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The backs of my eyes burn so goddamn much that I reluctantly give up, closing the notebooks in front of me.

I'd been doing nothing but staring at it for the past hours. Digesting everything written on them and allowing the evidence to invade my mind like a malicious brain-eating insect. Information strokes from my fingertips as I continuously come up with possibilities. It didn't make sense why the police closed the case. There are too many coincidences for the reality of Ander's death to be written off as nothing.

There are plenty of correlations, but I didn't have enough evidence to solidify my suspicions. It's so fucking frustrating. If I can figure out the missing pieces, I wouldn't look like madman conspiracy theories to others. It's here, under my nose. Hidden in the believable writing that has everyone so settled on keeping it closed. 

My eyes drift to the digital alarm clock standing on my bookshelf, reading half past midnight. When I'm not working myself to the bone on Jefe's business, I spend the remainder of my time trying to make a breakthrough. As an art major, I know little to nothing about where to start, but it's just me.

Only me.

I'm the only one willing to clear my brother's name and crack the truth hidden behind metal bars. My neck throbs from being in this position for far too long. Stress clings to my limbs like a child that suffers from separation anxiety. It never disappears. I never have a moment of peace unless I'm with Mika.

It's almost one.


If I race there, I can still outbid everyone else for the night. My visits have become a daily thing since I devoured her pussy a week ago. But despite my desperation for her attention, Mika has taken a few days off. Diablo wouldn't reveal too many details about her sudden disappearance, but I had a foreboding feeling.

Is she avoiding me?

Is she hurt from figuring out my identity?

No. It couldn't be. Mika isn't the type to be offended by my secrets. Maybe she really is sick. Her complex is across the town, nearing the upper east side. If I had enough confidence, I would run over and shower her with gifts. Chocolate strawberries, bath bombs, medicine, a cooling pad, hugs, and my undivided attention.

But I wouldn't.

I'm a coward, nothing new. Instead, I grab my car keys and sprint down the staircase to the front door. Before closing the door, I grab my jacket and freeze in place when a loud cough breaks the silence. Panic wafts off my body like my own personal fragrance as I slowly craned my neck back, facing my papa. Deep angry grooves shape his face, his eyes sliding from his nose to his lap. He drops the journal on his lap.

"Adónde crees que vas a la 1 de la madrugada," he speaks firmly.

(Where do you think you are going at 1 in the morning?)

"Sólo estoy estresado," I say, hoping my breaths are coming out in an even pattern. "I just need a drink."

(I'm just stressed.)

"Estresado?" He scoffs, rubbing his upturn nose. "No haces una mierda. Mateo dirige la familia porque mi hijo es incapaz de hacer una mierda por mismo."

(Stressed? You don't do shit. Mateo runs this familia because my son is incapable of doing shit on his own.)

I bite back any attitude that battles to make an appearance. "Just because I'm taking ideas from my own manual doesn't mean I'm doing it wrong. I've already tripled our margins from last month."

He raises a brow. "Mediocre. Dónde esta el fuego? La pasión. La rabia. Hay que ser desalmado para lograr la mitad de lo que hice."

(Where is the fire? The passion? The rage? You have to be heartless to accomplish half of what I did.)

My fingers tighten their grip on my jacket. "Papa, I don't strive to be like you. The only thing I want is to finish what Ander started."

His eyes gleamed with intensity. "Es una pena. Esperaba que mis dos hijos no fueran una decepción. Hazme un favor y ve a seguir a Ander a la tumba."

(It's a pity. I was hoping that my two children would not be a disappointment. Do me a favor and go follow Ander to the grave.)

Frustration takes root in my belly, flourishing into full-on detestation for my papa. He doesn't care about anything unless it's his perfect image. It fucking chars his skin to see us dismantle the borders of our family's reputation. He probably wishes he never got my mother pregnant, so his legacy was the only one that remained.

"Dile a mama qué no se preocupe," I say through gritted teeth as I slam the door shut behind me.

(Tell Mama not to worry.)

The bodyguard standing at the back entrance nods when he sees me and unclips the red velvet rope for me to pass through. Disruptive EDM music plays so loudly that the ground shakes beneath my shoes. It dies a little as I make my way to the receptionist, Dante, and hand her my exclusive black card.

"Is Mika here tonight?" I ask, my heart thumping in anticipation.

Dante grins. "I should've expected you to ask that. Mika is indeed working tonight. Arrange a meeting with Diablo if you want to ensure her for the night." She hands back my membership card, and I buzz with excitement.

Mika is exactly what I need right now.

The crowd of drunk men and lingerie-wearing Angeles are stomping around in their attempt to invade the dance floor. The music is calmer compared to the nightclub above us, but that doesn't stop the men from acting out. I scan through the crowd for my girl, itching to speak to her again and open myself up.

I'm naïve.

