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I lurched forward as the brakes were applied, a smile spreading on my lips when I realized we had made it.

People crowded along the platform, some holding flowers or signs, others merely standing against a pole with their phone in hand.

Once we received the all-clear, I stood up, reaching above my seat to grab my duffle bag with a quiet giggle.

I followed the line of riders off the train, watching one after another find their loved ones and greet them after the trip. My eyes scanned the faces in search of him, with no avail.

Shouldering my duffle bag, I swallowed the lump in my throat as I explored the platform again, frown deepening on my face.

Did he forget?

Just as I was beginning to question where he was, my phone rang, and I immediately answered.

"Tae! Holy crap, I am so sorry." He spoke fast, and almost like he was out of breath.

"Jungkook, take a breath. Did you forget or just running late again?"

The other male sighed. "I didn't forget, I promise. I just had to make a small stop and it took me longer than I anticipated."

"Look, Jungkook, you've been late both meet ups, and honestly that doesn't feel great." My heart hurt at the fact that I was even saying the words out loud.

"I know! But I promise you, I have a reason. And it won't happen again, just give me the chance to prove it to you. Now, I'm pulling up to the station now. What platform are you at?"

Platform 9 3/4 🤪

"I'll just meet you at the entrance. I'm walking that way now."

I could hear Jungkook deflate slightly over the phone. "Oh, okay. Um... see you in a few then."

I hung up the phone, taking a minute to close my eyes and take a deep breath before pocketing my phone and walking off the platform and through the station.

My mind couldn't help but drift away. I'm a stickler for being timely, and Jungkook and I discussed this in detail on our first real date. It shows you want to be there, and you're excited to see the person. It also shows a mutual respect for the other person's time. There is a reason many doctor's charge you if you're fifteen minutes late to your appointment. Time is expensive, and something rare that can never be made up.

I cleared my throat and shook my head, trying to erase all the thoughts, just as Jungkook came into view.

He closed the distance between us, bringing me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry I'm late, Taehyung," he apologized against my shoulder, planting a kiss on the side of my neck before he pulled back. He wore a nervous smile. "My car is just over here." He slid the duffel bag off my shoulder before putting it on his own.

I could already feel the tension my mind had caused lifting off, just his presence making everything better.

"Thank you," I said as he opened the passenger side door of his car, letting me sit down comfortably in the car before closing the door and walking around to the driver side.

After he got in the car, he sighed, reaching a hand into the backseat, pulling out a bouquet of pink and yellow tulips.

"I really am sorry," he spoke, clearing his throat as he handed the bouquet to me. "The first flower shop didn't have tulips so I had to go to another one that was understaffed, so it took longer than anticipated. But I know tulips are your favorite, so I knew I had to get some for you."

I took the bouquet, smelling the fresh flowers before my lips automatically lifted up into a smile.

"Thank you, Kookie." I met eyes with my boyfriend, seeing the hint of uneasiness behind them. "And I'm sorry for being short with you... I have some traumatic relationship experiences that I thought I was over. Apparently they're still lingering a bit."

Jungkook gripped my hand tightly in his. "And we'll work through this trauma together, okay? I promise you, I'm not going anywhere."

I nodded, kissing his cheek.

He patted my hand with a smile before turning back to face the steering wheel. "Alright, let's get this weekend started, hmm? We have 48 hours to spend together, and boy do I have some things planned for you."


"Welcome to my humble abode," Jungkook said as he spread his arms wide, showcasing his apartment.

I chuckled, eyes drifting across the space, taking in the subtle touches of charcoal and black against the stark white floors and walls. With a charcoal couch placed underneath a black and white photograph of the Eiffel Tower, to the black shag rug underneath the crisp white coffee table.

"I expect nothing less," I admitted with a smile.

Jungkook shrugged casually before motioning toward the door against one wall. "Here's the bedroom," he spoke, opening the door.

I couldn't help but shake my head when I saw the bedroom, once again not surprised at all.

A black tufted headboard sat in the middle of the room with the mattress covered in black sheets. Draped along the top of the headboard were red fairy lights, matching the red frames of more black and white photos from Jungkook's travels that covered the walls. A white rug lay underneath the bed. A white desk with black knobs sat in the corner, next to the red curtains covering the window.

"Take a guess at my favorite colors," Jungkook said sarcastically, practically snorting at my raised eyebrows and look of amusement.

"It definitely suits you," I snickered.

Jungkook set my duffle bag down on the bed before pointing to the two doors along the far wall. "The door on the left is the closet, and the door on the right is the bathroom. Please, Tae, make yourself at home, okay? This is your place too."

"For the weekend, but yes," I corrected slightly.

Jungkook shook his head, stepping towards me and gripping my hands. "No. I mean it. You are welcome here anytime. This is your place too. I know you said you wanted to move to Seoul eventually, but I don't expect you to move from Daegu so quickly. This can be your bridge between moving here fully. My home is your home. Okay, Tae?"

I nodded, shy smile on my lips.

"Now," Jungkook started, clearing his throat. "Are you hungry?"


Look at me resolving the minimal angst within the same update!!

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