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I picked up a shirt, and wore it. Coming down the stairs, I went to the kitchen.
A glass of apple juice, and pomegranate would be best breakfast, considering I have to go for my first transfusion.
Although I hate fruits, doctor said it's the best thing, I should have during the period of this treatment.
I sat on the couch, with my breakfast and started eating, thinking about a lots of things.
I wish this transfusion works. I hope it goes well for Bela.

With the help of dad we arranged things well. Bela thinks that her donor is someone from her dad's office.
She tried alot to reach that person, but dad somehow manipulated her telling her that she needs to respect the privacy of that person.
However, at the same time, he was persuading me to disclose my identity to which I said a strict no!
And Bela was adamant on hiding this problem of hers, from just two people, Me and Mahira.
Everyone was now aware of this, with special directions to not inform me. Vyom called me and informed this.

I was disheartened to such an extent that words would fail to explain.
I was the only one Bela shared her problems with...now I am the only one she's hiding it from.

I let out a huge sigh as I exited the penthouse. I didn't bother to lock it because Bela was at home always and she may need something from there.

Just then I heard, "Dadda!"
My heart swelled with joy but I realized that it was Mahira's voice from Bela's penthouse.
"Dadda!", Again I heard her.
It was like my legs betrayed me, and I went and stood near the door.
"Baby...dadda is busy. He will come soon..", I heard Bela's voice.
"Mumma dadda..kichiie!", Mahira whined.
"Okay! Let's eat...when you'll finish, dadda will come..Haan!?"
"Noooooo!", Mahira yelled.

She isn't eating because of me.
There was no need of any second thought!

I barged in immediately.

Mahira was sitting on her mumma's lap, who was trying to persuade her to eat, with a bowl and spoon in her hand.
All the longing I feel for the two, overwhelmed my senses. I felt a sudden urge to break down, but I resisted.

Rather, I went near them.
"Mahira!", I said in a hoarse voice and in a second the two heads snapped in my direction.
As she saw me, her lips curved into a huge grin.
"Dadda! Dadda!", She started jumping in Bela's lap.
I couldn't help the smile that spread through my lips.
"I am coming baby!", I went round the couch and sat beside them, and as I did this, Mahira literally jumped on me.

Had I not been attentive, she would have banged her head on the table.

The very second I felt her in my hands, I hugged her. I hugged her tight.
"I missed you!", I couldn't help saying.
"Dadda maaiiaa lucchh uuu!", I laughed.
"Yeah I know!", I said, "And you spelled your name baby...say it again...say 'Mahira'!"
"Maaaiiiiiaaaa!", She exaggerated.
"Oh my love! You are excellent..!", I kissed her cheeks and she started clapping.
Just then I realized that it was her eating time, "Mahira!? You didn't eat!?"
And in answer, she frowned.
She was never fond of the baby formula. Or fruits. Or milk.
"C'mon let's eat...", I turned towards Bela and saw her intently staring at the two of us.

I gulped as I saw the dark look in her eyes. It felt like a sin to even glance at her. Rest talking.
I diverted my gaze immediately.

"Mumma aaaaa!", Mahira opened her mouth as she saw Bela offering her the spoon.
She made a face, as she tasted it. But then she was okay.
I brushed off the hairs that were on her face.
She was holding my jacket tightly in her fist, as if I'll leave if she loosens her hold.

In a matter of minutes, she finished her bowl and as Bela showed her the empty bowl, she jumped in joy.

My phone started ringing. I shoved my hand in my pocket and took it out.
It was from dad.  I looked around for Bela but found her going in the kitchen.

"Mahir where are you child!?"
"Sorry Dad! Mahira was not eating...!"
"Okay...but come fast son."
"Dad I am just about to come. Just give me some time."
"Okay but make it fast."

I turned to Mahira.
"Baby dadda has some work...let dadda go!", I said trying to loosen her hold on my jacket but in vain.
"Mahira...I will come and play with you... okay...play with mumma for now!", As I said this, she clinged to me more, hiding her face in my neck.
Just then Bela came out of the kitchen.
"Mahira...go to mumma!", I said a bit sternly and as expected she started crying.

It wasn't too harsh but yes! A bit out of how I generally talk to her.

