Sixty-Five Mika

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The alarm blares in the soundless room, jerking my body upward in full alert. My eyes squint from the light pouring through the early gray curtains. It takes me a second to remember I knocked out on Asiel's bed, except he's missing. Instead of seeing his handsome, sleeping face, I encounter a letter inscribed to me and his side of the bed made.

It's too early in the morning for Asiel's antics.

Yawning, I reach over for my necklace on the bedstand to only feel a vacant space. What the hell? My heart beat spikes up as if I devoured an entire candy store when my hand finds nothing on my neck. What the fuck? I left it on the cabinet last night. I could've sworn I did! In a swift motion, I drop onto my knees, searching under the bed and rug for it. I throw the covers off the bed, feeling every inch of the bed — but nothing.


What am I going to tell Asiel? Hey, babe, apparently, you don't mean that much to me since I lost your purity ring. Clearly, I win the girlfriend of the year award. Sighing in defeat, I do a walk of shame to my personal drawer, selecting a mini bodycon dress with long sleeves. The sweetheart neckline emphasizes the beauty of my girls, and the material clings to my curves like second skin.

I can't believe Asiel left without giving me a good morning kiss-- he always does. After spraying a squirt of my perfume, I slip my feet into my extra pair of pumps and reach for the doorknob. But I halt, catching a glimpse of the navy blue letter on the floor. He must've left it for a reason, right? Kneeling, I grab the letter and rip it open.

My beautiful, loving, courageous Mika,

You didn't think I forgot what today is, did you? Twenty-seven years ago, two horrible individuals gave birth to their only miracle-- you. That's the only thing I'll thank them for, because I wouldn't have made it this far without you. Today is all about you. I feel like things are always heightened because of the danger in our lives, but today it's all you. So, enlighten me for the day, and play along with my little game.

Crack the riddle.

You can drive me in circles listening to your voice as we get lost in the atmosphere. Pink, orange, yellow, and blue bloom in the soil where your next clue lies.

What a cheesy son-of-a-bitch. My heart overflows with Asiel's love for me, needing an extra one to suffice it. Motherfucker really had a member of his familia look me up on the databases because I never mentioned my birthday before. It's just an average day, except we get a year older. Before this year, I didn't really have anything to celebrate, but now I'm thrilled to spend another day with my Muneco.

Nearly twisting my ankle on the stairs, I make a beeline for his Mama's garden and find a white pillar with another navy blue letter. It's surrounded by bouquets of all types of flowers, ranging from every color to the moon and back. They're all labeled for me, forming a sweet, mystic smell in the air. Asiel has a way of displaying his love for me. It doesn't have to be gifts-- it can be as simple as words, but he makes me feel so loved.

With the brightest smile on my face, my finger cuts through the envelope and pushes out the piece of paper.

Clue two: Chocolate and Cheese-- what an odd match. They don't typically blend together like the world tries to convince us, but we make a tasty treat like a chocolate cheesecake snack.

Easy-peasy lemon squeezy. Taking the bouquet of Peonies, I skip into Asiel's house with his workers, ignoring my presence in the kitchen and continuing with their work. Cartwheels loop in my stomach as I open the fridge, seeing the navy blue letter again. It's ridiculous. Every time I think about him-- I'm thinking nonsense. I'm in too deep-- I'm losing all sensory of my movements.

Like Asiel said, today is all about me. For one day, I don't want to think about all the indiscretions I'm keeping inside. Today, I just want to be an average couple, celebrating their birthdays as if it was a holiday. Not the girlfriend with the mission of killing her boyfriend. For today only, I'm going to lock the guilt away in the corner of the basement in my mind.

Maybe it's selfish, since I'm not the key person in this equation. I feel like I'm making it all about me when it's about Asiel. I want to protect myself, but is that fair to Asiel? He deserves to know the truth, even with the consequences. Nausea swirls in my stomach as I replay a trillion different reactions that are all bad.

Leave the feeling in the basement, Mika.

With my eyes shut, I inhale through my nose and exhale out of my mouth. Like cotton candy dissolving on your tongue, the guilty sensation crawls underneath the happiness soaring through my veins. The refrigerator's shelves are loaded with every dessert known to man. Honestly, I don't know how he made all of this-- cookies, pies, ice creams, cake, and many more. How am I supposed to decide?

