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"Mahi look in that drawer!"
"Yeah!", He opened the drawer and shuffled the things in it, only to get nothing.
"No Boss!", He groaned, "Nothing's here."

Mahira too checked in the cupboard, which went in vain.

"Boss you sure mumma dadda kept it here. It's a important thing..They won't leave it around like that."

"Junior who is the big one here!?"

"You!", Mahi answered in a duh tone..

"So listen to me quietly.", She pulled him on the bed next to her, and put her hand around his shoulder.
"Yesterday, when I came back from school, I saw mumma and dadda here, reading some drafts together. And I am sure it is the same we saw them reading on their wedding anniversary. The first one."

He nodded his head, "Boss you remember last time, mumma was crying because of that."

"Yeah. And dad too looked so sad, when hugged her.", She pointed out.

"We should check in their bedroom.", Both said in unison, and then ran in the direction.

Mumma and dadda both were not at home.
Aiden uncle couldn't stay with them, for he had some work.
And their nanny Maddie was already worn out, as the two planned out. Hell, the old lady had her most difficult part in dealing with those two Sehgal brats.

"Look in mumma's side.", Mahira said hastily knowing they have very little time to find and read the stuff that bothers both her mumma and dadda so much.

They were searching the second drawer in Mahir's closet when something fell near their foot.
When they saw what it was, Mahira's eyes widened.

This was it!

A blue coloured book titled 'MY HEART SPILLS- DRAFT 1-10', written by Bela and then another titled 'MILES AWAY-DRAFTS', written by Mahir.
She remembers the colour and faint red outline she saw then.

"Junior! This is that book!"
Mahi's eyes widened and he took a look at the book.

The two looked mischievously at the book, then glanced at the clock.
There were still ten hours since mumma and dadda will return from the writer's gala they have in India.

"Let's read!", The two squealed in unison.

Searching a safe corner, the two sat in utter unity, and began reading.
Since Mahi was 14, he felt difficulty in interpreting some of the lines written by his mumma. While Mahira, being a book addict, and also a little writer like her mumma could interpret the deeper meaning of the lines.
When Mahi asked her to explain, she would call him a dumbo, and then explain him careful she doesn't tell him more than he could take.

Being 16, and remembering her parents deep in love, she never thought that there was this phase in their life, which nearly had them shattered.
She knew her parents married twice. Because there were photos about that. One was a lavish great indian wedding. While other was a simple wedding in a temple, where she herself was present.

What she never understood was the need of marrying twice. But probably today, she'll get all her answers.

Mahi slept halfway through.
He thought the story was about some random couple, Xavier and Amaya, who were in 'more-than required love'.
For him his Mumma and dadda were best couple, and he's going to keep it like that.


It was past midnight, when the door opened revealing the couple, who seemed to be getting more in love, as each day passed.
Twenty five freaking years, since they walked in each other's lives. And the days seemed to be getting more beautiful together.

"I swear they must be awake."

"Hmm they always wait for us, when we come back home later than usual.", Mahir answered.

Bela kept her purse, followed by phone, "But I wonder we got no texts or call from Mahira, asking us when we're coming."

"My little one must be reading books, or probably trying to be next year's bestseller.", He chuckled but it wasn't any joke.
His daughter was indeed a good writer.
Regardless of her age, she has always proved herself best in creative writing. Some guidance here and there, from her parents and she simply excelled in it.

"Mahira!! Mahi!!", He called them out, "See mumma dadda is here!"

They settled down on the sofa, tired after the long day.

Bela spoke up after a pause, "Mahir! Who was that lady who was talking to you?"
He smirked lazily, "Jealous huh!?"
She rolled her eyes at him, "You wish man! But you need to tell her you're over forty. One wife. Two kids."
He narrowed his eyes at her, "You are saying I am old? And I cannot fool around?"
"Isn't that obvious!? You should stop being a playboy Mahir. You are forty two! For god sake!"
He chuckled playfully, "Even you are forty and not twenty. Still those men drool over you as if you're the last woman on Earth!!"
She stood up and came to sit beside him, "I may not be twenty, but believe me if you dare look at any other, I will be anything but a 'good wife'."

Putting a hand around her, he pulls her close, "You will be eighty and the most sexiest woman for me. Hell! Those men drool because they know you're out of reach. But looking at you, I can well understand. No one can tell you have two kids, that too teenagers."

"Kids....!", Bela looked up abruptly, "Where are they!?"

Even he snapped out of his reverie, "May be they are sleeping!?"
"Let me check...", Bela stood up and he followed immediately.

They checked in their own room, because till date their kids can't get enough of their room. And spent most of the time there.

"Mahir they aren't here..", Bela said checking the balcony also.
They then went to Mahi's room and there was no one. Next was Mahira's room and the same result.

