Chapter 5: Back Story

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Yeonjun is the most popular kid in his school, it is because of his wit and handsomeness. No one ever surpassed his brilliance, in fact, his average grades are the highest in the school history. Sometimes it's 99.9%, most of the time it's 100%.

But this didn't last, because of this:

"I heard that there is a new student."


"Yeah. This is weird. Like our first quarter had finished."

"I know right. It's the second quarter. Our school accept newcomers ONLY in the first quarter."

Rumors here, rumors there. Yeonjun looked confused.

"Hey Yeonjun!"

"Hey Yohan. Yohan, what is all these fuss all about?" Yeonjun asked.

"Oh.. we are having a new student. He is in our class," Yohan answered.


"Yup, it's a he. This news is pretty surprising, even for me."

Yeonjun nodded and the bell for the first class rang. The students all sprinted to their respective classrooms and wait for the teacher to come.

The teacher in Yeonjun's class had arrived.

"Okay class, settle down. I think that you knew already that we are having a new student," the teacher said. "Please come in."

The new student came in and there came in the awes.

"New student. Could you please introduce yourself?"

"Ah, yes. Good morning everyone, my name is Choi Soobin, nice to meet you," he said bowing, then he stood up straight. "I'm from Seoul, South Korea. I enrolled here because they said that most of the intellectuals came here, so I study here. I hope that we will become friends and please take care of me."

'Yeah, he is right, he's not lying,' Yeonjun thought. 'Let's see if he's smart enough.' Grabbing his ball-pen out of his bag.

"Good introduction, Soobin. Your seat will be beside Yeji," the teacher said. "Yeji, please raise your hand, in order for Soobin to know."

Yeji raises her hand. Soobin walked over the vacant seat and sat down.

"Hello, my name is Hwang Yeji. Nice to meet you, Soobin."

Soobin smiled and he's showing his dimples. Yeji coos, because Soobin is so cute when smiling.

The teacher starts handing out test papers, today is their test in the math subject.

"Are you willing to take the test, Soobin? This will count as your first test if you'll take it. It's okay that you don't have to."

"It's fine by me, sir. Despite from being a new student, I think I will get an average mark," Soobin replied.

"If you insist." The teacher gave him the test paper and they have 1 hour to finish the test.

Later, the bell rang, indicating that lunch break is now. They all went to the cafeteria. Soobin grabs the lunch box meal and almond milk. When he starts looking for a vacant seat, but he lost hope. The cafeteria was crowded, a very hard chance to find an empty seat for him to sit down.

But luckily someone waved at him. "Hey! Over here!"

Soobin pointed at himself and the stranger nods. He smiled and went over to sit across the stranger.

"You must be the new student! My name is Choi Beomgyu, I hope that we can be friends," the stranger introduced.

"Yes, I am the new student. My name is Choi Soobin," Soobin smiled. "You know. You are very friendly. It's hard for me to make friends."

"I'm always friendly, in fact they call me the mood-maker in our class," Beomgyu said.

Soobin laughed. They talked about things happening in their life, the past up until now. Soobin is thankful because he found his first ever real friend, the one who will make him smile and promised to keep his secrets and not gonna spread it away.

The next day, is the results of the test that they took yesterday.

"Very good, Yeonjun. 99%, I'm so proud," their teacher said. The whole class clapped while Yeonjun is taking his test paper.

"I'm so surprised of you Soobin. Despite of being a new student here, you already know the formulas and the solution on how to solve each number. In fact, you get the perfect score. 100%."

Soobin is shocked, he didn't even tried that hard. The whole class let out a shocking gasp, some are covering their mouths with their hands or handkerchief and some are gapping.

"What?!" Yeonjun questioned. 'I can't believe it.'

Soobin took his test paper and reviewed his answers and the result. It is very shocking for him.

"Whoa! Congrats Soobin!" Yeji exclaimed looking at his paper.

"But I didn't even tried that hard," Soobin said.

The class except Yeonjun starts talking about Soobin. He looks left and right, seeing that his classmates eyes are all on Soobin. This made him very angry. No one is supposed to surpass him, he will be the number one always. But someone stole his spotlight.

'You just found a rival, Soobin. How dare you steal my spotlight? Just you wait,' Yeonjun thought glaring at him. 'Just you wait.'

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