As I shove a marshmallow into my mouth, I rip open the next clue and read, "Clue three: It starts like a blank whiteboard, sort of like our lives-- a blank slate, if you will. Colors spatter from every angle to create an impeccable foundation. It's one frame, like a picture stuck in time. In this clue, it's you."

At first, I thought it has to do with his canvas, but the last sentence throws me off. It wouldn't hurt to check to make sure. Before leaving the kitchen, I grab a bowl of banana pudding and a can of whipped cream. A perfect breakfast, if I can say so myself. I squirt the can into my mouth until the whipped cream threatens to fall out.

Upon opening the door, I cough out a glob of my banana pudding onto the floor from the sheer surprise of the room. Usually, Asiel has this white room as a basement for extra activities, but today, it's transported into a walk-in closet shop. There are endless selections from comfy, elegant to sexy. After the rows and rows of clothes, sits a cashier, tapping their fingers on the keys and waiting for me to get anything.

Apart from the cashier are two associates with a measuring tape on their shoulders, sporting radiant smiles. It's almost too much to comprehend. Who gave Asiel the brightest idea to spoil me to the max? He's going to make me into a snobby brat. My mouth slacks open at the sight of the zeros on the price tags.

"Good morning, Miss Santana. Mr. Morterero wanted us to assure you to purchase anything you want. It's going to go on his black card, and he says-- there's no limit on the card and to buy as much as you can carry. Though he suggested the macron dress in the far left corner." She grins, extending her hand with the letter in it. "This is the next clue."

As much as I wanted to go break my arms with every piece of clothing in my own personal store, I wanted to reach Asiel faster. Besides, what's the point of trying on dresses if my man isn't here to check me out? Also, I'm desperate for a kinky fuck in the fitting rooms. It is my birthday, and he has to grant all my wishes. Sex, sex, and sex-- god I love sex.

Setting the banana pudding down on the counter, I rip through the envelope and read the next clue, "One day, on a foggy early morning, cars parked in the empty lot. Turmoil drifts like the wind in the night. It clings to me, warning me, screaming at me that I made a mistake until a goddess-like figure stood up in front of me like an angel. The best day of my life."

My heart bleeds for Asiel, surging through my veins. I never thought messing around with a Mafia boss would get me into this predicament, but today, I'm grateful for it. Love is truly special, like it's portrayed in the movies. Every day, Asiel gives me a reason to understand why everyone wants to feel this powerful emotion. It's life-changing.

I just hope we can skip the climax of our love story.

"I'll be back," I say, giving the workers a friendly smile before dashing up the staircase.

Diablo's Paraiso is the next destination. It's funny looking back at the memories. It's only been several months, but I feel like years have gone by since meeting Asiel. I hardly recognize the woman I once was. Is it normal to change this much in under a year? Does love normally drive a person insane, or am I an absurd case?

Asiel's Ferrari zooms through the stark streets, and I almost lose myself to the wind drifting through my hair. The radiant golden sun scorches my skin like a hard-yolk egg. It's about time I get a tan. Finally, I take a sharp left turn and park the car in the lot by the back door of Paraiso. There's only one other car in the lot-- Asiel's black charger.

With all the letters in my hand, I skip into the venue like an adolescent girl about to meet her crush for the first time. I wonder if this is the final clue, and I can run into his arms. Squeeze him like a teddy bear until he begs for mercy, but knowing Asiel-- he wouldn't want me to let go. If only he knew it would take a semi-truck to break my hold on him.

The sun casts a ray in the dim hallway until I flick the light on and let the door close behind me. My skin burns as my nerves go hectic, like a pinball crashing around the board. It's eerily creepy to see how dead the club is in the morning. It's nothing like visiting Chucky Cheese after closing with the fucking rat's beady eyes staring at you.

The hairs on the back of my neck raise and I shiver. Thank god we don't have any animatronics wandering around here. Before I could reach the main floor, I run into a thick, toned surface. My smile slips away when I see the snake tattoo on his hand. I forgot. He lives and breathes this club, devoting every second of his life to it.

"My days are always brighter when I see you, Mika," he says, reaching out to rub my elbow in slow, longing motions. "Though I'm a bit butthurt since you came here to see someone else. How cruel of you to flaunt your relationship in my club."

I clear my throat. "Actually, it's mine, and I didn't know Asiel was coming here. I would rather keep that part of my life private from you."

Goosebumps arise on my skin as he curls his finger in my hair. "You used to share everything with me. Once upon a time." Chills cascade down my back like water in a shower when Diablo leans closer. "Happy twenty-seventh birthday, Mika. Here's to hoping for a hundred more years. With or without him."

