Spirit animals & Powers

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LAST NAME: Griffin

AGE: 18 y/o
BIRTHDAY: 2th of August

PREFERENCES: He doesn't really have preferences as he isn't directly involved with love yet. But I think someone who has a somewhat like-minded character would suit him best.

Kind | Self insured | Trust Worthy
Luke is a friendly boy. He is confident and will not be pushed out of his place. He's the kind of person you can talk to when you're having trouble or turn to when you have problems. He will always stand up for friends, if he gets hurt himself he will never just show it. He's very good at holding up a mask or cover, but underneath he can be quite insecure. He is always strong and fearless, but in the end everyone is insecure sometimes.
Short temper | Insecure | easily distracted
Luke has a pretty short fuse when it comes to arguing. He's not likely to throw a punch, but if you really insult him or get into his face, he's not afraid to fight back. Besides the strong side that he always shows, he can be very insecure. Especially about his powers, he knows that they are dangerous and is afraid of hurting people dear to him. Another point is that he is easily distracted. If they are in a class and have to pay attention, he quickly scribbles something in his book or sprays he staring out.

- being alone
- controlling eclectic devices like tiny race cars or trains
- messing with people
- the dark
- when people want to get close
- bullies
- water
- hurting others
HOBBIES: listening to music, skateboarding ehh and that's it I guess
TICS: If he is very nervous, he can sometimes pace or wiggle his knee when sitting, but then it must be really bad.
MENTAL DISABILITIES: Not a disability but he's afraid of deep water, he can't swim.

FC: Rudy Pankow
JEWLERY: he wears a wrist band wich shows him how dangerous he is at the moment. 1 stripe is good but 5 is very dangerous.
OTHER MARKS: he has some scars but nothing to serious.

- Mother : dead
- Father : Not in the picture
- Little brother : adopted by another family

Kinda short this I know. Luke and his brother lived with their mother in a small cozy house. She died of cancer when they were quite young and they didn't really have any other relatives so they were taken to the orphanage. Here Luke was always very overprotective about his little brother. This is where his character has developed the most. He often got into trouble and was a bit of the trouble maker of the orphanage. Eventually the brothers got separated when his little brother was adopted and Luke was not. He hasn't seen him since then, but once he finishes school, he'll definitely visit him and maybe take care of his worries.

POWER: Electricity
ABILITIES: Luke's powers are very complex. He can controle and manipulate electricity . He himself also consists entirely of electrically charged current. He may look human but it is nothing compared; with a flesh and blood body. Wen using his power his veins glow. His eyes glow and sparks come out of his hands. Thanx to his special body he can teleport through the electric current. This is only possible if he is near electricity so in the forest or something he is on his own. And this is very very hard so he doesn't have it under controle yet.
He can be strong or weak at times. If he is weak he must absorb electricity to become stronger. The stronger the more he can do with his powers. For example, when fully charged, it can even summon lightning or create a kind of blast. He can also use his power against people wich makes him very dangerous. You don't want to make him angry because if he explodes he can electrifie the whole house or a big cirkel around him. When you touch him you can also feel the electricity. Your hair will raise for example.
But for his and the safety of others he wears a wrist band wich shows him how dangerous he is at the moment. 1 stripe is good but 5 is very dangerous. He also has a weakness wich is water. Putting him in water will cool everything down.
SIDE EFFECTS: He doesn't really have much control over his powers yet. He therefore always wears a wristband that shows him when he enters the danger zone. If so, he needs to isolate himself for a while to calm down.
If he gets under too much power and really goes over his limit, he will lose control anyway and will probably explode only to come back somewhere later. In short, you don't want to experience this.
CHARACTERS OPINION: He sees his gift as a curse. Apart from the fact that he can give people small shocks to make them freak out, he sees no point in it. He considers himself dangerous and does not immediately dare to give someone a hug or something because he is afraid of losing control and then hurting that person.

ANIMAL NAME: Rhaenyra (Rhae, sounds like Rey)
GENDER: Female
PERSONALITY: Rhaenyra is about the same as Luke in terms of personality. She has a funny personality and is not easily scared. She has a pretty scary look with the huge claws but underneath it all is just a very sweet bird.
RELATIONSHIP WITH OC: Luke never thought he could get attached to a bird at first. But here they are like best buddies.


FIRST NAME: Archibald
LAST NAME: Johnson
NICKNAME: Archie, Arch

AGE: 16 y/o
BIRTHDAY: 11th of july

GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/him
SEXUALITY: Bisexual (He hasn't discovered much about his sexuality yet but he is more into girls)
PREFERENCES: He leans more towards people who are careful and don't have a big mouth or anything. Someone who laughs at his jokes and who may also be an outsider.

Kind | Funny | helpful
Sarcastic | insecure |
- when others don't see him as a cripple
- talking about movies and comics
- making people happy
- big crowds or busy places
- loud noises
- being made fun of
HOBBIES: drawing comics,
TICS: he bites his lip, bites his nails, stress ball, clicking his pen (without sound), and many others
MENTAL DISABILITIES: he's Autistic and has a form of adhd

FC: Jack Dylan Grazer
JEWLERY: not really but he always has his crutch with him
OTHER MARKS: he has some scars on his left leg from surgery's
PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: He's cripple on his left leg. After his accident he had many fractures and they never healed correctly. He always supports that leg with his crutch now.

- Mom: Maria Harrison
- Dad: Christoper Johnson
- Siblings: Suzanne, Tristan and Charlotte

Archie used to have a pretty normal life. He lived with his parents and some siblings in a large house. He had 1 big passion and that was skateboarding, he was super good at it and participated in competitions and tournaments. Until one day he had a nasty fall and crushed his entire left leg. He spent months in the hospital, undergoing several surgeries hoping to fix his leg, but unfortunately they never really succeeded. From then on everything went a bit downhill. He was no longer the cool skater he used to be, now he was a cripple that people laughed and joked about.

POWER: Teleportation
For all he knows, he can teleport from place to place. Only if he can also see that place. He usually closes his eyes and focuses on the spot after which his body is surrounded by a blue glow. It pulls him into nothingness, after which it opens again and appears in a different place. This happens super fast so as an example I have a gif of it in my book. Everything he is wearing and holding teleports with him which is very handy. He can also take people with him but Max two at a time. This is super hard and he can't control it yet.
If things go wrong, the people who teleport with you might turn up somewhere completely different in the environment.
If he has done it several times in a row, it immediately drains all his strength. Then he immediately becomes very tired and weak.
Can you wish for better power as a crippled boy? He loves that if he has to do stairs he can just teleport up the stairs. Or if there is a race that he can just go to the finish without having to stumble behind everyone with his crutch.

GENDER: male
PERSONALITY: Louis is a bit more confident than Archie. He will explore a little faster or take the first step and urge Archie to follow him, for example. He is also not afraid to meet others, while Arch would be more likely to doubt it. Since Fossa's are originally from Madagascar Archie makes him clothes and sweaters to wear when it's cold outside.
RELATIONSHIP WITH OC: They can sometimes argue when Louis helps them in trouble or something, but they always make it up quickly. Arch can never stay mad at him for long.

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