Tension build up in both heart, however they didn't admit it openly so as to not scare each other.

They literally ran towards the study. No one.
Horror covered Bela's face, and she held Mahir's hand. He understood at once, and so said in a light tone, "They must be trying to prank us. Those brats!"

He slowly took her to the kitchen and gave her some water.
"Drink it. I'll go check with Maddie."

He went towards the servant quarters and found Maddie asleep in her room.
Irritated at the woman, he proceeded to wake her up, when she heard, "Mahir!!!"

His eyes widened at his wife's horror filled voice, and he ran in the direction at jet speed.

"Bela!?", He reached in the dining room, only to find Bela standing near the large couch, stunned.

He reached to her, and held her elbow, when his eyes followed the direction Bela was looking.

There laid Mahi! In Mahira's lap. And Mahira leaning against the couch clearly sleeping.
That was not what shocked Bela. And Mahir too.

What shocked them was the drafts the two kids were surrounded with.
'Miles apart' and 'My heart spills'!

Both of them gasped and looked at the scene in horror.
"Mahir they were reading them.", She whispered to him still dazed about what happened.

No matter how incredible their love story was, but they didn't share their struggle with their kids.
Their kids looked at them with admiration. Their love was an example.
And reading books where they wrote their feelings, the feelings too mature for the two to understand.
What if they interpret everything wrongly!?
What if they didn't take their divorce nicely!?

"Mahir what do we do now!?"
Mahir cleared his throat, "Let's take them back to their room. You pick the books, I'll carry them to beds."

She nodded silently and proceeded to go pick the books.

He was afraid and so was she.


"Mumma when did you come!?", Mahi came down the stairs, while both elders were sipping coffee, engrossed in their own tension.
"It was late little bug!", Bela ruffled his hair, "Go brush your teeth. I have made your favourite breakfast."

He grinned, "Yo dadda!"
His dadda smiled, "Oh so you remember me?"

Mahi leaned forward and hugged his dad from behind, "Love you dadda!"

Singing to himself and jumping on his beats, he went towards the washroom.

"He seems normal Mahir!", Bela pointed out.
Mahir nodded, "He's too small Bela. Plus, he doesn't take so much interest in books. I am actually worried about Mahira!"

As if on queue, Mahira came down rubbing her eyes.
Once, the sleep drew away, she looked at the dining table, where both her parents were seated already looking at her.

One glance at them, and all the visions she imagined yesterday while reading the books resurfaced.
She didn't know how to feel.
She did end the books her both parents put their feelings in. There was love for her. Endless love.
But she knew her parents didn't deserve the sufferings they got.
They had their own share of mistakes. But thankfully, they never let the negative impact reach her.

Her heart, however still felt heavy.
And the part where both her parents had a chance of losing their lives wrenched her.

She took a glance at them, and then walked past.

Mahir sighed as he read the distraught expression on his little one's face. She didn't squeeze him with a hug, nor she kissed his nose.
Bela was troubled seeing Mahira.

The family had their breakfast in silence, while only Mahi chatted about the days event.
It was Sunday, and so they made plan to go out.
It was more to cheer Mahira who seemed so down, that someone would think she's ill.

She didn't talk to anyone but had a distant look in her eyes.

Mahir couldn't see his notorious brat this dull. It pained him.
While Bela tried hard to not disrupt her peace.

They went to the amusement park, they often went.
Mahi was quite ecstatic about the swings and he dragged away Bela with him.

When he saw Mahira, she was sitting on a bench with again that same look in her eyes.
No more able to control himself, he took a place beside her, "Little one? What's wrong?"
She looked up at her dadda, and leaned on his chest, "Tell me something about poetry dadda!?"

Mahir didn't expect this question but anything to distract her.
"Um..I didn't do as much poetry as your mother does. But she says, poetry means expression. Expression of those feelings which you can't do in words. You see poetry has lesser words than prose or essays. Sometimes rhyming words too, but that is not necessary. In the least possible words, you say the biggest possible things. That's what makes your poetry beautiful and powerful. You read that 'Roses in my garden' mumma wrote about you two. When she feels love, she writes it. And that, 'You have a torch to my soul', she wrote for me. You see the two poems are so expressive yet have just hundred words."

She nodded her head and sat up, "I'll write one."

I smiled, "Good! You should try. Occupy the place you like the most, and let the world black out."

Her brown eyes, that she inherited from him shined bright. As if she got a problem solved.

She picked up her notebook, and walked near the bench, which was a little isolated. However, she made sure she's in her father's line of sight. She knew he freaks out when he loses her from his sight.

She looked briefly at her dadda, who was lovingly looking in some direction. When she followed his gaze, she found her mumma laughing at the sight of her silly son, who was jumping in joy.

