Eighty-One Mika

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I couldn't do it.

I couldn't fucking do it.

I couldn't look into Asiel's broken irises and tell him the truth about his brother. He's already been through so much with being betrayed left and right. How can I add his brother to the mix? Asiel idolizes him, and if I ruin that, he might be hopeless. It would be gut-wrenching to discover the truth about a horrendous human being known as his brother. His life has been flipped upside down enough—I just couldn't.

This is what I deserved. This is my punishment, to carry the truth with me forever. I understand now the burden I will always carry. Outside Asiel's home gate, I sob my little heart out, sliding down until my ass hits the floor. It's hideous. Snot trickles down my nose, mixing with my tears. You shouldn't be crying, Mika. You did this to yourself. There's nobody else to blame but yourself.

After ten minutes of sitting on the ground sobbing, I dry my eyes and cheeks and get up. It will get easier as time passes--I just have to fight through the misery. Throwing my hoodie over my head, I switch to the other street and walk two blocks before hearing a faint crack of a branch. Slowly, I look back at both sides of the street to find nobody-- only branches swaying in the wind, littering the floor with their leaves.

"If you're thinking of robbing me, I have nothing on me," I yell into thin air.

Nobody responds.

The streetlight glitches turning dim before bursting a yellowish tint on the street.

I sigh and continue walking down the block. Suddenly, four pairs of arms grab my limbs, cutting my ability to move. Instantly, I fight against their harsh strength and scream my head off like the girls in horror movies. My persistence makes them angrier. Another body enters the frame with a ski mask on its face and cloth in hand. Fuck.

My screaming gets me nowhere, and they jam the cloth over my mouth and nose. A foggy, hazy, grass-like odor invades my nose, throwing my body off balance. My fight dies down as I feel my head getting wonky and sleepy. Goddammit! This is why feelings make a person vulnerable. I didn't even notice anyone following me.

The old Mika would.

I blink.



Then all I see is pitch-black darkness.

My head spins.

The surface is cold, rough against my body. What happened? I was walking home from Asiel's house, but now I can't remember. My eyes flutter open, taking a few seconds to adjust to my surroundings. The lights are murky, producing an orange hue like a burning flame. There is a metal gate in front of me.

Cracking the kink in my neck, I try to move my hands to receive a sharp burning ache in my arms. I try my legs, but it's the same thing. Holy shit. I glance at my body to see a collection of heavy metal chains tied around my body with a lock in the middle. Scrunching up my nose, I squirm and fight against the restraints, but nothing.

My fiddling and wiggling cause my chair to fall to the side, hitting my head on the cobblestone floor. I stifle a groan by gnawing at my lip hard enough to draw blood. My chains scrape against the floor, irritating my ears.

"Hello? Can you get me the fuck out of here?" I scream, straining my voice. "Fucking let me go before I wring your neck with my middle finger!"

My nose flares as I receive nothing but silence. "Hello? Are you going to kill me, or am I just going to stare at the walls?" Nothing. I sigh. "I guess staring at the wall it is."

The door bangs shut, causing my body to vibrate from the force. It's impossible to look over my shoulder to see the culprit in my kidnapping. Their feet leisurely stalk over, a herbal, earthy aroma filling the room--weed. Oh, what I would do to smoke a blunt right now. Or a pack of cigarettes. There's nothing better than mutilating your lungs with black smoke--delicious.

A long, broad shadow blocks the light from my backside. My cheeks sting when the person presses the flaming blunt against my skin. I don't react--rather suffer in silence than give my kidnapper the pleasure of getting off on me in pain. Their blue, veiny hands crush the cigarettes into dust.

He peers down at me, flashing his sadistic smile, chilling me to my core. His brown hair is gelled in a come over, going perfectly with his pristine black suit with his cuffs rolled back to his elbow. Those brown irises are soulless, staring at me like a crazed clown.

"All you had to do was go along with the plan," Mateo taunts, gliding his tongue over his teeth. "Then you would be living your happily ever after with Asiel."

He squeezes my cheeks, causing my lips to pucker up like a blowfish. "Instead, you had to insert yourself. I might've even let you walk away alive if you left Asiel, but no. You just couldn't do that."

I collect a wad of spit in my mouth and spit it in his face. "Asiel doesn't deserve to pay for his father's crime. You already killed his father! Why must you kill him too?"

Mateo stands up, turning on his heels as he explodes into laughter. He grips his stomach from all the laughing and spins around, colliding his foot with my abdomen. I cough, squeezing my eyes shut to combat the pain.

