Chapter Nineteen

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Summary of Chapter 18 for those who have forgotten:

Evie is in the hands of the Nine Black Guns

Sebastian, Mason, and Callum have all been arrested

Chief Carter, the new police chief, is aiming to destroy The Kings—no matter what

Evie is collateral damage—which means it doesn't matter what happens to her, as long as the Kings are ruined


Chapter Nineteen

"Well look at this," Chief Carter said slowly, looking around the room, "the gang's all here."

Silence was her only response as the three boys watched her with murderous expressions—Sebastian's being the deadliest.

In fact, you could practically see the steam rolling off his shaking form as Chief Carter sat back and watched in amusement.

"What? No reunion party?" She looked around the cell expectantly. Her lips twitched upwards, although she tried to suppress her happiness for the most part.

Her joy radiated from her as she watched the three helplessly restrained by straight jackets and shackles.

"I'm nearly positive that you need a reason to put someone in a straight jacket," Callum stated lowly, his eyes narrowing as he glared at the chief.

Chief Carter matched his glare as she leaned forward tauntingly. "And I'm nearly positive that you and your friends should have been killed the moment we found you."

She sat back lazily and crossed her arms over her chest, a smirk settling on her lips. "I guess you could say I'm just being generous."

Sebastian remained silent as Callum threw profanities left and right. Mason, on the other hand, wore a shameful expression. Guilt had been embedded into his features ever since they had arrived.

It didn't take a genius to realize why.

"Upset, Mason?" Carter asked, turning her attention towards him. Mason's brow furrowed even more, as he remained quiet.

"You fascinate me, Mason Walker." She admitted, her eyes twinkling brightly as she spoke.

"You had so much potential, but..." she shook her head sadly, "you threw it all away."

Mason stiffened in his chair, before casting his gaze to the floor as though he were a child being shunned by his parent. Sebastian watched Mason carefully; unsure of how he would react.

"You should have been able to see that we were tracking Sebastian's call," she said loudly, "What happened? Did you let your guard down?"

By now, Chief Carter was standing directly in front of him. Her voice was jeering and menacing.

"What a disappointment you must be to Sebastian," she hissed out, placing her hand on his shoulder. "But it seems that you disappoint people quite often, isn't that right?"

All emotion washed from Mason's face as she spoke. Sebastian glanced at Callum, who looked just as confused as he was.

"It always the quiet ones who are dangerous." Chief Carter said, leaning close to Mason. "Come on, show me how dangerous you are."

No response.

"Come on," she hissed, her expression darkening.


"Show me!" She shrieked.

The sound of fabric tearing and wood crashing made Sebastian and Callum jolt with surprise and shock.

Mason had moved so quickly that Chief Carter wasn't able to react soon enough to prevent his hands from wrapping around her throat, yet it was as if she had known this was bound to happen.

Four men in black entered the room, quickly releasing the chief from Mason's deadly grip. Within minutes, Mason was tackled to the floor and knocked unconscious by a drug injected into his neck.

Sebastian let out angered growls as he watched helplessly, as did Callum. He was still unable to understand how Mason had broken free, and was working on loosening his bonds.

He movements stopped as his eyes looked with Carter's watery ones.

Her hand was rubbing her neck tenderly, yet her malicious smirk remained intact despite her near death experience only moments ago.

"Well boys," she announced, looking between Callum and Sebastian, "I know who is going to be the first one to die now."

And with that, she exited the room.


Sobs racked through my body. My head ached and I struggled to breathe. Pain exploded through every part of my being, and there was absolutely no way that I could put an end to my misery.

Pain is what reminded me that I was alive. Pain was what reminded me that I was still able to feel—no matter how much I wished I couldn't.

Never in my life had I wanted death's cold arms to embrace me.

Death would be my escape. And I needed to fucking escape.

"How are you, sweet pea?"

An involuntary scream left my lips as my body automatically began thrashing against the restraints that held my fragile body onto the cold, metal table.