She started scribbling on her notebook then.


Everyone was fast asleep except for Mahi.

He was tired after the day, but his boss didn't play with him today.
Like the bookworm she is, she continued writing in her notebook even in the car, and even after dinner.

He was sometimes jealous of those things.
He looked across his bed and scowled when he saw his syllabus books lying on the table.

Not able to sleep, he went towards Mahira's room.
He will sleep with her.

She kicks while sleeping, but he kicks back so no offense.

He picked up his duvet and went in her room.

While at the edge of the bed, he scoffed seeing her notebook pressed close to her chest.
She loves them more than him.

And so he decided to throw that thing away.

He grinned evilly as he climbed the bed, and slowly managed to pull the book out of his sister's tight grasp.

He was about to dump that thing in the dustbin, but stopped midway to read what his sister has written.

His eyes roamed over the text, but the naive he was he couldn't understand a bit.
And so he went to his parent's room.

Both were sleeping as expected and he contemplated on who to wake up first.
So like the impartial son he was, he went and sat between the little space left between his parents.

"Mumma! Dadda!", He whispered to make sure the one next door couldn't hear him.
Not that she would hear anyway.

Mahir's eyes snapped open followed by Bela.
"Mahi!? What happened!?"
Bela got concerned, "You had a nightmare Mahi!?"

Mahi knew it's no use to say anything, and so he showed them the notebook in his hand, "Boss has written something. And I cannot understand it."

Mahir's eyes squinted at the notebook, and he recognized it instantly.

He took the book in his hand, and glanced at Bela who was still confused.

I have a little life,
A huge bed of roses,
Two pairs of arms,
Taking all blows, life poses.

As easy as it sounds,
I wonder how they manage,
To hide the marks they have,
To grow up from the damage.

They look at each other,
With so much admiration,
Content, Love, peace,
And extreme infatuation.

I thought they were just perfect,
Relationship goals.
Little did I know,
They too had potholes.

I wonder how hard it was,
To then part their ways.
They can't survive when alone,
How they didn't talk for days?

I got love in a plate,
Fed by it through a spoon.
I know now love is a struggle,
No one finds it so soon.

They thought distance is a cure,
And stood miles apart.
Naive they were to think,
They can suppress their hearts.

They tell me every morning,
I have lot to accomplish.
But let me tell you now,
I really have no wish.

I was born with their love,
A purpose to serve.
It was the biggest success,
They realized what they deserve.

If my mere existence,
Got their love unleased,
I won't care a little,
If my life span decreased.

I love you both,
But I am created by your love.
Call me utter selfish,
But I won't love you, if you don't love.

  - Mahira Sehgal

Both of them held the book with shaking hands.
Mahi was oblivious to what was happening. But he knew his Boss has done some massacre. This time a big one!

But what would she have done that made both her mumma and dadda become teary eyed.
He grew anxious but was well aware that he's the only sane one right now.

He went to the side table and brought a glass of water.
"Mumma Dadda! Please don't."

They glanced at him, and realized one thing that had their hearts warming.
From years, they thought there children are somewhere the reason they are together now. But today, they realized it is their love that makes their children's hearts beat.

Mahira's bed was small.
But the three of the other family members felt so much love for her, that it didn't take them much discomfort to settle around her.
While she was sleeping, Mahir kissed her on her forehead, followed by Bela.
Looking in each other's eyes, they promised without words, "No More Miles Apart!"

Mahi looked at them frustrated.
He never understood what was going on.
He was the odd one out, or as he studied in his english book, a black sheep.
His family members often did this kind of exchange, he never knew meant what.

At last, he thought of himself as most intelligent, and his family as psychotic.
He would focus on becoming an IT engineer, and design world class apps.
Today he added on more in that list- An app to interpret his family member's insane thoughts.


Mahira woke up next day to the sight of her parent in each other's arms.
A smile adorned her face.
"Good morning!", She said lazily.
They broke away and leaned in to kiss her forehead.

"C'mon princess wake up. Today I'll drop you to the school."
She nodded excitedly and got ready.

Coming downstairs she saw Mahi making faces at the capsicum kept in her plate. She chuckled and slapped his head lightly, "Good morning Junior!"
"Good morning Boss!", He yelled back.

Bela sighed, "They act like a mafia gang's member!"
Mahir laughed, "They indeed are!"

As they left for school, Mahira glanced back at the Condo's door as her father pecked her mother's lips, to which her mother's smile widened.

"No more Miles Apart!", She whispered to herself.

She made sure she hid her notebook safely. She wrote her feelings in that poetry like dadda said. And it did make her feel good.
She thought she would publish her poetry once she becomes the bestseller writer.

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