The Beating Heart

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"A heart?" Asked Dusk, "Don't you have one?" She asked once more. Abigail shook her head sighing, "Let me explain." She started as Dusk listened intently. "It was late one night my two older sisters, Claire and Brook and I shared a room together. I kept having this off feeling something bad was going to happen I kept thinking. I got out of the bed & crept over to Claire I lightly shook her. I kept telling her something was wrong. She went to tell me to go back to bed...She was cut off by screams coming from downstairs. Claire jumped up to see what was happening Brook followed. I tried to tag along but at the top of the stairs but was stopped. I was forced to stay upstairs as they continued down the staircase. I waited as Claire and Brook went down grabbing their swords in case. I grabbed mine it was very different from their's it had a red handle. I waited till they came running up pale, Claire carried me downstairs in the corner my parents lay dead and blood was everywhere. I screamed when I saw a squid hybrid looking at me with such hate in his eyes. That squid hybrid yelled for the others to get me. Brook ran in front of us stabbing the hybrids to death till there was one left he backed us into a corner. He reached out to pick me up and carry me away with him. I screamed throwing my hand in front of me terrified not wanting to look at him. I heard him scream and looked up he was at the other end of the room burnt to crisp. I saw the smoke rising from my palm then out of the corner of my eye saw red streaks in my hair. I stared at them dumbstruck and ran to the mirror, my dark brown eyes were turning magenta and my hair was turning a dark ruby red. That's when my sisters stared at me in shock. And that was when the last bit of human in me vanished. My heart withered away." Abigail said then she shed a few tears then wailed as they hissed and burned her flesh. Dusk for once felt sorry and bad for her. Dusk grabbed a tissue and began drying Abigail's cheeks. "Why do you want a heart?" Abigail shot up and turned to her before replying. "I want a heart because I miss the beating of one, I miss the emotions. Yes I have emotions without a heart, but they are not as real and deep. I miss the happiness I once had with my heart." Dusk simply nodded. "Now to help you Dusk I know a way to stop Midnight and the rest of the weaklings." Abigail grinned and teleported on top of the palace, levitating off the roof she began to chant. As she did the sky darkened and it thundered and lightening. The wind started to increase as Abigail chanted faster and faster. Abigail's eyes glowed red and she cried out the last of the chant. Darkness swept over the land as the evil within Abigail began to grow.
"Hey uh Midnight I think you may need to see this!" Cried Wolf pointing at the horizon. The darkness was indeed sweeping, over the land even faster then Dusk or Abigail assumed. Midnight turned and saw the dark billowing, tumbling, clouds roll their way and she felt the wind gust. "Thank god for those underground tunnels we built you and Silver need to get all the children and everyone else underground." She said walking over to a horse hoisting herself over onto the saddle. "I will have that done." Said Wolf. "But what about you?" Asked Silver who had just walked up with Zero, CJ, Toxic, and the others. Midnight calmly looked at Silver and smirked. "I'll be there with you all soon, I just have to go get back my son." Was all she said riding away on the horse straight into the direct path of the darkness...That was coming.

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