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When I said, "I LOVE YOU!" to her in front of whole college, I had many things in my mind, I wished to witness. But, seeing her getting ready for her lunch date was never on my wish list.

Seeing her walking here and there, hastily grabbing her things so she may not get late for her date, was indeed painful. I was suffering right now!

Why am I letting her go!?
I can be stern!
I can stop her!
She's mine. Only mine!

  - Not after you divorced her!

I sighed and started to maintain my focus on my laptop.
I had many important works right now, than mourning over the loss of love, I practically dragged out of my life.

She deserves to be happy!
And I will not stand as an obstacle.

Just then, the doorbell rings.

I should have gone to my penthouse rather than staying at hers. But my sleeping daughter is too precious to be disturbed.

She went ahead to open the door.

"Hey Bela!", The scumbag chimed.
"Hi!", She probably waved at him.
"You're looking gorgeous..", She indeed was. She always does. But you are no one to tell her that!
I clenched my jaw in anger and of course, seething jealousy.
"Should we go!?"
"Yeah! Just a second.", She came back where I was sitting and went across me to kiss Mahira.

"Mahir...I have kept her bottle and spare pant in the drawer. The warmed milk is in the flask. You don't have to heat it. I have already added sug....!"
I interrupted her before she could talk any further, "You need to go...Your date is waiting for you."
I didn't look in her eyes.

And that was because I was afraid of seeing excitement, urge to move on from me, and love for some other man!

"Mahir....I..!", I interrupted again.
"I'll take care of her.", I said monotonously.

Seconds later, I felt her moving away.
And the the thud of the closing door is heard, a tear drops.

"Bela! I love you!", The words escaped my mouth as if they are the only ones to heal my heartburn.

What if Bela starts liking him!?
What if Bela falls in love again!?
What if she takes Mahira also!?

I shake my head to wash off all these thoughts. I can't control her.
Had I been the previous me, I would have stopped her from going on a date. But after knowing, what mistake I did, I think she deserves better.
I should let her go!
"C'mon baby! Don't spoil your clothes.", I held the cone in my hand making sure it doesn't spills on her top.
"Dadda...aaaaa!", She opened her mouth again, signalling with her finger to feed her icecream.
"Finish the one in your mouth first!", I said sternly and she frowned.

In the matter of seconds, she jumped on me, snatching the cone, and shoving it in her mouth.

Her love for ice-creams is INSANE!

However, in the process my jeans was already a chocolate mess, and she face which was fair seconds ago, converted into a chocolate mess.
I couldn't help laughing at the sight.

She didn't know how to hold the cone, but she was determined enough to lap up the melting ice cream by her little tongue.

We were currently in the children's park, few blocks away from our building. It was afternoon, but the weather was a bit cloudy today and soft wind was prevailing.
Better day to stay out.
With my super adorable daughter.

After having her stomach full to content, and her face messed with chocolate she declared, "Dadda Finishhh!"
I took out my phone carefully, and clicked a selfie of us, where she made a pig pout, scrunching her nose.

Then, I cleaned her using the water and wipes I had, in the process spoiling my T-shirt more.
It takes a lot to be a Dadda to a kid like Mahira.

As I finished cleaning her, and changing her top, my phone started ringing...
"Dadda ellowww...!!!"(Dadda hello!), Pointing her fingers to my pocket.
"Yes baby! Dadda heard it.", I took out my phone from the pocket expecting it to be some call from office or my PA.

However, the caller ID told otherwise.
It was Bela!

She spoke up, "Mahir! Where are you!?"
"I am with Mahira at the children's park. Why!? What happened!?", I didn't mean to sound dull or angry, but I couldn't help it.
"Will you please pick me up!? The restaurant is not very far from there!"
I stood up immediately, "Don't tell me that scumbag left you alone in the restaurant!"
She lowered her voice, "No Mahir... He's here. He'll wait till you pick me up. He has some emergency."
Emergency my foot!
How can he be so careless.
He was desperate for the date but couldn't arrange for some time.
Worthless creature!

"Okay I am coming! Just wait there!", I said and disconnected.
Settling Mahira on the passenger seat, I drove off for the restaurant.
In just ten minutes, I was standing near the entrance with Mahira.

