Seven Deadly Sins

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"Up next is based on one of my favorite worlds, the Seven Deadly Sins." The voice says with giddy.

"The Seven Deadly Sins?" Yaoyorozu asks. "Yes. In this worls, seven of you are brave knights chosen by the king of the kingdom if Liones. Each one of you a former criminal for committing a crime relating to one of your sins. But one day, you were all framed for killing the grand holy knight and went into hiding and departed for 10 years. Until the youngest princess, Ochako, went looking for the Sins to save her kingdom from the corruption of two holy knights that imprisoned her father and want to bring back the demon race so they can have a war." The voice explains.

Everyone is silent as they hear this explanation. "That's a lot to take in." Kaminari says with the anime eye swirls. "So which of us has which sin?" Midoriya asks. "It's good you ask that, because you Midoriya are the leader of the Sins and titled 'The Dragon Sin of Wrath'." He tells him.

"L-Leader?! Wrath?!" Midoriya says shocked. "That doesn't seem like Midoriya." Iida says pushing his glasses up. "You gotta remember, we're each different in these worlds." Kirishima reminds them. "That's right. And you, Kirishima are the 'Bear Sin if Sloth', and the kind of the fairies. You're more commonly called 'King' by everyone." He tells them. "Fairies? So I'm a small little guy with wings?" He asks. "No. You appear the size of a regular person, and your use a special spear made from the Fairy Tree. It can take many forms and can be used in different ways." He explains. "That sounds cool."

"Bakugou. You're 'The Fox Sin of Greed'. You have the power to steal. For instance, you were able to steal the heart out of a demon, and can even steal the energy from someone. You're also immortal from drinking water from the fountain of youth," He explains. "Awesome." "You're also best friends with Midoriya." This makes hi freeze and creek his neck over to Midoriya.

"Ashido. You're 'The Serpent Sin of Envy'. You're a member of the giant race, but also have a kind heart. You have the ability to control the earth and is made stronger when you wield your hammer." "That sounds cool!" Ashido exclaims.

"Todoroki. Your sin is the 'Goat Sin of Lust'." Everyone was surprised by this. "Lust?" "Don't question it. You have the ability to mess with people's minds and even alter their memories." He says and he slouches back.

"Midnight. You are the 'Boar Sin of Gluttony'. You have the greatest magical abilities among the sins and very smart. You're glutton for vast knowledge." He explains. "As long as I can keep my figure I'll be any sin you please." Midnight says making some of the guys blush.

"Alright. Now this takes place-" "Wait. What about Pride? There are seven and you only listed six." Iida interrupts. "That's because I have something special planned for the one with Pride." He says. "Now as I was saying. This takes place when they fight one of the holy knights that took over, Hawks. He was taken over 10 years prior by a demon, but possessed Endeavor as to revive his people. But he laid dormant and allowed Hawks to take command. Now the 6 of the sins have gathered to defeat him once and for all."

"Alright! Let's do this already!" Bakugou yells.

We open in a a dark screen and Midoriya speaks up. "Good new, bad news. We made it down okay, but it's pitch dark." Then Kirishima speaks up. "Chastifol seventh configuration 'Luminosity.'" Then the cave light up with Kirishima holding a glowing orb and two three others are in the cave. Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki. "That thing of yours sure come sin handy, huh?" Midoriya says leaning to the side

"So that's how it works?" Kirishima says. "Yes, but is a little more complicated than that." The voice says.

Todoroki points their attention towards something. "Look. A trail of blood." They see a blood trail leading somewhere. They follow it and see Hawks with some of his right half covered in a dark energy.

"What is that stuff on him?" Uraraka asks. "Demon energy. He drank the blood of a red demon to gain power and control over those that also drank the blood." 

"I have to thank you, Fox Sin Bakugou for making this possible. If not for you, I wouldn't have been able to acquire the power of the red demon." He says taunting them. "I'm always happy to help." He says sarcastically.

"What is he talking about?" Bakugou asks. "You killed a demon and got the fountain of youth's water, but at the price of the fairy king's forest." He explains. "Wait. The fairy king's forest. What happened there?" Kirishima asks. "No more questions." The voice says.

"It's been a trying process, seeking bodies capable of withstanding the power of the red demon. But unlike the red demon, this one's blood will bring instant death to those unlucky enough to receive it." He says gesturing to something hidden in shadows." Kirishima uses his weapon to show some of the demon and Hawks tells them that with the red demon blood in him, he'll be compatible with the grey demon's blood. "This is..." Midoriya says in shock. "The grey demon, who's remains were discovered years ago." He said with the demon fully shown.