"When are you going to learn to stay quiet and stop asking questions?"

"Why don't you put the both of us out of our misery and kill me, or better yet, you?" I flash a vibrant smile, earning another kick to my stomach.

"Are you finished?" Mateo asks, arching his eyebrow.

"I'll think about it?" I pout my lips, pretending to ponder. "Nope."

Another blow strikes my stomach, knocking all the air out of me. "Are you sure, baby? I can do this all day."

I cock my head. "Lucky for you— so can I."

Mateo's jaw ticks, grazing his cheek with his tongue. A chilling, purge smile curls on his lips as he cranks out five blows to my stomach. I'm a bit out of practice, so it hurts a smidge, but nothing I can't handle. Lastly, Mateo cranes his leg back and strikes me in the face, instantly causing a pool of blood to drip down my nose.

Not the face!

That's my money maker.

"Fuck you," I sneer, spitting a wad of dark, thick red blood to the ground.

He squats, pushing the strands of hair out of my face. "Thank you for doing all the dirty work for me. I might still have an offer if you're up to breathing another day."

"Fuck off!" I curse, sticking my tongue out at him.

It's immature, but my hands are currently bound to my back. Mateo scoffs and picks me up from the floor, setting my chair facing the broad metal door. It has enough locks to last a good ten minutes of cracking them. My heart rate quickens like I'm running a treadmill when the door opens, revealing darkness.

"Looks like your surprise is here." Mateo sports a spiteful grin as he circles behind me, kneading my shoulders with his hands. "You're going to love this."

At a fucking turtle's pace, two associates of Mateo walk in with a frail, lean male body in their arms. The black-haired man's head hangs low, his arms swaying in the air from being knocked out. They drag him to the middle of the room, leaving a couple of feet between us, and hook his arms to metal chains. It's a type of gibbet.

Mateo's laughter rings in my ears. "Show her who it is! Lift his face."

My heart pounds in my ears, making it hard to breathe. The second I look at his frame, I instantly know who it is. I've spent eight hours straight, staring at all his features until they're permanently cemented in my brain. But I cling to a string of hope. God, wouldn't be this cruel, right?

All my emotion snaps like the last weight on a camel's back.

A broken sob escapes my mouth, loud enough to shatter the walls. "No! No!"

Mateo laughs, pressing a kiss on my neck. "You didn't think I would leave you alone to suffer? I want us to play a little game."

Heavy tears trek down my cheeks. "Fuck you! I can't wait to drag you down to hell with me."

Asiel moans, flopping his head around his neck.

Mateo paces back and forth, jittering as if he had drunk ten colas beforehand. "Perfect. Asiel is awake for my favorite game."

His emerald irises open, falling on me, instantly filling up with angst. There's a slash across his bottom lip, dry with blood. Guilt pierces through my inner core. He must hate this. Asiel said he never wanted to see me, and now we're face to face with our enemies.

Mateo pulls a gun from his holster, knocking out five bullets-- meaning only one is left. He spins the barrel and seals it shut. Mateo rotates the gun between us, switching every second with a pondering expression.

"Let's play Russian roulette," Mateo reveals, a glimmer of white teeth peeking through his smirk. "Who should go first? Lover boy? Or little miss whore?"

My mouth cracks open to respond, but Asiel beats me to it. "Me. Shoot me first."

Mateo's lips curl into a sinister smirk. "Oh. I see. You like the better odds, right? Or is it because you care about Mika? You still do after everything she's done to you." He pouts, squeezing the side of Asiel's cheek. "What a true romantic."

Asiel's eyes widen when Mateo aligns the gun with my forehead, clicks back the safety clip, and fires. "Noo--!" Asiel screams, but I don't budge. Nothing comes my way. There was only a click sound. Asiel releases a breath of air, his eyes fluttering with contentment.

"Seems like the lord wants you to live another day," Mateo says, flailing the gun back and forth as if it wasn't real. "Let's see if you're so lucky."

My stomach churns as I thrust forward, held in from the shackles as Mateo points the gun at Asiel. "Stop! Please! Don't!" I scream my lungs out, pleading for him. I don't care if I die, but I'll burn the world down before letting Asiel meet the grave.

To my own dismay, Mateo fires, and nothing comes out. I sigh in relief. Thank fucking God. Mateo pouts, banging the gun against his palm before putting it on his holster. My heart subsides, regulating as I conclude-- this is break time.

Mateo glides his finger across his bottom lip. "Thank you, Lord, for giving them another day. I would hate to cut the fun so early."

