Bubbles and Bunny

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Yay! Im done at last!
This took me foreverrrrrr. 6 hours in total.

I think it looks ok.

I painted this image of me and Bunny, the obsessed bubbles people.

We're good irl friends and I forgot to do something for her birthday, so Bunny consider this an *extremely* late birthday gift.

Yay? It looks okish. I went way overboard with the eyes and I couldn't resist the bubbles.

Here's a cropped version.

Bubbles (left) {the cat}
Bunny (right) {the bunny}

Time: 6 hoursish

Equipment: Wacom Pad Tablet

Software: Photoshop CC 2017

I hope you guys like it! I killed my hand with the fur.

Bunnylover426 I'm tagging you.

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