I sigh. "Thanks."

Before I can leave him alone in the hallway, he grips my wrist and slips a golden chain into my hand. "I know, you don't like gifts, but if Asiel gets to give you one, then I do, too. I've been holding onto this for years... looking for the perfect opportunity to give it to you, and I chose today."

My breath catches in my throat at a replica of Riley's golden chain I lost years ago, resting in my palm. It's a simple design. What makes it extraordinary is that Riley gave it to me after declaring me as her sister from another mister. All the chaos from that night caused me to misplace the bracelet, and I blamed Diablo for it.

"I don't know what to say..."

Diablo gnaws at his bottom lip, scratching the nape of his neck. "It's nothing. Just another way to pay back for the way I hurt you. Honestly, I felt guilty holding onto it for so long, but I wasn't sure you were ready for it. But I underestimated you." He rakes his fingers through my hair, messing up my locks like he used to do when I was a teenager. "Enjoy the rest of your birthday, Mika."

The blood pumps through my veins as I try to recollect my sanity. I don't understand why Diablo is giving me this. All his actions have ulterior motives, and I can't for the life of me think of what he has planned. We're on decent terms, or at least I thought we were. What are you playing at, Eugene?

My pumps click against the marble floors as I step into the strip room lit up by the candles littered around the room. Once again, Asiel punches me in the gut by decorating the room with a collection of jewelry. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings name it-- it's all here. My heart floods with delight as I caress every box until I'm in front of a wooden pillar with a navy card.

Clue number four.

I guess the game is never-ending.

Slowly, I tear apart the envelope at the seams and pull out the piece of paper. What's the next destination for Asiel's little game? The place where he lost his virginity? My blood runs cold at the cut-up magazine cryptic letters on the page. Tears bubble in my eyes as the queasiness swirls in my stomach, causing me to feel the vomit in my throat.

I heard you have been looking for me.

"What the fuck?" I mutter, losing focus on all my surroundings.

Motherfucking Griffin. He spilled his guts like the rat he is. It's my own fault. I didn't think he would run back to his advisors and expose my upper hand. Like what dumbass would give himself over so effortlessly? How did he know I was going to be here? He risked the chances of Asiel seeing this. My dark past follows regardless of how much I try to bury it.

My finger grazes against the black box on the pillar, and I take a deep breath before forcing it open. Frightened tears stream down my cheeks as I cover my mouth to muffle the sobs breaking through. The sense of hopelessness is a shot away like a bullet lodged in my skin. My hand shudders, causing the photograph to shake in my hands as I stare in astonishment.

It's never-ending, even when I try to pretend for a few minutes that I'm not the villain in his story. How stupid of me to believe in the little facade for even a second. The truth seeps out regardless of how much I try to suppress it. I nibble on my lips to stifle my sobs, crushing the evidence with my bare hands.

Why am I so fucking stupid?

There are a million things I could've done better to make my kills foolproof with no evidence for miles.

But it's too late to ponder on past mistakes.

My blurry gaze lands on the black rectangular box, forcing it open to reveal the infamous white feather. However, it's covered in a dark red thick substance. It drips onto the pillar as I hold it in my hands; the feather collapsing from the weight of the liquid.

Why did it have to be your family, Asiel? Why did you have to bulldozer into my life-- into my heart and cause a muddled mess in my head? Everything would've been so painless for the both of us if we had never met a few months back. Freezing in place, I teeter on the seesaw, debating to unravel the entire story to Asiel.


Every muscle in my body stiffens as I squish the feather between my fingers and blink away the tears that threaten to spill from my eyes.

"You found me," he says in a lighthearted manner.

A soft chuckle that sounds more painful than humorous escapes my lips. "Of course. I wanted to get back to you as soon as possible."

Nervously needing something to distract him, I tug on his tie and loosen the fabric around his neck. "Happy birthday, Mika. This moment has replayed over and over in my head with the perfect speech, but I'm blanking. So, I'm going to wing it. Mika, you're the world to me. You're my guardian angel, my savior, my sun-- I need you to survive. There isn't a day I don't thank the lord for introducing us to each other."

After drawing a deep breath, he continues, "I know everything won't be perfect. We're humans, after all, but I can't imagine accomplishing this journey with anyone else. You're my soulmate-- I knew it the second I saw you on that stage. I thought this girl was going to be the death of me, and I was right."