Fear penetrated my soul. It was consuming and destructive.

Over the last few days it had become part of me. It controlled me and I was left as a hopeless victim to it.

There was nothing I could do except suffer under its power.

It made my insides turn and twist. It made the air leave my lungs and my heart drop into my stomach.

I continued to scream as his body entered my vision. He was saying something to me, I was almost sure I could see his lips moving through my blurry sight.

Tears drowned my eyes and screams left my throat raw and bloody.

My head throbbed and I felt myself to begin to lose consciousness. Through my squinted eyes, I could see his own widen at my state.

My cries grow louder as he removed the shackles from my arm and my feet. I welcomed darkness as my eyes fluttered shut, although I remained conscious as he carried me.

A gasp left my lips as a sharp pain shot through my neck. My eyes flew open while my heart took off at an unnatural speed.

"Ah, look who's wide awake now." He exclaimed, his eyes peering down at me.

I flinched as he stroked my face, his large hand wiping the endless flow of tears streaming down my burning cheeks. My entire body felt inflamed as the drug took over.

"Please," I choked out, "please don't."

A mocking look of pity took over his expression. "Oh Evie, I'm afraid I have to."


Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and so on.

What happens when a plan fails? You have another one. What happens when every plan fails?

That was what Sebastian was trying to figure out at that moment.

The room was hot and stuffy. Sebastian felt beads of sweat form at his hairline as his eyes flickered every surface of the area he was trapped in.

Callum had long since been taken from the room, which left Sebastian helplessly wondering about what was to happen next.

It was impossible to formulate another plan without knowing whether or not Mason and Callum were still alive. From what he could gather, Callum was only taken for interrogation—as for Mason, the thought of him made Sebastian's stomach churn.

Seeing Mason attack the chief had not only confused Sebastian, but also surprised the hell out of him.

Mason had never been the violent type, although Sebastian and everyone else were well aware that he could handle himself. From Mason's actions, it was clear that Chief Carter was getting in their heads. She was a manipulative little bitch who was driving them all closer and closer to insanity.

She wanted them—Sebastian especially—to break. He couldn't let that.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he thought about Evie. It had been three days since he last saw her, and there's no telling what has happened to her. He trusted that she could take care of herself, after all, that was the one thing she had pressed the most onto the Kings.

She was always looking to prove herself, as if she found her self-worth to be invisible.

"My, my," a voice broke through the silence, "doesn't someone look distressed."

Sebastian's head snapped up, and a fierce growl rose from the back of his throat. He strained against the cuffs that restrained him. His muscles ached and quivered, relentlessly reminding him of the pain he so dearly wanted to inflict upon the monster that stood before him.

"So," she began, walking straight up to him. "Let's talk about Evelyn Summers."

Sebastian instantly tensed further, and opened his mouth to speak, only to be quieted by Carter.

"You're all out of plans," she stated, as though she had read his mind, "So I suppose now would be the best time to propose a deal."

Sebastian remained silent. His heavy, labored breathing was Carter's only response as she stared down at him.

"You're going to turn yourself in, along with Mason and Callum. You're going to admit to all of your crimes, and then, you're going to finally die the death you so rightly deserve."

Sebastian stared at her with somewhat wide eyes, as he took in and thought about all that she had just told him.

Putting on his famous smirk, he leaned back onto his chair; despite the discomfort his actions brought him.

"And why, why would I do that?" His voice was taunting. It was set to maliciously tease the devil herself, which it did, in fact.

Her angered expression dimmed down as she gave him a nonchalant shrug. "I guess whether or not Evie lives isn't important to you."

Sebastian's eyes shot wide open as he processed her words. "What did you just say?"

"Here it is, Sebastian, plain and simple: you confess, Evie lives. If not, she's dead and within a few weeks we will have gathered enough evidence on you to put you in the ground too. It's your choice."

And with a smirk what made children run to the mothers, Chief Carter exited the room, knowing fully well what Sebastian would choose.