Bela rushed towards us, "Mahira! Baby what happened.."
And hearing her mumma's voice she became louder.
I thought I should tell her, "I have a meeting and so I need to leave.", I lied obviously.

Bela eyed me suspiciously because I know that if she's a bad liar, then even I am not so talented.
I, however, avoided any eye contact with her.

  - You're afraid she'll see through!

For the first time, I'll say my subconscious brain is right.

After a moment, she came forward and took Mahira from me, "Baby! Let go dadda... he'll come back and then you be with him. Okay!"
But Mahira kept on crying.

I was rubbing her back, as she laid her head on Bela's shoulder. She was rocking her back and forth to calm her down.
When she attempted to breastfeed her, Mahira refused to budge and held her tightly.
In ten minutes, she slept crying.

It pained me to see her like this, but I tried to swallow the guilt.

I could, however feel that Bela was understanding me. She didn't look at me with accusation rather sympathy.

I leaned in and kissed Mahira's forehead.
"I'll be back in three four hours, and make it up for her.", I directed towards Bela.

She discreetly nodded and then I came out.

My life was awfully messed up.

I reached the hospital as soon as possible.
Dad and doctor was already waiting for me.
"Sorry Dad! Sorry doctor...I got quite late..!"
"No problem Mr. Mahir, we have everything prepared for you. My nurse, Rashmi will assist me during this whole ordeal and your and Mrs. Sehgal's case."

Mrs. Sehgal- Sounds beautiful for her!

"Here she is...!", She said and I saw an old lady, over fifty.
She had a kind smile on her face, and a peaceful aura around her.
Great! I need better people around me.

"Mr. Mahir! We have told Rashmi about the complete scenario and she'll see to both of you. Your transfusion are to be managed by her. She has already met Bela though."
I greeted her and she rubbed my back, "Bela is beautiful young man! And I can see the same in you.", I smiled back weakly because I was already feeling nervous.

"Doctor...I would like to clarify that I don't want Bela to know about me. Because if she does, I won't be surprised if she terminates the treatment in between and you said that has harsh consequences.", I said to him.

"Mr. Mahir... don't worry. Bela is convinced that the person donating blood is one of her father's colleague. However, she did try to find it out in order to thank him personally but we have managed it."
"She'll still thank you...in her own way. Yesterday during her checkup, she was freaking out on how to reach you.", Rashmi said.
"But Mahir...I'll take care. You just focus on yourself.", Dad said.

I nodded and doctor signalled me to head to the ward where my blood is to be taken.

I followed Rashmi as she walked to the ward.
"Take the bed child.", She told me and I settled on the bed.
"Are you nervous!?", She asked me.
"Yeah I am..not for this. But everything. How hope this proves useful for Bela..I don't want to lose her.", She smiled in my direction as she prepared the monitors around me.
"She brought her baby also, yesterday. Actually she just had to sign some papers and then she was planning to go to her father's place.", I nodded.
Dad told me that the two are there.
"Now I know her eyes are from you... what's her name....uh..."
"Yes! Mahira! You three make a beautiful family...", I smiled in response.

The doctor came in and I was laid straight in the bed. Dad was standing beside me, tensed and worked up.
"Dad! Calm down...I am okay!"
"You better be!", He showed me his index finger and playfully glared at me.

After normal checkups, the extracting needle was inserted in my artery.
"Mr. Mahir just lay here peacefully. It will be done in approximately an hour. Rashmi you stay here."
I could feel nothing but a slight pain near the area in my hand.
However, that wasn't much.

Dad and doctor left to complete some formalities.

This giving up my blood for her should have been painful, but I am getting a strange sense of fulfillment doing this. For her.
It felt like redemption.
The amount of tears, she has shed wouldn't be less than the amount of blood I give.

The thought of us, having no future together makes me feel sick. But I am trying to accept it.
Her mere existence will make me feel good. With her or without her isn't the subject of concern.
She used to read some love stories and then fill me with the idea, that true love remains incomplete.
May be that was what my case was.
My love is true. I love her with every atom of my heart. Yeah, I did mess it up in between, irritated that she isn't explaining me, but I never stopped loving her.

Irony is, the explanation for which I divorced her, is no more I want. Rather I dread to ever get it.

