Thirty-Eight Asiel

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My newfound revelation brought a new sense of happiness, pride, and I didn't care about anything. All my priorities have been pushed aside, so I can focus on how to shower my girlfriend, my woman, my love until she's overflowing with the love I have for her. Mateo was seething with the fact that I shoved the Velasquez issue to the side for the time being.

Thankfully, I sent him away to Colombia to settle the issues with our extended family. It's also a good excuse to keep his opinions to himself.

Who cares about Luka?

If he wants to put our familias through war, he's going to have to take the first jab at us. Asiel Morterero does not start arguments. I simply put them to bed. I won't be like my papa. Using the bystanders as his leverage, harming the other side by killing anything associated with them. I rather die a million deaths before condemning others for their action. Mateo sides with my papa, begging I take incitive and go after Luka's familia.

However, I never realize how hard it is to focus on a game plan when you're so in love. Make sense. I never had the pleasure of experiencing the blissful sensation until I met Mika, and I'm doing whatever I can to keep it. Even if it's one-sided, I'm just happy to be by her side, to be useful to her.

Call me a fool.

Everyone does.

Might as well play along with their narrative.

Groaning, I toss my buttermilk beige tie into my collection of discarded ties as I reach for a plain black one. Perfect. Why do I bother buying any other color when the only ties and suits I can stand are solely black? My heart is hammering in my chest as I glance at my clock, an hour until I have Mika all to myself again.

A vibration comes from my trousers, and I pull out my phone to see Spencer's contact photo, instantly answering it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Asiel," Spencer says, faint music playing in the background.

I scratch the back of my head, leaning on the mirror. "How's the bachelor's getaway? Is it torture to be away from your future wife?"

Spencer chuckles. "Honestly, yeah. I call her every night, and my brothers cringe every time. They should try to fall in love someday, then they will understand."

"Yeah, I would do the exact same thing as you," I admit, my lips curling into a smile as I picture her stunning face in my head. "It's almost painful to be hours apart from my girlfriend, and I don't think that's healthy. She's tame me with a love spell I don't and wouldn't ever break."

Another ripple of laughter comes from his line. "I guess things worked out with your mystery girl."

"It's complicated."

"How so? She likes you and you like her. Can't be any more simpler than that."

My finger subconsciously goes to twirl my purity ring, but all I find is a vacant mark. "I don't know. Sometimes I think she's with me because she feels bad for me. Other times, I think she might actually like me. It used to fuck with my head, but I've never been happier until this very moment."

Spencer heaves a deep, long breath. "Shit... I'm happy for you, Asiel, but I found some shit out about what we discussed, and it isn't pretty. I haven't been sleeping much since finding out, terrified to meet Yongsong's faith."

Panic swells in my chest. "You should've let me handle it. You are about to make a family. We can't have you leaving Alexander alone for the sake of my brother. It's not worth it. Maybe it really was suicide and I am just looking too deep into it."

"Asiel," he states sternly, attitude ridden in his voice. "We both know that's far from the truth. The truth isn't always a pretty little bow, and I can assure you what I found out is life-changing. Are you going to be able to handle it?"

Fear seeps into my bone marrow, biting holes to form flimsy, weak ones. I never expected the truth to be pretty. The individuals behind the murder are doing their best to keep everything under wraps, like a vacant spot in our universe. A conquered story one could believe because of the lack of evidence, but Spencer could know the linking piece.

"Get on with it and tell me," I demand impatiently.

Spencer sighs. "We shouldn't discuss these matters on the phone. We can't risk anyone else overhearing our conversation until the pieces are in motion. I'm coming home in two days. We should meet then. Quickly, before anything happens to me."

An antsy chuckle leaves my lips as I wipe my sweaty palms on my trousers. "Don't say things like that. Everything will be fine. You are going to live a long, happy life with Alexander."

Spencer clicks his tongue. "I hope so. Your brother deserves justice for what happened to him. I hope everything works out for the both of us."

"Alright. Take it easy, bro. We will talk on Thursday when you get back. Enjoy the rest of your bachelor's party."

"I try. I try."

The line goes dead, and I drop my phone in the pocket of my trousers. Spewing a spray of cologne, I carry my bucket load of gifts for Mika and use my elbows to open the door. The night is eerie silent, our employees resting in their rooms, my bodyguard excused, and my mama fast asleep along with my papa. My papa's health has taken a downward spiral, and he's been confined to bed.

An almost miracle honestly, but being bedridden doesn't stop my papa from giving unwanted advice. However, Maria, our family doctor, is keeping my papa heavily medicated, meaning for eighteen hours a day, he is sleeping. If only it was twenty-four hours a day. Shit. Is that cruel to say?