But that didn't matter, you see. Chief Carter had another plan for poor Evelyn Summers. One that would shred apart the last strand of innocence left in the girl, and obliterate the bond that had formed between her and that locked up "king."

This was Chief Carter's time to shine.

She was ready for her revenge.


Every breath sent a wave of nausea and pain over my trembling body. I was struggling to calm myself down. I wanted to remind myself that there was nothing I could do to prevent the tremendous pain that was repeatedly being inflicted upon me.

"Are you ready to talk?" His voice was malicious. It sent me into a state of frenzy, one that made my stomach twist and jolt.

I felt as if I was going to be sick at any moment. 

"No?" He questioned, looking down at my crumpled form.

The concrete floor provided my little comfort as it sent chills down my spine. The only warmth I have felt lately came from my blood that constantly splattered over me with each blow sent to my face. 

"Okay," he breathed out, crouching down so that his face hovered above mine. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I stared into his cold eyes.            

"Time to get up," he announced. Whimpers and cries left my bloody and chapped lips as he lifted me from the ground. My legs buckled instantly as I fell onto him. Within seconds, he was carrying me over to a chair, where he placed me down in a rather gentle manner.

I let out a large breath of air as he crouched down in front of my slumped form.

I've never been a religious person. I never spent an hour on a Sunday sending my prayers to the almighty Lord in the heaven above.

But at this moment, I was putting everything that I had left into this unknown spirit. I was desperately hoping for something—anything, to save me.

"Time and time again, I've asked you what you know." He stated, his eyes depicting the annoyance brewing within him. "And time and time again, you've told me you know nothing."

My eyes watered as the deeply thought out protest rose to my lips. "Because I don't-"

He cut me off with a wave of his hand. "Yes, yes, you've told me. But you see the thing is, I think it's time I tell you some things."

My hands shook slightly and I felt my heart race.

Was I finally getting the explanation I so desperately needed?

"Do you remember a very unfortunate victim of yours who went by the name of Chuck Forrest?" The man asked, his eyes displaying a hidden meaning behind his question.

I thought back to my first job with the Kings. I remember how scared I had been when I had first started the job. Sure, I had done jobs like that many times before, but this time it was with the Kings. At the time I had hated Sebastian more than anything in the world.

Everything had changed since then.

"I suppose you do remember him then?" The man inquired, breaking me away from my thoughts.

I swallowed roughly, wincing as a sharp sting shot through my throat. "Yes, I do." My voice was barely audible as I waited nervously for his response.

"Good," he nodded, his lips forming thin line as he thought over what he was about to tell her next.

It was his next question surprised her.

"Blew him up, right? Not even a second thought, huh?" There was venom tainting his tone as he asked these questions.

"I," I stuttered out, "It wasn't exactly my choice!"

Something about this situation was giving me anxiety. It was as though a red flag was being waved in front of my face. From the way his tone became lethal to the murderous expression he wore—I knew I was walking on thin ice.

"Oh I see," he chuckled bitterly. "You're the innocent one in this."

I pressed my lips together in a firm line as he continued to speak. Something in the pit of my stomach was telling me that this was about to get a hell of a lot worse.

"Because from what I've heard, you're the one who 'baited,' as you would call it, him into taking you to his house, where Sebastian and his buddies stole some information along with placing a bomb in the lower floor."

My eyes met his as he recounted everything that had happened that first night.

My heart rate accelerated when the man's features turned dark and demonic. His eyes were nearly black as he spat out his next few words.

"Listen closely you little bitch, I think you should know just how much I didn't appreciate you killing my baby brother."

And suddenly, those familiar features and his hazel eyes finally had someone to be linked to.

I could feel the blood drain from my face, leaving me sweaty and clammy.

"I think it's time I properly introduce myself, love." He bit out, leaning down so that his hands rested on my legs and he face was mere inches from mine. "The name is Sampson Forrest, and I going to make you regret ever meeting my younger brother."