"It's almost done Mahir!", Rashmi said breaking my trance.
"Oh okay... actually I need to leave early because my daughter must be waiting.", I told her.
"You love her alot!? Don't you!?"
"Every father does...it's just that she's my only concern."
She shook her head in no, "You have many concerns.", She points towards my hand from where the blood was being taken.
"Apparently, this is also for Mahira...she loves her mother alot!"
She smiled in my direction and then went towards a cupboard.

"I have something for you...!"
"Huh!? What is it!?", I asked as she searched for something in a rack beside.
"Something your wife wanted me to give you...!"
"Huh!? Bela!?"
"Yes!", She came with a blue coloured box and handed it to me.
"She asked me yesterday, to secretly give you this box. A way to thank you for what you're doing for her. I don't know what's in it. But she wanted me to give it to you, that is her donor."
"Oh!", A smile crept on my lips.

Just then, Doctor came.
"Mahir it's done. Just relax so I could remove the needle."
I laid down straight and the needle was removed gently.
Dad offered me a glass of water.
My lips were already dried and so I had it.

"When will Bela be called!?", I asked them.
"In the evening....we kept different shifts so you both don't come across each other.", Dad said as he applied some ointment in my hand and covered it with the bandage.
Thankfully I was wearing a full sleeves shirt, which was folded.
And so I undid the folds, so no one can see the bandage especially Bela.

"Okay then...now can I go?"
"Yes you can...but take care of yourself. Drink as much apple juice as you can. Try to have spinach salad, and all that I mentioned in your reports.", Doctor told me.
"..and Mahir...I have called a driver. You don't need to drive right now."
I nodded and then picking up the box, I left.

Once in the parking lot, I met with dad's driver.
He greeted me and I sat in the car.
I was actually feeling dizzy. But it was fine after I settled in the car.
"I have to take some chocolate ice-cream on the way, so please stop at some dessert shop.", I told the driver.
"Ok sir!"

I sat down relaxed and then my eyes drifted to the box in my hand.

Taking a deep breath, I opened it.

The first thing I met with was a neatly folded piece of paper.

I picked it up, and found words elegantly written, "From Bela."

A grin spread across my face as I read the familiar writing. Such a homely feeling her words have!

It was a letter and so without thinking twice, I opened it.

"Dear Mr. Donor,", I chuckled reading this. She's going to address me as Mr. Donor.
Okay..not bad!

I resumed reading.

"Dear Mr. Donor,

This is Bela. The one who's going to get your blood.
May be nurse Rashmi told you, but I'll still clarify that I am writing this letter to thank you personally. Had there been an option to meet you and thank you personally, I would been the happiest. But I respect your reasons, and hence this way."

Typical Bela!
She'll write it better than say it..
I couldn't help smiling that she wrote a letter to me. Romantic no!?

  - yeah! She's romancing with her donor!
Spoiled my mood, you cheapster! I am the donor.

"I came to know about my 'Sickle cell anemia' just ten days ago. And that day, I simply lost my hope for life. That feeling when you know you're dying and nothing can be done about it, is something that can eat you up. That brings the death closer."

I know. I saw it in your eyes that day.

"Dr. Batra said that the one who'll give me blood, will not just save my life, but risk his own. He told me that my donor will have to give me thirty bottles of blood."

I'll talk to this man! What was the need to tell her everything!?

"I didn't expect anyone to accept this offer. Never. Risking his life, to save mine is not a rational decision. It is, only in two circumstances-
i. You are in huge need of some finance.
ii. I am your loved one."

I smiled.
Second point here!
  - yeah! Loved one...

See we both agree here, sub consious!

"Since we are strangers, I think it's the first one. I know dad will provide you everything, but I want to know what I can do for you. Anything and everything you demand, I'll make sure you get it. For yourself or your family."

Why you are so soft Bela!?
I just need you. You.

"I have a daughter, who needs me. Dying was not an option for me. Her father can take good care of her. They both are enough for each other. But I want to be a bit selfish. I wanted to see her grow. I can't lose this major part of my motherhood."

You won't lose. I won't let you!

"My husband,....", My breath hitched as I read this.
"My husband isn't aware of my diseases. It shouldn't matter between us, but it does. We are divorced but things are not yet over between us. And this news will affect him adversely. When I go through this treatment, I want him to take care of my daughter."

I will. I will take care of our heart. Mahira.

