Chapter I: Predicted Future

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    * Plantun planet - home of the Krirk people:

In a dark gray room with blue-white windows and weak rays of sunlight peeking through the curtains, an oblong oval table was placed in the middle of the room, surrounded by twelve chairs. All seats were occupied except for a single chair that was placed at one end of the table as if waiting for someone. Suddenly the door opened, with a loud "Clack".

All eleven people sitting there suddenly stood up and headed towards the door. A well-dressed man in a black suit and red tie came in and suddenly said:

- The king will not come, so I will chair this meeting in his place.

 All the people around the table again sat down calmly as if it were nothing new as if the king's absence was a common occurrence. As soon as they all sat down, a fat man, strangely dressed, with gold and silver on his hands, and a large diamond around his neck, gilded necklace, said:

- We need to start war immediately, our colonies are gradually being taken over. The bases on planet Soltun and Netsune have fallen, and the rebels are slowly taking over.

- Not yet! We must be careful. The rebels were colluding with the people of the Sarlas guild – the woman in the big-brimmed hat immediately objected."

We can get more troops and resources if we can draw more allies like the Banzai clan," suggested the masked man. The silent room suddenly erupted with conflicting opinions. Suddenly, there was a "bam" sound, the man in the suit slammed his hand on the table hard. Everyone fell silent as if the man's pressure scared them greatly.

 They were afraid of that man because of the great power in his hands. In that place, the more assets and resources, the greater the power. Whoever has the most money will have everything, from the army to power, influence, all in the palm of their hand. The Royal is the class with the most wealth, next is the nobles. Nobles will be divided into higher nobles and lower nobles. The next class were commoners and finally slaves. One could rise from commoner to noble, or even on par with royalty simply because of the number of resources they held. But that 'simple' theory is not easy to achieve. People with money have influence and the right to decide, regardless of right-wrong, black and white.

- "I've made my decision," the man in the suit said.

- Wait and be patient. We have to fight the Sarlas guild and the rebels at the same time so right now, luck is not on our side. Resources are essential. Go to Miles for more resources but be careful, ambushes may be waiting - he continued.

- Vans! - looking at the fat man, he said - Send people to find more information on the black market.

- "As for Linz," he glanced at the woman with the large hat, "I hope you can provide more herbs."

 After that, the man in the suit got up and left the room, leaving only silence. The meeting of the Supreme Council ended...    

     *The planet Radum of the Sarlas guild:

 "Aaaa..." – the young priestess woke up from her coma. Her back was drenched with sweat, and so was her forehead, her breathing quick as if she were fleeing from something that carried an expression of fear on her delicate face. 

Hearing the screams, a servant rushed in and asked

- Are you okay, your highness? 

The priestess didn't answer but just shook her head. She hurried out of the room, then across a great hall, she hurriedly opened the door, ran into a room. The room was spacious and palatial with statues placed along both sides of the wall. At the end of the room was a giant statue placed in a small fountain. In front of the statue is a woman covered with a black cloth, kneeling. The red candlelight flickered in the room, making the atmosphere dark and gloomy.

- What's wrong, sweet? asked the woman softly.

" I had a dream..." she continued hesitantly, "that a huge, black monster had swallowed me by its deep and big mouth as a bottomless pit, I was extremely afraid.

- I will protect you, honey, Unes will guide the way. You will be safe because you are important, you carry the power of the gods, no matter what future you see, Unes will always protect you, Senu.- the woman reassured her.

"Come here, I will teach you to cast spells," the woman called softly.

 Senu slowly walked over and sat down next to her nanny. The woman took out a small crown with a strange pattern. She raised her hand to chant, a blue flame appeared in her hand, she extended her hand towards the crown, the crown floating in the air, suddenly glowed with a blue flame.

"Most of us can fight, but to be able to have magic, only witches like me and you can," the woman explained.

- This crown can allow you to manipulate the power of the universe, which, through the crown, will transform into your power. But when you are strong enough, you will no longer need to use the crown, but the power will be transferred through your own body. Not all witches can do this, but you're special, you can do every kind of magic - the woman continued in a voice of affirmation as if expecting, hoping for the future.

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