Mika wouldn't be interested in searching the deep lengths of my soul the way I want to do for her. I want to know every single thing about her, even if it seems the most irrelevant. Her favorite color, a childhood memory, her favorite song, insignificant things that her clients wouldn't care to know. Mika is a professional at fucking, but is she capable of opening herself up?

My Mika radar was on high alert, but I couldn't locate her anywhere. She's hiding in the shadows. Blending into the colorful canvas that forms the dance floor. If she was going to play a little game of hiding and seek, then I am breaking the rules. Chasing is fun, but I came for something more.

To have her in my arms for the rest of the night.

My feet pivot in front of Diablo's door, knocking on it instead of my urge to burst through. Mika is turning me into an unhinged man. Silence comes in beats until Diablo opens the door, smoking a blunt.

His lips curl into a snarky, proud smirk. "Here to bid for Mika again?"

"I don't care about the amount, just double it," I state, handing him my black card.

Diablo inserts my card into a device, pressing the lengthy number that's leaving my bank account tonight. "A little advice. Mika isn't too happy with you lately. She wants me to refrain you from purchasing her."

My heart plummets to the floor. "What?"

Once the device prints out a receipt, I sign one of them and keep the other. The receipt crushes beneath my fingers as my heart goes frantic, beating out of control. Did Luka spill some lies about me? Am I losing Mika before I even get a real chance with her? Mika is like the security blanket I held to every night. I feel so safe with her. So fucking safe.

It was all in my head.

My stomach twists into knots, wanting to drench the marble floors with my breakfast.

"Don't take it to heart, kid," Diablo says, stapling the receipts together. "That's Mika. It's like she has ADHD. If you don't entertain her, she gets bored and discards you."

"Then why would you let me buy her?"

Diablo shrugs. "Mika is my most prized possession, but there's always one thing ahead of her."

My lips tilt into a frown of disgust. "Money," I state the obvious, connecting the dots. "Well, you probably should've kept your mouth shut because if she doesn't want to see me, then I won't force her. I'm not coming back."

Diablo drops the paper in his drawer, unraveling the proudest fucking smirk. "There's no doubt in my mind that you're right." 

Bitterness cripples my bleeding organ, ripping out every shed of emotion I have for Mika. Our story ends before even starting. I should've stayed away and left Mika behind the first moment we met. I shouldn't have worn my heart on my sleeves and let her get too close to it. She's my unhealthy obsession. Would therapy be enough to cure my sickness?

I'm so fucking melodramatic.

I want to be five years old again. Back when it was acceptable for me to cry without being judged. Stupid tears blur my vision as I storm through the hallway, my shoulder repeatedly slamming into other objects. For once, I'm thankful for wearing a mask, to conceal the sadness with no questions asked.

The scent of strawberries invades my nose, bringing up an image of Mika like flashing lights. Note to self: ban anyone from eating strawberries in front of me. The aroma only intensifies as I trudge through the drunk crowd. My back stiffens at the sound of her heavenly giggle. It doesn't seem fully genuine, but any sound from her is like heaven to me. 

She's taunting me.

She knows I know.

She wanted me to find out the truth before finding her to deliver her the front row ticket to the show. Do I want to fall into her perfect deck plan or leave with an ounce of dignity? Too many questions weighed on my conscience if I left without finding out. I needed to know if I came on too strong and invaded her space.

What if Mika wants this? She wants to see how tightly wrapped I am around her finger to test my loyalty. Could she really be this cruel? Had I formed this imaginary persona of her? If I had a fucking backbone, I would've stormed away without a second glance.

But I didn't.

"Mika!" I shout, my rage seeping through.

Her body jolts against her client as she gives me the side-eye. The older man holds himself in high regard with his elevated stance, but the bald head and goatee must've been a confidence killer. My frown sharpens when I meet his gaze, nose flaring to make sure he gets the idea to leave Mika alone. The message travels loud and clear, and he walks away from Mika.

To my disarray, she does too.

"Mika!" I chase after her, gently grabbing her forearm.

"Hey, Muñeco," Mika says, conveying a child-like expression, as everything is perfect in the world. "Couldn't even last twenty minutes without me, huh? That's too cute!" She cradles my cheeks in her hand and squeezes them.

"Mika!" I seethe through gritted teeth, scaring her a bit.

Her eyes blink in horror. "What are you so pissed off about?"

My heightened exasperation burst like popcorn in the microwave, slobbered in buttery fury glory. Using her forearm, I drag her into the private booths and close the curtains around us for privacy. When I spin around, Mika is already slipping out of her attire and sitting comfortably on the couch.

How can anyone have a normal conversation with her?

I drag my hand across my face. "Is it true? About what you said to Diablo?"

She bats her innocent doe-eyes, sporting the tiniest hint of a smile. "What do you mean?"

Her face said a million words.

