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  I got out of the doghouse and followed my father into the house. I slowly walked up the steps, my back hurting from sleeping on the ground. I pulled on my school uniform, and put on my black dress shoes. I brushed my unevenly cut hair, as well as my teeth and went downstairs to the table to eat. I sat down, not making eye contact with my mother or father. I looked at my breakfast. It was just a piece of toast. I looked at my mother's plate which had the same, and then at my father's who had an egg, toast, bacon, and a pancake.
I silently ate my toast. My father glared at me. I knew he was angry at me cutting my hair because now I have to go to school, and this could affect his appearance. I threw the plastic plate my toast was on away, and said goodbye to my mother and father, grabbing my book bag from by the door. I left the house quickly.
The walk to school was not a long walk but not a short one either. When I arrived, I saw kids flooding into the school. I walked in, making sure to keep my head down, but people still looked at me because of my hair. I was the kid in school that nobody liked. I went to my locker, putting in the combination and setting my books in it. I grabbed my binders and books for the first few periods. The bell rang, and everyone one rushed to their first period.
When I got there, our teacher wasn't there, but kids were in the class anyways. I sat at my seat quietly.
"Oh look everyone Effie got a haircut, it looks terrible by the way. It makes you look like even more of a witch.," Matt, a popular boy from my class said. Everyone laughed. I looked at them embarrassed. People in my class constantly bullied me for how I acted. They call me a witch because they said I was heartless and evil. I could understand what they meant. I'm quiet, but usually when people talk to me, my response is cold. I don't mean it to be, but after everything that happened to me, it's hard scared to trust someone. That is why I have no friends my age.
"Not gonna say anything, witch?," Matt pushed further. I am not scared of him I told myself quietly, trying to reassure myself.
"L-Leave m-me alone.," I said quietly. Matt chuckled lowly. I looked at him scared. It reminded me of how my father laughed. He pulled on my hair.
"You're nothing but a heartless witch, Effie."
"Matt, Mr. Evans is coming back.," Chris, a boy who hangs out with Matt said. Matt rushed back to his seat as well as Chris. I thanked Mr. Evans in my mind for finally coming back. He was my English teacher, and mostly the only one I could talk to. I considered him as a friend, my only friend.
"Alright, sorry I'm late, students. I was printing a new assignment, you'll all be working on this class period. It's a writing assignment. You will all write a poem, about something you wish would happen. It can be about anything, except inappropriate things. Also I'll leave the title up to you.," Mr. Evans lectured.
I looked out the window of the classroom, trying to think. Something I wish to happen. I rested my hand on my cheek as Mr. Evans passed out the paper to write the poem on. As soon as I got the paper I quickly wrote how I felt.
~Miles Behind Me~
A poem by: Effie Blackwell
Teacher: Mr. Evans

I wish to be far away,
where no one can find me.
I want to be lost
somewhere at sea.

I wish to be somewhere,
where I'll be free.
Somewhere my parents 
will never be.

I want to be able to run freely,
and play with any toy.
I want to be able to smile,
and feel true joy.

I don't want to be scared,
scared to die.
I want to feel safe,
and not cry.

I want to go away,
far away.
Where my house will be,
miles behind me.

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