He was expecting me to plead for my life, to beg for forgiveness and what not.

The only thing was, while he may have beaten me senseless on numerous occasions, I wasn't about to lighten up on him anytime soon.

"Got anything else to say?" He growled out, annoyed at my lack of a response.

I felt my signature smirk tug at the corners of my lips as I peered into his dark eyes. "You're parents must have really hated you too, because Sampson and Chuck are pretty shitty names."

A taunting laugh left my lips as I continued to smirk at the now furious Sampson Forrest.

He let out a roar of frustration before he leaned back down to my eye level. "I'm going to have fun ruining you."

"Is that so?" I countered back instantly, "As much fun as I had when your brother was blown to bits?"

The noise that rose from Sampson was inhuman as he whipped his hand into my face, causing the chair and me to topple over.

"Just you wait, little Evie, just you wait."


Sebastian watched with amusement as Chief Carter screeched orders from outside of his cell. Clearly something had gone wrong, leaving the police force in a frenzy.

Sebastian forced himself to remain calm as possible when Callum was thrown into the room, cuffed and all.

Judging from the bruises covering his face, Sebastian could conjecture that Carter had continuously tried to get information out of him.

The only question was, why?

Only a few hours before had she told Sebastian herself that she had enough evidence gathered on them to take down all three of them.

What more was she looking for?

Callum looked up at him through bruised eyelids, his signature smirk tracing over his lips.

"Mason is one cheeky little fucker."

It was all he had said to Sebastian just before Chief Carter burst into the room. For once, her calm composure had broken. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes were ablaze.

Sebastian could practically see the steam shooting out of her ears as he marched back in forth in the room.

Much to Sebastian's relief, Mason was led back into the room. Just like Callum, Mason had bruises spotting over his skin, and a deeply cut lip.

"You!" She snarled out, pointing straight at Mason. "How dare you!" Profanities flooded out of her mouth as she paced around the room.

Sebastian looked back and forth in between the two, confusion clouding his thoughts as he tried to figure out what had happened. He watched as another officer walked into the room nervously, his eyes flickering around at all the people surrounding him.

"You can still get Mason for—" he tried to whisper to Chief Carter, yet her impetuous attitude caused her to cut him off immediately.

"No! No, I don't want to get just Mason!" She was shrieking loudly, causing everyone to wince. "I want to get them all!"

Sebastian instantly turned to look at Mason, who was now grinning while his eyes twinkled mischievously.

With one final scream, Chief Carter exited the room, followed by all of her flying monkeys.

"I may," Mason said after a few moments, "have wiped all evidence that there was at the house."

Sebastian's eyes widened at his words, and suddenly, he broke out into a smile. Finally, he was given some good news to work with.

"So she's got nothing?" Sebastian asked, his eyes gleaming.

Mason smirked, "Nothing. Not even the security tape of you snapping that dick's neck in half."

Sebastian tilted back his head and laughed. He was never the optimistic one, but the with odds in his favor, who knew what could happen next.


My eyes flew open as a loud sound echoed throughout the warehouse. I cautiously eyed the box that sat before me, seemingly filled with papers and folders.

I glanced up at Sampson and his companion who was flanked at his side. They towered over me, watching with knowing smirks as I eyed the box in front of myself.

"What is it?" I asked softly. My voice was hoarse as I hadn't done much talking lately, just a lot of screaming and crying.

The two exchanged looks before Sampson stepped forward, kicking the box forward and within my reach. I hesitantly reached out for it, only to have my hand slapped away as Sampson crouched to my level.

"Not just yet, eager Evie."

I cringed at his words before recoiling my hand and inching backwards as to distance myself.

Sampson's unnamed friend let out a quiet chuckle at my actions, causing me to send him a small glare. He responded with a sneer and a roll of his eyes, quite obviously done with my antics.

"Have you ever wondered why or how the Kings came into your life?" Sampson asked, causing me to turn my attention towards him.