Subconsciously, I whisper a quick prayer for my disingenuous comment about papa. I shouldn't be so inhumane. Regardless, he is still my papa and has invested millions of dollars in my success. If only he knew I valued heart-warming human contact more than a couple of dollar bills.

Slamming the door shut with my foot, I speedwalk to my car, and my heart pumps ferociously as excitement spreads through my body. The engine jolts to life, with my foot pushing on the pedal, and I'm off. Radio pop hits fill the scenery as I'm bolting through the stark streets. My finger drums on the steering wheel while my other hand holds onto her gifts to keep them from falling.

The front entrance of Diablo's Paraiso is overflowing with casual attendees, dressed in raunchy, glittery clothing as they wait behind the red rope. The line of strangers runs all the way down five blocks and counting. It's dazzling and irritating to see the bright strokes of light reflecting off the glittery wardrobe.

Before going inside the remote entrance, I take a picture of myself, making half a heart, and send it to Mika, knowing she won't receive any connection in the club. But tonight, when she's lying in bed, she can go to sleep staring at my picture. Gosh, I'm embarrassed of myself.

"Evening, Sergio," I speak politely as he unclips the rope and sends a respectful nod in response.

Dropping all my gifts onto the counter, I pass Dana my black card, and she swipes it, confirming my attendance. There's still half an hour left until I can meet Mika in her quarters, so I take the elevator to the strip. Wine purple lights flicker on the front stage while the male Angele is grinding his dick on another man's face.

Struggling to hold on to everything, I hurry over to a vacant seat at the bar and carefully place the items on it. The bouquet sits in my lap, beautifully wrap with bright pink ribbons. On the countertop is a cranking machine containing photos of Mika and me. A small jar filled with the reasons why I love her. So, whenever she thinks there isn't a person in the world who cares, Mika will take a note and remember I'm here.

Resting on my stool is the white, fluffy fox fur coat that would match perfectly with Mika's olive skin tone. There's another present bag fill with undergarments, sleepwear, slippers, and vitamins. Mika always forgets to take her vitamins. My fingers glide on the necklace around my neck, and I unclip it.

My purity ring sways on the silver string, and I place it in a rectangular black box for Mika. It's my way of professing my love for Mika without outright saying the words. I don't want to scare her, and those three words could push her away. This ring has been on my finger since I was twelve years old. I spent years cherishing the meaning of this little ring and all it let up to this moment.

The promise was broken.

Wearing the ring is meaningless now, but proposing it to Mika is like giving the ring a new significance.

Something I would never break.

The stool beside me screeches as a person pulls it out and sits down. Instantly, the bartender darts their gaze in this direction, pouring a tumbler of whiskey and thrusts it down my way. A hand with a cobra serpent tattoo looks as if it's biting the glass because of the way the ink is designed on his fingers. The fangs of the serpent are on his pointer finger, and the rest of the snake's mouth is on his thumb.

Chills shiver down my spine.

I know that hand.

It belongs to the person who sent the letter about Diablo's Paraiso to me.

He brings the tumbler to his lips and smirks as he swallows the whiskey. "Funny seeing you here. What a way to make my night. Are you going to bid for Mika tonight?"

My voice comes out rigid, jerky from my dry throat. "Y-yeah. Double the amount like usual."

Lately, I've been bidding with Mika by using Dana since Diablo was away on vacation. I knew, eventually, I would have to face him again, but I wasn't expecting tonight. Tension is high on the horizon because of my involvement in his lower rank. Mika has the leverage of meaning something to him, whether it's personal or money, but I'm nothing. Diablo has no reason to keep me away from the grave.

Diablo sports an obnoxious smirk while his gaze floats over my gifts for Mika. "Things seem serious with Mika. I never thought I'll see the day Mika was in a relationship. It's like I'm in the twilight zone."

My finger drum on the wooden bar as a tense chuckle departs from my lips. "Yeah, it's our two-week anniversary. I wanted to surprise her with gifts."

With a raised eyebrow, he spins the jar and his chest rocks with laughter. "God, you really are a dork. By the way, Mika hates white fur coats. She said it's an outfit begging to be ruined."

My stomach constricts. "Oh, yeah. I brought it for one of Mika's friends."

Diablo breaks into another ray of chuckles. "Mika doesn't have friends. She's a lone wolf. Don't bother lying." My shoulder slump as embarrassment flushes to my cheeks, growing redder when he edges his elbow into my chest. "Don't feel too bad. Mika and I go way back. It's natural that I know more than you. Mika isn't the type to share."

