing pulling a loose thread and bringing a whole lot more with it. Sapphire Silver has yet to give up, she's yet to move on from the life she once had even though she is the one who left it behind. I just wish —

Theo's phone rings loudly, pulling him out of his thoughts. Closing his laptop, the boy reaches over and grabs the phone, eyebrows scrunching at the unfamiliar number on the screen. Shaking his head, he clicks answer.


"Are you busy right now?"

Theo sighs with a roll of his eyes. "Hello JJ, it's nice to speak with you. How am I? Well I'm doing great, thanks for asking,"

"Yeah, whatever. Look, are you busy?"

"Not really,"

"Great! Come meet us,"

Before Theo can even reply, the blonde boy has hung up the phone and he's left looking at it a little perplexed. A few moments later, a text message shoots through with an address. Perhaps he should actually save the boy's number this time.

His father and Emmy are still out so he doesn't have to bother telling them where he's going, simply grabbing the house keys and his car keys before heading out the front door. Hopefully his mother doesn't somehow see him leave and follow him, Theo can only imagine how interesting of a conversation that would be.

Theo drives over to where he'd been instructed to go, a little confused as to what he's even doing here. JJ had said 'us' and Theo isn't quite sure who that entails so this may be a significantly awkward trip.

Slipping out of the car, the brunette heads up to the front where he can just make out the face of JJ's friend John B who is actually facing him.

"You brought her here? So what, she's in on this now?"

That's Kiara, Theo winces a little bit at the anger in her tone. Rather awkwardly, the boy approaches them and gains their attention without even saying anything. His eyes survey the small group and admittedly grow a little wide in surprise as he sees the familiar blonde girl sitting there — Sarah Cameron was definitely not somebody he expected to be around this group.

"Uh hey," Theo greets, unsure of what else to actually say.

Kiara gives him a small nod as if to greet him before turning her narrowed gaze back to John B. "You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing, a pogue thing,"

Theo feels John B glance at him. "You invited Theo!"

"Actually I invited Theo," JJ interjects unhelpfully, shrugging when his best friend sends him a dirty look.

"Difference is I actually like him," Kiara hisses.

"Uh look I can go—" Theo starts, only for JJ to grab his wrist and pull him to sit down beside him on the small couch. "Okay then,"

"I gotta say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this," Pope is the one who speaks up now, effectively drawing the attention away from Theo which he's extremely grateful for.

"When are you not uncomfortable?" John B asks him.

"I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably,"

"It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him," JJ butts in, backing his friend up.

"That's cute, guys,"

"You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her,"  Kiara states angrily.

Theo wants to leave, he really does. The last thing he wants is to witness a full on fist fight which seems pretty imminent right now.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah exclaims, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Then leave,"

"I told you," Sarah directs the words at John B who almost looks at a loss.

"Told him what, exactly? That you're a liar?"

"No, that you're a shit-talking bitch,"

Theo cringes a little as JJ laughs beside him, all of them seemingly a little taken aback by the girl's words. Theo knew all about the breakdown of their friendship, he'd hugged the girl as she cried about being excluded from Sarah's birthday party, this fight has been coming for a long time.

"When have I lied?" Sarah asks.

"My money's on Kie," JJ mumbles quietly and Theo gently smacks his arm, shaking his head.

"You get somebody close to you–" Kiara starts.

"I didn't lie about shit!"

"Everybody shut up! Kie, you are my best friend, right? And Sarah, you're – you're my—" John B stutters through his sentence.

"You're my girlfriend,"

Theo's eyebrows lift up, surprise washing over his face as the blonde smiles at John B.

"She's your girlfriend now? What was all that talk about you were just using her for information? Get a map, cut her loose," Kiara is the furthest thing from happy.

"That's kind of fucked," Theo mumbles under his breath, enticing a quiet chuckle from the boy beside him.

"Look, love just walked in, okay?" John B defends himself.

"Oh, vomit,"

Theo's going to have to agree with Kiara on this one.

"I didn't expect it. It just–it kind of happened. And I'm not gonna deny it. Right?"

"Look, cut the bullshit, John B. If she's in, I'm out,"

"I'm not doing this. I can't!"

"You are gonna decide. I'm very interested, actually. Me or her?"


Theo watches Kiara's face, the way it seems to fall at what the other boy had said. John B doesn't even have time to say anything else before the girl has rushed out the door and let it slam behind her. Theo wants to go after her, speak with her but Pope is gone before he can even really think about it. Sarah leaves not long after.

Theo sits there, JJ and John B seemingly having their own conversation just by looking at each other.

"Look, I think I might head out too — this has been a-uh-interesting experience," Theo speaks, smiling slightly.

John B nods his head, seemingly exhausted by the last ten or so minutes, but JJ follows Theo out the door and towards his car.

"I promise we're not always like that," JJ comments casually, a cheeky grin on his face. Theo doesn't quite believe that.

"I've seen worse, can promise you that," Theo replies.

"You don't have to go, man. I'm sure Kiara will come around eventually or John B will fix it, I dunno. I thought you'd be all interested in this kind of thing,"

"What kind of thing?"

JJ smiles. "Our treasure hunt,"

Theo isn't quite sure what to say to that but he manages to repeat JJ's words back to him. The blonde nods his head. "And why would I be interested in that?"

"You know, cause you're kind of nerdy,"

A laugh falls from his lips, a genuine one, face lighting up as JJ looks at the happiness on his face. JJ cannot really say he's ever seen the boy so carefree, Theo usually worrying about something. The crinkle between his eyebrows a characteristic of Theo's face that the blonde has grown used to seeing, it's not visible right now however.

"Plus, there's a shit ton of money involved too," JJ adds, the idea of all that cash clearly something he's fond of.

"I don't need money, JJ," Theo responds.

"No, but I thought maybe you could come along anyway,"


"Because I like having you around,"

JJ says it so casually, shrugging his shoulders as if he hadn't just caused Theo's heart rate to rise — flash of happiness coursing through him. Theo's features do soften even further though, his lips unconsciously pulling up into a small smile that he hopes isn't too obvious.

"Just, uh, just text me," Theo says after a few moments, leaning forward and hugging JJ for a few moments. He's not quite sure what had gone through his mind when he'd done it, his body moving on its own accord. He goes to pull away, thinking that he's ruined any sort of friendship they'd managed to build, only for the other boy to wrap his arms around him in response.

The gentle sounds of waves crashing in the distance and the soft breaths of JJ Maybank against the skin of his neck, a sense of comfort that he's never felt before and yet craves all the same.


Hi! Hi! It's been so long, how have you all been?

I'm sorry this chapter is kind of boring and whatnot, hopefully I'll start updating this story more regularly!

Thank you for being patient and see you next time!

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