I shook my head slightly, my brows furrowing together in confusion. "What are you talking about?" I asked, my voice cracking as I tried to speak up.

Sampson looked away for a moment, before his hazel eyes met mine. "You never did question how your brother's gang lost so much power so quickly, did you?"

His question didn't provide me any relief to my confusion, and I found myself shaking my head once more. "Gangs were trying to take down the London's Eyes. We—my brother couldn't do anything about it. He," I paused, giving myself time to catch my breath, "he had to accept Sebastian's deal or else all of London's Eyes would have been destroyed."

Sampson looked back to his friend, who was now watching me with amusement.

That couldn't be good.


"What if I told you it was all a lie?" Sampson questioned, leaning towards me. "What if I told you that there were no small gangs trying to take down London's Eyes?"

I couldn't find a response inside of myself, so I stared blankly at him instead.

"What if I told you that it had been the Kings all along?"

I felt the small amount of oxygen inside of myself rush out, leaving my breathless and lightheaded. My heart dropped to my stomach, and I felt my eyes close as I tried to compose myself.

"What are you saying?" I asked, my voice barely audible as I choked out the words.

Sampson's eyes trailed over me, as though he were noting my reaction so far. "I'm saying," he finally spoke, "that Sebastian isn't exactly the hero you want him to be. I'm saying, that you, Miss Summers, were all part of his plan all along."

A squeak left my lips as I struggled to drag in enough air for my lifeless lungs.

"What? No protests? By now I was nearly positive that you'd been in denial. Hell, I even expected you to start fighting us, screaming and crying about how the love of your life would never have betrayed you like this."

I felt the tears build up, but I fought to keep them down. He was right though. Why wasn't I denying this? Why wasn't I even trying to defend Sebastian?

"The Kings have always been number one, yet with all the pressure it's hard to keep such a powerful standing. London's Eyes were gaining, and Sebastian just couldn't have that. So," Sampson paused, smiling evilly, "why not send some people in to fuck with their competitors, and then, take their prized girl?"

I looked away, processing his words that sliced me like knives.

"So Sebastian sent in some people to knock London's Eyes down a few ranks. Is that it?" My voice was firm and neutral, not conveying a single emotion much to my delight.

Sampson studied me for a moment before speaking. "Do you remember when Sebastian saved you in that alley?"

I couldn't help it. I felt my face pale and my throat close as I anticipated his next few words.

"Oh Evie, oh Evie. Please don't tell me you actually thought your knight in shining armor had shown up to save you at random. You did not actually think that was possible, did you?"

I remembered that night perfectly. Sebastian had come from nowhere. He had protected me. He sheltered me and for once, I felt safe.

"Everything was just a part of his plan?" I asked, ignoring the way my voice faltered pathetically. I couldn't control myself at this moment. Emotions were getting the best of me and at this point I couldn't have cared less.

"Of course," Sampson said, dropping the bomb on me in such a nonchalant manner. "Well of course, not including all of this." He motioned to the surrounding warehouse and me as he spoke.

"Does he know where I am?"

I finally asked the question I so desperately needed to hear the answer to. For days I had been holding it together, trying to not lose myself to insanity by keeping the idea that he may save me fresh in my mind.

But only now, I know he had never saved me to begin with.

So you're just going to believe Sampson? Just like that?


"No, I'm afraid not love." Sampson said, gathering my attention once again. "In fact, no one does."

I thought over my next question carefully, not wanting to say anything to make Sampson shut down this "Tell All" session.

"Is Danny alive? Are any of them? Or did Sebastian kill them?"

Sampson hesitated, before shaking his head. "As far as I know, they've only been re-located, although Sebastian may have been looking to get rid of them at some point."

I wasn't able to respond, as Sampson decided to throw in one last bit. "After all, he got all he wanted, right?"

From the sardonic wink he gave me, I picked up on exactly what he meant. My cheeks flushed a deep red while tears stung my eyes—why? Because it was the truth. Sebastian got all he ever wanted and not look at me.

