8. Delusions and Illusions

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You will never understand,
all of this mess was never planned.

She just wanted to feel pretty,
she was never fond of pity.

She wanted to feel like she belongs somewhere,
she was in great despair.

After a while, she knew that she was not going to be the pretty one,
whenever she looked in the mirror, she would feel the urge to run.

She hated her face,
and her pimples and freckles that she wished to erase.

She hated her reflection,
it's not like she wanted perfection.

She just wanted to feel comfortable in her own skin,
so she decided to be thin.

She started to think that skinny is the ultimate beauty,
she wanted to be called a 'cutie'.

Being skinny became her goal,
even if it was hurting her soul.

She became blinded by the idea of being thin,
She thought that by this, she would become as happy as she has ever been.

But she lost herself to every dark thought,
and the consequences it brought.

She lost the ability to see her real reflection,
poor her...she needed protection.

She needed somebody to protect her from her mind,
but sadly, she became blind.

Her vision was clouded with delusions,
and she failed to see that she fell in love with some illusions.

-Sara Islam

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