My throat tightens when Asiel goes on one knee and digs his hand into his pocket. "Mika, I'm always going to be there through the good and the bad. Picture me as a roach, because I'm never leaving you." He laughs, his irises nearly exploding with tears. "Would you do me the honor of marrying me and let me continue to demonstrate all the love you deserve?"

I struggle to hold back the tears in my eyes, dropping my head as the tears land on the floor. With a trembling hand, Asiel hooks his index finger under my chin and forces me to look up at him.

"Oh, Mika." Asiel's emerald irises flicker with concern. "I didn't mean to make you cry, Princesa. I'm sorry. Don't feel pressured to say yes. I understand that you need time to digest your emotions, and will wait for all of eternity for a response."

"A-Asiel..." I stammer as I fight to control my nerves. If I wasn't already losing my mind-- now, I am. Obviously, there isn't anything more I want in the world to accept the proposal, but I'm dangling a secret right behind me. Accepting it would only lead to more pain when the moment comes.

"Mika, everything is okay. I'm not upset or anything. I always tend to move on too fas-." I catch Asiel off-guard when I leap into his arms, creating a shackle with my arms around his neck. It feels immaculate.

Lowering myself, I rest my forehead against Asiel's, breathing in his earthly scent while holding onto his face. "The answer is obviously yes, Asiel. I'm sorry I made you think otherwise. It's just I'm scared."

An exclamation of excitement leaves Asiel's lips as he grips my waist and spins me around in a circle. "It's okay, Mika. That's why we have each other and make this commitment to always fight for one another. It's you and me against the world."

A sharp burning travels through my veins, gripping my heart because of the truth. "I love you, Asiel." My stomach does cartwheels as I press my lips onto his, earning a groan of approval from him. It's sweet and deliciously addicting as he licks my bottom lip for access. Any other time I would've gone weak in the knees, but I wanted to keep the kiss innocent.

His lips tilt into a full-blown smile as he grabs my hand and pushes the engagement ring on my finger. What a dork. The halo diamond cut on the ring glistens in the faint light, and I fall in love instantly with it. My mouth drops in amazement as I recognize the silver band, turning around to see Asiel's and my initials on the backside. So, that's where it went... It makes the significance of this ring a million times more profound.


It's everything I could want and more.

"I love you to the point of no return," Asiel says, his cheeks stain red from his nerves.

My eyes narrow at the sight of blood dripping from his nostrils, and I force his head back to minimize the bleeding. "Muñeco, this is the fourth blood nose this week. Could there be something wrong?"

Asiel groans, squeezing his nose and causing his voice to raise an octave higher. "It's nothing, Princesa. Probably just the warm heat. Let's just return to the intimate moment we were having before."

I laugh. "Okay. Okay, but let me get some tissues, at least."

Like a ninja, I seize the last clue left on the pillar and toss my secrets into the bin of fire. I had a weak moment, but I'm back. So, what if he knows I'm looking for him? At least, he warned me that he was going to come for me next.

Just try me, bitch.

Hehehe so guys... don't hate me... the information that Mika found out is going to come out soon... real soon... I'm sure you guys are itching to find out who the Mictlan is!!! This chapter is kind-of Mika processing it while also getting engaged to Asiel 😋

Also once it's revealed, if there's any inconsistencies pleasseeeee tell me! Like any plot holes you guys pick up on.😂😂 I throughly planned this book from beginning to end so it shouldn't have many jarring plot holes but obviously sometimes I over look things😂

Just let me know any questions or things that don't make sense afterward when you find out so I can see if I either need to explain better (whenever I update this beautiful story) or make it make sense.

Okay, hopefully that made sense 😂😂😂

How do you guys feel about the message Mika got? Do you think the Mictlan is going to reveal themselves to her soon? Or do you think they're trying to scare her to basically fuck off?

What about the engagement? Are you happy for our couple? Do you think it will last? Do you think they will reach the alter ? 🤭😂I'm just being cruel by laughing aren't I? Do you think Mika should've said no and explained everything?

Random question— I'm trying to promote Mika on tiktok and I'm wondering which chapters do you guys think would pull a reader in? Just suggestion if you guys have any 😂🥹😂

Thank you for all your support and comments! I love you and I'm so grateful for you guys❤️💜❤️💜

Wait also how weird was Diablo 👀👀? Wonder what's going on in his head...

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