I'm a mess.

A broken, bloody mess.

"I'm going to leave you with your thoughts for a bit, and hey, why not look through that box if you want any proof for what I've told you. But you might not, seeing as how we all know how awful of a person he really is."

Sampson and his friend then exited the room, leaving my staring at a box that held everything I needed to know.

My hands shook as I reached for the lid, and trembles wracked my body as I thought of the possibly things I was about to see.

Could I handle this?

Was Sampson telling the truth, or was he just trying to get in my head?

I bit my lip hard as I thought over Sampson's intentions.

Maybe, he was telling the truth so that he could get in my head.


He was an incredibly manipulative person, and I was left subjected as a victim to his powers.

With a shaky hand, I uncovered the box, and held my breath as my eyes flickered over the large stack of papers. I felt my nerves ignite as I reached for the first file.

I recognized Mason's near perfect scrawl immediately, and began inspecting the papers I had laid out before me.

It was time to find out the truth.


They were in separate cells again.

After Chief Carter had her outburst, she had left them in the same cell for an hour or so before ordering Mason and Callum to be removed.

From what Sebastian could gather, she was on a desperate search for the missing information on Sebastian and his gang.

She couldn't understand how Mason could have possibly managed to wipe the files. She had been sure that she had caught them by surprise; why? Because she had caught them to begin with.

She had caught the members of the elusive Kings, and yet it still wasn't enough. It was as if Chief Carter was always one step behind.

Her frustration was building to dangerous levels, and she no longer was able to keep her composure.

"We can still put them in prison," an officer offered, as if the thought would console her.

Carter shook her head, a hiss of anger rising lowly from her throat. The scared officer scampered away while Carter knotted her hands in her hair and tugged furiously at her roots.

She didn't want them to spend some jail time. She didn't want to have to go through the process of taking them to court—a process that would take months on end without the evidence she had before.

No one would testify against them.

No one was brave enough to.

She was back to square one, as some would say.

And why, why was she so desperate to see them be finished off for good?

Chief Carter lifted her hands and slammed them onto her desk as tears pricked her eyes.

It had been two years ago.

Carter was meant to return home for Christmas that year, seeing as how work had prevent her from doing so the previous year. She was one of five, which in her mind seemed like a big enough family.

Her family was inseparable, and it was her backbone

They had always been there for her, yet she had not done the same.

She was twenty-seven minutes late that Christmas.

Should it have mattered? Aren't people late all the time?

It was the Christmas that her mother and father were murdered as them trekked their way through the snow as they walked towards their house.

It was the Christmas that the Kings and a small gang decided to have a shootout, one in which her parents found themselves caught in.

Did it matter that innocent blood was shed? Did it matter that she, and her four other siblings, had just lost their parents?

Apparently not.

She called in a few officers just after she wiped away the warm tears that scorched her cheeks, telling them to separate the boys.

She didn't need them to make any more plans.

That's why Chief Carter wanted revenge, and that's why she wasn't going to stop until she got it.

They had torn her family apart, and now she was going to do the same with their gang.

Carter fixed her hair, adjusted her clothes, and stared deeply into the mirror. The reflection resembled a strong woman who was powerful and composed; yet when you looked deep into her eyes, that's where you could see the vengeful demons dancing around.

She took a few breaths before she pulled out her phone. Glancing around cautiously, she dialed the number she knew shouldn't have.

"It's time." She said as soon as they picked up. She hung up after those two words, butterflies erupting in her stomach as she realized what she had just done.

There was no going back now.

This was her last plan.

She no longer had the evidence to put away the King as she wanted to—no, she had something much better.

She had a young girl, who had been tormented and broken down more times than anyone could imagine.

This girl was now clay in Chief Carter's hands, for she could now control her however she wanted to.

Chief Carter had someone to testify against the Kings, someone who knew so much more than anyone else would ever.

It was time for Evelyn Claire Summers to make an appearance.



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