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Where's the yelling possessive Jaxon? He kept on taking glances at me and he laughed whenever I caught him this was too much and I was beginning to wonder if he was going insane.

"Jaxon are you okay?" I asked.

"yeah I feel great" he laughed and he kept driving and I finally spotted my dorm room and he pulled over in front of it.

"thanks" I said getting down.

"it's nothing should I wait for you or you'll meet me in class?" he asked.

"no thanks I'll meet you in class" I said and he smiled and waved before driving off, I'm really surprised by his attitude.

I walked into my room making sure to close the door behind me I looked over at Maddie's bed I'm surprised she isn't there she wasn't a morning person I took off my clothes from yesterday and entered the shower and immediately the cold water hits me I relaxed hell I even started singing I guess Jaxon's stupid happy attitude was rubbing off on me.

After enjoying the shower and feeling like I am at home with my dad I come out and almost go in again but I recall that I have classes and groaned.

I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a skirt a bit over the knee and a tank top why do I feel in such a good mood?.

No reason just that Jaxon made you come

I tied my hair in bunches leaving some strands falling over my face I'm aware I look like a child but right now I don't care I was too happy to.

I tossed my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the room over to my car and started the engine, drove over to class humming happily why the hell was I so happy? After class today I was going to look for a new apartment where I could stay I sighed as I parked my car and headed towards class and found Jaxon sitting in Scott's seat beside mine

Scott's seat

I really wanted to ignore him and sit somewhere else but I decided against it and sat beside him.

"hey" I heard him whisper as soon as I sat down but it wasn't Jaxon's voice I turned to look beside me it's Scott I glanced at Jaxon and he had a frown perched on his lips and he's glaring at Scott.

"babe stand up" he ordered.

"why?" I asked I can't believe I just asked that I was in the danger of two, piercing green eyes and scary grey eyes.

"now" Jaxon said through gritted teeth and I sighed and stood up but a hand came over mine and it sent a weird feeling down my spine something I've never felt before and I turn around to see Scott's large white hand over my wrist and he pulled me back down seriously how can anyone be so white.

"Jenna!" Jaxon warned.

"he won't let go of me" I whispered to him and he glanced over at Scott's hand which is still over mine sending goosebumps all around me.

"let her go" Jaxon commanded

"why? So you can keep controlling her?" Scott asked and Jaxon's eyes widened and I prayed for the professor to come in the last thing I wanted was for both of them to fight and I know Jaxon has a bad temper. Wait why would he fight we weren't dating or anything.

"last warning Scott or......."

"or you'll what?" Scott said interrupting Jaxon with a wicked grin spreading on his pink lips and I stepped in front of Jaxon before he pounced on Scott.

"relax there's no point fighting with you when there's nothing to fight over" Scott said that evil grin spreading on his face.

He literally just said I'm nothing


He let go of my hand and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"she's not stupid you know, she can think and make decisions for herself daddy" Scott mocked and Jaxon ignored him and sat in between us.

"I guess she is" Scott smirked leaning deeper into his chair when the fuck will the professor get here.

"stay away from him" Jaxon whispered in my ear for the 100th time since I met Scott and as always I nodded. I shouldn't be obeying him maybe I was stupid.

Love is stupid

Finally thank God! The useless professor finally appeared and started the class I glanced over at Scott and Jaxon. Jaxon's eyes are focused on the professor and Scott's eyes are burning into mine which immediately makes me look away.


Class was finally over and as always I was the last person to leave I watched as Scott walked right past me and doesn't say anything.


I walked over to my car and Jaxon is in front of it with his phone at his ear. When will this guy realize he is not my boyfriend.

Hey guys sorry it took longer than usual to update school stuff I'll try to update once a week from now on till I'm free sorry you have to wait hope you enjoyed the chapter leave your comments

XOXO ❤️💖

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