Irritation swells in my chest. "You guys might have a long history, but Mika opens up to me. She trusts me. Way more than you."

After the word vomit leaves my lips, I instantly regret it. Diablo is trying to get under my skin, and I'm letting him. It's just so fucking aggravating of him to throw his relationship with Mika in my face. What's the point? Does he find enjoyment in watching me quiver like a leaf? Mika is my girlfriend. She is nothing but a frenemy to him, so why am I letting him rile me up?

Diablo shakes his tumbler in the air, and the bartender hurries over to fill it. "Really? Do you even know a single thing about her? Her childhood? The way she ended up here? The full story of my relationship with her?"

My jaw ticks. "If you know Mika as well as you claim, you could answer that for yourself. Mika isn't obligated to tell me anything. Her past is the past, but I am a part of her future. What she shares with me is our business."

The eerie smirk never leaves his face. "So, nothing? Seriously, sometimes I wonder how she gets men wrap around her fingers without doing much." He shrugs. "It's not fair of me to judge. I have fallen into the same trap too. I still do. She has a gift."

The time couldn't go any slower.

"Asiel, take some of my advice," Diablo says, draping his arm over my shoulder. "You and Mika will not last. Leave before it's too late. She will never reveal anything to you unless it's for her benefit. It's how Mika operates."

The stool scapes on the floor as I move away from Diablo's touch, my jaw tense and clench. "God, you're so fucking immature. What do you get from talking shit behind Mika's back? Are you jealous or something? And for your information, Mika has shared plenty of things, like her childhood."

He tilts his head, unbothered. "Really? What exactly?"

My fingers clench, turning to a fist as my nails dig into my palm. "Her parents. I know what happened to them." Shoving everything into my arms, I pivot on my foot to leave. "Now, excuse me, I have to go meet my girlfriend."

"Was it about how she accidentally killed her father?"

My heart falls to the pit of my stomach as I crane my head to glance back. "Maybe. Why?"

He eyes me curiously, a hint of a smirk on his face. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Mika lied. That's not how her parents died."

An unsettling feeling forms at the base of my spine and crawls up hauntingly. "H-How do you know? Maybe she lied to you and told me the real story."

Diablo drapes his arms on the bar, keeping our gaze locked as the vile smirk never drops from his lips. "That's what you hope, isn't it? Mika repeated the same story to me, but I knew the people who took her. They told me the truth. Besides, I have Mika's journal, and she used to write everything in there. I can share it with you if you like."

My nostrils flare. "You're lying."

"Go ask your little girlfriend."

The churns in my head are going haywire, working overtime to decode the mystery in Diablo's words. He has to be lying. He's trying to put a wedge between Mika and me because it's convenient for him. But a sensation swirls in my stomach, coiling into anxious knots. What if he is telling me the truth? Would Mika be capable of lying about something as important as her parent's fate?

With gritted teeth, I spat, "Fuck you."

He downs another glass of whiskey. "Don't shoot the messenger. It isn't my fault that your girlfriend didn't trust you enough to tell you the truth." A hint of disbelief lights up his eyes while stifling a laugh. "It's a bullshit story. She didn't kill him by accident. Mika stabbed the man thirty-seven times. That's no mistake. You bet that bitch loved it. She's a sheep in wolf's clothing, and you're stupid to think she won't do the same to you."

My arms fall to my side, the items smashing on the floor. A few heads turn my way, but all I can focus on is the pounding in my chest. She lied to me, didn't she? I thought our relationship was blossoming into something we both wanted, but I'm mistaken.

I'm always fucking wrong.

If she could lie about something so simple as her past and what will stop her from lying about anything else? What am I doing here? I'm spoiling a fucking brat that doesn't waste a breath caring about my feelings.

I wanted to be angry.

I wanted to be so fucking furious.

But out of all the emotions existing on this planet earth, the only thing I'm feeling is heartbroken. My chest aches, and it pounds to the beat of the music streaming through the speakers.

Mika, why would you lie to me?

Why are you afraid to show me your true colors?

Can't you see how much my heart is bleeding from being heartbroken by you?

Freaking Diablo... do you guys think he's telling the truth? Did you think Mika is lying? Or is he trying to squeeze a wedge between them?

Do you blame Asiel for believing him? It must be tough to be hearing one thing and another. Would you believe him?

I can't wait to hear all your thoughts and read all your comments! Thank you for reading this chapter and I appreciate all your comments and votes!

Love ya 💜❤️💜❤️💜

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