Taking deep breaths, I calmed down myself.
Just take her and leave!

I got in the restaurant and that ping sound declared my presence.
I started scanning the restaurant, when Mahira yelled in my ears, "Mummaaa!"
And then she started jumping in some direction.

The eyes of all people were on us and in no time, I started hearing, "How adorable!", "How cute!", "See her hairs!", "They look so cute!!"
As a response to stimulus, I hid Mahira's face in my neck and started walking towards her mumma.

From the distance, I could see two men.
My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Who are they!?

I went nearer and that's when I saw that scumbag, and Bela's brother.
All the anger I have been suppressing from yesterday resurfaced and as soon as my eyes met with his, I passed him a deathly glare and turned back.
I don't want to see his face!

Just as I started moving back, someone held my hand. And the touch, I recognize with every ounce of my body.
"Mahir! Just five minutes...!"

I turned to face her, anger still evident, "You must have forgotten what he said about Mahira! I WILL NOT!"
She looked directly in my eyes and her hold on my hand tightened.
"Mahir! It's about that only. Just five minutes...I promise I won't demand for anything else."

Her not demanding me for anything else, definitely hit the soft spot. I want her to demand. To whine. From me!

"Okay!", I went near the table and took a seat near the scumbag.
First of all, I don't want Bela near him.
Secondly, I don't want to sit near her brother.
Mahira crawled over to her mother.
"You're smelling like chocolate.", And then her eyes drifted to my originally white but now brown T-shirt, "You both were having ice-cream!?"
I shrugged pointing towards Mahira, who has the widest grin of the century.
"You both are spoiling each other!", She scoffed.
"She's the culprit. She knows that I won't be able to resists if she starts crying. And she did exactly that!"

Our conversation was interrupted when someone cleared their throat.
I looked in the direction to find Bela's brother glaring at us, and that scumbag rolling eyes.
Bela too noticed that.

"Bhai..I think we should begin now!", Her tone was different.
"Hmm.", He hummed in reply.
And then clearing his throat again, "Mahir! I am sorry for yesterday. I was in anger and wanted to convince her to date Aditya. I apologize."
He was apologizing but his eyes and tone held no regret.
I chose not to reply.

"Oh c'mon bhai! I didn't call him to get insulted. Even I came here, on just one condition that you will apologize to Mahir! And that apology will be heartfelt."
My head snapped in her direction as I heard this.
She came here just to make him apologize to me.

"Bela how can you be so considerate towards the man who divorced you, just because he 'thought' you're cheating..."

She interrupted, "...Whatever he did, is my concern. Atleast he didn't leave me wandering on the roads with my daughter. When you were at regiment, you never knew what I am going through. When I was pregnant, he was there. When Mahira was born, he was there. When I needed to work, he was there to support. And this all I never expected from him.
You come back, bring a so called "best friend" with you, who from the very first time, is trying to hit on me. Seriously bhai! Just because Mahir divorced me, I can't decide to go to another man. The cheap stuff you said about my daughter is unforgivable. And I will forever despise you for that. But for Mahir, you'll have to apologize. Still it's on him, whether he forgives you or not. And if you don't, then I'll make sure you never see my face again!"

Everyone on the table was taken aback.
Even Mahira went silent hearing her mother.

I never expected this outburst from her. For me. After what all I have done.

Her brother sighed, "Fine! Mahir...I don't like you. And I just want her to be happy, which I think she's not with you. Whatever I said about Mahira, I am truly regretting over it. For you, I am sorry and this time I mean it."
He was right. This time he meant it.

"Okay! That's fine. I won't take it on my heart. You're an uncle to my daughter. And I expect your hatred for me, to not affect your love for her. That's it.", I stood up and Bela stood up with me.

"I hope you had a wonderful date. But sorry, I am not looking forward to another one.", Bela said to the scumbag.

"Bela...What it is that you still feel for him!? After what he did to you...!"
"He is my...!", She stopped.
Obviously, I am not her anything.

This time her brother stood up smiling, "Your eyes say a lot more than your lips do... Little one!"
He then took out something from his pocket.

