Need your help!

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Grab your backpack!

Let's go.. jump in!


You can leeeeaaad to waaaaaaaayyyy



But seriously though, I need your help with something.
I'm writing a chapter for my latest rp, "Aliens Are Real"

and it's coming down to a weird point where I can't see a clear path..

SPOILER ALERT!! (kind of).

I have ideas. Because this is supposed to be the chapter where peeps get kidnapped. AND, this is the chapter where we introduce the story antagonists more. Thus going in depth with how the captain has history with them.

Would you believe me if I told you 600 years, the captain died hundreds of times for 365 days. And on the 365th day, he made a deal with the Hive?

Here's where you come in. I need your help with telling the story of the Captain's struggles. Like... FRICK, it's hard to explain!!

I can't build up the right suspense to the juicy bits and pieces of the story. Did I.. prematurely introduce the antagonist(s)? Does the story, overall, seem rushed? I feel like I have the general idea of the direction, but I see this huge hazardous crossing that could make or break this story..

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