"He's insane." Iida says.

He takes out a dropper and takes some of the grey demon's blood. "I had hoped to experiment further, but if my hypothesis is correct..." He injects himself. "If I can take the red demon's blood, then I can take this as well!" He says and starts feeling the blood and power flow through him. He then starts glowing and changes with a shorter haircut and the dark power on his right side is gone. "Enji, my friend. If only you'd lived to witness this with me." 

"Endeavor died?" Yaoyorozu asked shocked and looks over to Todoroki to see how he reacts, but he's slurping on a bowl of soba he pulled out of nowhere.

Bakugou goes it to attack. "Kacchan! Wait!" Midoriya yells at him. Bakugou hits him with his weapon and Hawks glows more. "Ha! How do you like that?" Then the glow shines brighter and Bakugou's upper half gets blown off.

"Bakugou!" His classmates yell. "Immortal, remember." Bakugou said and everyone goes quiet.

"What is that thing?" Kirishima asks shocked. "I don't know. But whatever that thing is, it isn't human anymore." Midoriya says as Hawks is shown with dark wings, grayed skin, red sclera with yellow eyes. Horns and cracks on his face. They're then blown out of the cave and they're surrounded by knights looking in terror at the monster in front of them.

Hawks' gaze falls upon an unconscious Uraraka and walks towards her. Midoriya runs up with weapon in hand. "He's going after Ochako! Don't let him near her!" He slashes at him, but it does nothing. Hawks knocks him back with the back of his arm, and Todoroki comes in. "Rewrite Light." Hawks appears behind him and chops his head off. 

"Todoroki!" The class screams in horror. "He'll be fine." The class just looks at the air like he's smoked on too many.

Small dark orbs surround Hawks. "Dark Snow." He releases it across the field and it starts falling form the sky. It comes into contact with someone and it makes them completely black. Iida catches one of them. "He's dead!" He announces to everyone and warns them to stay away from the evil snow.  Many knights attack them with their strongest techniques relentlessly. But they do nothing as he stands with no scratch.

"He's so relentless and ruthless." Sero says looking in horror.

Uraraka wakes up and sees what's happening before her eyes. "I don't want anyone else dying or getting hurt because of me. Please, run!" She yells at them but it fails as they are quickly taken down by Hawks.

Then a star shape earth pillar sends him into the air. "Meteor Hammer!" Ashido yells with her hammer in hand. "Now King!" She yells at her friend. "Spirit Spear Chastifol, fifth configuration..." Hawks breaks free using a dark vortex that blows them away and aims it for Uraraka. Midoriya stands in front of her to protect her, and the vortex disappears.

"Just like Midoriya to protect someone like that." Iida says.

"Good job guys. Way to show him who's boss around here." Bakugou says finally regenerated, but is cut him half again when Hawks lands on him.

"Oh come on!" Bakugou yells.

Hawks looks around and sees everyone on the ground clinging to their lives while they can. "Like sheep for the slaughter." He looks over and sees Midoriya still standing, even from that attack. "I admit, I'm impressed." "Sir Midoriya. I..." Ochako starts, but he falls down to the gorund before she could finish. Hawks then uses an attack to kill Midoriya, but a pig jumps in the way to take the attack.

"Why is a pig blocking that attack?" Kaminari asks. "That pig is a talking pig, and is one of the main characters of this universe." He explains briefly. "Okay." Kaminari just accepts.

"What are you doing? Get out of here!" He yells at the pig. "Sorry Midoriya. But I have to protect you so you can protect Uraraka. Just hang in there. I'll save ya crazy bastards." He says. And is then taken in the attack and turned bitch black. Midoriya and Uraraka look at their friend and Uraraka starts crying over him. "To think you were saved by a lowly farm animal.  That's what I called bad luck." Hawks says taunting them. "Bad luck? Never." Midoriya says angry.

"He fucked up." Sato says.

Uraraka goes up to the animal friend and hugs him and begs him to speak. "You won't get another chance." Hawks says warning them. "Hawks. You're really starting to piss me off." Midoriya says, then something starts glowing behind him and a light bursts forward into the air. Small light particles start falling onto everyone and their wounds starts healing.

"What's going on?" Tokoyami asks.