It was a chain. A small chain.
"Very little one! This is your mumma's chain. She wore it when she was like you.", He forwarded a bit and made Mahira wear the chain.
Mahira, surprisingly didn't shoe him away.
And the very next moment squealed as she received a huge chocolate from her uncle.

She allowed him to pull her cheeks, only because he bribed her.
He then kissed her forehead.

Bela all the while maintained a straight face. She was upset.

And as soon as he backed, Bela stormed off with Mahira.
Leaving me and the two men.
I turned to that scumbag, "I hope she clarified her stand. Don't want to see you hitting on her again!", I warned him.
Her brother then turned to me, "Don't dare hurt her again. I won't forget bringing my rifle this time."
Nodding, i left.

As I exited the restaurant, a wave of relief washed me. I was overwhelmed with happiness!

Last five minutes were probably the best I had, in the last few days.

Grinning ear to ear, I reached the car, where Mahira was busy blabbering the days incidents in her incoherent voice, while Bela was staring somewhere else, lost in her own thoughts.

"Hey!", I called as I got in the car.
Bela snapped her head in my direction, but then looked away.
However, Mahira's rants were now directed at me too.

"You had lunch!?", I asked because the table at the restaurant had nothing except coffee mugs.
"I'll prepare something at home."
"Even I haven't eaten anything. And I am hell hungry! We should go to some diner. Or order something.", I suggested.
"We'll order. It is Mahira's nap time.", I nodded and we drove off.

Bela was silent all the while, even during the lunch.
May be she was pissed off at her brother. Her confession today was unexpected and un called for.
But I think what i'll do will be surely unexpected.

"Thanks!", I said to her hoping she will understand what I am implying to.
She remained unresponsive.

"My brother said wrong. And defending you before him doesn't mean, I am asking you to give me, what was previously mine. I need you. For Mahira. You need me. For Mahira. I don't think there's anything else left with us. Between us.
I came to know Vyom told you everything. Seeing your indifferent behaviour, gives a major clue. You not stopping me, from going on a date with another guy was something, I never expected from you.
But believe me, I never want or wish you to destroy yourself in guilt.
Move on from what happened. Make everything around you like it was before. I hold no grudge. I cannot."
My heart was on a cliff, ready to drop.

"How can everything in my life, be the same like it was before when you're not in it? Huh!?", I questioned her.

"Just forget I ever existed in your life."

"That means you'll forget I ever existed in yours!?", I knew the answer better.

"I, only if for some time, was a cheater in your eyes. I betrayed you. You can kill the love that is already dead. You, on the other hand, are the most beautiful phase of my life. I couldn't ever think low of you. And you are probably the only reason, why I am still alive. I can't forget you."

"You think the period, I was misunderstanding you, my love for you ended."

"Should I think otherwise Mahir!?"

"Yeah you should. I love you and that is the reason I couldn't control my anger. I committed a grave mistake. I committed my own suicide. I killed our relationship. I made you the way you are now. I have faded that glow of your eyes. You think I should not feel guilty!?", My eyes were filled with tears.

"No you should not."

"Yes I should!"

Her voice was raspy but I couldn't see her face because of the hairs that covered it, "What can I do to end your guilt!?"

"Be happy!", I was hell sure of my answer.

"How!?", She asked me finally looking up.

"Take Mahira with you. And go.", I said it only to earn a expression of disbelief from her, "I am ready to leave both of you. I want you to get a good husband and Mahira a good father. Not that scumbag of course. But someone, who can keep you happy. Her happy. I don't want any custody on Mahira. I just want her to know that someone, named Mahir Sehgal donated her a sperm. That's it. I decided this the very day, I came to know about what I have done.
It was just that stubborn hope, which was trying to find something like 'us'. But now, I see nothing like that."

Silence followed but she was smiling.

"So you're leaving again."

"I have no choice!"

"Go!", She said and stood up.
Picking up Mahira, she went to her penthouse and slammed the door shut.

"I did it!", I said to myself but didn't let any tear drop from my eyes.
This is my punishment.
This is my redemption.
This is my sorry.

