Chapter 4

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Midnightpaw stared apprehensively at the murky water, still unwilling to jump it.

"Oh, come on, Midnightpaw!" Foxpaw called. "It's fun!"

Easy for her to say, Midnightpaw thought bitterly. Foxpaw was a natural swimmer, and seemed to love it. Sunpaw, while not as graceful, was at least having fun, while Lavenderpaw seemed anxious and tense in the water. Still, she swam around the river, as if determined to learn to swim.

This river is seperated from our camp by only a stone wall, Diamondring had said. It's important to learn to swim in it.

"Yeah!" Sunpaw agreed. "Please?"

Midnightpaw touched the water with a paw, then jerked back. "No! I don't want to!"

"Join us!" Lavenderpaw called.

Midnightpaw turned to her sister in surprise. Her voice sounded strange, with a certain nervousness and forced cheerfulness about it. "Well..." 

Sensing her resolve breaking, Sunpaw paddled to the edge. "Pleeeeaaaase?"

His blue eyes grew into huge pools. Midnightpaw sighed. "Oh, fine!"

Holding her breath, she slid in.

It was horrible. She went under the surface immediately and opening her eyes did no good. All she could see was a murky green light. She couldn't hear anything, and she resisted the urge to breath.

What had Diamondring said to do? Kick? She flailed her legs hopelessly until she found a strategy that actually propelled her forward. Her muzzle broke the surface and she gasped.

"Cold!" she yelped, paddling frantically in a circle. "Cold! Cold!"

"You get used to it," Lavenderpaw said, still in that same, strange voice.

"Chase me!" Foxpaw urged her.

Unable to resist the challenge, Midnightpaw dove after her sister.

By sunhigh, she was splashing and playing with the rest of them. She still didn't love the water, but maybe it wasn't so terrible. Her swimming skills improved dramatically and even Lavenderpaw seemed to be having fun. The lesson was a success.

Little did she know, that same lesson would save her life.

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