Mika is doing this to taunt me. She wants me to beg for her, to ask her to reconsider her decision. If I was inebriated, then, I might've fallen right into her trap. Too bad I am sober as a fucking fox. Sighing, I collect her schoolgirl outfit from the floor and trek over to her. My finger goes under her chin, lifting it heavenward for her to meet my eyes.

"Mika," I murmur, grazing my thumb over her bottom lip. "Did I do something wrong? Did I go too far? I don't want you to think I'm a man who's okay with pushing women past their limits. Just tell me what I did wrong, and then I'll go. I'll leave you alone." 

Mika gulps. "You're going too far right now..."

Guilt grips my heart like a bear claw, and I tear my grip from her. Has everything been in my head? Had I been making nothing into something? Was I blinded by my own obsession? I didn't care to make sure she was okay? I thought Mika wanted to be with me as much as I did. Mika recoils in her spot, snuggling her knees to her chest.

I fucked up.

"I-I'm sorry," I croak, stepping back until the curtains drape over my shoulders.

My attention remains on the ground as I pull the curtains from my way and stumble down the elevated floor. My hands grow clammy as I recall every moment I've spent with Mika. She didn't want any of it... How could I be so blind?  Thoughts fade into oblivion as deathly screams enter the buzzing in my ears when a bullet passes an inch above my shoulder blades. 

My stomach drops. Everything goes static, like a still shoot in a magazine. My pulse leaps into my throat as a pair of arms press against my back, pushing me to the floor. My eyes skim up an inch to find Mika, extending her hand to me. With ragged breaths, Mika drags us over to the private area and settles my body on the soft cushion.

Another bullet barely misses Mika, skidding through the couch. Mika's eyes narrow in annoyance, irritation growing on her face as her chin clenches. My breathing exhilarates when Mika trails her fingertips up my chest until it reaches over the couch.

"Act casually, baby," Mika whispers, sweet like honey.

My jaw tightens as I notice the male figure over her shoulders, watching him line up the gun with my head. Strawberry cake attacks my nose when Mika swings around, her hair obscuring all of her actions. He fires a shot only for nothing to come out. The man drops the gun, pulling out a blade, and she eyes it carelessly. My body freezes as if I was glued to the floor, and I shake my head in disbelief.

He charges her with the knife, his feet rushing, but she dodges two swipes in a blink of an eye as though she's toying with him. Mika grabs his wrist on the third strike and twists it, causing his hand to roll awkwardly as he sobs out. The knife drops to the ground, and she spins, kicking his feet out from under him.

When he falls, she kicks the knife to the side, knocking it out of his reach. He darts to his feet, rushing towards the knife, but she drops and grabs the knife, throwing it straight into his skull. Mika darkly grins as his eyes widen in shock, slowly rolling to the back of his head. I'm equally fascinated and terrified of this woman.

Blood dwindle down his rotten face, coating the floor in a sea of red. My abdomen surrenders to the anxious coils, releasing my lackluster breakfast from this morning. It scorches my throat, stomach, and chin as my belly acids stain everything. My eyes are burning from how wide I'm holding them open.

Mika grabs my forearm, haling me to my feet. As the crowd simmers and Diablo exits from the wing, Mika tugs me to the rear hallway. My heart is in my ears as she jerks the doors to her private quarters open and locks them. Her eyes fix on mine, softening a bit as she caresses my cheek.

"Just breathe, Asiel. You have nothing to worry about. They have been taken care of."

"What the fuck just happened?" I exasperate, letting out the anger like a helium balloon. "Who was he? Why were they coming after me?"

"Luka, set it up," Mika reveals, causing my stomach to tense. "There's nothing like sex to get a man babbling. He's been holding a vendetta over you since you guys were children. Your proposition challenged him. He wants to destroy everything your family is worth."

My lips quiver. "I-Is that why you were pulling away? Because of the things he said about me?"

She takes a step toward me; her face reaching up to my neck as she glances heavenward. "There's always two sides to a story. Luka spoke his, and now it's your turn. Sue me if I did whatever it takes to hear it." Heat sears from her fingertips as she tugs at the mask, trying to lift it. "Tell me who is Asiel."

The angel sings on my shoulder, soft whispers about how dangerous, menacing, vicious this could get. Cartel leaders never disclose their business to anyone. This situation shouldn't be any different, but I'm suffocating under the pressure. My nights in Diablo's Paraiso, my nights with Mika, were my best times since I became Jefe. She is my sanctuary, my heroin, my sweet escape from this cruel world.

I don't want to keep her in the dark.

I want Mika to know the real Asiel Mortertero.

Hey guys!!!! Finally a new chapter is uploaded!! I hope you guys enjoyed this one! Asiel is ball of confusion right now and it's stinken cute! I love it! He's too cute! Also, isn't Mika such a fucking badass? I hope the action sequence was easy to follow... I had a struggle trying to write but I got it done!! Let me know yours thoughts!!! I love reading all your comments!

They make my day better!!!

Love you guys!!!

Thank you for every vote and comment!!

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