✧Rules + Prizes✧

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Of course, as with any contest, there are some rules that must be followed before you are eligible to enter.

↳˳₁ Plagiarism/Copyright
No submissions should contain any form of plagiarism or copyright infringement. This means that all entries should be your own. In addition, all resources used in any submitted graphics should be safe to use. This also means that any shops or portfolios submitted must not contain any form of plagiarism or copyrighted material. Credit for all resources used should also be given. If you do not meet this requirement please don't submit your shop or portfolio as it will not be accepted. If you are unsure if you will be accepted please feel free to reach out to me.

↳˳₂ Resources
Credit for all resources used in any graphics submitted should be provided. Any copyrighted or plagiarised material (including resources) will not be accepted. If you do not credit your resources please be prepared to be asked to provide links to any of the resources used should the host or judges ask as they will be back checking what has been used. If they do not ask then it means they did not find anything inherently suspicious in your graphic on initial observation (so you won't be asked to provide your resources as they seem safe and reliable from what the host and judges could identify).

↳˳₃ Reading List
If you want to apply to judge or enter these awards please add this book to one of your reading lists so that you can stay updated when we publish new chapters! You can remove the book from your reading list once the winners have been announced!

↳˳₄ Submissions Form
When you submit an entry you will need to include a little something in your form. You will be able to find that little something commented inline next to a star in the forms chapter. Don't forget it or your form won't be counted!

↳˳₅ Shoutout (optional)
Shout these awards out on your message board with a link to this book so others can find us and join in on the fun!

↳˳₆ Follow Us (optional)
Participants are not required to follow the host or the judges but it would be nice if they do. Following will not affect contest results.

↳˳₇ Tag (optional)
If you know anyone who might be interested in joining these awards as a contestant or a judge tag them here!

A Follow
All winners will earn a follow from the host's account if they are not already followed.

Reading List Addition
All winners will see their portfolio/shop added to the "milky way winners" reading list. Likewise, all runners up will see their portfolio/shop added to the "milky way runners up" reading list.

All participants will get a participation sticker. There will also be additional stickers for winners and runner ups!

Graphic Review
All winners and runners up will have the option to ask for a full review of their graphic.

Resource Packs (slightly altered)
Category winners will be now awarded with a custom resource pack. This means us judges will put together a completely customized resource pack for each winner should they want it. More details will be discussed with the winners once the results are announced. Our judges will also be making some exclusive stock resources for these packs that are not available anywhere else!

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro