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Here you will find all the categories you can enter! Some categories will have examples to demonstrate what type of graphics are expected for that particular category.

Best Shops
In this category, you can submit your graphic shop. The shop as a whole, including the graphics/deliveries inside, will be judged and the best shops available on wattpad will be chosen as winners!

Best Portfolios
Similar to the "top shops" category, you will be able to submit your graphic portfolio here. The portfolio as a whole will be judged and the best portfolios will be chosen as winners!

Best Covers
The top covers category will include all styles of book covers. There are also categories for some individual styles as listed down below but if you would like to be judged alongside a variety of other covers this is the category for you! Multiple winners will be chosen to include a variety of the best covers wattpad has to offer from a mixture of styles and genres.

Best Manips
In this category, all kinds of manipulations will be submitted (scenic or including face claims). As most wattpad covers are manipulated nowadays we will not be accepting any covers for this category. The entries should preferably be without text although credits/watermarks are of course allowed. There will be a handful of winners chosen by the judges as the best of the submissions.

Best Smudge Edits
This category is for instagram-style smudge editors. The edits should be in the smudge style only, not a manipulation. Heavy manipulations that include aspects of the smudge style should be submitted in the "top manips" category. These kinds of edits are mostly close-ups/portraits often in a 1:1 ratio. Either no or little text (other than watermarks, of course). There will be a handful of winners chosen by the judges as the best of the submissions.

Best Vector Designs
Here our vector/illustrative designers can show off their talent and compete to earn a place amongst some of the best vector designs on wattpad. They can be vector/illustrated covers or any other kinds of graphic that come under this style (e.g. album art, poster design, etc). There will be a handful of winners chosen by the judges as the best of the submissions.

Best Typographic Designs
A category for those aspiring to show off their typography skills. Can be any type of graphic from a book cover to a logo design. If your typographic design is also considered a vector please consult the host before submitting. There will be a handful of winners chosen by the judges as the best of the submissions.

Best Blends
This category is for those who made blend-style graphics. You may submit be any type of graphic from a book cover to a profile header. There will be a handful of winners chosen by the judges as the best of the submissions.

[currently no examples available, some may be added later]

Best Collabs
So you've done a graphic collab with another designer and want to enter it into these awards? If you both made an individual graphic based on a shared prompt/concept you may enter your own graphic into another category. If you both worked on the same graphic then you may only enter it here.

Prompt Challenges
In this awards book, we will also be hosting a handful of prompt challenges. In these challenges, participants must create a new graphic based on the prompt they are given. They will be run like normal contests and the graphics submitted will be scored and judged before the winners are announced. These challenges will take place throughout the duration of the awards and will start once judges have been recruited.

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