I picked my phone and called dad.
My dad.
"Hey Mahir! Finally you called son...Your brat finally slept, I think."
I took a deep breath.
"Dad! I am ready to take over our branch in London, eight weeks from here and then I'll go there.", I told him and then disconnected.

I went up in my room and started packing my stuff.
Within two hours, I was done.
Taking a picture of us, Our only family photo, one we took on Mahira's birthday birthday, I came downstairs.

With the courage, I gathered, I knocked on Bela's door.
After two three minutes, the door opened.

There she was in her red, puffed eyes.

I saw a shock that crossed her eyes, on seeing the bags in my hand. But she covered it immediately.

"Mahira is playing on her crib.", I could hear her voices from there.

"I am not here for Mahira...I am here for you.", I told her and she looked up, shocked.
"Bela!", I took a deep breath, "I love you!", and that's when a sob escaped her lips.

She broke into tears. Then and there. Before me.
"You don't!"
"I do!"
"No you don't!", She shook her head.
"I mean it love! I do love you! And that love knows no bounds!", I grabbed her hands and pulled her for a hug.
She started punching my chest, "You don't! I don't believe you!"
I held her tight.
Not letting her go! Because eventually, I have to.

Her protests died in my hug, and that's when she hugged me back.
"I love you too!", Hearing this, my heart skipped a beat.

I let her cry in my chest.
I had to take her pain away.
I had to light her burden.
She can't hold everything in her.

When her sobs died, she looked at me.
I pulled back her hairs from her face, and tugged them behind her ears.
"I have something for you both.", I picked up the file kept with my luggage, "This is all what I have collected and saved for Mahira and you. They are accounts, which you will now have access to. And I will keep on adding amount in this. And before you can protest, this is all I can do for you both. And this will lessen my guilt by 0.0001%."
Sighing, she took the file from my hand.

"I'll go and see her.", She nodded pursing her lips.
With small steps, I walked towards her.
And as if she sensed me, she snapped her head in my direction.
"Dadda!", She grinned from ear to ear.

I felt a scorching pain in my heart.
How will I leave now!

I gulped a lump and picked her up.
"Baby!", She held my face in her hands, and kissed my nose.
"Baby dadda is going! Far! Very Far!", She frowned.
"And when dadda will come, he'll bring you a lots of chocolate and toys and ice-cream! Okay!"
She smiled again.
Nodding her head up and down.
"Take care of mumma!", I whispered and she seriously scrunched her eyebrows and nodded.
"And don't let any scumbag come near your mumma!", She nodded again!
"Okaaaaa!", She yelled.
"You cannot teach her curses Mahir!! You know she'll learn them.", I heard a voice from behind me, and turned to find Bela standing behind me.
I giggled with my daughter.

Looking at the watch, I found it's almost time for the driver I called.
I handed Mahira to Bela and kissed both of their's forehead.
"Take care! Specially you Bela...! Although I said alot, never hesitate to call me in problem. I'll be back as a friend. As your supporter. Take care of my daughter. I love you both!", I said in a raspy voice, as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

I saw tears in Bela's eyes and so decided to turn, because if any single tear drops, I'll end up unpacking all my luggage.

I was going towards the door, when something caught my hand.
I tilted my head a bit, and that's when I heard her, "When will you return!? You know I'll be waiting."

My heart skipped a beat.
But I had an answer.
Without turning, I said, "I'll return the day this knot between us will die. I'll return when something big, big enough to replace my mistake, big enough to dissolve all your sorrows will happen. I'll return when Mahira will not be the only reason we're together."

With that, I walked to the door, "I'll be waiting!", I heard her say and finally the tears I have been controlling from so long spilled out.
"Bye dadda! Tata Tata!", I heard Mahira say as I got in the elevator.
Even I am waiting for that day!


I know you all think Mahir is suffering alot. But this is because you are reading his point of view. When you'll see it from Bela's perspective, you'll see what she's going through.
And then, you'll find both of them the victim of circumstances.
Love for Mahira is their strength in every way, but it is their weakness when it comes to the divorced marriage. You'll see how things go!

The love story of Bela and guilty Mahir ends here.
The love story of Bela and donor Mahir begins now!

Comments and reviews awaited. The more they are, the faster the updates.;)

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