All the dead plants come back to life, everyone's wounds heal, and the light dies down. "What a bother. It appears the blood flowing through a druid priest's veins has finally awakened. Apostle of the goddesses." He says as it shows Uraraka glowing with her right eye in an odd color and shape. They look at her in amazement and Uraraka snaps out of her trance.

"Whoa. That's some power." Shoji comments.

Everyone prepares to fight Hawks. But four stand center. He rushes at Midoriya, but Bakugou twists his arm and Midoriya uppercuts him into the air. Ashido then slams him into the side of a cliff with her hammer. He flies out for an attack, but is stopped when a spear pierces him from the air into the ground.

"Yeah! Fuck him up!" Bakugou yells at himself.

Hawks releases himself and fixes his arm. "Damn. I ripped that arm off, but it looks like it didn't take. This guy's turning out to be a bigger pain in the ass than I thought." Bakugou says annoyed. "This isn't over yet. Shoto! Spread the word about the attack we talked about!" He yells. "Captain. Shoto's not, um..." They turn to where his body is, but his body stands on its own holding his detached. He's patting the ground to look for something. "Now where are my glasses?" "He's still alive?" Kirishima says shocked. "There. Roger that captain." He says striking a pose.

Everyone has no words. Some fainted, some threw up. Aizawa stares blankly. Eri's eyes are covered by Midoriya and Uraraka.

He hold his hands out towards everyone. "Broadcast." He says and a beam goes from his hand passing through everyone's minds individually. "What's this?" Kaminari says in confusion. "It's like Todoroki sent instructions directly into my head." Kirishima says surprised. "Is this seriously out plan?" Bakugou asks. "Captain. Are you sure about this?" Ashido asks. "Alright everyone. Time to get started." Midoriya says preparing for an attack.

"Whatever Midoriya plans, I know it'll be good." Todoroki says.

He releases his own darkness and disables his powers. "You disabled your powers." Hawks takes notice. Midoriya rushes at him, but Hawks evades and throws a punch. But Midoriya manages to catch it. He flips Hawks off his rock into the ground. Midoriya jumps off and delivers another blow.

"King. What do we do?" Ashido asks. Kaminari struggles to make a decision, but makes it and raises his sword into the air. "Lightning King Iron Hammer!" He yells and lightning comes down onto Midoriya and Hawks.

"What are you doing you moron?!" Jiro yells and slams her fist onto Kaminari's head.

"He must've been focused on a quick attack and not aim." Hawks says flotaing in the air after Midoriya's grip was loosened. Another knight aimed his weapon. "Gravity x30." He increases gravity around them. "Rising Tornado!" Iida yells. Hawks disperses the tornado and rushes at another knight, but is put into a hold by Midoriya. "Your fight's with me, punk!" Another shoots explosions out, but does nothing. "Do you really intend to sacrifice yourself just to slow me down. I won't say it's not commendable, but it appears you're the only one sustaining any damage." He says as they see Midoriya taking lots of damage.

"This must be their plan." Yaoyorozu says with her eyes glued to the screen.

Midoriya slashes at Hawks, but he blocks every blow. "It seems princess Ochako only healed your physical strength." He blows Midoriya into the air with a dark flame attack. "Even if you were using your powers, I doubt you have enough to muster Full Counter." He says with arrogance. 

"Muster what?" Midoriya asks confused. "Your magical power. You can reflect back any magical ability with double the power." The voice explains. "That's so powerful when used properly." Iida says with his finger on his chin.

Midoriya smiles and falls to the ground. He stands up and stares at Hawks. "Dark Nebula." He says and is surrounded by the same attack he used previously against Kirishima and Ashido. "Don't underestimate me." Midoriya says pushing through and putting Hawks into a headlock. Rocks lift from the ground and Ashido pummels them with the barrage. "Spirit Spear Chastifol fourth configuration, Sunflower." He says as a giant sunflower sprouts from the ground and a beam shoots out from it and hits them.

"Holy shit!" Kirishima yells. "Language." Aizawa scolds him.

"You're a mystery to me, Midoriya of the Seven Deadly Sins. You were framed and exiled. Yet here you are. Gladly sacrificing yourself for your kingdom. A pointless endeavor since I'm going to destroy it." Hawks says. "Oh yeah. Don't be so sure." Bakugou says jumping behind him. "Fight if you insist. But you might kill your captain. Another attack and it'll do precisely that. You'll never succeed in killing me."

"Who the hell says that? I'll kill you myself!" Bakugou yells. 