"Please." Asiel's voice cracks. "Just let Mika go. She has nothing to do with this. You want me. I get that, but let's settle this--you and me. Please just let her go."

Selfishly enough, my heart flutters at Asiel, begging for me. But my brain hated it with every fiber of my existence. My soul is damned-- Asiel can still survive this. He needed to fight for himself and forget about me. It's the only way for him to make it out of here alive, and I needed him to live.

The cruelest thing the earth could do to me is kill Asiel.

Mateo presses a fat kiss on Asiel's forehead. "Aren't you so cute--trying to play the hero. Here's a tip-- she's a whore. Let her die as such."

Asiel's nose scrunches up with hatred. "She isn't a fucking whore! You talk a big game, but you're are nothing. You're the piece of shit that's on my shoe. That's why you're out to get me, right? Because I'm a million times better than you will ever be!"

Mateo nods, protruding his bottom lip, and grabs Asiel by the back of his hair. In the blink of an eye, he unstraps the gun from his holster and jams the barrel in Asiel's mouth. Panic floods my motor sensors, and I fight against the restraints, falling face-first. Motherfucker. The second I get my body out of these chains--I'll carve every part of his skin before killing him.

"Stop! Fucking stop! Please! Don't hurt him!" I plead, stifling back tears.

Laughter tears from Mateo's throat as he stomps his foot on the ground. "How cute. I love to hear Mika beg. It's almost as great as the first time. You remember Mika? With Riley? God, she loved it. Her pussy was soaked."

Passion flares in me like a volcano. "Don't talk about her, you filthy piece of shit! I'll silt your fucking throat for touching her. I'll get the rest of your little army too-- just watch. I don't need my hands to kill you!"

Mateo pulls the gun out of Asiel's mouth. "Good luck with that. While I would love and chat more-- I'm not the only one dying to take their turns on you. According to the Morterero familia, you weren't as popular as you thought, Asiel. Just a sad excuse for a leader."

Uncomfortable silence fills the room as Mateo slams the door shut, the locks following accordingly. Gathering all my strength, I haul myself to the side, getting a strand of hair in my mouth. I blow, causing the strand to land on my neck. Asiel's face scrunches up with discomfort as he licks his chapped lips.

Regardless, they're so plump and kissable--fuck Mika.

Not the time.

"I'm sorry," I say in a breathy tone. "I know you didn't want to see me again."

Asiel shakes his head. "Don't apologize, Mika. I don't think getting kidnapped was how you planned to enjoy your Thursday evening."

We both laugh at the crude joke. "Yeah. I was thinking of rewatching Tangled."

His eyes widen with interest. "You actually watched it? Without falling asleep?"

I bob my head. "Yup. All the way through. I stayed up. Laughed, cried, and laughed again. A fucking amazing movie. I was missing out."

Asiel's lips curl into a small smile. "I'm glad you liked it-- I always wanted what they had. They're pure, innocent, a lovable relationship."

"You can still get that one day, you know," I say, licking my lips and swallowing the painful mention of another girl. "Your life isn't over yet, and I promise to make sure you live."

Asiel's eyes flutter to the ground as he smacks his lips together. "What if..." He pauses, his irises bouncing to mine, piercing into my shrunk soul. "What if I already experienced that relationship with somebody? With someone I still want. With someone I won't ever move from?"

My heart skips a beat.

Before I get a chance to reply, the door drifts open, revealing an Mictlan tattoo on his freshly buzzed skull. He struts in, rubbing his palms together with a mischievous glint in his irises. Asiel's face pales.

Their last encounter wasn't exactly pleasant for Gato.

"Remember me, Jefe?" Gato asks, hanging his tongue out. "I was the individual you wrongly accused. Thanks to you-- I can't see my fucking baby girl. You couldn't just do your fucking job like every other Jefe."

"Oh, please," I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Did you think maybe your daughter doesn't want to see you? I wouldn't want to see my psychotic, murderous father, either."

Gato spins in my direction. "I almost forgot you are here, too. You have a lot of energy for someone with a bruised-up face."

I shrug, sticking out my lip. "I've been through worst. This little beating is nothing compared to the shit I've been through."

"I can bet." Gato chews his gum, smacking his gum extremely loudly. "We did fuck you up real good that night... I'm sure your pussy gets wet at the sight of me."

Asiel intently watches our exchanges like a hawk, but I proceed to taunt annoying ass, Gato. "At what? Your shrimp-sized dick? My pinky is longer than your sad excuse for a dick."