"Nonetheless, I want you to thank, once twice thrice but it would be less! I don't know whether I'll be able to make it or not, but if I do, I owe my life to you. If somehow I end, I'll still be thankful to you forever!"

You don't owe me anything. I am yours. My life is yours. My heart is yours. My blood is yours!

"Still, as a thank you gesture, and being a writer, I would like to give you the first draft of my book, MY HEART SPILLS. I don't know whether you'll like it or not. Or whether you have time to read it or not. It's just that for every writer, the biggest treasure of his life is his work. And so I give you my work. This is the first chapter of the book, where total are ten chapters."

My eyes glowed with joy as I saw in the box, a draft of MY HEART SPILLS.

"I will send you each part, on the day of our transfusion. And then the tenth day, you'll know my complete story.
I still don't intend to interfere in your privacy but I am writing my contact number below.
So you can contact me, if you feel.
Thank you once again, Mr. Donor!
  - Bela."

Every work Bela has written till date, including two of her already published novels, me, her love was the first person to read it.
Not even her dad!
She used to say that I understand her better because we are of same generation and we have just two years age gap.

And that's how destiny turns.
Things turned out in such a way, that this time also, I am the one reading her book.
I was overwhelmed with joy!
Extreme joy!

"Sir the ice cream parlor is here.", The driver said and I got down to bring some ice-cream for her.
I have to make it up for her. I did very bad.

I walked in the parlor and bought two chocolate, and one butterscotch ice cream.
Bela likes chocolate but she even eats mine. Mahira on the other hand hates everything except chocolate.
What she loves in ice cream is the chilled sensation it causes down the neck.

I paid and returned back.

In no time i was in my penthouse hiding the blue box in my closet.
And then, I literally ran to Bela's penthouse.
However, I had to slow down because of the sudden dizziness I felt.

When I walked in, Mahira was wide awake, but silent, which was very unusual of her.
She was playing with her duck.

  - Yeah! She's angry on her dadda!

Bela probably noticed my presence as she was sitting facing the door and so she looked up.
I saw her taking a sigh of relief.
Mahira's silence must be something bothering her.

I sat beside them, so Mahira was between us.

I coughed slightly to grab her attention.

She did look towards me, but snapped her head away frowning.
Going a bit more near to her mumma.
Bela gave me a sympathetic look, and I nodded in her direction.

I did upset Mahira, but I realized she looks cute while angry.

"Okay then! Who wants to eat ice-cream!?", I announced and thankfully she looked towards my hands which were carrying the ice-cream bag.
But damn her anger, she sent another frown in my direction.
"Okay...now Mumma and dadda will have ice-cream. Bela take this...!", I offered Bela hers, which she hesitantly took.
"...and this one is dadda's!", I took out mine.

Now seeing the cups, did a sudden heart change and someone jumped on me.

I let out a throaty laugh as Mahira attacked me, and got on my lap.
"C'mon dadda will feed Mahira!? Okay!?", And she nodded her head like a pendulum.

And then I took out her cup, and started feeding her.
She was thrilled eating it. Everytime the chilling touched her tongue, she would make adorable faces and hiss, clattering her four little incisors.

I could see Bela chuckling at her antiques.

"Thank you for the ice-cream.", Bela said as she picked up her cup.
"You want some butterscotch!?", I offered her my half finished cup..
She was definitely nodding in no.
"Oh c'mon Bela! Even as friends you used to eat my ice-cream. Don't act all innocent. I remember how you once robbed my fridge at the dorm room.", I said playfully.
After two or three seconds, I realized what I just said and my jaw dropped at my own words.

  - New found courage man! Keep it up!

"Okay!", Bela took the cup from me and started eating the remaining ice-cream.

"By the way, it was you who first robbed my cold coffee at the canteen!", She said and left.
I grinned.
"...and as a punishment, I had to pay for your lunch that whole week!", I yelled at her.
"You deserved it!", She yelled back.


So, as you all must have understood by now, Bela's writing part will be written in italic.
Had to mention here, because now you're going to read a major part of what Bela writes.
I hope the people who wanted Bela's pov now know that why I have been writing just Mahir's till now.
Because this story is from his perspective.
You and Mahir both will understand Bela's heart by what she writes.
Vote, comment, share and follow!
Waiting for the reviews of some special people who comment on every part!
I may not reply but I am reading every comment... Thank you for all the love!

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