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"Jiminie, it's been a month. He hasn't called or texted. He said he would, but he hasn't. Was I really just a one-time fling to him after all?" I pouted as my hands gripped the cup of coffee in front of me.

Jimin gave me a small smile and put a hand on my arm. "I'm sure there is more to it, Tae. From what you told me, he seemed genuinely into you."

"Maybe my mind misinterpreted things because I was so desperate for somebody to be into me."

Jimin sighed and nodded.

That's the thing about Jimin. He knows exactly what to say and do and when to do it. So if a response wasn't warranted, he wouldn't give one.

I took a deep breath and squeezed Jimin's hand on my arm. "I love you, Chim. You're the best best friend I could ask f-"

Jimin quirked up an eyebrow at the sight of my mouth hanging wide open, mid-sentence. He snapped in front of my face with concern in his eyes. "Tae? What's up?"

"I-" I shook my head and cleared my throat. "The red head that is waiting in line? That's Jungkook."

"No way, the flight attendant?" He whipped around in his seat, turning to face me after seeing the aforementioned male. "He's fucking gorgeous."

I buried my face in my hands, in shock that he is in a coffee shop in Daegu, when he lives in Seoul.

"Go talk to him!" Jimin urged me, but I merely shook my head, unable to wrap my head around everything. The man who has been encapsulating my mind for the last month is standing mere feet away, and I can't move. I'm frozen, my own mind full of tornadoes and tsunamis instead of actual words and actions.

Jimin sighed before I heard him stand up, walking over to the flight attendant. He spoke purposefully loud, so I could hear what he was saying as he said it. "Jungkook, right?"

The redhead furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest. "Yes? Do I know you?"

"Not me, but you know my best friend. Taehyung."

Jungkook's posture relaxed, his eyes softening and his arms dropping by his side. "Did you say Taehyung?"

"Yes. The one you screwed on a flight and then ghosted."

"I didn't... Oh God, I didn't ghost him, I swear. I-Is he in Daegu? Please tell me he's in Daegu."

Jimin snickered and nodded towards me with his head, making me bury my head into my hands once again.

Gentle footsteps approached, making me look up to meet Jungkook's eyes.

"Taehyung, oh my God, it's really you."

I nodded, swallowing as I was unsure of what to say.

Jungkook bent over and gave me a hug, and I could hear him sniff once or twice as he did so. My arms wrapped around to his back almost immediately, the comfort his arms brought me returning.

He leaned back, grabbing a chair and sitting down. In my periphery, I could see Jimin grab his coffee and move to the next table, close enough to eavesdrop, but far enough to provide privacy.

"Taehyung, I am so glad I found you. You have no idea."

"You could've seen me if you had called me. Or texted. Or anything. You didn't." The words spilled out before I could stop them.

"I wanted to," Jungkook rushed to say. He sighed. "I put your number in my pocket, and then I got home and washed my uniform and... your number was gone. I only had one digit left."

"Oh." I felt relief wash over me as I smiled at Jungkook. "But you wanted to call me?"

He squeezed my hands and nodded aggressively. "Yes. So much. That's why I'm in Daegu. I was hoping you were still here and that I could find you."

"Well, you did." I chuckled, watching the tension visibly disappear from Jungkook's shoulders. "I'm a fan of the red hair."

"Oh yeah? One of my friends said I would chicken out of having color in my hair. I proved his ass wrong."

My fingers moved through his red locks, my chest constricting. "I'm glad you found me, Jungkook."

He leaned forward slightly, pressing his forehead against mine. "I'm glad I decided to come to Daegu. I needed to find you. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you."


"Yes." Jungkook cleared his throat and cupped my cheeks. "Taehyung, would you let me take you out on a date?"

"I would love nothing more."

"Oh! Can I tag along just for the free food?" Jimin asked from right next to us, making us jump.

With a heavy sigh, I backed away slightly from Jungkook. "Kook, this is my best friend, Jimin."

Jimin extended a hand with a slightly mischievious smile. "Nice to finally meet you, Jungkook. Now, I do ask that you wait to fuck my best friend again until you two go on at least three dates."

"Jimin," I warned, with a slight roll of my eyes.

My best friend shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "What? It's my duty to protect you, and that includes protecting your asshole."

Jungkook snorted, making me laugh along. After a few seconds, Jimin joined in on the laughter.

When the laughter settled down, Jungkook smiled at Jimin and I. "I think we'll be great friends, Jimin. And Tae? Let me put your number directly in my phone this time."

I nodded, typing my digits into his phone before he leaned over to kiss me on the cheek.

"I have to get back to my hotel room to check when my next flight is. I'll text you?"

I nodded, feeling the male squeeze my hand once before walking out of the coffee shop.

Jimin giggled excitedly. "Oh, he's dreamy. Shit, I want you to not like him so I can hop on that."

My lips curved upwards as I shook my head. "I definitely do not see myself ever getting over him, Chim."


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