"Easy there," Gato laughs, pulling the gum with his hands. "Wouldn't want to anger the man that can show you mercy."

I laugh, my body vibrating from my giggles. "Does it look like I fucking care? Punch me. Slap me. I'm sure you will gas out before me."

Gato lifts my body weight in the chair as if I weighed a fucking penny. He slams the chair legs on the ground and slips his hand into his pocket. Out comes--a key-- the golden key to the chains on my body. One by one, Gato unlocks the chains on my body, giving my tense muscles a moment to breathe.

It would be almost perfect if it weren't for the rope straining my arms behind my back.

Sadly, Gato doesn't rip those.

He grabs my forearms and throws me on all fours. "There's only one way to shut whores up-- to shove a dick so far up their ass. I don't have lube this time-- I hope you don't mind." Gato forces my pants down to my knees. "But I've been wanting to recreate this moment since Asiel brought you home."

"W-What are you doing?" Asiel asks, concern flooding his face.

"Just sit back and watch, Jefe," Gato taunts, giving my ass an aggressive slap. "It will be my pleasure to show you how to please a girl, especially one as fine as this one." I chant murderous devotions when Gato grabs my tits, kneading them in his hands.

My stomach churns when Gato moves my thong to the side and rubs the pad of his finger up and down my slits. "Nice and wet. I bet Asiel never gets you like this."

Gato's hot breath on my shoulders causes shivers to cascade down my back. He collects a glob of spit in his hands and lathers his shrimp with it. The ropes on my wrists feel weaker, giving my arms a breather. Wait. All I need to do is knock Gato off my body. The easiest way is by colliding our heads together and hopefully knocking him out. I'm eighty-five percent sure that I can overpower Gato.

He's blinded by pussy power.

"Don't hold back, baby," Gato sneers in my ears--nearly making me want to vomit.

Gato glides his tip on my inner thigh, and I angle my head down to get ready to fuck him over.

Before my head could hit Gato's, Asiel interrupts, "Don't fucking touch her! Please. I beg of you. She doesn't deserve this! Just beat me up instead. Unleash your anger on me! Please! I'm begging, Gato! Just le-eave her alone."

Gato laughs, gripping my hips. "Such a compelling argument. I might have to take you up on that." He kisses my shoulders, causing bile to crawl up my throat. "Sorry, baby. Maybe next time. Keep that pussy wet for me."

Panic floods my veins as Gato pulls his unbuckle belt from his pants and wraps the leather around his hand. Asiel's eyes widen a smidge, but he disguises his fear by forcing his eyes shut. Gato uses his knife to slice through Asiel's clothing, leaving his tan back bare. He smirks with a deadly glint in his irises and slashes the belt against his back.


Too many times to count.

Asiel screams, his entire body dripping with sweat as he clenches and unclenches his hands. My heart tumbles out of my body like a leaf on a tree. He stops responding, his head swaying to the side by the twelfth hit. Rage floods my bloodstream. Using adrenaline and my squat strength, I jump to my feet and collide my body with Gato's, taking him off guard.

"Oh, you want some too?" He laughs, gripping my hair so tight he could rip it. "Nobody wants a girl with scars."

A blow went straight to my face, causing me to get whiplash. Gatos spanks my back until my body curls into a ball. I grit my teeth. The pain courses through my entire body. Another strike goes to my face, and I'm knocked out-- unresponsive. All I can do is breathe and stare up at the stars.

Yellowish sparkling stars.

Faintly in my vision, my view changes to Asiel's body as restraints weigh on my body, causing another spurge of agonizing ache.

"I can't wait to fuck you later," Gato says, gliding his finger below his smirking grin.

Damn this chapter really hurts... like it's a mixed bag— suffering, anger, angst, hatred only thing missing is love unless we count our love for Mika and Asiel? Does it count 😂

I'm sorry guys🥹🥹I knew you guys wanted it to get better, but now they're kidnapped. How you guys feeling? Anger? Frustrated? Annoyed? Ready to throw the freaking phone on the wall?

Sorry for not uploading these weekend, I'm actually sad I didn't but I guess I could drag the book out a few more days 😂😋 you guys wouldn't want it to end yet?

There's literally like 4 chapters left 🙈🤭!!! What do you guys think is going to happen?

I saw Sabrina carpenter yesterday and I'm so sleepy, I can barley talk but I had the time of my life. 😝😂currently going through post Concert depression so entertain me with comments please ❤️💜❤️💜🤍

Love ya 🤍🤍🤍💜💜

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