"Yeah, well, it's worth a shot. Vanishing Kill!" He slashes Midoriya and blood gushes out. "What do you think, captain? Is that enough?" Bakugou asks. "Yeah." Midoriya says and he releases off energy that sends a light out. "What is this? This magical power?!" Hawks says in confusion. "I can't be." "Oh yeah. I can be. Revenge Counter!"

"Hell yeah! I knew Midoriya had something up his sleeve!" Kirishima yells standing up and pumping his fist into the air.

"Turning off his magical power allowed him to store and charge every magical attack he received and release them simultaneously. Unable to contain such power, he will inevitably self destruct. it's not perfect, but it's the best chance we've got." Todoroki explains.

"You don't stand a chance. Why do you insist on standing in my way?!" Hawks yells in anger. "You don't get it, do you Hawks?" Midoriya says floating into the air. "You walked away from everything important in your life. For a magical power your about to lose." Hawks looks in horror at the sight before him. Midoriya strikes him and a flash of light envelopes them. "And that is your sin!"

"Yeah!" Most of the class yells.

An explosion goes off and Midoriya falls to the ground. He flips onto the ground. But falls back again. Uraraka goes to him and helps him up. They stare at each other and enjoy each other's sight.

Ashido looks at them and smiles. Both the alternate ones and the real ones.

Repairs around the kingdom begin and everyone enjoys themselves. We cut to Midnight and Midoriya. "So you can't find the coffin of eternal darkness?" He asks her. "No. I used my powers to search far and wide, but no luck." She answers him. "Then where the heck is it?" He ponders.

"The what?" Midnight asks. "It's the thing that sealed the demons to the demon realm." The voice explains.

We zoom in Kirishima sitting alone. "Oh jeez. Poor Mina. She must be so depressed right now. Seeing the captain and lady Ochako like that. Hey! Why am I sad? Now's my chance to get Mina o notice me." He says excitedly.

"Why would I be upset about that?" Ashido asks. "Well because you had a crush on Midoriya and were jealous whenever he and Uraraka would get close. But don't worry. You'll see something else in a moment to make things right."

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima hears Mina and when he turns he sees her smaller. He goes down to get an explanation. "Midnight made a potion to keep me small for a little while. Well, at least until they can make some new clothes for me." She explains. He stares at her in disbelief. "Why? Do these clothes look bad on me or something?" She asks him. "No." "Maybe it;s me then because I'm little." "No that's not it at all. I don't care what you look like at all. It's what inside that matters." 

"Just get together already!" Kaminari yells at the two. The real ones. "What are you talking about?" Kirishima says blushing. "Did I fucking stutter?" He asks.

He then gets and idea. "I got it. The festival. It's the perfect time to ask someone to go with you. I bet if you ask the captain." He suggests. 'I'm such an idiot.' "You're right. It is the perfect time to ask someone. So King. How about we go together?" She asks him. He looks at her in disbelief. "What?" "I said, let's go together. Okay?"

"Aw~. That's so sweet!" Hagakure mushes at the cute scene on front of her.

The last scene shown is Ochako, her sisters, Momo and Jiro, and their father eating and discussing. They take notice that Ochako is distracted. "Ochako." Her father says getting her attention. "Yes?" "Today, the Seven Deadly Sins are leaving the kingdom." She's taken back by this. "They're leaving, but whe-" "They're going to king Mirio's country, Camelot."

"They're leaving?" Uraraka asks. "Mirio is a king?" Midoriya says. "He's the king of Camelot?" Momo asks.

Ochako looks out the window to see a giant green pig with a house on top. "Ochako!" Midoriya yells coming down a ladder. "Hey. I forgot something important. I said I'd help you find all seven  of us. But one's still missing. So? You wanna come?" He offers her. "Yes!" She accepts and climbs out the window into his arms. "Later your highness." The giant pig starts going off.

"Haha! My ship" Ashido yells.

"Sorry we didn't pick you up earlier." Ashido says. "Yeah. We've never kidnapped a princess before." Kirishima says. "I'm so glad to be with you again." She greets them. Bakugou walks up in a new coat. "Captain, just so you know. I'm planning on taking off today. See the world. You know how it is." He says holding a bag. Everyone is taken back by this. "You're coming back, right?" He asks him. "Yeah. We still got a score to settle. He jumps off and is followed by Kirishima. The scene ends with them riding off for a new future.

"What did you guys think?" The voice asks. "I liked it. But I wish we got to see pride." Midoriya says. "Don't worry. You will." The voice says with excitement.

Chapter end. Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote, and to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!

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