Duke It Out

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I have decided there shall be a third Midnight book and the next chap after this should conclude a drop off then the third will be out hopefully before Midnight and I's birthday.

Dusk waiting for Abigail to finish the spell walked down the large hall. To a decorated bedroom door, she opened it stepping into a nursery. Erin laid in a decorated cradle cooing. Dusk smiled as he made small noises, and picked him up humming. As she looked into his bright, sparkling, blue eyes she felt something. She felt love and as if it were magic the hatred, she held so dear to her melted away. She wept while cradling Erin she realized how foolish she was. She had no right to have done all the things she had done. She regretted it and she felt the need to redeem herself. And she knew the first thing she could do was apologize to sister and ask for forgiveness. Her sister was very forgiving and kind, maybe just maybe Dusk could be a better person. As she had hoped when all the hatred and jealously left her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Abigail flew down from the sky straight at Midnight, slamming her body force on Mid sending her flying off the horse. Midnight screamed as she hit the ground, she didn't know that Abigail was that powerful. "Look I'm just here for my son!" Wailed Midnight who was in a lot of pain from the impact. "Oh I'm sorry but I can't let you have him." Said Abigail pausing grabbing Mid by her chin, before she wickedly continued. "Friend." Abigail grinned and teleported her and Mid into the palace circling each other. Mid glared and shot a orb of magic at Abigail. The wicked, twisted, and spiteful friend Mid once knew dodged every attack. "You really haven't figured it out? You can't beat me." Abigail said gritting her teeth, holding Mid by her neck. Up against a wall raising her hand. "Say goodbye!" She screeched as her flaming hand was raised high into the air. Suddenly what looked like a white light shot across the room, extinguishing the flames from Abigail's hand. Abigail snapped her head around to see Dusk standing there with her hand pointed. "Step away from my sister." Growled Dusk who was protecting her sister. Mid blinked in surprise, "Dusk what are you doing?" She cried out in confusion. "Isn't it obvious I'm protecting my little sister!" Retorted Dusk, Mid smirked and flew over to Dusk. Nodding to each other the both of them began to use their dark magic. Black shadow like waves spiraled at Abigail, it backfired when Abigail threw her arms out destroying them. As if it were nothing at all she smirked and walked forward. "Call off the spell!" Shouted Dusk as she did Abigail grinned and the darkness began to retract. "Fine but it's going to cost you." With that she stabbed Dusk and vanished. Dusk blinked and looked down as the blood began to ooze from her side. Her knees gave out and she began to crumple to the floor, Midnight cried out in shock and caught her big sister laying her in her lap. Dusk coughed up blood. "Just so you know your son is in the old nursery." Asserted Dusk as she stared into Midnight's eyes. "Did I ever tell you that you look cool with white eyes?" She smirked trying to be happy for Midnight. Midnight let out a small laugh while tears rolled down her cheeks. "No you never told me that but thanks." She smiled at Dusk and Dusk gave a weak but sincere smile back. Before drawing one last breath, and her head tilted back and she was gone. Midnight let out a cry and hugged her sister's limp body. "N-No not you to I don't care how mean you were to me, I still loved you your my big sis. Your not supposed to leave me we were supposed to have each other's backs. How can we do that now?! Your the only family I have left please don't go too please!" She sobbed but it was no use her sister was dead. But as Midnight have figured out before she died, she chose to receive her little Midnight's forgiveness. She couldn't have died happier knowing it wasn't to late for her. And as Dusk lived her last few moments she saw her mother and father above her arms outstretched, they had forgave her this whole time. And welcomed her into their open arms, just the way she always wanted it to be. Then everything went a bright white then to nothing.

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